//::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.3 * @date Sun Oct 16 15:30:50 EDT 2016 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * * @see Functional Data Analysis, Second Edition, Section 2.3 * @see http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2Fb98888 */ package scalation.analytics.fda import scalation.linalgebra.{MatrixD, VectorD} import scalation.math.Functions import scalation.stat.vectorD2StatVector //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `StatFunction` companion object extends statistics vector operations to matrices. * The `StatFunction` object/class is the functional analog to the `StatVector` object/class. */ object StatFunction { //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the mean vector containing the cross-sectional means over the time points. * @param xa the array of functions * @param t the vector of time points */ def mean (xa: Functions, t: VectorD): VectorD = { val sf = new StatFunction (xa) VectorD (for (i <- t.indices) yield sf(t(i)).mean) } // mean //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert the array of functions 'xa' with time points 't' into a matrix. * @param xa the array of functions * @param t the vector of time points */ def toMatrix (xa: Functions, t: VectorD): MatrixD = { val sf = new StatFunction (xa) MatrixD (for (i <- t.indices) yield sf(t(i))) } // toMatrix //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the sample covariance matrix for the functions over the time points. * @param xa the array of functions * @param t the vector of time points */ def cov (xa: Functions, t: VectorD): MatrixD = { val sf = new StatFunction (xa) MatrixD ((t.dim, t.dim), (for (i <- t.indices; j <- t.indices) yield sf(t(i)).cov (sf(t(j)))) :_*) } // cov //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the population covariance matrix for the functions over the time points. * @param xa the array of functions * @param t the vector of time points */ def pcov (xa: Functions, t: VectorD): MatrixD = { val sf = new StatFunction (xa) MatrixD ((t.dim, t.dim), (for (i <- t.indices; j <- t.indices) yield sf(t(i)).pcov (sf(t(j)))) :_*) } // pcov //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the correlation matrix for the functions over the time points. * Note: sample vs. population results in essentailly the same values. * @param xa the array of functions * @param t the vector of time points */ def corr (xa: Functions, t: VectorD): MatrixD = { val sf = new StatFunction (xa) MatrixD ((t.dim, t.dim), (for (i <- t.indices; j <- t.indices) yield sf(t(i)).corr (sf(t(j)))) :_*) } // corr } // StatFunction //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `StatFunction` class takes an array of functions 'xa' and provides an * 'apply' method for evaluating these functions at time 't' to produce a * vector from which statistics can be computed. Each function represents * an experimental replication. * @param xa the array of functions */ class StatFunction (xa: Functions) { //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Evaluate each function in 'xa' at times 't', and then produce the vector * of values. * @param t the time at which to evaluate the functions */ def apply (t: Double): VectorD = VectorD (xa.map (_(t))) //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Evaluate each function in 'xa' at times 't1' and 't2', and then produce * two vectors of values. * @param t the time at which to evaluate the functions */ def apply (t1: Double, t2: Double): Array [VectorD] = { Array (VectorD (xa.map (_(t1))), VectorD (xa.map (_(t2)))) } // apply } // StatFunction class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `StatFunctionTest` object is used to test the `StatFunction` class. * > run-main scalation.analytics.fda.StatFunctionTest */ object StatFunctionTest extends App { val x0 = (t: Double) => 2 * t // first function val x1 = (t: Double) => t * t // second function val xa = Array (x0, x1) // array of functions val sf = new StatFunction (xa) // stat function val t1 = 3.0 // first time point val sv1 = sf (t1) // first stat vector - sf evaluated at t1 val t2 = 5.0 // second time point val sv2 = sf (t2) // second stat vector - sf evaluated at t2 println ("sv1.mean = " + sv1.mean) // mean at t1 println ("sv1.variance = " + sv1.variance) // variance at t1 println ("sv1.stddev = " + sv1.stddev) // standard deviation at t1 println ("sv2.mean = " + sv2.mean) // mean at t2 println ("sv2.variance = " + sv2.variance) // variance at t2 println ("sv2.stddev = " + sv2.stddev) // standard deviation at t2 println ("sv1.covariance = "+ sv1.cov (sv2)) // covariance at t1 vs. t2 println ("sv1.correlation = "+ sv1.corr (sv2)) // correlation at t1 vs. t2 } // StatFunctionTest object //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `StatFunctionTest2` object is used to test the `StatFunction` object. * > run-main scalation.analytics.fda.StatFunctionTest2 */ object StatFunctionTest2 extends App { import scalation.plot.PlotM val x0 = (t: Double) => 2 * t // first function val x1 = (t: Double) => t * t // second function val xa = Array (x0, x1) // array of functions val t = VectorD.range (0, 49) / 50.0 // time points val f0 = t.map (xa(0)(_)) // points for function 1 val f1 = t.map (xa(1)(_)) // points for function 2 val means = StatFunction.mean (xa, t) // points for mean function val mat = new MatrixD (3, t.dim) mat(0) = f0 mat(1) = f1 mat(2) = means println ("t = " + t) println ("mat = " + mat) new PlotM (t, mat, Array ("means vs. time")) val t2 = t.slice (0, 10) println ("-" * 60) println ("cov matrix = " + StatFunction.cov (xa, t2)) // sample covariance matrix println ("-" * 60) println ("pcov matrix = " + StatFunction.pcov (xa, t2)) // population covariance matrix println ("-" * 60) println ("corr matrix = " + StatFunction.corr (xa, t2)) // correlation matrix println ("-" * 60) } // StatFunctionTest2 object