//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.2 * @date Sun Dec 29 21:28:40 EST 2013 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * @see http://irh.inf.unideb.hu/~jsztrik/education/16/SOR_Main_Angol.pdf */ package scalation.queueingnet import scalation.math.Combinatorics.fac import scalation.math.double_exp import scalation.util.Error //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MMck_Queue` class is used to solve single node Markovian Queueing problems. * It models a service station consisting of one queue, 'c' servers and a capacity * to hold at most 'k' entities, i.e., an M/M/c/k queue. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @see also `MMc_Queue` to model infinite capacity Markovian queues. * @see also `MGc_Queue` to model queues with general service time distributions. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @param lambda the arrival rate * @param mu the service rate * @param c the number of servers * @param k the capacity of the queue */ class MMck_Queue (lambda: Double, mu: Double, c: Int = 1, k: Int = 1) extends Error { if (c < 1) flaw ("constructor", "must have at least on server") if (k < c) flaw ("constructor", "not enough capacity") private val rho = lambda / mu // traffic intensity private val a = rho / c.toDouble // server utilization factor private val k_c = k - c // waiting capacity private val c_fac = fac (c) // c! (factorial) private val rhoc = rho~^c / c_fac // all servers busy probability factor private val _1_a = 1.0 - a // one minus a private val pr_0 = prob_0 // probability system is empty private val pr_k = prob_k // probability system is full private val lambde = lambda * (1.0 - pr_k) // lambda effective //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Probability system is empty */ def prob_0: Double = { var sum = (for (i <- 0 until c) yield rho~^i / fac (i)).sum sum += ( if (a == 1) rhoc * (k_c+1) else rhoc * (1.0 - a~^(k_c+1)) / _1_a ) 1.0 / sum } // prob_0 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Probability system is full. */ def prob_k: Double = pr_0 * rho~^k / (c~^k_c * c_fac) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Expected length of the waiting queue. */ val l_q = pr_0 * rhoc * a * ( 1.0 - a~^(k_c+1) - _1_a * (k_c+1) * a~^k_c ) / _1_a~^2 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Expected length/number in Service. */ val l_s = lambde / mu //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Expected length/number in sYstem. */ val l_y = l_q + l_s //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Expected time in the waiting Queue (using Little's Law). */ val t_q = l_q / lambde //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Expected time in Service. */ val t_s = 1.0 / mu //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Expected time in the sYstem. */ val t_y = t_q + t_s //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** View/check intermediate results. */ def view () { println ("Check queueing parameters:") println ("lambda = %g".format (lambda)) // arrival rate println ("mu = %g".format (mu)) // service rate println ("c = %d".format (c)) // number of servers println ("k = %d".format (k)) // holding capacity println ("rho = %g".format (rho)) // traffic intensity println ("a = %g".format (a)) // server utilization factor println ("lambde = %g".format (lambde)) // effective arrival rate } // view //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Report the results. */ def report () { println ("Results for queue:") println ("---------------------------------------------------") println ("| Queue | l_q = %8.4g".format (l_q) + " | t_q = %8.4g".format (t_q) + " |") println ("| Service | l_s = %8.4g".format (l_s) + " | t_s = %8.4g".format (t_s) + " |") println ("| sYstem | l_y = %8.4g".format (l_y) + " | t_y = %8.4g".format (t_y) + " |") println ("---------------------------------------------------") } // report } // MMck_Queue class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MMck_QueueTest` object is used to test the `MMck_Queue` class. * > run-main scalation.queueingnet.MMck_QueueTest */ object MMck_QueueTest extends App { val lambda = 6.0 // customer arrival rate (per hour) val mu = 7.5 // customer service rate (per hour) println("\nM/M/1/1 Queue Results:") val mm1_1 = new MMck_Queue (lambda, mu, 1, 1) // M/M/c/k Queue mm1_1.view () mm1_1.report () println("\nM/M/2/4 Queue Results:") val mm2_4 = new MMck_Queue (lambda, mu, 2, 4) // M/M/c/k Queue mm2_4.view () mm2_4.report () } // MMck_QueueTest object