//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.2 * @date Thu Oct 22 15:05:06 EDT 2009 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.scala2d import scala.math.{cos, Pi, sin} import scalation.scala2d.Colors._ import scalation.scala2d.Constants._ import scalation.scala2d.Shapes.{Dimension, Graphics, Graphics2D} //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Polygon` class enhances the `Path2D.Double` class (from the `java.awt.geom` * package) by adding a constructor for building a polygon given its vertices. * @param vertex the n >= 3 corner points of the polygon */ case class Polygon (vertex: Array [R2]) extends java.awt.geom.Path2D.Double { { val n = vertex.length if (n < 3) println ("Polygon.constructor", "need at least 3 vertices to make a polygon") moveTo (vertex(0).x, vertex(0).y) for (i <- 1 until n) lineTo (vertex(i).x, vertex(i).y) lineTo (vertex(0).x, vertex(0).y) } // primary constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get the top-left coordinates of the polygons bounding box. */ def getTopLeft: R2 = { val bounds = getBounds2D () R2 (bounds.getX (), bounds.getY ()) } // getTopLeft } // Polygon class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The Triangle class enhances the Path2D.Double class (from the `java.awt.geom` * package) by adding a constructor for building a triangle given its vertices. * @param vertex the three corner points of the triangle */ case class Triangle (vertex: Array [R2]) extends java.awt.geom.Path2D.Double { { val n = vertex.length if (n != 3) println ("Triangle.constructor", "need exactly 3 vertices to make a triangle") moveTo (vertex(0).x, vertex(0).y) for (i <- 1 until n) lineTo (vertex(i).x, vertex(i).y) lineTo (vertex(0).x, vertex(0).y) } // primary constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Construct a Right Isosceles Triangle. * @param topLeft the top left point for the triangle (min x and y coordinates) * @param side the length of the two sides emanating from top-left */ def this (topLeft: R2, side: Double) { this (Array [R2] (topLeft, R2 (topLeft.x + side, topLeft.y), R2 (topLeft.x, topLeft.y + side))) } // constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Construct a Right Triangle. * @param topLeft the top left point for the triangle (min x and y coordinates) * @param side1 the width of the triangle (change in x) * @param side2 the height of the triangle (change in y) */ def this (topLeft: R2, side1: Double, side2: Double) { this (Array [R2] (topLeft, R2 (topLeft.x + side1, topLeft.y), R2 (topLeft.x, topLeft.y + side2))) } // constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get the top-left coordinates of the polygons bounding box. */ def getTopLeft: R2 = { val bounds = getBounds2D () R2 (bounds.getX (), bounds.getY ()) } // getTopLeft } // Triangle class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Quad` class enhances the `Path2D.Double` class (from the `java.awt.geom` * package) by adding a constructor for building a quadrilateral given its vertices. * @param vertex the four corner points of the quadrilateral */ case class Quad (vertex: Array [R2]) extends java.awt.geom.Path2D.Double { { val n = vertex.length if (n != 4) println ("Quad.constructor", "need exactly 4 vertices to make a quad") moveTo (vertex(0).x, vertex(0).y) for (i <- 1 until n) lineTo (vertex(i).x, vertex(i).y) lineTo (vertex(0).x, vertex(0).y) } // primary constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Construct a square. * @param topLeft the top left point for the square (min x and y coordinates) * @param side the length of each side in the square */ def this (topLeft: R2, side: Double) { this (Array [R2] (topLeft, R2 (topLeft.x + side, topLeft.y), R2 (topLeft.x + side, topLeft.y + side), R2 (topLeft.x, topLeft.y + side))) } // constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Construct a parallelogram (rectangle if shift is 0). * @param topLeft the top left point for the parallelogram (min x and y coordinates). * @param side1 the width of the parallelogram (change in x) * @param side2 the height of the parallelogram (change in y) * @param shift the x-shift between top and bottom sides */ def this (topLeft: R2, side1: Double, side2: Double, shift: Double = 0.0) { this (Array [R2] (topLeft, R2 (topLeft.x + side1, topLeft.y), R2 (topLeft.x + side1 + shift, topLeft.y +side2), R2 (topLeft.x + shift, topLeft.y + side2))) } // constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get the top-left coordinates of the polygons bounding box. */ def getTopLeft: R2 = { val bounds = getBounds2D () R2 (bounds.getX (), bounds.getY ()) } // getTopLeft } // Quad class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Pentagon` class enhances the `Path2D.Double` class (from the `java.awt.geom` * package) by adding a constructor for building a pentagon given its vertices. * @param vertex the five corner points of the pentagon */ case class Pentagon (vertex: Array [R2]) extends java.awt.geom.Path2D.Double { { val n = vertex.length if (n != 5) println ("Pentagon.constructor", "need exactly 5 vertices to make a pentagon") moveTo (vertex(0).x, vertex(0).y) for (i <- 1 until n) lineTo (vertex(i).x, vertex(i).y) lineTo (vertex(0).x, vertex(0).y) } // primary constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Construct a equilateral `Pentagon`. * @param topLeft the top left point for the pentagon (min x and y coordinates) * @param side the length of each side in the pentagon */ def this (topLeft: R2, side: Double) { this (Array [R2] (R2 (topLeft.x + cos72 * side, topLeft.y), R2 (topLeft.x + (1.0 + cos72) * side, topLeft.y), R2 (topLeft.x + (1.0 + 2.0 * cos72) * side, topLeft.y + sin72 * side), R2 (topLeft.x + (0.5 + cos72) * side, topLeft.y + (1.0 + 2.0 * cos72) * side), R2 (topLeft.x, topLeft.y + sin72 * side))) } // constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get the top-left coordinates of the polygons bounding box. */ def getTopLeft: R2 = { val bounds = getBounds2D () R2 (bounds.getX (), bounds.getY ()) } // getTopLeft } // Pentagon class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Hexagon` class enhances the `Path2D.Double` class (from the `java.awt.geom` * package) by adding a constructor for building a hexagon given its vertices. * @param vertex the six corner points of the hexagon */ case class Hexagon (vertex: Array [R2]) extends java.awt.geom.Path2D.Double { { val n = vertex.length if (n != 6) println ("Hexagon.constructor", "need exactly 6 vertices to make a hexagon") moveTo (vertex(0).x, vertex(0).y) for (i <- 1 until n) lineTo (vertex(i).x, vertex(i).y) lineTo (vertex(0).x, vertex(0).y) } // primary constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Construct a equilateral `Hexagon`. * @param topLeft the top left point for the hexagon (min x and y coordinates) * @param side the length of each side in the hexagon */ def this (topLeft: R2, side: Double) { this (Array [R2] (topLeft, R2 (topLeft.x + side, topLeft.y), R2 (topLeft.x + (1.0 + cos60) * side, topLeft.y + sin60 * side), R2 (topLeft.x + side, topLeft.y + 2.0 * sin60 * side), R2 (topLeft.x, topLeft.y + 2.0 * sin60 * side), R2 (topLeft.x - cos60 * side, topLeft.y + sin60 * side))) } // constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get the top-left coordinates of the polygons bounding box. */ def getTopLeft: R2 = { val bounds = getBounds2D () R2 (bounds.getX (), bounds.getY ()) } // getTopLeft } // Hexagon class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Octagon` class enhances the `Path2D.Double` class (from the `java.awt.geom` * package) by adding a constructor for building an octagon given its vertices. * @param vertex the eight corner points of the octagon */ case class Octagon (vertex: Array [R2]) extends java.awt.geom.Path2D.Double { { val n = vertex.length if (n != 8) println ("Octagon.constructor", "need exactly 8 vertices to make an octagon") moveTo (vertex(0).x, vertex(0).y) for (i <- 1 until n) lineTo (vertex(i).x, vertex(i).y) lineTo (vertex(0).x, vertex(0).y) } // primary constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Construct a equi-lateral `Octagon`. * @param topLeft the top left point for the octagon (min x and y coordinates) * @param side the length of each side in the octagon */ def this (topLeft: R2, side: Double) { this (Array [R2] (R2 (topLeft.x + cos45 * side, topLeft.y), R2 (topLeft.x + (1.0 + cos45) * side, topLeft.y), R2 (topLeft.x + (1.0 + 2.0 * cos45) * side, topLeft.y + cos45 * side), R2 (topLeft.x + (1.0 + 2.0 * cos45) * side, topLeft.y + (1.0 + cos45) * side), R2 (topLeft.x + (1.0 + cos45) * side, topLeft.y + (1.0 + 2.0 * cos45) * side), R2 (topLeft.x + cos45 * side, topLeft.y + (1.0 + 2.0 * cos45) * side), R2 (topLeft.x, topLeft.y + (1.0 + cos45) * side), R2 (topLeft.x, topLeft.y + cos45 * side))) } // constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get the top-left coordinates of the polygons bounding box. */ def getTopLeft: R2 = { val bounds = getBounds2D () R2 (bounds.getX (), bounds.getY ()) } // getTopLeft } // Octagon class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Useful constants. */ object Constants { val cos45 = cos (Pi / 4.0) // same value for sin45 val cos60 = cos (Pi / 3.0) val sin60 = sin (Pi / 3.0) val cos72 = cos (2.0 * Pi / 5.0) val sin72 = sin (2.0 * Pi / 5.0) } // Constants object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `PolygonTest` object tests the `Polygon`, `Triangle`, `Quad`, `Hexagon` * and Octagon classes. */ object PolygonTest extends App { private val dot = Ellipse () private val triangle = new Triangle (R2 (100, 100), 100, 150) private val triangleXY = triangle.getTopLeft private val square = new Quad (R2 (400, 100), 150) private val squareXY = square.getTopLeft private val parogram = new Quad (R2 (100, 350), 150, 100, 25) private val parogramXY = parogram.getTopLeft private val pentagon = new Pentagon (R2 (400, 350), 90) private val pentagonXY = pentagon.getTopLeft private val hexagon = new Hexagon (R2 (100, 600), 80) private val hexagonXY = hexagon.getTopLeft private val octagon = new Octagon (R2 (400, 600), 70) private val octagonXY = octagon.getTopLeft class Canvas extends Panel { setBackground (white) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Paint the components into the canvas (drawing panel). * @param gr low-resolution graphics environment */ override def paintComponent (gr: Graphics) { super.paintComponent (gr) val g2d = gr.asInstanceOf [Graphics2D] // use hi-resolution g2d.setPaint (red); g2d.fill (triangle) g2d.setPaint (black); dot.setFrame (triangleXY.x, triangleXY.y, 5, 5); g2d.fill (dot) g2d.setPaint (green); g2d.fill (square) g2d.setPaint (black); dot.setFrame (squareXY.x, squareXY.y, 5, 5); g2d.fill (dot) g2d.setPaint (blue); g2d.fill (parogram) g2d.setPaint (black); dot.setFrame (parogramXY.x, parogramXY.y, 5, 5); g2d.fill (dot) g2d.setPaint (yellow); g2d.fill (pentagon) g2d.setPaint (black); dot.setFrame (pentagonXY.x, pentagonXY.y, 5, 5); g2d.fill (dot) g2d.setPaint (cyan); g2d.fill (hexagon) g2d.setPaint (black); dot.setFrame (hexagonXY.x, hexagonXY.y, 5, 5); g2d.fill (dot) g2d.setPaint (magenta); g2d.fill (octagon) g2d.setPaint (black); dot.setFrame (octagonXY.x, octagonXY.y, 5, 5); g2d.fill (dot) } // paintComponent } // Canvas class // Put the drawing canvas in the visualization frame new VizFrame ("PolygonTest", new Canvas (), 700, 900) } // PolygonTest object