//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Aravind Kalimurthy * @version 1.2 * @date Wed Aug 24 20:55:35 EDT 2016 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * * @see www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/b81385/efficient-string-matching-algorithm-with-use-of-wildcard-characters/ */ package scalation.util import scala.Array.ofDim import scala.collection.mutable.Stack //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Wildcard` object defines useful contants for the `Wildcard` class. */ object Wildcard { val DEBUG = false // debug flag val CHAR_WILD_ONE = '_' // matches any single character val CHAR_WILD_MANY = '%' // matches zero or more characters val CHAR_WILD = List ("_", "%") // wildcard characters //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Determine whether the given string 'str' contains any wildcard characters. * @param str the string to be checked */ def hasWildcards (str: Any): Boolean = { str match { case _: String => CHAR_WILD.exists (str.asInstanceOf [String].contains) case _ => false } // match } // hasWildcards } // Wildcard object import Wildcard._ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Wildcard` value class provides an implementation for wildcard string * matching that checks if the 'pattern' string matches against a given 'self' * string based on single (CHAR_WILD_ONE) and/or multiple (CHAR_WILD_MANY) wildcards. * @param pattern the underlying object to be accessed via the 'pattern' accessor */ class Wildcard (val self: String) extends AnyVal { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The equal-match operator determines whether the 'pattern' string matches the * given 'self' string. Pattern may contain single- and/or multiple-replacing * wildcard characters. * @param self the self against which the string to be matched */ def =~ (pattern: Any): Boolean = { pattern match { case _: String => isMatch (pattern.asInstanceOf [String]) case _ => false } // match } // hasWildcards //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Test whether the 'pattern' string matches the given 'self' string. * Pattern may contain single- and/or multiple-replacing wildcard characters. * @param self the self against which the string to be matched */ def isMatch (pattern: String): Boolean = { val end = (pattern.length, self.length) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /* Match the 'pattern' string until first/next multiple wildcard in 'self'. * @param p the positions in the pattern/self strings */ def consume2WILD_MANY (p: (Int, Int)): (Int, Int) = { var (i, j) = p while (i < end._1 && j < end._2 && self(j) != CHAR_WILD_MANY && (pattern(i) == self(j) || self(j) == CHAR_WILD_ONE)) { i += 1; j += 1 } // while if (DEBUG) println (s"consume2WILD_MANY: moves from $p to ${(i, j)}") (i, j) // return how far you got } // consume2WILD_MANY val pointTested = ofDim [Boolean] (end._1+1, end._2+1) // each true value indicates pattern vs. self positions that have been tested val posStack = Stack [(Int, Int)] () // stack containing (pattern, self) positions still requiring testing var pos = consume2WILD_MANY ((0, 0)) // match beginning of pattern string until first WILD_MANY in self var matched = false // Push position pos onto stack if it points to end of self or WILD_MANY if (pos._2 == end._2 || self(pos._2) == CHAR_WILD_MANY) { pointTested(pos._1)(pos._2) = true posStack.push (pos) } // if // Repeat matching until either string is matched against the self or no more parts remain on stack to test while (posStack.nonEmpty && ! matched) { pos = posStack.pop () // pop pattern and self positions from stack // Matching will succeed if rest of the pattern string matches rest of the self if (pos._1 == end._1 && pos._2 == end._2) { matched = true // reached end of both self & pattern strings, hence matching is successful } else { // Next character in self is guaranteed to be WILD_MANY, so skip it & search for matches until next WILD_MANY is reached for (patternStart <- pos._1 to end._1) { var p = (patternStart + 1, pos._2 + 1) // position to resume matching p = if (p._2 == end._2) end // self ends with WILD_MANY, so rest of pattern string is atomatically matched else consume2WILD_MANY (p) // continue matching until next WILD_MANY // Reaching the next WILD_MANY in self without breaking the matching sequence implies there is another candidate to match. // This candidate should be pushed onto stack for further processing, while also marking (pattern, self) positions as tested, // so they it will not be pushed onto stack later again if (( (p._2 == end._2 && p._1 == end._1) || (p._2 < end._2 && self(p._2) == CHAR_WILD_MANY)) && ! pointTested(p._1)(p._2)) { pointTested(p._1)(p._2) = true posStack.push (p) } // if } // for } // if } // while matched } // isMatch //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert this `Wildcard` object to its underlying string. */ override def toString: String = self } // Wildcard class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `WildcardTest` object is used to test the `Wildcard` class. * > run-main scalation.util.WildcardTest */ object WildcardTest extends App { import Wildcard._ val text = new Wildcard ("Universit_") val text1 = new Wildcard ("Uni%") val text2 = new Wildcard ("U_iver%") val text3 = new Wildcard ("W_it_enB_") val result = Array.ofDim [Boolean] (4) time { result(0) = text.isMatch ("University") result(1) = text1 =~ "University" result(2) = text2.isMatch ("University") result(3) = text3 =~ "WrittenBy" } // time println ("University = " + text + " ::: " + result(0)) println ("University = " + text1 + " ::: " + result(1)) println ("University = " + text2 + " ::: " + result(2)) println ("WrittenBy = " + text3 + " ::: " + result(3)) } // WildcardTest object