//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.2 * @date Wed May 28 16:06:12 EDT 2014 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * * @see www.math.pitt.edu/~sussmanm//2071Spring08/lab09/index.html * @see www.netlib.org/lapack/lawnspdf/lawn03.pdf * @see www.netlib.org/lapack/lawns/lawn11.ps * @see fortranwiki.org/fortran/show/svd * * Code translated from LAPACK Fortran code */ // U N D E R D E V E L O P M E N T // FIX Q and P incorrected permuted package scalation.linalgebra import scala.math.{abs, max, min, sqrt} import scala.util.control.Breaks.{break, breakable} import scalation.linalgebra.Rotation._ import scalation.math.{double_exp, sign} import scalation.math.ExtremeD.{EPSILON, MIN_NORMAL, TOL} //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `SVD3` class is used to solve Singular Value Decomposition for bidiagonal matrices. * * It computes the singular values and, optionally, the right and/or left singular vectors * from the singular value decomposition 'SVD' of a real n-by-n (upper) bidiagonal matrix B * using the implicit zero-shift 'QR' algorithm. The 'SVD' of B has the form * * B = Q * S * P.t * * where S is the diagonal matrix of singular values, Q is an orthogonal matrix of * left singular vectors, and P is an orthogonal matrix of right singular vectors. * If left singular vectors are requested, this subroutine actually returns U*Q * instead of Q, and, if right singular vectors are requested, this subroutine * returns P.t * VT instead of P.T, for given real input matrices U and VT. When * U and VT are the orthogonal matrices that reduce a general matrix A to bidiagonal * form: A = U*B*VT, as computed by DGEBRD, then * * A = (U*Q) * S * (P.t*VT) * * is the 'SVD' of the general matrix A. A positive tolerance 'TOL' gives relative accuracy; * for absolute accuracy negate it. * * @see "Computing Small Singular Values of Bidiagonal Matrices With Guaranteed High Relative Accuracy," * @see J. Demmel and W. Kahan, LAPACK Working Note #3 (or SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput. 11:5, pp. 873-912, Sept 1990) * * @see "Accurate singular values and differential qd algorithms," B. Parlett and V. Fernando, * @see Technical Report CPAM-554, Mathematics Department, University of California at Berkeley, July 1992 * * @see fortranwiki.org/fortran/show/svd * @see LAPACK SUBROUTINE DBDSQR (UPLO, N, NCVT, NRU, NCC, D, E, VT, LDVT, U, LDU, C, LDC, WORK, INFO) * * @param a the bidiagonal matrix A consisting of a diagonal and super-diagonal * @param vt the right orthogonal matrix from b = bidiagonalize (a) * @param u the left orthogonal matrix from b = bidiagonalize (a) */ class SVD3 (b: BidMatrixD, vt: MatrixD = new MatrixD (0, 0), u: MatrixD = new MatrixD (0, 0)) extends SVDecomp { private val DEBUG = true // debug flag private val ONLY_S = false // only interested in singular values, not vectors private val DO_SORT = false // do sort the singular values private val MAXITR = 6 // interation factor private val n = b.dim1 // the size (rows and columns) of the bidiagonal matrix B private val ncvt = vt.dim2 // the number of columns in matrix VT private val nru = u.dim1 // the number of rows in matrix U private val work = Array.ofDim [Double] (4*n) // workspace -- FIX: replace private val NM1 = n - 1 // one less than n private val NM12 = NM1 + NM1 // 2 * NM1 private val NM13 = NM12 + NM1 // 3 * NM1 private val maxit = MAXITR * n * n // maximum number of iterations allowed private val d = b.dg // the main diagonal private val e = b.sd // the super-diagonal (one above main) private var notflat = true // whether matrix B is yet to be deflated private var oldll = -1 // old saved lower index private var oldm = -1 // old saved upper index private var m = n-1 // m points to last element of unconverged part of matrix private var idir = 0 // the bulge chasing direction private var smax = d.mag max e.mag // estimate for largest singular value private var smin = 0.0 // estimate for smallest singular value private var smin_l = 0.0 // lower bound on smallest singular value private var cs = 1.0 // cosine in rotation matrix private var sn = 0.0 // sine in rotation matrix private var r = 1.0 // remaining nonzero value private var oldcs = 1.0 // old saved cosine in rotation matrix private var oldsn = 0.0 // old saved sine in rotation matrix private var sigmn = 0.0 // minimum singular value private var sigmx = 0.0 // maximum singular value private var sinr = 0.0 // sine right private var cosr = 1.0 // cosine right private var sinl = 0.0 // sine left private var cosl = 1.0 // cosine right private val thresh = calcThreshold () // threshold for setting values to zero def max3 (x: Double, y: Double, z: Double) = (x max y) max z //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Calculate the desired threshold for setting elements to zero. */ def calcThreshold (): Double = { if (TOL >= 0.0) { // relative accuracy desired var smin_oa = abs (d(0)) if (smin_oa > 0.0) { var mu = smin_oa breakable { for (i <- 1 until n) { mu = abs (d(i)) * (mu / (mu + abs(e(i-1)))) smin_oa = min (smin_oa, mu) if (smin_oa =~ 0.0) break }} // breakable for } // if smin_oa = smin_oa / sqrt (n.toDouble) return max (TOL * smin_oa, MAXITR * n * n * MIN_NORMAL) } // if max (abs (TOL) * smax, MAXITR * n * n * MIN_NORMAL) // absolute accuracy desired } // calcThreshold //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Factor matrix 'a' forming a diagonal matrix consisting of singular * values and return the singular values in a vector. */ override def factor (): Tuple3 [MatrixD, VectorD, MatrixD] = { (null, null, null) // FIX } // factor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Deflate the bidiagonal matrix by iteratively turning super-diagonal elements * to zero. Then return the vector of singular values (i.e., the main diagonal). */ def deflate (): VectorD = { var go = true // go flag, continue deflation var iter = 0 // cumulative iterations of inner loop do { // begin main iteration loop var idir = 0 // bulge (nonzero e-values) chasing direction if (m == 0) go = false // upper index m is at lower limit, done if (go) { // find block (ll, m) to work on val ll = findBlock () // e(ll) through e(m-1) are nonzero, e(ll-1) is zero if (DEBUG) trace (iter, ll) if (ll >= 0) { if (ll == m-1) { // block is 2-by-2, handle as a special case deflate_2by2 (ll) go = false // no blocks left, done } else { // block >= 3-by-3 chooseDirection (ll) // choose bulge chasing direction if (idir == 1) convergeForward (ll) // apply convergence tests (set almost zero to zero) else convergeBackward (ll) oldll = ll // save ll and m oldm = m val shift = computeShift (ll) // compute amount of shift take_QRstep (ll, shift, idir) // take one QR step (use rotation to clear an e-value) iter += m - ll // increment iteration count } // if } // if } // if } while (go && iter < maxit) if (go) { // loop exited due to iteration limit val nz = countNonzeroElements () if (nz > 0) { println ("deflate: failed to converge - " + nz + " nonzero elements in super-diagonal") return null } // if } // if if (DEBUG) println ("diagonal d = " + d + "\nsup-diag e = " + e) makePositive () // make singular values positive if (DO_SORT) sortValues () // sort singular values into decreasing order notflat = false // matrix B is now deflated d // return the singular values } // deflate //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Deflate the bidiagonal matrix by iteratively turning super-diagonal elements * to zero. Then return the vector of singular values and the matrices of * singular vectors. */ def deflateV (): Tuple3 [VectorD, MatrixD, MatrixD] = { if (ONLY_S) { println ("deflateV: cannot be called when ONLY_S is true, set it to false") return null } // if if (notflat) deflate () if (vt.dim1 < 1 || u.dim1 < 1) println ("deflateV: warning matrix vt or u is empty") (d, vt, u) } // deflateV //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Deflate 2 by 2 block, handle separately. * @param ll the lower index */ def deflate_2by2 (ll: Int) { val svd2 = new SVD_2by2 (d(m-1), e(m-1), d(m)) val d1 = svd2.deflateV () sigmn = d1._1; sigmx = d1._2; sinr = d1._3; cosr = d1._4; sinl = d1._5; cosl = d1._6 // CALL DLASV2 (d(m-1), e(m-1), d(m), sigmn, sigmx, sinr, cosr, sinl, cosl) d(m-1) = sigmx e(m-1) = 0.0 d(m) = sigmn if (! ONLY_S) { // compute singular vectors, if desired if (ncvt > 0) rot (ncvt, vt(m-1), vt(m), cosr, sinr) if (nru > 0) rotCol (nru, u, m-1, m, cosl, sinl) // if (ncvt > 0) CALL DROT (ncvt, vt(m-1, 1), ldvt, vt(m, 1), ldvt, cosr, sinr) // if (nru > 0) CALL DROT (nru, u(1, m-1), 1, u(1, m) , 1, cosl, sinl) } // if m -= 2 } // deflate_2by2 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Count the number of nonzero elements in the super-diagonal. Call if the * maximum number of iterations exceeded, failure to converge */ def countNonzeroElements (): Int = { var nzero = 0 for (i <- 0 until n-1 if ! (e(i) =~ 0.0)) nzero += 1 if (nzero > 0) println ("deflate failed: nzero = " + nzero) nzero } // countNonzeroElements //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Trace this outer iteration. * @param iter the total iteration count * @param ll the lower index */ private def trace (iter: Int, ll: Int) { println ("iter = " + iter) println ("diagonal d = " + d) println ("sup-diag e = " + e) println ("block (ll, m) = " + (ll, m)) println ("-------------------------------------------") } // trace //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Find diagonal block '(ll, m)' of matrix to work on, returning the lower * index 'll'. Also decrements upper index 'm,' if needed. 'e(j)' must be zero * before and after the block. */ private def findBlock (): Int = { var ll = 0 // lower index of block if (TOL < 0.0 && abs (d(m)) <= thresh) d(m) = 0.0 smax = abs (d(m)) smin = smax // for (i <- 1 to m-1) { for (i <- 1 to m) { ll = m - i val abs_d = abs (d(ll)) val abs_e = abs (e(ll)) if (TOL < 0.0 && abs_d <= thresh) d(ll) = 0.0 if (abs_e <= thresh) { e(ll) = 0.0 // matrix splits since e(ll) = 0 if (ll == m-1) { m -= 1 // reduce upper index by 1 return -1 // return and try again to find block } // if return ll // return and try again } // if smin = min (smin, abs_d) smax = max3 (smax, abs_d, abs_e) } // for ll // return the lower index ll } // findBlock //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Working on new submatrix, choose shift direction * (from larger end diagonal element towards smaller). * @param ll the lower index */ private def chooseDirection (ll: Int) { if (ll > oldm || m < oldll) { if (abs (d(ll) ) >= abs (d(m))) { idir = 1 // chase bulge from top to bottom } else { idir = 2 // chase bulge from bottom to top } // if } // if } // chooseDirection //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Run convergence test in forward direction. First apply standard test to * bottom of matrix * @param ll the lower index */ private def convergeForward (ll: Int) { if (abs (e(m-1)) <= abs (TOL) * abs (d(m)) || (TOL < 0.0 && abs (e(m-1)) <= thresh)) { e(m-1) = 0.0 return } // if if (TOL >= 0.0 ) { // if relative accuracy desired, apply convergence criterion forward var mu = abs (d(ll)) smin_l = mu for (i <- ll to m-1) { if (abs (e(i)) <= TOL * mu) { e(i) = 0.0 return } // if mu = abs (d(i+1)) * (mu / (mu + abs (e(i)))) smin_l = min (smin_l, mu) } // for } // if } // convergeForward //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Run convergence test in backward direction. First apply standard test to * top of matrix. * @param ll the lower index */ private def convergeBackward (ll: Int) { if (abs (e(ll)) <= abs (TOL) * abs (d(ll)) || (TOL < 0.0 && abs (e(ll)) <= thresh)) { e(ll) = 0.0 return } // if if (TOL >= 0.0) { // if relative accuracy desired, apply convergence criterion backward var mu = abs (d(m)) smin_l = mu for (i <- m-1 to ll by -1) { if (abs (e(i)) <= TOL * mu) { e(i) = 0.0 return } // if mu = abs (d(i)) * (mu / (mu + abs (e(i)))) smin_l = min (smin_l, mu) } // for } // if } // convergeForward //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute shift by first, test if shifting would ruin relative accuracy, * and if so set the shift to zero. * @param ll the lower index */ private def computeShift (ll: Int): Double = { var shft = 0.0 var sll = 0.0 if (TOL >= 0.0 && n * TOL * (smin_l / smax ) <= max (EPSILON, 0.01 * TOL)) { return shft // use a zero shift to avoid loss of relative accuracy } // if // Compute the shift from 2-by-2 block at end of matrix if (idir == 1) { sll = abs (d(ll)) val svd2 = new SVD_2by2 (d(m-1), e(m-1), d(m)) val d1 = svd2.deflate (); shft = d1(0); r = d1(1) // CALL DLAS2 (d(m-1), e(m-1), d(m), shift, r) } else { sll = abs (d(m)) val svd2 = new SVD_2by2 (d(ll), e(ll), d(ll+1)) val d1 = svd2.deflate (); shft = d1(0); r = d1(1) // CALL DLAS2 (d(ll), e(ll), d(ll+1), shift, r) } // if // Test if shift negligible, and if so set to zero if (sll > 0.0 && shft*shft / sll*sll < EPSILON) shft = 0.0 shft } // computeShift //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Take one 'QR' step to push a super-diagonal element toward zero. * @param ll the lower index * @param shift the amount of shift * @param idir the direction, t2b or b2t */ private def take_QRstep (ll: Int, shift: Double, idir: Int) { if (shift =~ 0.0) { if (idir == 1) { zeroShiftQR_t2b (ll) } else { zeroShiftQR_b2t (ll) } // if } else { if (idir == 1) { shiftedQR_t2b (ll, shift) } else { shiftedQR_b2t (ll, shift) } // if } // if } // take_QRstep //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Chase bulge from top to bottom. Save cos's and'sin's for later singular * vector updates. * @param ll the lower index */ private def zeroShiftQR_t2b (ll: Int) { cs = 1.0 oldcs = 1.0 for (i <- ll to m-1) { val q1 = rotate (d(i) * cs, e(i)); cs = q1.cs; sn = q1.sn; r = q1.r // CALL DLARTG (d(i) * cs, e(i), cs, sn, r) if (i > ll) e(i-1) = oldsn * r val q2 = rotate (oldcs * r, d(i+1) * sn); oldcs = q2.cs; oldsn = q2.sn; d(i) = q2.r // CALL DLARTG (oldcs * r, d(i+1) * sn, oldcs, oldsn, d(i)) work(i-ll+1) = cs work(i-ll+1+NM1) = sn work(i-ll+1+NM12) = oldcs work(i-ll+1+NM13) = oldsn } // for val h = d(m) * cs d(m) = h * oldcs e(m-1) = h * oldsn if (abs (e(m-1)) <= thresh) e(m-1) = 0.0 // test convergence if (! ONLY_S) { // update singular vectors, if desired if (ncvt > 0) rotateV (true, true, m-ll+1, ncvt, work, 0, work, n-1, vt.slice(ll, vt.dim1)) if (nru > 0) rotateV (false, true, nru, m-ll+1, work, NM12, work, NM13, u.sliceCol(ll, u.dim2)) // if (ncvt > 0) CALL DLASR ('l', 'v', 'f', m-ll+1, ncvt, work(1), work(n), vt(ll, 1), ldvt) // if (nru > 0) CALL DLASR ('r', 'v', 'f', nru, m-ll+1, work(NM12+1), work(NM13+1), u(1, ll), ldu) } // if } // zeroShiftQR_t2b //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Chase bulge from bottom to top. Save cos's and sin's for later singular * vector updates. * @param ll the lower index */ private def zeroShiftQR_b2t (ll: Int) { cs = 1.0 oldcs = 1.0 for (i <- m to ll+1 by -1) { val q1 = rotate (d(i) * cs, e(i-1)); cs = q1.cs; sn = q1.sn; r = q1.r // CALL DLARTG (d(i) * cs, e(i-1), cs, sn, r) if( i < m ) e(i) = oldsn * r val q2 = rotate (oldcs * r, d(i-1) * sn); oldcs = q2.cs; oldsn = q2.sn; d(i) = q2.r // CALL DLARTG (oldcs * r, d(i-1) * sn, oldcs, oldsn, d(i)) work(i-ll) = cs work(i-ll+NM1) = -sn work(i-ll+NM12) = oldcs work(i-ll+NM13) = -oldsn } // for val h = d(ll) * cs d(ll) = h * oldcs e(ll) = h * oldsn if (abs (e(ll)) <= thresh) e(ll) = 0.0 // test convergence if (! ONLY_S) { // update singular vectors, if desired if (ncvt > 0) rotateV (true, false, m-ll+1, ncvt, work, NM12, work, NM13, vt.slice(ll, vt.dim1)) if (nru > 0) rotateV (false, false, nru, m-ll+1, work, 0, work, n-1, u.sliceCol(ll, u.dim2)) // if (ncvt > 0) CALL DLASR ('l', 'v', 'b', m-ll+1, ncvt, work(NM12+1), work(NM13+1), vt(ll, 1), ldvt) // if (nru > 0) CALL DLASR ('r', 'v', 'b', nru, m-ll+1, work(1), work(n), u(1, ll), ldu) } // if } // zeroShiftQR_b2t //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Using nonzero shift, chase bulge from top to bottom. Save cos's and * sin's for later singular vector updates * @param ll the lower index * @param shift the amount of shift */ private def shiftedQR_t2b (ll: Int, shift: Double) { var f = (abs (d(ll)) - shift) * (sign (1.0, d(ll)) + shift / d(ll)) var g = e(ll) for (i <- ll to m-1) { val q1 = rotate (f, g); cosr = q1.cs; sinr = q1.sn; r = q1.r // CALL DLARTG (f, g, cosr, sinr, r) if (i > ll) e(i-1) = r f = cosr * d(i) + sinr * e(i) e(i) = cosr * e(i) - sinr * d(i) g = sinr * d(i+1) d(i+1) = cosr * d(i+1) val q2 = rotate (f, g); cosl = q2.cs; sinl = q2.sn; r = q2.r // CALL DLARTG (f, g, cosl, sinl, r) d(i) = r f = cosl * e(i) + sinl * d(i+1) d(i+1) = cosl * d(i+1) - sinl * e(i) if (i < m-1) { g = sinl * e(i+1) e(i+1) = cosl * e(i+1) } // if work(i-ll+1) = cosr work(i-ll+1+NM1) = sinr work(i-ll+1+NM12) = cosl work(i-ll+1+NM13) = sinl } // for e(m-1) = f if (abs (e( m-1)) <= thresh ) e(m-1) = 0.0 // test convergence if (! ONLY_S) { // update singular vectors, if desired if (ncvt > 0) rotateV (true, true, m-ll+1, ncvt, work, 0, work, n-1, vt.slice(ll, vt.dim1)) if (nru > 0) rotateV (false, true, nru, m-ll+1, work, NM12, work, NM13, u.sliceCol(ll, u.dim2)) // if (ncvt > 0) CALL DLASR ('l', 'v', 'f', m-ll+1, ncvt, work(1), work(n), vt(ll, 1), ldvt) // if (nru > 0) CALL DLASR ('r', 'v', 'f', nru, m-ll+1, work(NM12+1), work(NM13+1), u(1, ll), ldu) } // if } // shiftedQR_t2b //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Using nonzero shift, chase bulge from bottom to top. Save cos's and * sin's for later singular vector updates * @param ll the lower index * @param shift the amount of shift */ private def shiftedQR_b2t (ll: Int, shift: Double) { var f = (abs (d(m)) - shift) * (sign(1.0, d(m)) + shift / d(m)) var g = e(m-1) for (i <- m to ll+1 by -1) { val q1 = rotate (f, g); cosr = q1.cs; sinr = q1.sn; r = q1.r // CALL DLARTG (f, g, cosr, sinr, r) if (i < m) e(i) = r f = cosr * d(i) + sinr * e(i-1) e(i-1) = cosr * e(i-1) - sinr * d(i) g = sinr * d(i-1) d(i-1) = cosr * d(i-1) val q2 = rotate (f, g); cosl = q2.cs; sinl = q2.sn; r = q2.r // CALL DLARTG (F, G, COSL, SINL, R) d(i) = r f = cosl * e(i-1) + sinl * d(i-1) d(i-1) = cosl * d(i-1) - sinl * e(i-1) if (i > ll+1) { g = sinl * e(i-2) e(i-2) = cosl * e(i-2) } // if work(i-ll) = cosr work(i-ll+NM1) = -sinr work(i-ll+NM12) = cosl work(i-ll+NM13) = -sinl } // for e(ll) = f if (abs (e(ll)) <= thresh) e(ll) = 0.0 // test convergence if (! ONLY_S) { // update singular vectors, if desired if (ncvt > 0) rotateV (true, false, m-ll+1, ncvt, work, NM12, work, NM13, vt.slice(ll, vt.dim1)) if (nru > 0) rotateV (false, false, nru, m-ll+1, work, 0, work, n-1, u.sliceCol(ll, u.dim2)) // if (ncvt > 0) CALL DLASR ('l', 'v', 'b', m-ll+1, ncvt, work(NM12+1), work(NM13+1), vt(ll, 1), ldvt) // if (nru > 0) CALL DLASR ('r', 'v', 'b', nru, m-ll+1, work(1), work(n), u(1, ll), ldu) } // if } // shiftedQR_b2t //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** All singular values converged, so make them positive. */ private def makePositive () { for (i <- 0 until n) { if (d(i) < 0.0) { d(i) = -d(i) if (! ONLY_S) { // change sign of singular vectors, if desired if (ncvt > 0) vt(i) *= -1.0 // if (ncvt > 0) CALL DSCAL (ncvt, -1.0, vt(i, 1), ldvt) } // if } // if } // for } // makePositive //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Sort the singular values into decreasing order. Selection sort is used * to minimize the swapping of singular vectors. If only sorting singular * values use 'sort2' that uses 'quicksort'. */ private def sortValues () { if (ONLY_S) { // only interested in singular values d.sort2 () // sort vector d in descending order (use if ignoring vectors) return } // if for (i <- 0 until n-1) { var k = i for (j <- i+1 until n if d(j) > d(k)) k = j if (i != k) { d.swap (i, k) // swap singular values in vector d if (ncvt > 0) vt.swap (i, k) // swap singular vectors (rows) in matrix vt if (nru > 0) u.swapCol (i, k) // swap singular vectors (columns) in matrix u // if (ncvt > 0) CALL DSWAP (ncvt, vt(isub, 1), ldvt, vt(n+1-i, 1), ldvt) // if (nru > 0) CALL DSWAP (nru, u(1, isub), 1, u(1, n+1-i), 1) } // if } // for } // sortValues } // SVD3 class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `SVD3Test` is used to test the `SVD3` class. * Answer: singular values = (2.28825, 0.87403) * @see http://comnuan.com/cmnn01004/ */ object SVD3Test extends App { import MatrixD.eye val a = new MatrixD ((2, 2), 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0) val b = new BidMatrixD (a) // a is already biagonal val vt0 = eye (b.dim1) val u0 = eye (b.dim1) val svd = new SVD3 (b, vt0, u0) println ("----------------------------------------") println ("Test SVD3") println ("----------------------------------------") println ("a = " + a) println ("b = " + b) println ("----------------------------------------") println ("singular values = " + svd.deflate ()) val (s, vt, u) = svd.deflateV () println ("----------------------------------------") println ("singular val/vec = " + (s, vt, u)) println ("----------------------------------------") println ("u ** s * vt = " + u ** s * vt) } // SVD3Test //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `SVD3Test2` is used to test the `SVD3` class. * Answer: singular values = (3.82983, 1.91368, 0.81866) */ object SVD3Test2 extends App { import MatrixD.eye val a = new MatrixD ((3, 3), 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0) val b = new BidMatrixD (a) // a is already biagonal val vt = eye (a.dim1) val u = eye (a.dim1) val svd = new SVD3 (b, vt, u) println ("----------------------------------------") println ("Test SVD3") println ("----------------------------------------") println ("a = " + a) println ("b = " + b) println ("----------------------------------------") println ("singular values = " + svd.deflate ()) // println ("----------------------------------------") // println ("singular val/vec = " + svd.deflateV ()) } // SVD3Test2