//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.2 * @date Sun Jan 22 15:18:51 EST 2017 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * * @see Matrix Computations: Algorithm 5.4.2 Householder Bidiagonalization * * This version translated from the following Algol code: * @see people.duke.edu/~hpgavin/SystemID/References/Golub+Reinsch-NM-1970.pdf */ package scalation.linalgebra import math.{abs, sqrt} import scalation.linalgebra.Householder.house import scalation.math.ExtremeD.TOL import scalation.util.Error //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Bidiagonal` class is used to create a bidiagonal matrix from matrix 'a'. * It uses the Householder Bidiagonalization Algorithm to compute orthogonal * matrices 'u' and 'v' such that *

* u.t * a * v = b * a = u * b * v.t *

* where matrix 'b' is bidiagonal, i.e., it will only have non-zero elements on * its main diagonal and its super-diagonal (the diagonal above the main). *

* u is an m-by-n matrix * b is an n-by-n matrix (bidiagonal - FIX: use `BidMatrixD`) * v is an n-by-n matrix *

*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @param a the m-by-n matrix to bidiagonalize (requires m >= n) */ class Bidiagonal (a: MatrixD) extends Error { private val m = a.dim1 // the number of rows in matrix a private val n = a.dim2 // the number of columns in matrix a if (n > m) flaw ("constructor", "Bidiagonal requires m >= n") private val u = a.copy () // initialize left orthogonal matrix to m-by-n matrix private val v = new MatrixD (n, n) // initialize right orthogonal matrix to n-by-n matrix private val e = new VectorD (n) // super-diagonal for b private val q = new VectorD (n) // main diagonal for b private val b = new MatrixD (n, n) // n-by-n matrix from e and q diagonals private var bm = 0.0 // maximum column magnitude from the bidiagonal matrix //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the maximum column magnitude from bidiagonal matrix 'b'. */ def bmax: Double = bm //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the super-diagonal 'e' and main diagonal 'q' as vectors. */ def e_q: (VectorD, VectorD) = (e, q) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the sliced dot product. Take the dot product of two row/column * vectors starting from the 'from' parameter. * @param v1 the first vector * @param v2 the second vector * @param from the offset from which to compute the sliced dot product */ def sdot (v1: VectorD, v2: VectorD, from: Int = 0): Double = { var sum = 0.0 for (i <- from until v1.dim) sum += v1(i) * v2(i) sum } // sdot //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Bidiagonalize matrix 'a' using the Householder Bidiagonalization Algorithm * to compute orthogonal matrices 'u' and 'v' such that 'u.t * a * v = b' * where matrix 'b' is bidiagonal. */ def bidiagonalize (): (MatrixD, MatrixD, MatrixD) = { var f, g = 0.0 // typically [ f g ] var h = 0.0 // [ 0 h ] for (i <- 0 until n) { var l = i + 1 // set control index l e(i) = g // assign ith super-diagonal element var s = sdot (u.col(i), u.col(i), i) // u(i:m,i) dot u(i:m,i) if (s < TOL) g = 0.0 else { f = u(i, i) g = if (f < 0.0) sqrt (s) else -sqrt (s) h = f * g - s; u(i, i) = f - g for (j <- l until n) { s = sdot (u.col(i), u.col(j), i) f = s / h for (k <- i until m) u(k, j) += f * u(k, i) } // for } // if q(i) = g // assign ith main diagonal element s = sdot (u(i), u(i), l) // u(i,l:n) dot u(i,l:n) if (s < TOL) g = 0.0 else { f = u(i, i+1) g = if (f < 0) sqrt (s) else -sqrt(s) h = f * g - s; u(i, i+1) = f - g for (j <- l until n) e(j) = u(i, j) / h for (j <- l until m) { s = sdot (u(i), u(j), l) for (k <- l until n) u(j, k) += s * e(k) } // for } // if val y = abs (q(i)) + abs (e(i)); if (y > bm) bm = y } // for //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Accumulate right-hand side transformations to create 'v' matrix. */ def transformRHS () { var l = n - 1 for (i <- n-1 to 0 by -1) { if (g != 0.0) { h = u(i, i+1) * g for (j <- l until n) v(j, i) = u(i, j) / h for (j <- l until n) { val s = sdot (u(i), v.col(j), l) for (k <- l until n) v(k, j) += s * v(k, i) } // for } // if for (j <- l until n) { v(i, j) = 0.0; v(j, i) = 0.0 } v(i, i) = 1.0 g = e(i) l = i } // for } // transformRHS //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Accumulate left-hand side transformations to update 'u' matrix. */ def transformLHS () { for (i <- n-1 to 0 by -1) { val l = i + 1 g = q(i) for (j <- l until n) u(i, j) = 0.0 if (g != 0.0) { h = u(i, i) * g for (j <- l until n) { val s = sdot (u.col(i), u.col(j), l) f = s / h for (k <- i until m) u(k, j) += f * u(k, i) } // for for (j <- i until m) u(j, i) /= g } else { for (j <- i until m) u(j, i) = 0.0 } // if u(i, i) += 1.0 } // for } // transformLHS transformRHS () // transform the RHS to finalize matrix v transformLHS () // transform the LHS to finalize matrix u b.setDiag (e.slice (1, n), 1) // put the super-diagonal into matrix b b.setDiag (q) // put the main diagonal into matrix b (u, b, v) // return the three matrices } // bidiagonalize //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Test whether the product of factorization equals the orginal matrix. */ def test () { val prod = u * b * v.t // compute the product of the three matrices println (s"u = $u") println (s"b = $b") println (s"v = $v") println (s"prod = $prod") assert (a == prod) } // test } // Bidiagonal class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `BidiagonalTest` object is used to test the `Bidiagonal` class. * bidiagonalization answer = [ (21.8, -.613), (12.8, 2.24, 0.) ] * @see books.google.com/books?isbn=0801854148 (p. 252) * > run-main scalation.linalgebra.BidiagonalTest */ object BidiagonalTest extends App { val a = new MatrixD ((4, 3), 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, // orginal matrix 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0) println ("a = " + a) val bid = new Bidiagonal (a) // Householder bidiagonalization bid.bidiagonalize () // bidiagonalize a bid.test () // test the product u * b * v.t } // BidiagonalTest object