//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.3 * @date Fri Apr 1 12:26:23 EDT 2016 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package testing import java.io.{File, PrintWriter} //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `TestBuilder` object builds unit tests for a given class. * > test:runMain testing.TestBuilder */ object TestBuilder extends App { /** Shorthand for universal file separator ('/' or '\\'). */ val _l = java.io.File.separator /** Directory in which to place the generated code. */ val DIR = s"src${_l}test${_l}scala${_l}testing" new TestBuilder ("scalation.stat", "StatVector") } // TestBuilder object import TestBuilder._ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `TestBuilder` class builds unit tests for each of the methods/operators of * a given class. * @param klass the class for which the unit tests are to be built (class under test) */ class TestBuilder (PACKAGE: String, CLASS: String) { private val SUBPACKAGE = PACKAGE.slice (PACKAGE.lastIndexOf ('.')+1, PACKAGE.length) private val klass = Class.forName (s"$PACKAGE.$CLASS") println (s"TestBuilder: generate unit test code for class: $PACKAGE.$CLASS") println (s"TestBuilder: unit test: testing.$SUBPACKAGE.${CLASS}_T") //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Build unit tests for each of the methods/operators in the class under test. */ def buildTests: String = { val methods = klass.getMethods.map (_.getName).filterNot (_ contains "$") println ("methods" + methods.deep) val s = new StringBuilder () for (m <- methods) { val pad = if (m.length > 4) "" else "\t" s.append (s" test ($m,$pad\t x.$m,\n\t\t\t )\n") } // for s.toString } // buildTests // Beginning of string holding code template ----------------------------------- val code = raw""" //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.3 * @date Tue Mar 29 16:54:57 EDT 2016 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package testing.$SUBPACKAGE import org.junit.Test import scala.math._ import $PACKAGE.$CLASS import scalation.random._ import testing.Tester //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `${CLASS}_T` driver class conducts unit testing on the `$CLASS` class * by invoking the ${CLASS}_T testing object. Run 'test-only' to test `$CLASS` * or 'test' to run all unit tests. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * > test-only testing.$SUBPACKAGE.${CLASS}_T * > test */ class ${CLASS}_T { @Test def testAll () { ${CLASS}_T } } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `${CLASS}_T` testing object conducts unit testing on the `$CLASS` class * using the `Tester` trait. It compares correctness/performance of a method/operator * 'call' to an 'oracle' and optionally a 'contender'. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * All methods except 'this', 'apply', 'update', 'foreach' and 'hashCode' should be tested. * May skip '=op' if 'op' is tested, e.g., skip '+=' if '+' is tested. * Also the 'equals' and 'toString' are tested implicitly. * Depending on the 'CORRECT' flag, it will either test correctness or performance. * Note, if the code for the 'contender' or even the 'oracle' is significantly faster, * the method/operator may need be to re-coded. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * To run directly, uncomment "// with App" and run 'test:runMain'. * > test:runMain testing.$SUBPACKAGE.${CLASS}_T */ object ${CLASS}_T extends Tester // with App { // Reassign parameters from `Tester` trait as needed DEBUG = false // debug flag CORRECT = true // test correctness/performance FOCUS = "" // method/operator to focus on, "" => all KLASS = "$CLASS" // the class under test ITER = 100 // number of test iterations // Size parameter(s) used for variables in 'test' (customize per class) private val dim = 10 // vector size // Random variate generators (customize per class) private val rv = RandomVecD (count = dim, density = 1.0) // random vector generator private val rn = Uniform (0.0, 100.0) // random double generator private val rj = Randi0 (0, dim) // random integer/index generator // Variables used in 'test' (customize per class) private val x = new VectorD (dim) // first vector private val y = new VectorD (dim) // second vector private var s = 0.0 // scalar value private var j = 0 // first integer/index value private var k = 0 // second integer/index value //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Randomize all variables used in `Tester`s 'test' method. */ def randomize () { x set rv.gen () // randomly reset variables y set rv.gen () s = rn.gen j = rj.igen k = rj.igen } // randomize testClass () println ("\nTest methods/unary operators") $buildTests } // ${CLASS}_T object """ // Ending of string holding code template -------------------------------------- // println (code) val writer = new PrintWriter (new File (DIR + _l + CLASS + "_T.scalaa")) writer.write (code) writer.close () } // TestBuilder class