//::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.2 * @date Sat Mar 8 14:24:11 EST 2014 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.stat import scalation.linalgebra.VectorD import scalation.plot.{FramelessPlot, Plot} import scalation.random.{Distribution, Parameters} import scalation.random.CDF.buildEmpiricalCDF import scalation.random.Quantile.empiricalInv import scalation.util.Error //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Q_Q_Plot` object produces Quantile-Quantile plots that are used to * compare probability distributions. */ object Q_Q_Plot extends Error { /** Debug flag */ private val DEBUG = false /** Whether the plot is to be embedded or has its own frame * To change, set to true before calling plot */ var frameless = false /** Whether to transform the data to zero mean and unit standard deviation * To change, set to true before calling plot */ var makeStandard = false //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Produce a Q-Q plot for the two data vectors. * @param fv the first data vector * @param gv the second data vector */ def plot (fv: VectorD, gv: VectorD): FramelessPlot = { val n = fv.dim if (gv.dim != n) flaw ("plot", "vectors must have the same size") val fv_ = if (makeStandard) fv.standardize else fv val pv = new VectorD (n) for (i <- 1 until n) { val p = i / n.toDouble pv(i-1) = p if (DEBUG) println ("pv = " + pv + ", fv = " + fv_(i-1) + ", gv = " + gv(i-1)) } // for if (frameless) new FramelessPlot (pv, fv_, gv) else { new Plot (pv, fv_, gv); null } } // plot //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Produce a Q-Q plot for the data vector and the distribution. * @param fv the data vector * @param gInv the inverse CDF * @param g_df the degrees of freedom for the distribution * @param n the number of intervals */ def plot (fv: VectorD, gInv: Distribution, g_df: Parameters, n: Int): FramelessPlot = { val eCDF = buildEmpiricalCDF (fv) val fiv = new VectorD (n) // to hold vector of values for fInv val gv = new VectorD (n) // to hold vector of values for gInv for (i <- 1 until n) { val p = i / n.toDouble fiv(i-1) = empiricalInv (p, eCDF) gv(i-1) = gInv (p, g_df) } // for if (frameless) new FramelessPlot (fiv, fiv, gv) else { new Plot (fiv, fiv, gv); null } } // plot //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Produce a Q-Q plot for the two distribution. * @param fInv the first inverse CDF * @param f_df the degrees of freedom for the first distribution * @param gInv the second inverse CDF * @param g_df the degrees of freedom for the second distribution * @param n the number of intervals */ def plot (fInv: Distribution, f_df: Parameters, gInv: Distribution, g_df: Parameters, n: Int): FramelessPlot = { val fv = new VectorD (n) // to hold vector of values for fInv val gv = new VectorD (n) // to hold vector of values for gInv for (i <- 1 until n) { val p = i / n.toDouble fv(i-1) = fInv (p, f_df) gv(i-1) = gInv (p, g_df) } // for if (frameless) new FramelessPlot (fv, fv, gv) else { new Plot (fv, fv, gv); null } } // plot } // Q_Q_Plot object //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Q_Q_PlotTest` object is used to test the `Q_Q_Plot` object: * distribution vs. distribution. * > run-main scalation.stat.Q_Q_PlotTest */ object Q_Q_PlotTest extends App { import scalation.random.Quantile.{normalInv, studentTInv} Q_Q_Plot.plot (normalInv, null, studentTInv, Vector (10), 200) Q_Q_Plot.plot (normalInv, null, normalInv, null, 200) } // Q_Q_PlotTest object //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Q_Q_PlotTest2` object is used to test the `Q_Q_Plot` object: * data vector vs. distribution. * > run-main scalation.stat.Q_Q_PlotTest2 */ object Q_Q_PlotTest2 extends App { import scalation.random.Quantile.normalInv import scalation.random.Normal val nrv = Normal () val data = VectorD (for (i <- 0 until 400) yield nrv.gen) Q_Q_Plot.plot (data, normalInv, null, 200) } // Q_Q_PlotTest2 object