//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.2 * @date Thu Oct 13 12:03:21 EDT 2011 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.minima import scala.math.max import scalation.linalgebra.VectorI //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `IntegerLocalSearch` class performs local search to find minima of functions * defined on integer vector domains (z^n). * * minimize f(x) * subject to g(x) <= 0, x in Z^n * * @param f the objective function to be minimize ('f' maps an integer vector to a double) * @param g the constraint function to be satisfied, if any * @param maxStep the maximum/starting step size (make larger for larger domains) */ class IntegerLocalSearch (f: VectorI => Double, g: VectorI => Double = null, maxStep: Int = 5) { /** Pair consisting of an integer vector and its functional value (a double) */ type Vec_Func = Tuple2 [VectorI, Double] /** Debug flag */ private val DEBUG = false /** Weight on penalty for constraint violation */ private val WEIGHT = 1000 /** Maximum number of iterations allowed in total (4 maxStep^2) */ private val maxIter = 4 * maxStep * maxStep // maxStep = 5 => MaxIter = 100 //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The objective function 'f' re-scaled by a weighted penalty, if constrained. * @param x the coordinate values of the current point */ def fg (x: VectorI): Double = { if (g == null) { // unconstrained f(x) } else { // constrained, g(x) <= 0 val penalty = max (g(x), 0.0) f(x) * (1.0 + WEIGHT * penalty * penalty) } // if } // fg //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Find a minimal neighbor of the current point 'x' that is a distance step away. * Let 'x' be the current point with 'y' being a step down and 'x' being a step * up in dimension 'i'. Recurse to handle all of the dimensions. * @param x_f0 the current pair (the point and its functional value) * @param i the 'i'th dimension or coordinate (facilitates recursion) * @param step examine points that are this far away */ def minNeighbor (x_f0: Vec_Func, i: Int, step: Int = 1): Vec_Func = { val x = x_f0._1 // current point val y = x - (step, i) // step down in dimension i: x_i - step val z = x + (step, i) // step up in dimension i: x_i + step var x_f = x_f0 // current pair (vector and its function) var y_f = (y, fg(y)) // down pair var z_f = (z, fg(z)) // up pair if (DEBUG) println ("minNeighbor: candidates at i = " + i + ": " + x_f + ", " + y_f + ", " + z_f) if (i < x_f._1.dim - 1) { x_f = minNeighbor (x_f, i + 1, step) // min in neighborhood of x_f y_f = minNeighbor (y_f, i + 1, step) // min in neighborhood of y_f z_f = minNeighbor (z_f, i + 1, step) // min in neighborhood of z_f } // if if (x_f._2 < y_f._2) { // find smallest of 3 functional value if (x_f._2 < z_f._2) x_f else z_f } else { if (y_f._2 < z_f._2) y_f else z_f } // if } // minNeighbor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Solve the minimization problem by repeatedly moving to a minimal neighbor * until there is no improvement. * @param x the starting point for the search */ def solve (x: VectorI): Vec_Func = { var x_f = (x, fg(x)) // starting pair: vector x and its functional value f(x) var step = maxStep // start with larger steps for (k <- 1 to maxIter) { println ("+ k = " + k + ", step = " + step + ", x_f = " + x_f) val y_f = minNeighbor (x_f, 0, step) if (x_f._2 <= y_f._2) { // no improvement if (step == 1) return x_f // => return solution when step is 1 else step -= 1 // => decrease step size otherwise } // if x_f = y_f // move to improved point } // for println ("no local optima found yet: " + x_f) x_f // return sub-optimal solution } // solve } // IntegerLocalSearch //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `IntegerLocalSearchTest` object is used to test the `IntegerLocalSearch` class * (unconstrained). */ object IntegerLocalSearchTest extends App { def f (x: VectorI): Double = (x(0) - 10) * (x(0) - 10) + (x(1) - 20) * (x(1) - 20) + 1 val x0 = new VectorI (2) val ils = new IntegerLocalSearch (f) println ("optimal solution = " + ils.solve (x0)) } // IntegerLocalSearchTest object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `IntegerLocalSearchTest2` object is used to test the `IntegerLocalSearch` class * (constrained). */ object IntegerLocalSearchTest2 extends App { def f (x: VectorI): Double = (x(0) - 10) * (x(0) - 10) + (x(1) - 20) * (x(1) - 20) + 1 def g (x: VectorI): Double = -max (x(0) - 1, x(1) - 1) // require x(i) >= 1 val x0 = new VectorI (2); x0.set (1) val ils = new IntegerLocalSearch (f, g) println ("optimal solution = " + ils.solve (x0)) } // IntegerLocalSearchTest2 object