//::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller, Casey Bowman * @version 1.0 * @date Sat Apr 12 12:50:34 EST 2013 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.graphalytics import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scalation.animation.{AnimateCommand, DgAnimator} import scalation.animation.CommandType._ import scalation.random.Randi import scalation.scala2d.Colors._ import scalation.scala2d.{Ellipse, QCurve, Rectangle} //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ColorDAG` class provides a data structure Directed Acyclic Graphs 'DAG's with colored * nodes. The `ColorDAG` consists of source nodes (in-degree is 0), sink nodes (out-degree is 0) * and internal nodes. The edges connecting nodes must have color compatibility. * The `ColorDAG` is divided into 'k' stages: e.g., sources (stage 0), internals (stages 1..k-2) * and sinks (stage k-1). * @param dimensions the dimension (number of nodes) for each stage * @param maxIn the maximum number of input colors for an internal node * @param maxOut the maximum number of output colors for an internal node * @param minColors the minimum number of child colors allowed in the color hierarchy * @param maxColors the maximum number of child colors allowed in the color hierarchy * @param colorDepth the maximum depth of the color hierarchy tree * @param seed the seed for the various random number generators */ class ColorDAG (dimensions: Array [Int], maxIn: Int, maxOut: Int, minColors: Int, maxColors: Int, colorDepth: Int, seed: Int = 0) { val stages = dimensions.length // the number of stages in the DAG (k stages) val nodes = Array.ofDim [Array [DagNode]] (stages) // a ragged array of DagNode arrays to hold the nodes in the DAG val edges = ListBuffer [Edge] () // a list to hold the edges of the DAG val colors = Tree (colorDepth, minColors, maxColors) // get a new tree object with specified limits on child nodes val nColors = colors.size // get the number of colors in the ColorTree val randIn = new Randi (1, maxIn, seed) // random number generator for number of incoming edges for a node val randOut = new Randi (1, maxOut, seed) // random number generator for number of outgoing edges for a node val randCol = new Randi (0, nColors-1, seed) // random number generator for assigning colors to nodes and edges for (i <- 0 until stages) nodes(i) = Array.ofDim [DagNode] (dimensions(i)) // allocate an array for each stage of DAG println ("ColorDAG (dimensions = " + dimensions.deep + " maxIn = " + maxIn + " maxOut = " + maxOut + " minColors = " + minColors + " maxColors = " + maxColors + " colorDepth = " + colorDepth + " seed = " + seed) //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This inner class holds information about a node in the DAG. * @param id the id number for this node * @param inDegree the number of incoming edges/inputs for this node * @param outDegree the number of outgoing edges/outputs for this node */ class DagNode (val id: Int, val inDegree: Int, val outDegree: Int) { val inColors = Array.ofDim [TreeNode] (inDegree) // array to hold the node's input colors val outColors = Array.ofDim [TreeNode] (outDegree) // array to hold the node's output colors val in = ListBuffer [DagNode] () // list to hold all the nodes providing inputs to this node val out = ListBuffer [DagNode] () // list to hold all the nodes this node provides outputs for var used = false // flag to mark that a node is definitely included in DAG var unused = false // flag to mark that a node is ruled out of inclusion in DAG //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This method determines whether or not the node is a source node. */ def isSource: Boolean = inDegree == 0 //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This method determines whether or not the node is a sink node. */ def isSink: Boolean = outDegree == 0 //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert the DAG node to a string. */ override def toString: String = "DagNode( " + id + ": " + inColors + ", " + outColors + " )" } // DagNode class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class is used to connect two nodes. * @param fromNode the node where this edge originates * @param toNode the node where this edge terminates * @param color the color for this edge */ class Edge (val fromNode: DagNode, val toNode: DagNode, val color: Color) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Generate all the unique nodes that will exist in the DAG and assign * colors/types to their inputs and outputs. */ def genNodes () { var numNodes = 0 for (i <- 0 until stages; j <- 0 until dimensions(i)) { val n = new DagNode (numNodes, if (i == 0) 0 else if (i == stages-1) 1 else randIn.igen, if (i == stages-1) 0 else if (i == 0) 1 else randOut.igen) numNodes += 1 nodes(i)(j) = n for (k <- 0 until n.inDegree) n.inColors(k) = genUniqueColor (n.inColors) for (k <- 0 until n.outDegree) n.outColors(k) = genUniqueColor (n.outColors) } // for } // genNodes //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Generate and return a unique color for either a node's inputs or outputs. * @param ioColors the array of existing colors */ def genUniqueColor (ioColors: Array [TreeNode]): TreeNode = { for (i <- 0 until 2*ioColors.length) { val colr = colors(randCol.igen) if (! (ioColors contains colr)) return colr } // for println ("genUniqueColor: unable to generate a unique color") null } // genUniqueColor //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** For each node in the DAG, check that (1) all of its "inputs" are color/type compatible * with an output from a node from the previous stage, and (2) at least one of its * "outputs" is color/type compatible with an input to a node from the next stage. * Nodes that fails to have all of their inputs satisfied (check number 1) are thrown * out before check if they have at least one useful output. Nodes failing check * number 2 will also be thrown out. */ def checkIO (): Int = { for (i <- 1 until stages; n <- nodes(i) if ! n.unused) { // unused node n for (j <- 0 until n.inDegree) { // check inputs var found = false for (np <- nodes(i-1) if ! np.unused && ! found) { // predecessor node np for (k <- 0 until np.outDegree if ! found) { if (n.inColors(j) isAncestor np.outColors(k)) found = true } // for } // for if (! found) n.unused = true } // for } // for for (i <- stages-2 to 0 by -1; n <- nodes(i) if ! n.unused) { // unused node n var found = false for (j <- 0 until n.outDegree if ! found) { // check outputs for (ns <- nodes(i+1) if ! ns.unused && ! found) { // successor node ns for (k <- 0 until ns.inDegree if ! found) { if (ns.inColors(k) isAncestor n.outColors(j)) found = true } // for } // for } // for if (! found) n.unused = true } // for var numNodes = 0 for (i <- 0 until stages; n <- nodes(i) if ! n.unused) { n.used = true numNodes += 1 } // for numNodes // return the number of active nodes } // checkIO //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Connect all the nodes that are going to be "used" in the DAG by creating an edge between * two nodes in adjacent stages that are color/type compatible. Also add these edges to * the DAG's list of edges. */ def connect () { for (i <- 0 until stages-1; n <- nodes(i) if n.used) { // used node n for (j <- 0 until n.outDegree) { for (ns <- nodes(i+1) if ns.used) { // successor node ns for (k <- 0 until ns.inDegree) { if (ns.inColors(k) isAncestor n.outColors(j)) { edges += (if (n.isSource) new Edge (n, ns, n.outColors(0).colr) else if (ns.isSink) new Edge (n, ns, ns.inColors(0).colr) else new Edge (n, ns, n.outColors(j).colr)) } // if } // for } // for } // for } // for } // connect //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Populate the in and out `ListBuffers` for each node based on the DAG's list of edges. */ def popInOut () { for (e <- edges) { val from = e.fromNode val to = e.toNode if (! (from.out contains to) && ! (to.in contains from)) { from.out += to to.in += from } // if } // for } // popInOut //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Print the nodes and edges in the color DAG. */ def printDAG () { println ("-------------------------------------------------------------------------") println ("print ColorDAG") println ("Nodes -------------------------------------------------------------------") for (i <- 0 until stages) { println ("stage: " + i) for (n <- nodes(i) if n.used) { if (n.isSource) { println ("node(" + n.id + "):\t" + n.outColors(0).colr) } else if (n.isSink) { println ("node(" + n.id + "):\t" + n.inColors(0).colr) } else { println ("node(" + n.id + "):\t" + n.inColors(0).colr) println ("node(" + 1000 + n.id + "):\t" + n.outColors(0).colr) } // if } // for } // for println ("Edges -------------------------------------------------------------------") var count = 0 for (e <- edges) { println ("edge(" + count + "):\t" + e.fromNode.id + " -> " + e.toNode.id + ", " + e.color) count += 1 } // for println ("-------------------------------------------------------------------------") } // printDAG //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Print the in (for inputs) and out (for outputs) colors for each node in the DAG. */ def printColors () { println ("nodes(i): [in colors], [out colors]") for (s <- nodes; n <- s) { // node n in stage s print ("node(" + n.id + "):\t[") for (n_in <- n.inColors) print (n_in.nid + " ") print ("],\t[") for (n_out <- n.outColors) print (n_out.nid + " ") println ("]") } // for } // printColors //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Print the in (for inputs) and out (for outputs) node list buffers for each used node * in the DAG. */ def printInOut () { for (s <- nodes; n <- s if n.used) { // used node n in stage s print ("nodes(" + n.id + "): [") for (n_in <- n.in) print (n_in.id + " ") print ("], [") for (n_out <- n.out) print (n_out.id + " ") println ("]") } // for } // printInOut //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Print the `ColorTree` used by the DAG for node and edge colors/type and animate its * construction. */ def printColorTree () { colors.printTree // print the ColorTree colors.showAnimation // show the animation of the ColorTree hierarchy } // printColorTree //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Animate the color DAG. */ def animateDAG () { println ("Run DAGAnimation") val nSize = 20 val width = 1200 / (stages + 1) val dga = new DgAnimator ("DAGAnimator", black, white) val cq = dga.getCommandQueue for (i <- 0 until stages) { // display nodes var nodeCount = dimensions(i) // the number of nodes being animated for current stage var height = 800 / (nodeCount+1) // the height for each level in the current stage var count = 0 for (n <- nodes(i)) { var y = -nSize/2 + height + height * count // the y coordinate for the current node being animated var x = -nSize/2 + width + width * i // the x coordinate for the current node being animated if (i == 0) { cq.add (AnimateCommand (CreateNode, n.id, Ellipse (), "", false, n.outColors(0).colr, Array (x, y, nSize, nSize), 0)) } else if (i == stages-1) { cq.add (AnimateCommand (CreateNode, n.id, Ellipse (), "", false, n.inColors(0).colr, Array (x, y, nSize, nSize), 0)) } else { cq.add (AnimateCommand (CreateNode, n.id, Rectangle (), "", false, n.inColors(0).colr, Array (x, y, nSize, nSize), 0)) cq.add (AnimateCommand (CreateNode, 1000 + n.id, Rectangle (), "", false, n.outColors(0).colr, Array (x, y+nSize, nSize, nSize), 0)) } // if count += 1 } // for } // for var eCount = 0 for (e <- edges) { // display edges eCount += 1 cq.add (AnimateCommand (CreateEdge, eCount, QCurve (), "", true, e.color, null, 2000, e.fromNode.id, e.toNode.id)) } // for dga.animate (0, 100000) } // animateDAG } // ColorDAG class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ColorDAGTest` object used to test the `ColorDAG` class. */ object ColorDAGTest extends App { val seed = if (args.length == 1) args(0).toInt else 0 val stg = Array (5, 5, 5, 5) // define the number of nodes for each stage of color DAG val dag = new ColorDAG (stg, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, seed) // create a new color DAG dag.printColorTree // print the color type representing the type hierarchy dag.genNodes () // generate the nodes in the color DAG dag.checkIO () // throw out nodes that are color/type incompatible dag.connect () // connect the remaining node via edges dag.popInOut () // populated the input/output lists from edges dag.printDAG () // print the nodes and edges dag.printColors () // print inputs and output colors for each node // dag.printInOut () // print the input and output lists for each node dag.animateDAG () // animate the color DAG } // ColorDAGTest