//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Sun Aug 23 15:42:06 EDT 2015 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * * An implementation supporting columnar relational databases facilitating easy * and rapid analytics. The columns in a relation are vectors from the * `scalation.linalgebra.mem_mapped` package. Vectors and matrices may be readily * extracted from a relation and feed into any of the numerous analytics techniques * provided in `scalation.analytics`. The implementation provides most of the * columnar relational algebra operators given in the following paper: * @see db.csail.mit.edu/projects/cstore/vldb.pdf * * Some of the operators have unicode versions: @see `scalation.util.UnicodeTest` */ package scalation package columnar_db import java.io.{FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream, PrintWriter} import scala.collection.immutable.StringOps import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, Map} import scala.math.{min => MIN} import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scalation.linalgebra.MatrixKind._ import scalation.linalgebra.mem_mapped._ import scalation.math.{Complex, Rational, Real} import scalation.math.StrO._ import scalation.util.{getFromURL_File, Error} import TableObj._ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MM_Relation` companion object provides additional functions for the `MM_Relation` * class. */ object MM_Relation { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a relation from a sequence of row/tuples. These rows must be converted * to columns. * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param row the sequence of rows to be converted to columns for the columnar relation * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = `StrNum`, `Double`) */ def apply (name: String, colName: Seq [String], row: Seq [Row], key: Int, domain: String): MM_Relation = { val equivCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (colName.length)(null) val r2 = new MM_Relation (name, colName, equivCol, key, domain) for (tuple <- row) r2.add (tuple) r2 } // apply //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a relation from a sequence of row/tuples. These rows must be converted * to columns. * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param row the sequence of rows to be converted to columns for the columnar relation * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) */ def apply (name: String, colName: Seq [String], row: Seq [Row], key: Int): MM_Relation = { val equivCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (colName.length)(null) val r2 = new MM_Relation (name, colName, equivCol, key, null) for (tuple <- row) r2.add_2 (tuple) r2 } // apply //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Read the relation with the given 'name' into memory using serialization. * @param name the name of the relation to load */ def apply (name: String): MM_Relation = { val ois = new ObjectInputStream (new FileInputStream (STORE_DIR + name + SER)) val obj = ois.readObject () ois.close () obj.asInstanceOf [MM_Relation] } // apply //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Read the relation with the given 'name' into memory loading its columns * with data from the CSV file named 'fileName'. * @param fileName the file name of the data file * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = `StrNum`, `Double`) * @param skip the number of lines in the CSV file to skip (e.g., header line(s)) * @param eSep the element separation string/regex (e.g., "," ";" " +") */ def apply (fileName: String, name: String, colName: Seq [String], key: Int, domain: String, skip: Int, eSep: String): MM_Relation = { var cnt = skip val lines = getFromURL_File (fileName) val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (colName.length)(null) val r3 = new MM_Relation (name, colName, newCol, key, domain) for (ln <- lines) { if (cnt <= 0) r3.add (r3.row (ln.split (eSep), domain)) else cnt -= 1 } // for r3 } // apply //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Read the relation with the given 'name' into memory loading its columns * with data from the CSV file named 'fileName'. In this version, the column * names are read from the first line of the file. * @param fileName the file name of the data file * @param name the name of the relation * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = `StrNum`, `Double`) * @param eSep the element separation string/regex (e.g., "," ";" " +") */ def apply (fileName: String, name: String, key: Int, domain: String, eSep: String): MM_Relation = { var first = true val lines = getFromURL_File (fileName) var colBuffer: Array [ArrayBuffer [String]] = null var colName: Seq [String] = null var newCol: Vector [Vec] = null for (ln <- lines) { if (first) { colName = ln.split (eSep) colBuffer = Array.ofDim (colName.length) for (i <- colBuffer.indices) colBuffer(i) = new ArrayBuffer () first = false } else { val values = ln.split (eSep) values.indices.foreach (i => { colBuffer(i) += values(i) }) } // if } // for new MM_Relation (name, colName, colBuffer.indices.map (i => VectorS (colBuffer(i).toArray)).toVector, key, domain) } // apply //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Read the relation with the given 'name' into memory loading its columns * with data from the CSV file named 'fileName'. This version assumes * defaults for 'eSep' and 'skip' of ("," and 0). * @param fileName the file name of the data file * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = `StrNum`, `Double`) */ def apply (fileName: String, name: String, colName: Seq [String], key: Int, domain: String): MM_Relation = { var eSep = "," val lines = getFromURL_File (fileName) val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (colName.length)(null) val r3 = new MM_Relation (name, colName, newCol, key, domain) for (ln <- lines) r3.add (r3.row (ln.split (eSep), domain)) r3 } // apply //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Read the relation with the given 'name' into memory from a JSON file. * @param fileName the file name of the JSON file * @param name the name of the relation to load */ def apply (fileName: String, name: String): MM_Relation = { null // FIX - needs to be implemented } // apply //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a relation from the 'xy' matrix of doubles. * @param xy the matrix containing the data * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = `StrNum`, `Double`) */ def fromMatriD (xy: MatriD, name: String, colName: Seq [String], key: Int = -1, domain: String = null): MM_Relation = { val newCol = for (j <- 0 until xy.dim2) yield xy.col (j).asInstanceOf [Vec] new MM_Relation (name, colName, newCol.toVector, key, domain) } // fromMatriD //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a relation from the 'x' matrix of doubles and 'y' vector of doubles * or integers. * @param x the matrix containing the data * @param y the vector containing the data * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = `StrNum`, `Double`) */ def fromMatriD_ (x: MatriD, y: Vec, name: String, colName: Seq [String], key: Int = -1, domain: String = null): MM_Relation = { val newCol = for (j <- 0 until x.dim2) yield x.col (j).asInstanceOf [Vec] new MM_Relation (name, colName, newCol.toVector :+ y, key, domain) } // fromMatriD_ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a relation from the 'xy' matrix of integers. * @param xy the matrix containing the data * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = `StrNum`, `Double`) */ def fromMatriI (xy: MatriI, name: String, colName: Seq [String], key: Int = -1, domain: String = null): MM_Relation = { val newCol = for (j <- 0 until xy.dim2) yield xy.col (j).asInstanceOf [Vec] new MM_Relation (name, colName, newCol.toVector, key, domain) } // fromMatriI //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a relation from the 'xy' matrix of integers and 'y' vector of integers. * @param x the matrix containing the data * @param y the vector containing the data * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = `StrNum`, `Double`) */ def fromMatriII (x: MatriI, y: VectorI, name: String, colName: Seq [String], key: Int = -1, domain: String = null): MM_Relation = { val newCol = for (j <- 0 until x.dim2) yield x.col (j).asInstanceOf [Vec] new MM_Relation (name, colName, newCol.toVector :+ y, key, domain) } // fromMatriII //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the count (number of elements) of each of the columns of columnar * relation 'r'. * @param r the given relation */ def count (r: MM_Relation): Seq [Any] = for (j <- r.col.indices) yield r.col(j).size //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the minimum of each of the columns of columnar relation 'r'. * @param r the given relation */ def min (r: MM_Relation): Seq [Any] = for (c <- r.col) yield Vec.min (c) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the maximum of each of the columns of columnar relation 'r'. * @param r the given relation */ def max (r: MM_Relation): Seq [Any] = for (c <- r.col) yield Vec.max (c) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the mean of each of the columns of columnar relation 'r'. * @param r the given relation */ def sum (r: MM_Relation): Seq [Any] = for (c <- r.col) yield Vec.sum (c) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the mean of each of the columns of columnar relation 'r'. * @param r the given relation */ def mean (r: MM_Relation): Seq [Any] = for (c <- r.col) yield Vec.mean (c) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the mean of each of the columns of columnar relation 'r'. * @param r the given relation */ def Ɛ (r: MM_Relation): Seq [Any] = for (c <- r.col) yield Vec.mean (c) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the variance of each of the columns of columnar relation 'r'. * @param r the given relation */ def variance (r: MM_Relation): Seq [Any] = for (c <- r.col) yield Vec.variance (c) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the variance of each of the columns of columnar relation 'r'. * @param r the given relation */ def Ʋ (r: MM_Relation): Seq [Any] = for (c <- r.col) yield Vec.variance (c) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the correlation of column 'i' and 'j' within columnar relation 'r'. * @param r the given relation * @param i the first column vector * @param j the second column vector */ def corr (r: MM_Relation, i: Int = 0, j: Int = 1): Double = Vec.corr (r.col(i), r.col(j)) } // MM_Relation object import MM_Relation._ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MM_Relation` class stores and operates on vectors. The vectors form the * columns of the columnar relational datastore. Columns may have any of the * following types: *

* C - `Complex` - `VectorC` - 128 bit complex number a + bi * D - `Double` - `VectorD` - 64 bit double precision floating point number * I - `Int` - `VectorI` - 32 bit integer * L - `Long` - `VectorL` - 64 bit long integer * Q - `Rational` - `VectorQ` - 128 bit ratio of two long integers * R - `Real` - `VectorR` - 128 bit quad precision floating point number * S - `StrNum` - `VectorS` - variable length numeric string * T - `TimeNum` - `VectorT` - 96 bit time number *

*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param col the Scala Vector of columns making up the columnar relation * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = `StrNum`, `Double`) * @param fKeys an optional sequence of foreign keys - Seq (column name, ref table name, ref column position) * @param enter whether to enter the newly created relation into the `Catalog` */ class MM_Relation (val name: String, val colName: Seq [String], var col: Vector [Vec], val key: Int = 0, val domain: String = null, var fKeys: Seq [(String, String, Int)] = null, enter: Boolean = true) extends Table with Error { if (colName.length != col.length) flaw ("constructor", "incompatible sizes for 'colName' and 'col'") Catalog.add (name, colName, key, domain) /** The 'colMap' maps column names to column positions */ private val colMap = Map [String, Int] () for (j <- colName.indices) colMap += colName(j) -> j //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the size in terms of number of columns in the relation. */ def cols: Int = col.length //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return all of the columns in the relation. */ // def columns: Vector [Vec] = col //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the column in the relation with column name 'cName'. * @param cName column name used to retrieve the column vector */ // def column (cName: String): Vec = col(colMap (cName)) def column(cName: String): scalation.linalgebra.Vec = ??? def columns: Vector[scalation.linalgebra.Vec] = ??? //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the names of columns in the relation. */ def colNames: Seq [String] = colName //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the mapping from column names to column positions. */ def colsMap: Map [String, Int] = colMap //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the domains for the columns in the relation. */ def domains: String = domain //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the size in terms of number of rows in the relation. */ def rows: Int = col(0).size //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Rename 'this' table, returning a shallow copy of 'this' table. * @param newName the new name for the table. */ def rename (newName: String): MM_Relation = { new MM_Relation (newName, colName, col, key, domain, fKeys) } // rename //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Project onto the columns with the given column names. * @param cName the names of the columns to project onto */ def project (cName: String*): MM_Relation = project (cName.map(colMap (_)), cName) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Project onto the columns with the given column positions. * @param cPos the column positions to project onto * @param cName the optional new names for the columns to project onto */ def project (cPos: Seq [Int], cName: Seq [String] = null): MM_Relation = { val newCName = if (cName == null) cPos.map (colName(_)) else cName val newCol = cPos.map (col(_)).toVector val newKey = if (cPos contains key) key else -1 val newDomain = projectD (domain, cPos) new MM_Relation (name + "_p_" + ucount (), newCName, newCol, newKey, newDomain) } // project private def getMeta (cName: String) = { val cn = colMap (cName) (cn, Seq (cName), if (cn == key) key else -1, projectD (domain, Seq (cn))) } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select elements from column 'cName' in 'this' relation that satisfy the * predicate 'p' and project onto that column. * @param cName the name of the column used for selection * @param p the predicate (`Boolean` function) to be satisfied */ def pisigmaC (cName: String, p: Complex => Boolean): MM_Relation = { val nu = getMeta (cName) val newCol = Vector (col (nu._1).asInstanceOf [VectorC].filter (p)) new MM_Relation (name + "_s_" + ucount (), nu._2, newCol, nu._3, nu._4) } // pisigmaC def pisigmaD (cName: String, p: Double => Boolean): MM_Relation = { val nu = getMeta (cName) val newCol = Vector (col (nu._1).asInstanceOf [VectorD].filter (p)) new MM_Relation (name + "_s_" + ucount (), nu._2, newCol, nu._3, nu._4) } // pisigmaD def pisigmaI (cName: String, p: Int => Boolean): MM_Relation = { val nu = getMeta (cName) val newCol = Vector (col (nu._1).asInstanceOf [VectorI].filter (p)) new MM_Relation (name + "_s_" + ucount (), nu._2, newCol, nu._3, nu._4) } // pisigmaI def pisigmaL (cName: String, p: Long => Boolean): MM_Relation = { val nu = getMeta (cName) val newCol = Vector (col (nu._1).asInstanceOf [VectorL].filter (p)) new MM_Relation (name + "_s_" + ucount (), nu._2, newCol, nu._3, nu._4) } // pisigmaL def pisigmaQ (cName: String, p: Rational => Boolean): MM_Relation = { val nu = getMeta (cName) val newCol = Vector (col (nu._1).asInstanceOf [VectorQ].filter (p)) new MM_Relation (name + "_s_" + ucount (), nu._2, newCol, nu._3, nu._4) } // pisigmaQ def pisigmaR (cName: String, p: Real => Boolean): MM_Relation = { val nu = getMeta (cName) val newCol = Vector (col (nu._1).asInstanceOf [VectorR].filter (p)) new MM_Relation (name + "_s_" + ucount (), nu._2, newCol, nu._3, nu._4) } // pisigmaR def pisigmaS (cName: String, p: StrNum => Boolean): MM_Relation = { val nu = getMeta (cName) val newCol = Vector (col (nu._1).asInstanceOf [VectorS].filter (p)) new MM_Relation (name + "_s_" + ucount (), nu._2, newCol, nu._3, nu._4) } // pisigmaS //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select elements from columns in 'cName' in 'this' relation that satisfy * the predicate 'p'. * @param cName the name of the column used for selection * @param p the predicate (`Boolean` function) to be satisfied */ def sigma [T <: Any] (cName: String, p: T => Boolean): MM_Relation = { if (domain != null) { domain(colMap (cName)) match { case 'D' => selectAt (selectD (cName, p.asInstanceOf [Double => Boolean])) case 'I' => selectAt (selectI (cName, p.asInstanceOf [Int => Boolean])) case 'L' => selectAt (selectL (cName, p.asInstanceOf [Long => Boolean])) case 'S' => selectAt (selectS (cName, p.asInstanceOf [StrNum => Boolean])) case _ => { flaw ("sigma", "predicate type not supported"); null } } // match } else { flaw ("sigma", "optional domains not given - use type specific sigma?") null } // if } // sigma //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select elements from columns in 'cName' in 'this' relation that satisfy * the predicate 'p'. * @param cName the name of the column used for selection * @param p the predicate (`Boolean` function) to be satisfied */ def σ [T <: Any] (cName: String, p: T => Boolean): MM_Relation = { if (domain != null) { domain(colMap (cName)) match { case 'D' => selectAt (selectD (cName, p.asInstanceOf [Double => Boolean])) case 'I' => selectAt (selectI (cName, p.asInstanceOf [Int => Boolean])) case 'L' => selectAt (selectL (cName, p.asInstanceOf [Long => Boolean])) case 'S' => selectAt (selectS (cName, p.asInstanceOf [StrNum => Boolean])) case _ => { flaw ("σ", "predicate type not supported"); null } } // match } else { flaw ("σ", "optional domains not given - use type specific sigma?") null } // if } // σ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select elements from columns in 'cName' in 'this' relation that satisfy * the predicate 'p'. * @param cName the name of the column used for selection * @param p the predicate (`Boolean` function) to be satisfied */ def sigmaC (cName: String, p: Complex => Boolean): MM_Relation = selectAt (selectC (cName, p)) def sigmaD (cName: String, p: Double => Boolean): MM_Relation = selectAt (selectD (cName, p)) def sigmaI (cName: String, p: Int => Boolean): MM_Relation = selectAt (selectI (cName, p)) def sigmaL (cName: String, p: Long => Boolean): MM_Relation = selectAt (selectL (cName, p)) def sigmaQ (cName: String, p: Rational => Boolean): MM_Relation = selectAt (selectQ (cName, p)) def sigmaR (cName: String, p: Real => Boolean): MM_Relation = selectAt (selectR (cName, p)) def sigmaS (cName: String, p: StrNum => Boolean): MM_Relation = selectAt (selectS (cName, p)) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select the positions of elements from columns in 'cName' in 'this' relation * that satisfy the predicate 'p'. * @param cName the name of the column used for selection * @param p the predicate (`Boolean` function) to be satisfied */ def selectC (cName: String, p: Complex => Boolean): Seq [Int] = { col (colMap (cName)).asInstanceOf [VectorC].filterPos (p) } // selectC def selectD (cName: String, p: Double => Boolean): Seq [Int] = { col (colMap (cName)).asInstanceOf [VectorD].filterPos (p) } // selectD def selectI (cName: String, p: Int => Boolean): Seq [Int] = { col (colMap (cName)).asInstanceOf [VectorI].filterPos (p) } // selectI def selectL (cName: String, p: Long => Boolean): Seq [Int] = { col (colMap (cName)).asInstanceOf [VectorL].filterPos (p) } // selectL def selectQ (cName: String, p: Rational => Boolean): Seq [Int] = { col (colMap (cName)).asInstanceOf [VectorQ].filterPos (p) } // selectQ def selectR (cName: String, p: Real => Boolean): Seq [Int] = { col (colMap (cName)).asInstanceOf [VectorR].filterPos (p) } // selectR def selectS (cName: String, p: StrNum => Boolean): Seq [Int] = { col (colMap (cName)).asInstanceOf [VectorS].filterPos (p) } // selectS //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select across all columns at the specified column positions. * @param pos the specified column positions */ def selectAt (pos: Seq [Int]): MM_Relation = { val newCol = (for (j <- col.indices) yield Vec.select (col(j), pos)).toVector new MM_Relation (name + "_s_" + ucount (), colName, newCol, key, domain) } // selectAt //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Determine whether 'this' relation and 'r2' are incompatible by having * differing numbers of columns or differing domain strings. * @param r2 the other relation */ def incompatible (_r2: Table): Boolean = { val r2 = _r2.asInstanceOf [MM_Relation] if (cols != r2.cols) { flaw ("incompatible", "differing number of columns") true } else if (domain != r2.domain) { flaw ("incompatible", "differing domain strings") true } else { false } // if } // incompatible //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Union 'this' relation and 'r2'. Check that the two relations are compatible. * @param r2 the other relation */ def union (_r2: Table): MM_Relation = { val r2 = _r2.asInstanceOf [MM_Relation] if (incompatible (r2)) return null val newCol = (for (j <- col.indices) yield Vec.++ (col(j), r2.col(j))) new MM_Relation (name + "_u_" + ucount (), colName, newCol.toVector, -1, domain) } // union //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Intersect 'this' relation and 'r2'. Check that the two relations are compatible. * @param r2 the other relation */ def intersect (_r2: Table): MM_Relation = { val r2 = _r2.asInstanceOf [MM_Relation] if (incompatible (r2)) return null val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (colName.length)(null) val r3 = new MM_Relation (name + "_u_" + ucount (), colName, newCol.toVector, -1, domain) for (i <- 0 until rows if r2 contains row(i)) r3.add (row(i)) r3 } // intersect //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Take the difference of 'this' relation and 'r2' ('this - r2'). Check that * the two relations are compatible. * @param r2 the other relation */ def minus (_r2: Table): MM_Relation = { val r2 = _r2.asInstanceOf [MM_Relation] if (incompatible (r2)) return null val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (colName.length)(null) val r3 = new MM_Relation (name + "_m_" + ucount (), colName, newCol, key, domain) for (i <- 0 until rows if ! (r2 contains row(i))) r3.add (row(i)) r3 } // minus //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Join 'this' relation and 'r2 by performing an "equi-join". Rows from both * relations are compared requiring 'cName1' values to equal 'cName2' values. * Disambiguate column names by appending "2" to the end of any duplicate column name. * @param cName1 the join column names of this relation (e.g., the Foreign Key) * @param cName2 the join column names of relation r2 (e.g., the Primary Key) * @param r2 the rhs relation in the join operation */ def join (cName1: Seq [String], cName2: Seq [String], _r2: Table): MM_Relation = { val r2 = _r2.asInstanceOf [MM_Relation] val ncols = cols + r2.cols val cp1 = cName1.map (colMap (_)) // get column positions in 'this' val cp2 = cName2.map (r2.colMap (_)) // get column positions in 'r2' if (cp1.length != cp2.length) flaw ("join", "incompatible sizes on match columns") val newCName = disambiguate (colName, r2.colName) val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (ncols) (null) val newKey = key // FIX val newDomain = domain + r2.domain val r3 = new MM_Relation (name + "_j_" + ucount (), newCName, newCol, newKey, newDomain) for (i <- 0 until rows) { val t = row(i) for (j <- 0 until r2.rows) { val u = r2.row(j) if (sameOn (t, u, cp1, cp2)) r3.add (t ++ u) } // for } // for r3 } // join //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Join 'this' relation and 'r2 by performing a "natural-join". Rows from both * relations are compared requiring 'cName' values to be equal. * @param cName the common join column names for both relation * @param r2 the rhs relation in the join operation */ def join (cName: Seq [String], _r2: Table): MM_Relation = { val r2 = _r2.asInstanceOf [MM_Relation] val ncols = cols + r2.cols - cName.length val cp1 = cName.map (colMap (_)) // get column positions in 'this' val cp2 = cName.map (r2.colMap (_)) // get column positions in 'r2' val cp3 = r2.colName.map (r2.colMap (_)) diff cp2 // 'r2' specific columns val newCName = uniq_union (colName, r2.colName) val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (ncols) (null) val newKey = key // FIX val newDomain = domain + r2.domain val r3 = new MM_Relation (name + "_j_" + ucount (), newCName, newCol, newKey, newDomain) for (i <- 0 until rows) { val t = row(i) for (j <- 0 until r2.rows) { val u = r2.row(j) if (sameOn (t, u, cp1, cp2)) { val u3 = TableObj.project (u, cp3); r3.add (t ++ u3) } } // for } // for r3 } // join /* As seen from class MM_Relation, the missing signatures are as follows. * For convenience, these are usable as stub implementations. */ def delete [T] (p: Predicate[T]*): MM_Relation = ??? def eproject (aggCol: AggColumn*)(cName: String*): Relation = ??? def groupBy (cName: String*): MM_Relation = ??? def join [T] (r2: Table, p0: Predicate2 [T], p: Predicate2 [T]*): MM_Relation = ??? def leftJoin (cName1: String, cName2 : String, r2: Table): MM_Relation = ??? def leftJoin (thres: Double = 0.001) (cName1: String, cName2: String, r2: Table): MM_Relation = ??? def orderBy (_cName: String*): MM_Relation = ??? def product (r2: Table): MM_Relation = ??? def reverseOrderBy (_cName: String*): MM_Relation = ??? def select [T: ClassTag] (cName: String, p: T => Boolean): MM_Relation = ??? def update [T] (cName: String, func: T => T, pred: T => Boolean): Unit = ??? def update [T] (cName: String, func: T => T, matchVal: T): Unit = ??? def update [T] (cName: String, newVal: T, matchVal: T): Unit = ??? //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Determine whether 'this' relation contains a row matching the given 'tuple'. * @param tuple an aggregation of columns values (potential row) */ def contains (tuple: Row): Boolean = { for (i <- 0 until rows if row(i) sameElements tuple) return true false } // contains //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a row by pulling values from all columns at position 'i'. * @param i the 'i'th position */ def row (i: Int): Row = col.map (Vec (_, i)).toVector //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compress the selected columns 'cName' in 'this' table. * @param cName the names of the columns to be compressed */ def compress (cName: String*) { for (c <- cName) { val i = colMap (c) // col(i).compress () // FIX - add compress to Vec } // for } // compress //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Uncompress the selected columns 'cName' in 'this' table. * @param cName the names of the columns to be uncompressed */ def uncompress (cName: String*) { for (c <- cName) { val i = colMap (c) // col(i).uncompress () // FIX - add uncompress to Vec } // for } // uncompress //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Add 'tuple to 'this' relation as a new row. * FIX: want an efficient, covariant, mutable data structure, but Array is invariant. * @param tuple an aggregation of columns values (new row) * @param typ the string of corresponding types, e.g., 'SDI' */ def add (tuple: Row) { col = (for (j <- tuple.indices) yield try { Vec.:+ (col(j), tuple(j)) } catch { case cce: ClassCastException => println (s"add: for column $j of tuple $tuple"); throw cce } // try ).toVector } // add //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Add 'tuple' to 'this' relation as a new row. * Type is determined by sampling values for columns * @param tuple an aggregation of columns values (new row) */ def add_2 (tuple: Row) { col = (for (j <- tuple.indices) yield try { Vec.:+ (col(j), StrNum (tuple(j).toString)) } catch { case cce: ClassCastException => println (s"add: for column $j of tuple $tuple"); throw cce } // try ).toVector } // add_2 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert 'this' relation into a string column by column. */ override def toString: String = { var sb = new StringBuilder ("MM_Relation(" + name + ", " + key + ",\n" + colName + ",\n") for (i <- col.indices) sb.append (col(i) + "\n") sb.replace (sb.length-1, sb.length, ")").mkString } // toString //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Show 'this' relation row by row. * @param limit the limit on the number of rows to display */ def show (limit: Int = Int.MaxValue) { val wid = 18 // column width val rep = wid * colName.length // repetition = width * # columns val title = s"| MM_Relation name = $name, key-column = $key " println (s"|-${"-"*rep}-|") println (title + " "*(rep-title.length) + " |") println (s"|-${"-"*rep}-|") print ("| "); for (cn <- colName) print (s"%${wid}s".format (cn)); println (" |") println (s"|-${"-"*rep}-|") for (i <- 0 until MIN (rows, limit)) { print ("| ") for (cv <- row(i)) { if (cv.isInstanceOf [Double]) print (s"%${wid}g".format (cv)) else print (s"%${wid}s".format (cv)) } // for println (" |") } // for println (s"|-${"-"*rep}-|") } // show //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert 'this' relation into a matrix of doubles, e.g., *

* in the regression equation: 'xb = y' create matrix 'xy' *

* @param colPos the column positions to use for the matrix * @param kind the kind of matrix to create */ def toMatriD (colPos: Seq [Int], kind: MatrixKind = DENSE): MatriD = { val colVec = for (x <- project (colPos).col) yield Vec.toDouble (x) kind match { case DENSE => MatrixD (colVec) // case SPARSE => SparseMatrixD (colVec) // case SYM_TRIDIAGONAL => SymTriMatrixD (colVec) // case BIDIAGONAL => BidMatrixD (colVec) } // match } // toMatriD //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert 'this' relation into a matrix of doubles and a vector of doubles. *

* in the regression equation: 'xb = y' create matrix 'x' and vector 'y' *

* @param colPos the column positions to use for the matrix * @param colPosV the column position to use for the vector * @param kind the kind of matrix to create */ def toMatriDD (colPos: Seq [Int], colPosV: Int, kind: MatrixKind = DENSE): Tuple2 [MatriD, VectorD] = { val colVec = for (x <- project (colPos).col) yield Vec.toDouble (x) kind match { case DENSE => (MatrixD (colVec), Vec.toDouble (col(colPosV))) // case SPARSE => (SparseMatrixD (colVec), Vec.toDouble (col(colPosV))) // case SYM_TRIDIAGONAL => (SymTriMatrixD (colVec), Vec.toDouble (col(colPosV))) // case BIDIAGONAL => (BidMatrixD (colVec), Vec.toDouble (col(colPosV))) } // match } // toMatriDD //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert 'this' relation into a matrix of doubles and a vector of integers. *

* in the regression equation: 'xb = y' create matrix 'x' and vector 'y' *

* @param colPos the column positions to use for the matrix * @param colPosV the column position to use for the vector * @param kind the kind of matrix to create */ def toMatriDI (colPos: Seq [Int], colPosV: Int, kind: MatrixKind = DENSE): Tuple2 [MatriD, VectorI] = { val colVec = for (x <- project (colPos).col) yield Vec.toDouble (x) kind match { case DENSE => (MatrixD (colVec), Vec.toInt (col(colPosV))) // case SPARSE => (SparseMatrixD (colVec), Vec.toInt (col(colPosV))) // case SYM_TRIDIAGONAL => (SymTriMatrixD (colVec), Vec.toInt (col(colPosV))) // case BIDIAGONAL => (BidMatrixD (colVec), Vec.toInt (col(colPosV))) } // match } // toMatriDI //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert 'this' relation into a matrix of integers. *

* in the regression equation: 'xb = y' create matrix 'xy' *

* @param colPos the column positions to use for the matrix * @param kind the kind of matrix to create */ def toMatriI (colPos: Seq [Int], kind: MatrixKind = DENSE): MatriI = { val colVec = for (x <- project (colPos).col) yield Vec.toInt (x) kind match { case DENSE => MatrixI (colVec) // case SPARSE => SparseMatrixI (colVec) // case SYM_TRIDIAGONAL => SymTriMatrixI (colVec) // case BIDIAGONAL => BidMatrixI (colVec) } // match } // toMatriI //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert 'this' relation into a matrix of integers and a vector of integers. *

* in the regression equation: 'xb = y' create matrix 'x' and vector 'y' *

* @param colPos the column positions to use for the matrix * @param colPosV the column position to use for the vector * @param kind the kind of matrix to create */ def toMatriII (colPos: Seq [Int], colPosV: Int, kind: MatrixKind = DENSE): Tuple2 [MatriI, VectorI] = { val colVec = for (x <- project (colPos).col) yield Vec.toInt (x) kind match { case DENSE => (MatrixI (colVec), Vec.toInt (col(colPosV))) // case SPARSE => (SparseMatrixI (colVec), Vec.toInt (col(colPosV))) // case SYM_TRIDIAGONAL => (SymTriMatrixI (colVec), Vec.toInt (col(colPosV))) // case BIDIAGONAL => (BidMatrixI (colVec), Vec.toInt (col(colPosV))) } // match } // toMatriII //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Save 'this' relation in a file using serialization. */ def save () { val oos = new ObjectOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (STORE_DIR + name + SER)) oos.writeObject (this) oos.close () } // save //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Write 'this' relation into a CSV file with each row written to a line. * @param fileName the file name of the data file */ def writeCSV (fileName: String) { val out = new PrintWriter (DATA_DIR + fileName) for (i <- 0 until rows) out.println (row(i).toString.drop (7).dropRight (1)) out.close } // writeCSV //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Write 'this' relation into a JSON file. * @param fileName the file name of the data file */ def writeJSON (fileName: String) { // FIX - to be implemented } // writeJSON } // MM_Relation class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MM_RelationEx` object provides and example relation for testing. * @see www.codeproject.com/Articles/652108/Create-First-Data-WareHouse */ object MM_RelationEx { val productSales = MM_Relation ("productSales", Seq ("SalesInvoiceNumber", "SalesDateKey", "SalesTimeKey", "SalesTimeAltKey", "StoreID", "CustomerID", "ProductID", "SalesPersonID", "Quantity", "ProductActualCost", "SalesTotalCost", "Deviation"), Seq (Vector [Any] (1, 20130101, 44347, 121907, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 11.0, 13.0, 2.0), Vector [Any] (1, 20130101, 44347, 121907, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 22.5, 24.0, 1.5), Vector [Any] (1, 20130101, 44347, 121907, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 42.0, 43.5, 1.5), Vector [Any] (2, 20130101, 44519, 122159, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 42.0, 43.5, 1.5), Vector [Any] (2, 20130101, 44519, 122159, 1, 2, 4, 1, 3, 54.0, 60.0, 6.0), Vector [Any] (3, 20130101, 52415, 143335, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 11.0, 13.0, 2.0), Vector [Any] (3, 20130101, 52415, 143335, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 42.0, 43.5, 1.5), Vector [Any] (3, 20130101, 52415, 143335, 1, 3, 4, 2, 3, 54.0, 60.0, 6.0), Vector [Any] (3, 20130101, 52415, 143335, 1, 3, 5, 2, 1, 135.0, 139.0, 4.0), Vector [Any] (4, 20130102, 44347, 121907, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 11.0, 13.0, 2.0), Vector [Any] (4, 20130102, 44347, 121907, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 22.5, 24.0, 1.5), Vector [Any] (5, 20130102, 44519, 122159, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 42.0, 43.5, 1.5), Vector [Any] (5, 20130102, 44519, 122159, 1, 2, 4, 1, 3, 54.0, 60.0, 6.0), Vector [Any] (6, 20130102, 52415, 143335, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 11.0, 13.0, 2.0), Vector [Any] (6, 20130102, 52415, 143335, 1, 3, 5, 2, 1, 135.0, 139.0, 4.0), Vector [Any] (7, 20130102, 44347, 121907, 2, 1, 4, 3, 3, 54.0, 60.0, 6.0), Vector [Any] (7, 20130102, 44347, 121907, 2, 1, 5, 3, 1, 135.0, 139.0, 4.0), Vector [Any] (8, 20130103, 59326, 162846, 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, 84.0, 87.0, 3.0), Vector [Any] (8, 20130103, 59326, 162846, 1, 1, 4, 1, 3, 54.0, 60.0, 3.0), Vector [Any] (9, 20130103, 59349, 162909, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 5.5, 6.5, 1.0), Vector [Any] (9, 20130103, 59349, 162909, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 22.5, 24.0, 1.5), Vector [Any] (10, 20130103, 67390, 184310, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 11.0, 13.0, 2.0), Vector [Any] (10, 20130103, 67390, 184310, 1, 3, 4, 2, 3, 54.0, 60.0, 6.0), Vector [Any] (11, 20130103, 74877, 204757, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 5.5, 6.5, 1.0), Vector [Any] (11, 20130103, 74877, 204757, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 42.0, 43.5, 1.5)), 0, "IIIIIIIIIDDD") } // MM_RelationEx object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MM_RelationTest` object tests the operations provided by `MM_Relation`. * > runMain scalation.columnar_db.MM_RelationTest */ object MM_RelationTest extends App { val weekdays = new MM_Relation ("weekdays", Seq ("day", "time"), Vector (VectorS ("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"), VectorD (5.00, 8.15, 6.30, 9.45, 7.00)), 0, "SD") val weekend = new MM_Relation ("weekends", Seq ("day", "time"), Vector (VectorS ("Sat", "Sun"), VectorD (3.00, 4.30)), 0, "SD") println ("--------------------------------------------") println ("weekdays = " + weekdays) println ("--------------------------------------------") println ("weekend = " + weekend) println ("--------------------------------------------") println ("weekdays.pi (\"day\") = " + weekdays.pi ("day")) println ("--------------------------------------------") println ("weekdays.pisigmaS (\"day\", _ == \"Mon\") = " + weekdays.pisigmaS ("day", _ == "Mon")) println ("--------------------------------------------") println ("weekdays.sigmaS (\"day\", _ == \"Mon\") = " + weekdays.sigmaS ("day", _ == "Mon")) println ("--------------------------------------------") println ("weekdays.sigma (\"day\", _ == \"Mon\") = " + weekdays.sigma ("day", (x: StrNum) => x == "Mon")) println ("--------------------------------------------") println ("weekdays.sigma (\"time\", _ == 5.00) = " + weekdays.sigma ("time", (x: Double) => x == 5.00)) println ("--------------------------------------------") println ("weekdays.sigmaS (\"day\", _ > \"Mon\") = " + weekdays.sigmaS ("day", _ > "Mon")) println ("--------------------------------------------") println ("weekdays.selectS (\"day\", _ > \"Mon\") = " + weekdays.selectS ("day", _ > "Mon")) println ("--------------------------------------------") println ("weekdays.sigmaSD (\"day\", \"time\") = " + weekdays.sigmaS ("day", _ == "Mon") .sigmaD ("time", _ == 5.00)) val week = weekdays.union (weekend) println ("--------------------------------------------") println ("weekdays.union (weekend) = " + week) println ("--------------------------------------------") weekend.add (Vector ("Zday", 1.00)) println ("weekend add (\"Zday\", 1.00)) = " + weekend) println ("--------------------------------------------") println ("week - weekend = " + (week - weekend)) println ("--------------------------------------------") println ("week.join (\"day\", \"day\" weekend) = " + week.join ("day", "day", weekend)) println ("--------------------------------------------") println ("week join weekend = " + (week join weekend)) week.writeCSV ("columnar_db" + ⁄ + "week.csv") } // MM_RelationTest object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MM_RelationTest2` object tests the operations provided by `MM_Relation`. * The relational algebra operators are given using Unicode. * @see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters * > runMain scalation.columnar_db.MM_RelationTest2 */ object MM_RelationTest2 extends App { val weekdays = new MM_Relation ("weekdays", Seq ("day", "time"), Vector (VectorS ("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"), VectorD (5.00, 8.15, 6.30, 9.45, 7.00)), 0, "SD") val weekend = new MM_Relation ("weekends", Seq ("day", "time"), Vector (VectorS ("Sat", "Sun"), VectorD (3.00, 4.30)), 0, "SD") println ("weekdays.π (\"day\") = " + weekdays.π ("day")) println ("-------------------------------------") println ("weekdays.π (\"time\") = " + weekdays.π ("time")) println ("-------------------------------------") println ("weekdays.σ (\"day\", _ == \"Mon\") = " + weekdays.σ ("day", (x: StrNum) => x == "Mon")) println ("-------------------------------------") println ("weekdays.σ (\"time\", _ == 5.00) = " + weekdays.σ ("time", (x: Double) => x == 5.00)) println ("-------------------------------------") println ("weekdays.σ (\"day\", _ > \"Mon\") = " + weekdays.σ ("day", (x: StrNum) => x > "Mon")) println ("-------------------------------------") println ("weekdays.σ (\"time\", _ > 5.00) = " + weekdays.σ ("time", (x: Double) => x > 5.00)) println ("-------------------------------------") println ("weekdays.σ (\"day\", \"time\") = " + weekdays.σ ("day", (x: StrNum) => x == "Mon") .σ ("time", (x: Double) => x == 5.00)) val week = weekdays ⋃ weekend println ("-------------------------------------") println ("weekdays ⋃ weekend) = " + weekdays ⋃ weekend) println ("-------------------------------------") println ("week ⋂ weekend = " + (week ⋂ weekend)) println ("-------------------------------------") println ("week - weekend = " + (week - weekend)) println ("-------------------------------------") println ("week ⋈ weekend = " + (week ⋈ weekend)) } // MM_RelationTest2 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MM_RelationTest3` object tests the operations provided by `MM_Relation`. * It test various aggregate/OLAP operations on a simple data warehouse fact table. * @see www.codeproject.com/Articles/652108/Create-First-Data-WareHouse * FIX - allow entering doubles as "13" rather than "13.0" * > runMain scalation.columnar_db.MM_RelationTest3 */ object MM_RelationTest3 extends App { import MM_Relation.{max, min} import MM_RelationEx.productSales /* val productSales = new MM_Relation ("productSales", Seq ("SalesInvoiceNumber", "SalesDateKey", "SalesTimeKey", "SalesTimeAltKey", "StoreID", "CustomerID", "ProductID", "SalesPersonID", "Quantity", "ProductActualCost", "SalesTotalCost", "Deviation"), Seq (Vector [Any] (1, 20130101, 44347, 121907, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 11.0, 13.0, 2.0), Vector [Any] (1, 20130101, 44347, 121907, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 22.5, 24.0, 1.5), Vector [Any] (1, 20130101, 44347, 121907, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 42.0, 43.5, 1.5), Vector [Any] (2, 20130101, 44519, 122159, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 42.0, 43.5, 1.5), Vector [Any] (2, 20130101, 44519, 122159, 1, 2, 4, 1, 3, 54.0, 60.0, 6.0), Vector [Any] (3, 20130101, 52415, 143335, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 11.0, 13.0, 2.0), Vector [Any] (3, 20130101, 52415, 143335, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 42.0, 43.5, 1.5), Vector [Any] (3, 20130101, 52415, 143335, 1, 3, 4, 2, 3, 54.0, 60.0, 6.0), Vector [Any] (3, 20130101, 52415, 143335, 1, 3, 5, 2, 1, 135.0, 139.0, 4.0), Vector [Any] (4, 20130102, 44347, 121907, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 11.0, 13.0, 2.0), Vector [Any] (4, 20130102, 44347, 121907, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 22.5, 24.0, 1.5), Vector [Any] (5, 20130102, 44519, 122159, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 42.0, 43.5, 1.5), Vector [Any] (5, 20130102, 44519, 122159, 1, 2, 4, 1, 3, 54.0, 60.0, 6.0), Vector [Any] (6, 20130102, 52415, 143335, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 11.0, 13.0, 2.0), Vector [Any] (6, 20130102, 52415, 143335, 1, 3, 5, 2, 1, 135.0, 139.0, 4.0), Vector [Any] (7, 20130102, 44347, 121907, 2, 1, 4, 3, 3, 54.0, 60.0, 6.0), Vector [Any] (7, 20130102, 44347, 121907, 2, 1, 5, 3, 1, 135.0, 139.0, 4.0), Vector [Any] (8, 20130103, 59326, 162846, 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, 84.0, 87.0, 3.0), Vector [Any] (8, 20130103, 59326, 162846, 1, 1, 4, 1, 3, 54.0, 60.0, 3.0), Vector [Any] (9, 20130103, 59349, 162909, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 5.5, 6.5, 1.0), Vector [Any] (9, 20130103, 59349, 162909, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 22.5, 24.0, 1.5), Vector [Any] (10, 20130103, 67390, 184310, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 11.0, 13.0, 2.0), Vector [Any] (10, 20130103, 67390, 184310, 1, 3, 4, 2, 3, 54.0, 60.0, 6.0), Vector [Any] (11, 20130103, 74877, 204757, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 5.5, 6.5, 1.0), Vector [Any] (11, 20130103, 74877, 204757, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 42.0, 43.5, 1.5)), 0, "IIIIIIIIIDDD") */ val costVprice = productSales.project ("ProductActualCost", "SalesTotalCost") productSales.show () println ("productSales = " + productSales) println ("productSales.project (\"ProductActualCost\", \"SalesTotalCost\") = " + costVprice) println ("\nTest count") println ("------------------------") println ("count (productSales) = " + count (productSales)) println ("------------------------") println ("count (costVprice) = " + count (costVprice)) println ("\nTest min") println ("------------------------") println ("min (productSales) = " + min (productSales)) println ("------------------------") println ("min (costVprice) = " + min (costVprice)) println ("\nTest max") println ("------------------------") println ("max (productSales) = " + max (productSales)) println ("------------------------") println ("max (costVprice) = " + max (costVprice)) println ("\nTest sum") println ("------------------------") println ("sum (productSales) = " + sum (productSales)) println ("------------------------") println ("sum (costVprice) = " + sum (costVprice)) println ("\nTest expectation/mean") println ("------------------------") println ("Ɛ (productSales) = " + Ɛ (productSales)) println ("------------------------") println ("Ɛ (costVprice) = " + Ɛ (costVprice)) println ("\nTest variance") println ("------------------------") println ("Ʋ (productSales) = " + Ʋ (productSales)) println ("------------------------") println ("Ʋ (costVprice) = " + Ʋ (costVprice)) println ("\nTest correlation") println ("------------------------") println ("corr (costVprice) = " + corr (costVprice)) } // MM_RelationTest3 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MM_RelationTest4` object tests conversion `MM_Relation` to a matrix. * > runMain scalation.columnar_db.MM_RelationTest4 */ object MM_RelationTest4 extends App { import MM_RelationEx.productSales val (mat, vec) = productSales.toMatriDD (0 to 10, 11) println ("mat = " + mat) println ("vec = " + vec) } // MM_RelationTest4 object