//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.2 * @date Sun Sep 27 18:29:28 EDT 2015 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.linalgebra.mem_mapped.bld //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `BldParams` trait defines common values to be used in code generation. */ trait BldParams { /** Shorthand for universal file separator ('/' or '\\'). */ val _l = java.io.File.separator /** Directory in which to place the generated code. */ val DIR = s"src${_l}main${_l}scala${_l}scalation${_l}linalgebra${_l}mem_mapped${_l}bld" /** Specifications for each base type (I, L, D, R, Q, C, S). */ // VECTOR BASE MM_Array VECTOR2 BASE2 FORMAT MATRI SORTING ZERO ONE REGEX val kind = Array (("VectorI", "Int", "MM_ArrayI", "VectorD", "Double", "%d", "MatriI", "MM_SortingI", "0", "1", """"[\\-\\+]?\\d+""""), ("VectorL", "Long", "MM_ArrayL", "VectorD", "Double", "%d", "MatriL", "MM_SortingL", "0l", "1l", """"[\\-\\+]?\\d+""""), ("VectorD", "Double", "MM_ArrayD", "VectorI", "Int", "%g", "MatriD", "MM_SortingD", "0.0", "1.0", """"[\\-\\+]?\\d*(\\.\\d+)?""""), ("VectorR", "Real", "MM_ArrayR", "VectorD", "Double", "%s", "MatriR", "MM_SortingR", "_0", "_1", """"[\\-\\+]?\\d*(\\.\\d+)?""""), ("VectorQ", "Rational", "MM_ArrayQ", "VectorD", "Double", "%s", "MatriQ", "MM_SortingQ", "_0", "_1", """"[\\-\\+]?\\d+(/[\\-\\+]?\\d+)?""""), ("VectorC", "Complex", "MM_ArrayC", "VectorD", "Double", "%s", "MatriC", "MM_SortingC", "_0", "_1", """"[\\-\\+]?\\d*(\\.\\d+)?(\\+[\\-\\+]?\\d*(\\.\\d+)?)?i""""), ("VectorS", "StrNum", "MM_ArrayS", "VectorI", "Int", "%s", "MatriS", "MM_SortingS", "_0", "_1", """"\\s*"""")) /** Set of custom base types provided by Scalation. * @see scalation.math */ val CUSTOM = Set ("Complex", "Rational", "Real", "StrNum") } // BldParams trait