//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.2 * @date Mon Sep 7 15:05:06 EDT 2009 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.process import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, ListBuffer, PriorityQueue} import scalation.animation.{AnimateCommand, DgAnimator} import scalation.animation.CommandType._ import scalation.linalgebra.VectorD import scalation.math.ExtremeD.MAX_VALUE import scalation.model.Modelable import scalation.random.{Uniform, Variate} import scalation.scala2d.Colors._ import scalation.scala2d.R2 import scalation.scala2d.Shapes.Shape import scalation.stat.{Statistic, StatTable} import scalation.util.Identifiable import scalation.util.Monitor.trace //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Model` class maintains a list of components making up the model and * controls the flow of entities (`SimActor`s) through the model, following the * process-interaction world-view. It maintains a time-ordered priority queue * to activate/re-activate each of the entities. Each entity (`SimActor`) is * implemented as a Scala `Actor` and may be thought of as running in its own thread. * @param name the name of the model * @param reps the number of independent replications to run * @param aniRatio the ratio of simulation speed vs. animation speed * @param animating whether to animate the model * @param full generate a full report with both sample and time-persistent statistics */ class Model (name: String, val reps: Int = 1, animating: Boolean = true, aniRatio: Double = 1.0, val full: Boolean = true) extends Coroutine (name) with Modelable with Component { initComponent (name, Array ()) /** The map of statistics vectors records the means of each replication */ val statV = HashMap [String, VectorD] () /** The stop time for the model */ var stopTime = MAX_VALUE /** Debug flag */ private val DEBUG = true /** The time at which the simulation is to begin */ private var startTime = 0.0 /** The agenda of things to be done (time-ordered activation list) */ private val agenda = PriorityQueue.empty [SimActor] // private val agenda = new PQueue [SimActor] () /** List of Components making up the model */ private val parts = ListBuffer [Component] () /** The currently acting actor (act one at a time) */ private var _theActor: SimActor = null /** The animation engine */ private val dgAni = if (animating) new DgAnimator ("Process Animator", black, white, aniRatio) else null /** The animation engine's command queue */ private val aniQ = if (animating) dgAni.getCommandQueue else null /** Application models extending the Model class may use this semaphore to wait for results */ private val finished = new Semaphore (0) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Add component parts to the model. * @param _parts the component parts */ def addComponent (_parts: Component*) { for (p <- _parts) parts += p } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Add lists of component parts to the model. * @param _parts the lists of component parts */ def addComponents (_parts: List [Component]*) { for (p <- _parts; q <- p) parts += q } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the current acting actor. */ def theActor = _theActor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Indicate whether the model has been stopped. */ def stopped: Boolean = ! simulating //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Reset the agenda and stateful components for next replication. */ def reset () { println ("--------------------------------------------------------------------------") println ("Model.reset in progress") // reset the agenda - activation priority queue while (! agenda.isEmpty) agenda.dequeue () // clean out actors from agenda // reset stateful components for (p <- parts) { if (p.isInstanceOf [Source]) { // reset sources val s = p.asInstanceOf [Source] reschedule (s) } // if if (p.isInstanceOf [WaitQueue]) { // reset wait queues val w = p.asInstanceOf [WaitQueue] while (! w.isEmpty) w.dequeue () } // if } // for } // reset //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Reset and aggregate all statistics. * @param rep the current replication (1, ... reps) */ def resetStats (rep: Int) { if (rep == 1) { for (stat <- getStatistics) statV += stat.name -> new VectorD (reps) } // for for (stat <- getStatistics) { statV (stat.name)(rep - 1) = stat.mean stat.reset () } // for } // resetStats //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Execute the simulation (includes scheduling all Sources) returning summary * statistics. */ def simulate (_startTime: Double = 0.0) { startTime = _startTime _clock = startTime trace (this, "starts", this, _clock) for (p <- parts) { trace (this, "establish x = " + p.at(0) + " y = " + p.at(1), p, _clock) p.director = this for (q <- p.subpart) q.director = this if (p.isInstanceOf [Source]) reschedule (p.asInstanceOf [Source]) } // for start () // start the director thread/actor -> act () } // simulate //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Cleanup the agenda and any stateful components. Any actors left in the * agenda or a wait queue must be terminated. The model (i.e., the director) * must be terminated as well. */ def cleanup () { println ("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") println ("Model.cleanup in progress") println ("cleanup: agenda") while (! agenda.isEmpty) { // cleanup actors left on agenda val a = agenda.dequeue () if (a != this) { println ("cleanup: terminate actor " + a + " in agenda") a.interrupt () // terminate all actors, except director } // if } // while println ("cleanup: wait queues") for (p <- parts) { if (p.isInstanceOf [WaitQueue]) { // cleanup wait queues val w = p.asInstanceOf [WaitQueue] while (! w.isEmpty) { val a = w.dequeue () println ("cleanup: terminate actor " + " a " + " in " + w) a.interrupt () // terminate all actors in queue } // while } // if } // for } // cleanup //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Wait for the main simulation Coroutine to complete. This can used used * to time execution of models. * @see apps.process.Bank2 */ def complete () { finished.acquire () // wait on semaphore } // complete //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Schedule (first time) or reschedule (subsequent times) an actor to act. * @param actor the actor to be scheduled */ def reschedule (actor: SimActor) { agenda += actor } // reschedule //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The model itself is an Actor (not an ordinary `SimActor`) and may be * thought of as the director. The director iteratively manages the clock * and the agenda of actors until the simulation flag becomes false * or the agenda (priority queue) becomes empty. */ def act () { trace (this, "starts model for " + reps + " replications", null, _clock) for (rep <- 1 to reps) { // run reps replication _clock = startTime if (rep == 1 && animating) display () // turn animation on (true) off (false) trace (this, "starts rep " + rep, null, _clock) simulating = _clock <= stopTime // simulate unless past stop time while (simulating && ! agenda.isEmpty) { _theActor = agenda.dequeue () // next from priority queue _clock = _theActor.actTime // advance the time trace (this, "resumes", _theActor, _clock) yyield (_theActor) // director yields to actor } // while simulating = false trace (this, "ends rep " + rep, null, _clock) fini (rep) // post-run results if (rep < reps) reset () // reset for next replication resetStats (rep) // reset and aggregate statistics } // for cleanup () println ("statV = " + statV) println ("coroutine counts = " + counts) trace (this, "terminates model", null, _clock) finished.release () // signal via semaphore that simulation is finished yyield (null, true) // yield and terminate the director } // act //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the statistical results of the simulation (statistics for each part). * This includes the sample/duration statistics and if 'full', time persistent * statistics as well. */ def getStatistics: ListBuffer [Statistic] = { val stats = new ListBuffer [Statistic] () for (p <- parts) { if (p.composite) p.aggregate () stats += p.durationStat } // for if (full) { for (p <- parts if p.persistentStat != null) { stats += p.persistentStat } // for } // if // for (st <- stats) println ("getStatistics: " + st.show) stats } // getStatistics //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Put the components on the animation engine's queue. */ def display () { for (p <- parts) p.display () } // display //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Put a node/token command on the animation queue. * @param who who is being animated * @param what what animation command * @param color the color the node/token * @param shape the shape of the node/token * @param at the location of the node/token */ def animate (who: Identifiable, what: Value, color: Color, shape: Shape, at: Array [Double]) { if (animating) { val eid = who.id val label = who.name if (DEBUG) { println (">< Model.animate: " + label + "." + eid + " " + what + " " + color + " " + shape + " " + at.deep) } // if aniQ.add (AnimateCommand (what, eid, shape, label, true, color, at, _clock)) } // if } // animate //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Put a edge command on the animation queue. * @param who who is being animated * @param what what animation command * @param color the color the edge * @param shape the shape of the edge * @param from the location of the origination node * @param to the location of the destination node * @param at the location of the edge (empty array => implicitly determined) */ def animate (who: Identifiable, what: Value, color: Color, shape: Shape, from: Component, to: Component, at: Array [Double] = Array ()) { if (animating) { val eid = who.id val label = who.name if (DEBUG) { println (">< Model.animate: " + label + "." + eid + " " + what + " " + color + " " + shape + " " + from.me + " " + to.me + " " + at.deep) } // if aniQ.add (AnimateCommand (what, eid, shape, label, true, color, at, _clock, from.id, to.id)) } // if } // animate //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compare the order of actors based on their 'actTime's. * @param actor1 the first actor in comparison */ private def orderedActor (actor1: SimActor): Ordered [SimActor] = { new Ordered [SimActor] { def compare (actor2: SimActor) = actor1.actTime compare actor2.actTime } } // orderedActor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Finish by producing statistical reports and optionally animation. * Typically animation and reports in pop up window turned off for high * replications and/or simulation optimization. * @param rep the replication number (1, ... reps) */ private def fini (rep: Int) { report () // report in terminal if (animating) { reportf () // report in new window if (rep == 1) dgAni.animate (0, 100000) // only animate first rep } // if } // fini //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Report on the statistical results of the simulation. */ private def report () { println (Statistic.line) println (Statistic.labels) println (Statistic.line) for (stat <- getStatistics) println (stat) println (Statistic.line) } // report //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Report on the statistical results of the simulation in a new frame. */ private def reportf () { new StatTable (name + " statistics", getStatistics) } } // Model class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Model` companion object provides a shutdown method. */ object Model { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Shutdown the Model execution infrastructure (WARNING: this method should * only be called right before program termination). Make sure all threads * have finished (e.g., call `complete`), not just the main thread. * If `shutdown` is not called, the application may hang. * @see `ModelTest`, `apps.process.Bank2` */ def shutdown () { Coroutine.shutdown () } // shutdown } // Model object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ModelTest` object is used to test the `Model` class. * Caveat: must add 'from' and 'to' components before transport!! */ object ModelTest extends App { val rm = new RoadModel ("Road", 20, Uniform (2000, 5000), Uniform (3400, 3600)) rm.simulate () rm.complete () Model.shutdown () class RoadModel (name: String, nArrivals: Int, iArrivalRV: Variate, moveRV: Variate) extends Model (name) { val onRamp = new Source ("onRamp", this, Car, 0, nArrivals, iArrivalRV, (100.0, 200.0)) val offRamp = new Sink ("offRamp", (500.0, 200.0)) val road = new Transport ("road", onRamp, offRamp, moveRV, false, 0.25) addComponent (onRamp, offRamp, road) // Caveat: must add from and to before transport!! case class Car () extends SimActor ("c", this) { def act () { road.move () offRamp.leave () } // act } // Car } // RoadModel class } // ModelTest object