//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller, Yang Fan, Vinay Bingi, Santosh Uttam Bobade * @version 1.5 * @date Sun Aug 23 15:42:06 EDT 2015 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * * An implementation supporting columnar relational databases facilitating easy * and rapid analytics. The columns in a relation are vectors from the * `scalation.linalgebra` package. Vectors and matrices may be readily extracted * from a relation and feed into any of the numerous analytics techniques provided * in `scalation.analytics`. The implementation provides most of the columnar * relational algebra operators given in the following paper: * @see db.csail.mit.edu/projects/cstore/vldb.pdf * * Some of the operators have unicode versions: @see `scalation.util.UnicodeTest` * * Supports Time Series Databases (TSDB) via `TimeNum` domain/datatype and 'leftJoinApx' * 'rightJoinApx' methods. */ package scalation package columnar_db import java.io._ import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, HashMap, Map} import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.math.{min => MIN} import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scalation.linalgebra._ import scalation.linalgebra.Vec_Elem.{<, =~, !=~} import scalation.linalgebra.MatrixKind._ import scalation.math.{Complex, Rational, Real} import scalation.math.StrO.StrNum import scalation.math.TimeO.{TimeNum, setThreshold} import scalation.math.{noComplex, noDouble, noInt, noLong, noRational, noReal, noStrNum, noTimeNum} import scalation.util.{banner, Error, getFromURL_File, MergeSortIndirect, ReArray, time} import TableObj._ import columnar_db._ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Relation` companion object provides additional functions for the `Relation` * class. */ object Relation extends Error { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create an unpopulated relation. * @param name the name of the relation * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = 'StrNum', 'Double') * @param colName the names of columns */ def apply (name: String, key: Int, domain: String, colName: String*): Relation = { val n = colName.length new Relation (name, colName, Vector.fill [Vec] (n)(null), key, domain) } // apply //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a relation from a sequence of row/tuples. These rows must be converted * to columns. * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param row the sequence of rows to be converted to columns for the columnar relation * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = 'StrNum', 'Double') */ def apply (name: String, colName: Seq [String], row: Seq [Row], key: Int, domain: String): Relation = { val equivCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (colName.length)(null) val r2 = new Relation (name, colName, equivCol, key, domain) for (tuple <- row) r2.add (tuple) r2.materialize () } // apply //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a relation from a sequence of row/tuples. These rows must be converted * to columns. * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param row the sequence of rows to be converted to columns for the columnar relation * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) */ def apply (name: String, colName: Seq [String], row: Seq [Row], key: Int): Relation = { val equivCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (colName.length)(null) val r2 = new Relation (name, colName, equivCol, key, null) for (tuple <- row) r2.add (tuple) r2.materialize () } // apply //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Read the relation with the given 'name' into memory using serialization. * @param name the name of the relation to load */ def apply (name: String): Relation = { val ois = new ObjectInputStream (new FileInputStream (STORE_DIR + name + SER)) val obj = ois.readObject () ois.close () val res = obj.asInstanceOf [Relation] res } // apply //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Read the relation with the given 'name' into memory loading its columns * with data from the CSV file named 'fileName'. * Note: "ln.split (eSep, -1)" will keep all values even if empty "one,,three" -> "one","",three" * @param fileName the file name of the data file * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = 'StrNum', 'Double') * @param skip the number of lines in the CSV file to skip (e.g., header line(s)) * @param eSep the element separation string/regex (e.g., "," ";" " +") */ def apply (fileName: String, name: String, colName: Seq [String], key: Int, domain: String, skip: Int, eSep: String): Relation = { var cnt = skip val lines = getFromURL_File (fileName) val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (colName.length)(null) val r3 = new Relation (name, colName, newCol, key, domain) for (ln <- lines) { if (cnt <= 0) r3.add (r3.row (ln.split (eSep, -1), domain)) else cnt -= 1 } // for r3.materialize () } // apply //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Read the relation with the given 'name' into memory loading its columns * with data from the CSV file named 'fileName'. In this version, the column * names are read from the first line of the file. * @param fileName the file name of the data file * @param name the name of the relation * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = 'StrNum', 'Double') * @param eSep the element separation string/regex (e.g., "," ";" " +") * @param cPos the sequence of column positions in the input file to be used (null => select all) */ def apply (fileName: String, name: String, key: Int, domain: String, eSep: String, cPos: Seq [Int]): Relation = { val lines = getFromURL_File (fileName) var first = true var colBuffer: Array [ArrayBuffer [String]] = null var colName: Array [String] = null var newCol: Vector [Vec] = null if (cPos == null) { // select all columns for (ln <- lines) { if (first) { colName = ln.split (eSep, -1).map (_.trim) colBuffer = Array.fill (colName.length)(new ArrayBuffer ()) first = false } else { val values = ln.split (eSep, -1).map (_.trim) for (i <- colName.indices) colBuffer(i) += values(i) } // if } // for } else { // select cPos columns if (domain.length != cPos.length) { flaw ("apply", "cPos length should be same as domain length") } // if for (ln <- lines) { if (first) { val name = ln.split (eSep, -1).map (_.trim) colName = Array.ofDim (cPos.length) colBuffer = Array.fill (cPos.length)(new ArrayBuffer ()) for (i <- colBuffer.indices) colName(i) = name(cPos(i)) first = false } else { val values = ln.split (eSep, -1).map (_.trim) for (i <- colName.indices) colBuffer(i) += values(cPos(i)) } // if } // for } // if new Relation (name, colName, makeCol (colBuffer, domain), key, domain) } // apply //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Make the columns for the columnar table from data stored in 'colBuffer'. * @param colBuffer the column buffer holding the data * @param domain the domains/datatypes for the columns */ private def makeCol (colBuffer: Array [ArrayBuffer [String]], domain: String): Vector [Vec] = { colBuffer.indices.map (i => if (domain == null || domain == "") VectorS (colBuffer(i).toArray) else domain(i) match { case 'C' => VectorC (colBuffer(i).toArray) // dense vectors case 'D' => VectorD (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 'I' => VectorI (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 'L' => VectorL (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 'Q' => VectorQ (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 'R' => VectorR (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 'S' => VectorS (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 'T' => VectorT (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 'c' => RleVectorC (colBuffer(i).toArray) // compressed vectors case 'd' => RleVectorD (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 'i' => RleVectorI (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 'l' => RleVectorL (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 'q' => RleVectorQ (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 'r' => RleVectorR (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 's' => RleVectorS (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 't' => RleVectorT (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 'χ' => SparseVectorC (colBuffer(i).toArray) // sparse vectors case 'δ' => SparseVectorD (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 'ι' => SparseVectorI (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 'λ' => SparseVectorL (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 'ϟ' => SparseVectorQ (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 'ρ' => SparseVectorR (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 'σ' => SparseVectorS (colBuffer(i).toArray) case 'τ' => SparseVectorT (colBuffer(i).toArray) case _ => flaw ("makeCol", s"domain type ${domain(i)} not supported") null.asInstanceOf [Vec] }).toVector } // makeCol //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Read the relation with the given 'name' into memory loading its columns * with data from the CSV file named 'fileName'. In this version, the column * names are read from the first line of the file. It uses 'col2' which is a * temporary ReArray, and maintains indices. * @param fileName the file name of the data file * @param name the name of the relation * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = 'StrNum', 'Double') * @param eSep the element separation string/regex (e.g., "," ";" " +") */ def apply (fileName: String, name: String, domain: String, key: Int, eSep: String = ","): Relation = { var first = true val lines = getFromURL_File (fileName) var r3: Relation = null var currentlineno = 0 for (ln <- lines) { if (first) { val colName = ln.split (eSep, -1) val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (colName.length)(null) r3 = new Relation (name, colName, newCol, key, domain) first = false } else { if (currentlineno % 1000 == 0) println (s"$currentlineno") r3.add (r3.row (ln.split (eSep, -1), domain)) currentlineno += 1 } // if } // for r3.materialize () } // apply //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Read the relation with the given 'name' into memory loading its columns * with data from the CSV file named 'fileName'. This version assumes * defaults for 'eSep' and 'skip' of ("," and 0). * @param fileName the file name of the data file * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = 'StrNum', 'Double') */ def apply (fileName: String, name: String, colName: Seq [String], key: Int, domain: String): Relation = { val eSep = "," val lines = getFromURL_File (fileName) val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (colName.length)(null) val r3 = new Relation (name, colName, newCol, key, domain) for (ln <- lines) r3.add (r3.row (ln.split (eSep, -1), domain)) r3.materialize () } // apply //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Read the relation with the given 'name' into memory loading its columns * with data from the '.arff' file named 'fileName'. * @param fileName the file name of the data file * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = 'StrNum', 'Double') */ def apply (fileName: String, key: Int, domain: String): Relation = { val eSep = "[, ]" val lines = getFromURL_File (fileName) var name: String = null var colBuffer: Array [ArrayBuffer [String]] = null var colName = ArrayBuffer [String]() var newCol: Vector [Vec] = null var foundData = false for (ln <- lines) { if (ln.indexOf ("%") == 0) { // skip comment } else if (ln.indexOf ("@relation") == 0) { name = ln.split (eSep, -1)(1) } else if (ln.indexOf ("@attribute") == 0) { colName += ln.split(eSep, -1)(1) } else if (ln.indexOf ("@data") == 0) { foundData = true colBuffer = Array.ofDim (colName.length) for (i <- colBuffer.indices) colBuffer (i) = new ArrayBuffer () } else if (foundData) { val values = ln.split (eSep, -1) values.indices.foreach (i => { colBuffer (i) += values (i) }) } // if } // for new Relation (name, colName, colBuffer.indices.map (i => VectorS (colBuffer(i).toArray)).toVector, key, domain) } // apply //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Read the relation with the given 'name' into memory from a JSON file. * @param fileName the file name of the JSON file * @param name the name of the relation to load */ def apply (fileName: String, name: String): Relation = { null // FIX - needs to be implemented } // apply //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a relation from the 'xy' matrix of doubles. * @param xy the matrix containing the data * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = 'StrNum', 'Double') */ def fromMatriD (xy: MatriD, name: String, colName: Seq [String], key: Int = -1, domain: String = null): Relation = { val newCol = for (j <- 0 until xy.dim2) yield xy.col (j).asInstanceOf [Vec] new Relation (name, colName, newCol.toVector, key, domain) } // fromMatriD //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a relation from the 'x' matrix of doubles and 'y' vector of doubles * or integers. * @param x the matrix containing the data * @param y the vector containing the data * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = 'StrNum', 'Double') */ def fromMatriD_ (x: MatriD, y: Vec, name: String, colName: Seq [String], key: Int = -1, domain: String = null): Relation = { val newCol = for (j <- 0 until x.dim2) yield x.col (j).asInstanceOf [Vec] new Relation (name, colName, newCol.toVector :+ y, key, domain) } // fromMatriD_ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a relation from the 'xy' matrix of integers. * @param xy the matrix containing the data * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = 'StrNum', 'Double') */ def fromMatriI (xy: MatriI, name: String, colName: Seq [String], key: Int = -1, domain: String = null): Relation = { val newCol = for (j <- 0 until xy.dim2) yield xy.col (j).asInstanceOf [Vec] new Relation (name, colName, newCol.toVector, key, domain) } // fromMatriI //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a relation from the 'xy' matrix of integers and 'y' vector of integers. * @param x the matrix containing the data * @param y the vector containing the data * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = 'StrNum', 'Double') */ def fromMatriII (x: MatriI, y: VectorI, name: String, colName: Seq [String], key: Int = -1, domain: String = null): Relation = { val newCol = for (j <- 0 until x.dim2) yield x.col (j).asInstanceOf [Vec] new Relation (name, colName, newCol.toVector :+ y, key, domain) } // fromMatriII //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the count (number of elements) of each of the columns of columnar * relation 'r'. * @param r the given relation */ def count (r: Relation): Seq [Any] = for (j <- r.col.indices) yield r.col(j).size //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the minimum of each of the columns of columnar relation 'r'. * @param r the given relation */ def min (r: Relation): Seq [Any] = for (c <- r.col) yield Vec.min (c) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the maximum of each of the columns of columnar relation 'r'. * @param r the given relation */ def max (r: Relation): Seq [Any] = for (c <- r.col) yield Vec.max (c) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the mean of each of the columns of columnar relation 'r'. * @param r the given relation */ def sum (r: Relation): Seq [Any] = for (c <- r.col) yield Vec.sum (c) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the mean of each of the columns of columnar relation 'r'. * @param r the given relation */ def mean (r: Relation): Seq [Any] = for (c <- r.col) yield Vec.mean (c) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the mean of each of the columns of columnar relation 'r'. * @param r the given relation */ def Ɛ (r: Relation): Seq [Any] = for (c <- r.col) yield Vec.mean (c) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the variance of each of the columns of columnar relation 'r'. * @param r the given relation */ def variance (r: Relation): Seq [Any] = for (c <- r.col) yield Vec.variance (c) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the variance of each of the columns of columnar relation 'r'. * @param r the given relation */ def Ʋ (r: Relation): Seq [Any] = for (c <- r.col) yield Vec.variance (c) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the correlation of column 'i' and 'j' within columnar relation 'r'. * @param r the given relation * @param i the first column vector * @param j the second column vector */ def corr (r: Relation, i: Int = 0, j: Int = 1): Double = Vec.corr (r.col(i), r.col(j)) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get a Vec of sum of the 'cName' column for the 'r' relation base on each group, * the result will be the same size. * @param r the relation to operate on * @param cName sum on column "cName" */ def sum (r: Relation, cName: String): Vec = { val cPos = r.colMap.get(cName).get val domainc = r.domain(cPos) var columnlist:Vec = null var count = 0 var pointer = 0 var sumlist: Vec = null for (idx <- r.orderedIndex) { // columnlist = Vec.:+ (columnlist,r.index(idx)(cPos),r.domain,cPos) columnlist = Vec.:+ (columnlist,r.index(idx)(cPos)) if (count +1 == r.grouplist(pointer)) { val thisroundsum = Vec.sum(columnlist) // sumlist = Vec.:+ (sumlist, thisroundsum, r.domain, cPos) sumlist = Vec.:+ (sumlist, thisroundsum) columnlist = null pointer += 1 } // if count += 1 } // for sumlist } // sum //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get a Vec of max of the 'cName' column for the 'r' relation. * @param r the relation you want to operate on * @param cName max on column "cName" */ def max (r: Relation, cName: String): Vec = { val cPos = r.colMap.get(cName).get val domainc = r.domain(cPos) var columnlist:Vec = null var count = 0 var pointer = 0 var maxlist: Vec=null for(idx <- r.orderedIndex) { // columnlist = Vec.:+ (columnlist,r.index(idx)(cPos),r.domain,cPos) columnlist = Vec.:+ (columnlist,r.index(idx)(cPos)) if (count +1 == r.grouplist(pointer)) { val thisroundsum = Vec.max(columnlist) // maxlist = Vec.:+ (maxlist, thisroundsum, r.domain, cPos) maxlist = Vec.:+ (maxlist, thisroundsum) columnlist = null pointer += 1 } // if count += 1 } // for maxlist } // max //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get a Vec of min of the 'cName' column for the 'r' relation * @param r the relation you want to operate on * @param cName min on column "cName" */ def min (r: Relation, cName: String): Vec = { val cPos = r.colMap.get(cName).get val domainc = r.domain(cPos) var columnlist:Vec = null var count = 0 var pointer = 0 var minlist:Vec=null for (idx <- r.orderedIndex) { // columnlist = Vec.:+ (columnlist,r.index(idx)(cPos),r.domain,cPos) columnlist = Vec.:+ (columnlist,r.index(idx)(cPos)) if (count +1 == r.grouplist(pointer)) { val thisroundsum = Vec.min(columnlist) // minlist = Vec.:+ (minlist, thisroundsum, r.domain, cPos) minlist = Vec.:+ (minlist, thisroundsum) columnlist = null pointer += 1 } // if count += 1 } // for minlist } // min //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get a Vec of average of the 'cName' column for the 'r' relation. * @param r the relation you want to operate on * @param cName average on column "cName" */ def avg (r: Relation, cName: String): Vec = { val cPos = r.colMap.get(cName).get val domainc = r.domain(cPos) var columnlist: Vec = null var count = 0 var pointer = 0 var avglist: Vec = null for (idx <- r.orderedIndex) { // columnlist = Vec.:+ (columnlist, r.index(idx)(cPos), r.domain, cPos) columnlist = Vec.:+ (columnlist, r.index(idx)(cPos)) if (count + 1 == r.grouplist(pointer)) { val thisroundsum = Vec.mean(columnlist) // avglist = Vec.:+ (avglist, thisroundsum, r.domain, cPos) avglist = Vec.:+ (avglist, thisroundsum) columnlist = null pointer += 1 } // if count += 1 } // for avglist } // avg //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get a Vec of count of the 'cName' column for the 'r' relation. * @param r the relation you want to operate on * @param cName the column name for the column to be counted */ def count (r: Relation, cName: String): Vec = { val cPos = r.colMap.get(cName).get var countlist: Vec = null var i = 0 for (p <- r.grouplist) { val count = p - i // countlist = Vec.:+ (countlist, count, r.domain, cPos) countlist = Vec.:+ (countlist, count) i = p } // for countlist } // count //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** From function return cartesian product of all the relations. * @param relations the relations making up the from clause */ def from (relations: Relation*): Relation = { var result = relations(0) for (i <- 1 until relations.size) result = result product relations(i) result } // from } // Relation object import Relation._ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Relation` class stores and operates on vectors. The vectors form the * columns of the columnar relational datastore. Columns may have any of the * following types: *

* C - `Complex` - `VectorC` - 128 bit complex number a + bi * D - `Double` - `VectorD` - 64 bit double precision floating point number * I - `Int` - `VectorI` - 32 bit integer * L - `Long` - `VectorL` - 64 bit long integer * Q - `Rational` - `VectorQ` - 128 bit ratio of two long integers * R - `Real` - `VectorR` - 128 bit quad precision floating point number * S - `StrNum` - `VectorS` - variable length numeric string * T - `TimeNum` - `VectorT` - 96 bit time Instant = (Long, Int) *

* FIX - (1) don't allow (public) var (2) avoid unchecked or incomplete .asInstanceOf [T] *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param col the Scala Vector of columns making up the columnar relation * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = 'StrNum', 'Double') * @param fKeys an optional sequence of foreign keys - Seq (column name, ref table name, ref column position) * @param enter whether to enter the newly created relation into the `Catalog` */ class Relation (val name: String, val colName: Seq [String], var col: Vector [Vec], val key: Int = 0, val domain: String = null, var fKeys: Seq [(String, String, Int)] = null, enter: Boolean = true) extends Table with Error with Serializable { private val DEBUG = true // debug flag private [columnar_db] val colMap = Map [String, Int] () // map column name -> column number @transient private val col2 = Vector.fill (colName.size)(new ReArray [Any]) // efficient holding area for building columns private var grouplist = Vector [Int] () // rows in group protected val index = Map [KeyType, Row] () // index that maps a key into row protected val indextoKey = HashMap [Int, KeyType] () // map index -> key private var keytoIndex = HashMap [KeyType, Int] () // map key -> index protected var orderedIndex = Vector [KeyType] () // re-ordering of the key column if (colName.length != col.length) flaw ("constructor", "incompatible sizes for 'colName' and 'col'") if (enter) Catalog.add (name, colName, key, domain) for (j <- colName.indices) colMap += colName(j) -> j //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The 'generateIndex' method helps, e.g., the popTable, methods to generate * an index for the table. * @param reset if reset is true, use old index to build new index; otherwise, create new index */ def generateIndex (reset: Boolean = false) { if (! reset) { // create new index for (i <- 0 until rows) { val mkey = if (key != -1) new KeyType (row(i)(key)) // key column is specified else new KeyType(i) // key column is not specified val tuple = row(i) index += mkey -> tuple indextoKey += i -> mkey keytoIndex += mkey -> i orderedIndex = orderedIndex :+ mkey } // for } else { // use old index to build val newoderedIndex = new ReArray [KeyType] () val newkeytoIndex = new HashMap [KeyType, Int] () for (i <- orderedIndex.indices) { val mkey = if (key != -1) orderedIndex(i) else new KeyType (i) val tuple = row(keytoIndex(mkey)) index += mkey -> tuple newkeytoIndex += mkey -> i newoderedIndex.update (newoderedIndex.length, mkey) } // for orderedIndex = newoderedIndex.toVector // map old keytoIndex to rowIndex to keytoIndex = newkeytoIndex } // if } // generateIndex //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the size in terms of number of columns in the relation. */ def cols: Int = col.length //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the columns in the relation. */ override def columns: Vector [Vec] = col //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the names of columns in the relation. */ def colNames: Seq [String] = colName //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the mapping from column names to column positions. */ def colsMap: Map [String, Int] = colMap //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the domains for the columns in the relation. */ def domains: String = domain //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a row by pulling values from all columns at position 'i'. * @param i the 'i'th position */ def row (i: Int): Row = col.map (Vec (_, i)).toVector //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the size in terms of number of rows in the relation. */ def rows: Int = if (col(0) == null) 0 else col(0).size //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Determine whether 'this' relation contains a row matching the given 'tuple'. * @param tuple an aggregation of columns values (potential row) */ def contains (tuple: Row): Boolean = { for (i <- 0 until rows if row(i) sameElements tuple) return true false } // contains //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Rename 'this' table, returning a shallow copy of 'this' table. * @param newName the new name for the table. */ def rename (newName: String): Relation = { new Relation (newName, colName, col, key, domain, fKeys) } // rename // ================================================================= PROJECT //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Project onto the columns with the given column names. * @param cName the names of the columns to project onto */ def project (cName: String*): Relation = project (cName.map (colMap (_)), cName) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Project onto the columns with the given column positions using the given * column names. * @param cPos the positions of the columns to project onto * @param cName the names of the columns to project onto */ def project (cPos: Seq [Int], cName: Seq [String] = null): Relation = { val newCName = if (cName == null) cPos.map (colName(_)) else cName val newCol = cPos.map (col(_)).toVector val newKey = if (cPos contains key) cPos.indexOf (key) else -1 val newDomain = projectD (domain, cPos) new Relation (name + "_p_" + ucount (), newCName, newCol, newKey, newDomain) } // project // ======================================================== EXTENDED PROJECT //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Apply the extended projection operator 'epi' project aggregated columns. * @see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relational_algebra * @param aggF the aggregate functions you want to use * @param funName the newly created aggregate columns' names * @param aggFAttr the columns you want to use of correspondent aggregate functions * @param cName the columns you want to project on */ def eproject (aggF: Seq [AggFunction], funName: Seq [String], aggFAttr: Seq [String], cName: String*): Relation = { aggFAttr.foreach (a => if (! colName.contains(a)) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("the attribute you want to aggregate on does not exist")) cName.foreach (a => if (! colName.contains(a)) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("the attribute you want to project on does not exist")) if (grouplist.isEmpty) groupBy (colName(key)) val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (aggFAttr.size + cName.size)(null) val colNamenew = cName ++ funName var newDomain = cName.map (n => colMap(n)).map (i => domain(i)) for (i <- funName.indices) { newDomain = if (funName(i) contains "count") newDomain :+ 'I' // other aggregate's result domain is based on the aggreagte column else newDomain :+ domain(colMap(aggFAttr(i))) } // for val r2 = new Relation (name + "_e_" + ucount (), colNamenew, newCol, key, newDomain.mkString ("")) if (rows == 0) return r2 // no rows means early return val agglist = for (i <- aggF.indices) yield aggF(i)(this, aggFAttr(i)) if (cName.size != 0) { val cPos = cName.map (colMap(_)) // position of cName val cPos2 = aggFAttr.map (colMap(_)) // position of aggregate columns val shrinkR = pi(cPos, null) // projected relation var row_i = 0 var group_j = 0 orderedIndex.foreach (idx => { var thisrow = shrinkR.row(keytoIndex(idx)) for (aggf <- agglist.indices) thisrow = thisrow :+ Vec (agglist(aggf), group_j) r2.add_ni (thisrow) row_i += 1 if (row_i == grouplist(group_j)) group_j += 1 }) // foreach r2.materialize () } else { // only project on the aggregate column for (i <- aggF.indices) { r2.col = if (i == 0) Vector (agglist(i)) else r2.col :+ agglist(i) } // for } // if r2 } // eproject //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Method 'epiAny' is a special case of epi. When the projected columns can not be * decided by the group by columns, only one representative will be shown for each group. * FIX - change name * @param aggF the aggregate functions you want to use * @param funName the newly created aggregate columns'names * @param aggFAttr the columns you want to use of correspondent aggregate functions * @param cName the columns you want to project on */ def epiAny (aggF: Seq [AggFunction], funName: Seq [String], aggFAttr: Seq [String], cName: String*): Relation = { aggFAttr.foreach (a => if (! colName.contains(a)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("the attribute you want to aggregate on does not exists")) cName.foreach (a => if (! colName.contains(a)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("the attribute you want to project on does not exists")) if (grouplist.isEmpty) groupBy (colName(key)) val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec](aggFAttr.size + cName.size)(null) val colNamenew = cName ++ funName var newDomain = cName.map (n => colMap(n)).map (i => domain(i)) for (i <- funName.indices) { newDomain = if (funName(i) contains "count") newDomain :+ 'I' else newDomain :+ domain(colMap(aggFAttr(i))) } // for val r2 = new Relation (name + "_e_" + ucount (), colNamenew, newCol, key, newDomain.mkString ("")) if (rows == 0) return r2 val agglist = for (i <- aggF.indices) yield aggF(i)(this, aggFAttr(i)) var group_j = 0 if (cName.size != 0) { val cPos = cName.map (colMap(_)) val shrinkR = pi(cPos, null) grouplist.foreach (idx => { var newrow: Vector[Any] = null val rownumber = keytoIndex(orderedIndex(idx-1)) newrow = shrinkR.row(rownumber) for (i<- aggF.indices) { val aggtemp = Vec (agglist(0), group_j) newrow = newrow:+ aggtemp } // for r2.add_ni (newrow) group_j += 1 }) // foreach } // if r2.materialize () } // epiAny // ========================================================== PROJECT-SELECT //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select elements from column 'cName' in 'this' relation that satisfy the * predicate 'p' and project onto that column. * @param cName the name of the column used for selection * @param p the predicate (`Boolean` function) to be satisfied */ def pisigmaC (cName: String, p: Complex => Boolean): Relation = { val nu = getMeta (cName) val newCol = Vector (col (nu._1).asInstanceOf [VectorC].filter (p)) new Relation (name + "_s_" + ucount (), nu._2, newCol, nu._3, nu._4) } // pisigmaC def pisigmaD (cName: String, p: Double => Boolean): Relation = { val nu = getMeta (cName) val newCol = Vector (col (nu._1).asInstanceOf [VectorD].filter (p)) new Relation (name + "_s_" + ucount (), nu._2, newCol, nu._3, nu._4) } // pisigmaD def pisigmaI (cName: String, p: Int => Boolean): Relation = { val nu = getMeta (cName) val newCol = Vector (col (nu._1).asInstanceOf [VectorI].filter (p)) new Relation (name + "_s_" + ucount (), nu._2, newCol, nu._3, nu._4) } // pisigmaI def pisigmaL (cName: String, p: Long => Boolean): Relation = { val nu = getMeta (cName) val newCol = Vector (col (nu._1).asInstanceOf [VectorL].filter (p)) new Relation (name + "_s_" + ucount (), nu._2, newCol, nu._3, nu._4) } // pisigmaL def pisigmaQ (cName: String, p: Rational => Boolean): Relation = { val nu = getMeta (cName) val newCol = Vector (col (nu._1).asInstanceOf [VectorQ].filter (p)) new Relation (name + "_s_" + ucount (), nu._2, newCol, nu._3, nu._4) } // pisigmaQ def pisigmaR (cName: String, p: Real => Boolean): Relation = { val nu = getMeta (cName) val newCol = Vector (col (nu._1).asInstanceOf [VectorR].filter (p)) new Relation (name + "_s_" + ucount (), nu._2, newCol, nu._3, nu._4) } // pisigmaR def pisigmaS (cName: String, p: StrNum => Boolean): Relation = { val nu = getMeta (cName) val newCol = Vector (col (nu._1).asInstanceOf [VectorS].filter (p)) new Relation (name + "_s_" + ucount (), nu._2, newCol, nu._3, nu._4) } // pisigmaS //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get meta-data about the column with name 'cName'. * @param cName the name of the column */ private def getMeta (cName: String): (Int, Seq [String], Int, String) = { val cn = colMap (cName) // column position (cn, Seq (cName), if (cn == key) key else -1, projectD (domain, Seq (cn))) } // getMeta // ================================================================== SELECT //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select elements from columns in 'cName' in 'this' relation that satisfy * the predicate 'p'. * @param cName the name of the column used for selection * @param p the predicate (`Boolean` function) to be satisfied */ def select [T : ClassTag] (cName: String, p: T => Boolean): Relation = { if (domain != null) { domain(colMap (cName)) match { case 'C' | 'c' | 'χ' => selectAt (selectC (cName, p.asInstanceOf [Complex => Boolean])) case 'D' | 'd' | 'δ' => selectAt (selectD (cName, p.asInstanceOf [Double => Boolean])) case 'I' | 'i' | 'ι' => selectAt (selectI (cName, p.asInstanceOf [Int => Boolean])) case 'L' | 'l' | 'λ' => selectAt (selectL (cName, p.asInstanceOf [Long => Boolean])) case 'Q' | 'q' | 'ϟ' => selectAt (selectQ (cName, p.asInstanceOf [Rational => Boolean])) case 'R' | 'r' | 'ρ' => selectAt (selectR (cName, p.asInstanceOf [Real => Boolean])) case 'S' | 's' | 'σ' => selectAt (selectS (cName, p.asInstanceOf [StrNum => Boolean])) case 'T' | 't' | 'τ' => selectAt (selectT (cName, p.asInstanceOf [TimeNum => Boolean])) case _ => { flaw ("sigma", "predicate type not supported"); null } } // match } else { flaw ("select", "optional domains not given - use type specific sigma?") null } // if } // select //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select elements from columns in 'cName' in 'this' relation that satisfy * the predicate 'p'. * @param cName the name of the column used for selection * @param p the predicate (`Boolean` function) to be satisfied */ def sigmaC (cName: String, p: Complex => Boolean): Relation = selectAt (selectC (cName, p)) def sigmaD (cName: String, p: Double => Boolean): Relation = selectAt (selectD (cName, p)) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The parellel version of 'selectD'. * FIX - move to .par package * @param cName column to select on * @param p predicate to select */ def sigmaDpar (cName: String, p: Double => Boolean): Relation = { val filtercol = new scalation.linalgebra.par.VectorD (col (colMap (cName)).asInstanceOf [VectorD].toArray) selectAt (filtercol.filterPos (p)) } // sigmaDpar def sigmaI (cName: String, p: Int => Boolean): Relation = selectAt (selectI (cName, p)) def sigmaL (cName: String, p: Long => Boolean): Relation = selectAt (selectL (cName, p)) def sigmaQ (cName: String, p: Rational => Boolean): Relation = selectAt (selectQ (cName, p)) def sigmaR (cName: String, p: Real => Boolean): Relation = selectAt (selectR (cName, p)) def sigmaS (cName: String, p: StrNum => Boolean): Relation = selectAt (selectS (cName, p)) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select the positions of elements from columns in 'cName' in 'this' relation * that satisfy the predicate 'p'. * @param cName the name of the column used for selection * @param p the predicate (`Boolean` function) to be satisfied */ def selectC (cName: String, p: Complex => Boolean): Seq [Int] = { col (colMap (cName)).asInstanceOf [VectorC].filterPos (p) } // selectC def selectD (cName: String, p: Double => Boolean): Seq [Int] = { col (colMap (cName)).asInstanceOf [VectorD].filterPos (p) } // selectD def selectI (cName: String, p: Int => Boolean): Seq [Int] = { col (colMap (cName)).asInstanceOf [VectorI].filterPos (p) } // selectI def selectL (cName: String, p: Long => Boolean): Seq [Int] = { col (colMap (cName)).asInstanceOf [VectorL].filterPos (p) } // selectL def selectQ (cName: String, p: Rational => Boolean): Seq [Int] = { col (colMap (cName)).asInstanceOf [VectorQ].filterPos (p) } // selectQ def selectR (cName: String, p: Real => Boolean): Seq [Int] = { col (colMap (cName)).asInstanceOf [VectorR].filterPos (p) } // selectR def selectS (cName: String, p: StrNum => Boolean): Seq [Int] = { col (colMap (cName)).asInstanceOf [VectorS].filterPos (p) } // selectS def selectT (cName: String, p: TimeNum => Boolean): Seq [Int] = { col (colMap (cName)).asInstanceOf [VectorT].filterPos (p) } // selectT //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select across all columns at the specified column positions. * @param pos the specified column positions */ def selectAt (pos: Seq [Int]): Relation = { val newCol = (for (j <- col.indices) yield Vec.select (col(j), pos)).toVector new Relation (name + "_s_" + ucount (), colName, newCol, key, domain) } // selectAt // =========================================================== SET OPERATORS //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Union 'this' relation and 'r2'. Check that the two relations are compatible. * If they are not, return the first 'this' relation. * @param r2 the other relation */ def union (r2: Table): Relation = { if (incompatible (r2)) return this // take only this relation // if (col(0) == null) return if (r2.col(0) == null) null else r2 // else if (r2.col(0) == null) return this val newCol = (for (j <- col.indices) yield Vec.++ (col(j), r2.columns(j))) new Relation (name + "_u_" + ucount (), colName, newCol.toVector, -1, domain) } // union //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Intersect 'this' relation and 'r2'. Check that the two relations are compatible. * Use index to finish intersect operation. * @param _r2 the other relation */ def intersect (_r2: Table): Relation = { val r2 = _r2.asInstanceOf [Relation] if (incompatible (r2)) return null val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (colName.length) (null) val r3 = new Relation (name + "_u_" + ucount (), colName, newCol, -1, domain) for (i <- orderedIndex.indices) { if (r2.keytoIndex isDefinedAt orderedIndex(i)) { if (row(i) sameElements r2.row(r2.keytoIndex (orderedIndex(i)))) r3.add_ni (row(i)) } // if } // for r3.materialize () } // intersect //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Intersect 'this' relation and 'r2'. Check that the two relations are compatible. * Use index to finish intersect operation. Superceded by method above. * @param _r2 the other relation * def intersect (_r2: Table): Relation = { val r2 = _r2.asInstanceOf [Relation] if (incompatible (r2)) return null val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (colName.length)(null) val r3 = new Relation (name + "_u_" + ucount (), colName, newCol, -1, domain) for (key <- orderedIndex) { if (r2.orderedIndex contains key) { val thisrow = index(key) if (thisrow sameElements (r2.index(key))) r3.add_ni (thisrow) } // if } // for r3.materialize () } // intersect */ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Intersect 'this' relation and 'r2'. Check that the two relations are compatible. * Slower and only to be used if there is no index. * @param r2 the other relation */ def intersect2 (r2: Table): Relation = { if (incompatible (r2)) return null val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (colName.length)(null) val r3 = new Relation (name + "_u_" + ucount (), colName, newCol.toVector, -1, domain) for (i <- 0 until rows if r2 contains row(i)) r3.add (row(i)) r3.materialize () } // intersect2 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Take the difference of 'this' relation and 'r2' ('this - r2'). Check that * the two relations are compatible. * @param r2 the other relation */ def minus (r2: Table): Relation = { if (incompatible (r2)) return null val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (colName.length)(null) val r3 = new Relation (name + "_m_" + ucount (), colName, newCol, key, domain) for (i <- 0 until rows if ! (r2 contains row(i))) r3.add (row(i)) r3.materialize () } // minus //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Determine whether 'this' relation and 'r2' are incompatible by having * differing numbers of columns or differing domain strings. * @param r2 the other relation/table */ def incompatible (r2: Table): Boolean = { if (cols != r2.cols) { flaw ("incompatible", s"${this.name} and r2 have differing number of columns") true } else if (domains != r2.domains) { flaw ("incompatible", "${this.name} and r2 have differing domain strings") true } else { false } // if } // incompatible // ================================================================= PRODUCT //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the Cartesian product of this' relation and 'r2' ('this × r2'). * @param r2 the second relation */ def product (r2: Table): Relation = { val ncols = cols + r2.cols val newCName = disambiguate (colName, r2.colNames) val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (ncols) (null) val newKey = key // FIX val newDomain = domain + r2.domains val r3 = new Relation (name + "_j_" + ucount (), newCName, newCol, newKey, newDomain) for (i <- 0 until rows) { val t = row(i) for (j <- 0 until r2.rows) r3.add (t ++ r2.row(j)) } // for r3.materialize () } // product // ==================================================================== JOIN //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Join 'this' relation and 'r2' by performing an "equi-join". Rows from both * relations are compared requiring 'cName1' values to equal 'cName2' values. * Disambiguate column names by appending "2" to the end of any duplicate column name. * FIX - only allows single attribute in join condition * @param cName1 the join column names of this relation (e.g., the Foreign Key) * @param cName2 the join column names of relation r2 (e.g., the Primary Key) * @param r2 the rhs relation in the join operation */ def join (cName1: Seq [String], cName2: Seq [String], r2: Table): Relation = { val ncols = cols + r2.cols val cp1 = cName1.map (colMap (_)) // get column positions in 'this' val cp2 = cName2.map (r2.colsMap (_)) // get column positions in 'r2' if (cp1.length != cp2.length) flaw ("join", "incompatible sizes on match columns") val newCName = disambiguate (colName, r2.colNames) val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (ncols) (null) val newKey = key // FIX val newDomain = domain + r2.domains val r3 = new Relation (name + "_j_" + ucount (), newCName, newCol, newKey, newDomain) for (i <- 0 until rows) { val t = row(i) for (j <- 0 until r2.rows) { val u = r2.row(j) if (sameOn (t, u, cp1, cp2)) r3.add (t ++ u) } // for } // for r3.materialize () } // join //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Join 'this' relation and 'r2' by performing an "equi-join", use index to join * FIX - only allows single attribute in join condition * @param cName1 the join column names of this relation (e.g., the Foreign Key) * @param cName2 the join column names of relation r2 (e.g., the Primary Key) * @param _r2 the rhs relation in the join operation */ def joinindex (cName1: Seq [String], cName2: Seq [String], _r2: Table): Relation = { val r2 = _r2.asInstanceOf [Relation] val ncols = cols + r2.cols val cp1 = cName1.map (colMap (_)) // get column positions in 'this' val cp2 = cName2.map (r2.colMap (_)) // get column positions in 'r2' if (cp1.length != cp2.length) flaw ("join", "incompatible sizes on match columns") val newCName = disambiguate (colName, r2.colName) val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (ncols)(null) val newKey = if (r2.key == cp2(0)) key // foreign key in this relation else if (key == cp1(0)) r2.key // foreign key in r2 table else -1 // key not in join and composite keys not allowed val newDomain = domain + r2.domains val r3 = new Relation (name + "_j_" + ucount (), newCName, newCol, newKey, newDomain) if (cp1.size == 1 && cp2.size == 1) { if (key == cp1(0) && r2.key == cp2(0)) { for (k <- orderedIndex) { val t = index(k) val u = r2.index.getOrElse (k, null) if (u != null) r3.add_ni (t ++ u) } // for } else if (key == cp1(0)) { for (idx <- r2.orderedIndex) { val u = r2.index(idx) val t = index.getOrElse (new KeyType (u(cp2(0))), null) if (t != null) r3.add_ni (t ++ u) r3.add_ni(t ++ u) } // for } else if (r2.key == cp2(0)) { for (idx <- orderedIndex) { val t = index(idx) val u = r2.index.getOrElse (new KeyType (t(cp1(0))), null) if (u != null) r3.add_ni (t ++ u) } // for } // if } // if r3.materialize () } // joinindex //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Join 'this' relation and 'r2' by performing a "natural-join". Rows from both * relations are compared requiring 'cName' values to be equal. * @param cName the common join column names for both relation * @param _r2 the rhs relation in the join operation */ def join (cName: Seq [String], _r2: Table): Relation = { val r2 = _r2.asInstanceOf [Relation] val ncols = cols + r2.cols - cName.length val cp1 = cName.map (colMap (_)) // get column positions in 'this' val cp2 = cName.map (r2.colMap (_)) // get column positions in 'r2' val cp3 = r2.colName.map (r2.colMap (_)) diff cp2 // 'r2' specific columns val newCName = uniq_union (colName, r2.colName) val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (ncols) (null) val newKey = key // FIX val newDomain = domain + r2.domains val r3 = new Relation (name + "_j_" + ucount (), newCName, newCol, newKey, newDomain) for (i <- 0 until rows) { val t = row(i) for (j <- 0 until r2.rows) { val u = r2.row(j) if (sameOn (t, u, cp1, cp2)) { val u3 = TableObj.project (u, cp3); r3.add (t ++ u3) } } // for } // for r3.materialize () } // join //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The theta join, handle the predicates in where are connect by "and" (where a....and b....). * @param _r2 the second relation * @param p0 the first theta join predicate (r1 cName, r2 cName, predicate to compare these two column) * @param p the rest of theta join predicates (r1 cName, r2 cName, predicates to compare these two column) */ def join [T] (_r2: Table, p0: Predicate2 [T], p: Predicate2 [T]*): Relation = { val r2 = _r2.asInstanceOf [Relation] val ncols = cols + r2.cols val newCName = disambiguate (colName, r2.colName) val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (ncols) (null) val newKey = key // FIX val newDomain = domain + r2.domain val r3 = new Relation (name + "_j_" + ucount (), newCName, newCol, newKey, newDomain, null) var resultlist = Seq [(Int, Int)] () for (i <- 0 to p.size) { var result = Seq [(Int, Int)] () val p_i = if (i == 0) p0 else p(i-1) val cp1 = colMap (p_i._1) val cp2 = r2.colMap (p_i._2) if (domain.charAt (cp1) != r2.domain.charAt (cp2)) flaw ("join", "differing domain strings") val psingle = p_i._3 // single predicate domain (colMap(p_i._1)) match { case 'C' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [VectorC].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [VectorC], psingle.asInstanceOf [(Complex, Complex) => Boolean]) case 'D' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [VectorD].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [VectorD], psingle.asInstanceOf [(Double, Double) => Boolean]) case 'I' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [VectorI].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [VectoI], psingle.asInstanceOf [(Int, Int) => Boolean]) case 'L' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [VectorL].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [VectorL], psingle.asInstanceOf [(Long, Long) => Boolean]) case 'Q' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [VectorQ].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [VectorQ], psingle.asInstanceOf [(Rational, Rational) => Boolean]) case 'R' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [VectorR].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [VectorR], psingle.asInstanceOf [(Real, Real) => Boolean]) case 'S' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [VectorS].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [VectorS], psingle.asInstanceOf [(StrNum, StrNum) => Boolean]) case 'T' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [VectorT].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [VectorT], psingle.asInstanceOf [(TimeNum, TimeNum) => Boolean]) case 'c' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [RleVectorC].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [RleVectorC], psingle.asInstanceOf [(Complex, Complex) => Boolean]) case 'd' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [RleVectorD].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [RleVectorD], psingle.asInstanceOf [(Double, Double) => Boolean]) case 'i' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [RleVectorI].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [RleVectorI], psingle.asInstanceOf [(Int, Int) => Boolean]) case 'l' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [RleVectorL].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [RleVectorL], psingle.asInstanceOf [(Long, Long) => Boolean]) case 'q' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [RleVectorQ].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [RleVectorQ], psingle.asInstanceOf [(Rational, Rational) => Boolean]) case 'r' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [RleVectorR].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [RleVectorR], psingle.asInstanceOf [(Real, Real) => Boolean]) case 's' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [RleVectorS].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [RleVectorS], psingle.asInstanceOf [(StrNum, StrNum) => Boolean]) case 't' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [RleVectorT].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [RleVectorT], psingle.asInstanceOf [(TimeNum, TimeNum) => Boolean]) case 'χ' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [SparseVectorC].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [SparseVectorC], psingle.asInstanceOf [(Complex, Complex) => Boolean]) case 'δ' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [SparseVectorD].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [SparseVectorD], psingle.asInstanceOf [(Double, Double) => Boolean]) case 'ι' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [SparseVectorI].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [SparseVectorI], psingle.asInstanceOf [(Int, Int) => Boolean]) case 'λ' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [SparseVectorL].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [SparseVectorL], psingle.asInstanceOf [(Long, Long) => Boolean]) case 'ϟ' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [SparseVectorQ].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [SparseVectorQ], psingle.asInstanceOf [(Rational, Rational) => Boolean]) case 'ρ' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [SparseVectorR].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [SparseVectorR], psingle.asInstanceOf [(Real, Real) => Boolean]) case 'σ' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [SparseVectorS].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [SparseVectorS], psingle.asInstanceOf [(StrNum, StrNum) => Boolean]) case 'τ' => result = col(cp1).asInstanceOf [SparseVectorT].filterPos2 (r2.col (cp2).asInstanceOf [SparseVectorT], psingle.asInstanceOf [(TimeNum, TimeNum) => Boolean]) case _ => flaw ("join", "domain string is missing"); null } // match if (DEBUG) println (s"join: after predicate $i: result = $result") resultlist = if (i == 0) result else resultlist intersect result } // for val smallmapbig = resultlist.groupBy (_._1) for (i <- smallmapbig.keySet.toVector.sorted) { val t = if (key < 0) index(KeyType(i)) else index(indextoKey(i)) val bigindexs = smallmapbig (i).map (x => x._2) for (j <- bigindexs) { val u = if (r2.key < 0) r2.index(KeyType (j)) else r2.index(r2.indextoKey(j)) r3.add (t ++ u) } // for } // for r3.materialize () } // join //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Join 'this' relation and 'r2' by performing an "left-join". Rows from both * relations are compared requiring 'cName1' values to equal 'cName2' values. * Disambiguate column names by appending "2" to the end of any duplicate column name. * All rows from the left table are maintained with missing values indicators used * where needed. * @param cName1 the join column names of this relation (e.g., the Foreign Key) * @param cName2 the join column names of relation r2 (e.g., the Primary Key) * @param r2 the rhs relation in the join operation */ def leftJoin (cName1: String, cName2: String, r2: Table): Relation = { leftJoin (colMap (cName1), colMap (cName2), r2.asInstanceOf [Relation]) } // leftJoin //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Join 'this' relation and 'r2' by performing a "left join". Rows from both * relations are compared requiring 'cp1' values to equal 'cp2' values. * This method returns all the rows from 'this' relation, and the matched rows * from relation 'r2'. It adds a 'null' tuples for the unmatched rows of relation 'r2' * FIX: It requires relations 'this' and 'r2' to be sorted on column 'cp1' and 'cp2' resp., as it uses Sort-Merge join * @param cp1 the position of the join column of this relation * @param cp2 the position of the join column of 'r2' relation * @param r2 the rhs relation in the join operation */ def leftJoin (cp1: Int, cp2: Int, r2: Relation): Relation = { val r3 = Relation (name + "_leftJoin_" + r2.name, key, domain + r2.domain,(colName ++ r2.colName):_*) val absentTuple = nullTuple (r2.domain) var j = 0 for (i <- 0 until rows) { val t = row(i) val t_cp1 = t(cp1) while (j < r2.rows-1 && <(Vec (r2.col(cp2), j), t_cp1)) j += 1 val j_aux = j if (t_cp1 == r2.row(j)(cp2)) { while (j < r2.rows && Vec (r2.col(cp2), j) == t_cp1) { val u = r2.row(j) r3.add_ni (t ++ u) j += 1 } // while j = j_aux } else r3.add_ni (t ++ absentTuple) } // for r3.materialize2 () } // leftJoin //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Join 'this' relation and 'r2' by performing a "right join". Rows from both * relations are compared requiring 'cp1' values to equal 'cp2' values. * This method returns all the rows from 'this' relation, and the matched rows * from relation 'r2'. It adds a 'null' tuples for the unmatched rows of relation 'r2' * @param cp1 the position of the join column of this relation * @param cp2 the position of the join column of 'r2' relation * @param r2 the rhs relation in the join operation */ def rightJoin (cp1: Int, cp2: Int, r2: Relation): Relation = { r2.leftJoin (cp2, cp1, this) } // rightJoin //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Join 'this' relation and 'r2' by performing an "apprimate left-join". Rows from both * relations are compared requiring 'cName1' values to apprximately equal 'cName2' values. * Disambiguate column names by appending "2" to the end of any duplicate column name. * All rows from the left table are maintained with missing values indicators used * where needed. * @param thres the approximate equality threshold * @param cName1 the join column names of this relation (e.g., the Foreign Key) * @param cName2 the join column names of relation r2 (e.g., the Primary Key) * @param r2 the rhs relation in the join operation */ def leftJoin (thres: Double = 0.001) (cName1: String, cName2: String, r2: Table): Relation = { setThreshold (thres) leftJoinApx (colMap (cName1), colMap (cName2), r2.asInstanceOf [Relation]) } // leftJoin //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Join 'this' relation and 'r2' by performing a "left join". Rows from both * relations are compared requiring 'cp1' values to approximately equal 'cp2' values. * This method returns all the rows from 'this' relation, and the matched rows * from relation 'r2'. It adds a 'null' tuples for the unmatched rows of relation 'r2' * FIX: It requires relations 'this' and 'r2' to be sorted on column 'cp1' and 'cp2' resp., * as it uses Sort-Merge join * @param cp1 the position of the join column of this relation * @param cp2 the position of the join column of 'r2' relation * @param r2 the rhs relation in the join operation */ def leftJoinApx (cp1: Int, cp2: Int, r2: Relation): Relation = { val r3 = Relation (name + "_leftJoinApx_" + r2.name, 1, domain + r2.domain, (colName ++ r2.colName):_*) val absentTuple = nullTuple (r2.domain) var j = 0 for (i <- 0 until rows) { val t = row(i) val t_cp1 = t(cp1) while (j < r2.rows-1 && !=~ (Vec (r2.col(cp2), j), t_cp1) && < (Vec (r2.col(cp2), j), t_cp1)) j += 1 val j_aux = j if (=~ (t_cp1, r2.row(j)(cp2))) { while (j < r2.rows && =~ (Vec (r2.col(cp2), j), t_cp1)) { val u = r2.row(j) r3.add_ni (t ++ u) j += 1 } // while j = j_aux } else r3.add_ni (t ++ absentTuple) } // for r3.materialize2 () } // leftJoinApx //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Join 'this' relation and 'r2' by performing a "right join". Rows from both * relations are compared requiring 'cp1' values to approximately equal 'cp2' values. * This method returns all the rows from 'this' relation, and the matched rows * from relation 'r2'. It adds a 'null' tuples for the unmatched rows of relation 'r2' * @param cp1 the position of the join column of this relation * @param cp2 the position of the join column of 'r2' relation * @param r2 the rhs relation in the join operation */ def rightJoinApx (cp1: Int, cp2: Int, r2: Relation): Relation = { r2.leftJoinApx (cp2, cp1, this) } // rightJoinApx //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Parallel Join 'this' relation and 'r2' by performing an equi join on cName1 = cName2 and into k -threads * seperate the lhs into k part join with rhs. * FIX - move to .par package * @param cName1 the join column names of lhs relation * @param cName2 the join column names of rhs relation * @param _r2 the rhs relation in the join operation * @param k parallel run into k parts */ def parjoin (cName1: Seq [String], cName2: Seq [String], _r2: Relation, k: Int): Relation = { // make the join into k parts of outer table join with inner table // outer table is the one without index, partition on the outer table, inner table use index to loop through val r2 = _r2.asInstanceOf [Relation] val cp1 = cName1.map (colMap (_)) // get column positions in 'this' val cp2 = cName2.map (r2.colMap (_)) // get column positions in 'r2' var futurelist: IndexedSeq [Future [Relation]] = null if (key == cp1(0)) futurelist = // use left table as inner table (partition on outer table) for (i <- 1 to k) yield Future { r2.parjoinsmall (cName1, cName2, this, i, k) } else if (r2.key == cp2(0)) futurelist = for (i <- 1 to k) yield Future { parjoinsmall (cName1, cName2, r2, i, k) } val waitduration = 190.millisecond // Need to be FIXED, should be partial to (rows /k) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: def recur (r1: Relation, kth: Int, relationList: ArrayBuffer [Relation]): Relation = { if (kth == relationList.size - 1) r1 union relationList(kth) else if (r1 != null) recur (r1 union relationList(kth), kth + 1, relationList) else recur (relationList(kth), kth + 1, relationList) } // recur //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // union the tables together 2 as a group from result of the futurelist def foldhalf (fl: IndexedSeq [Future [Relation]]): Relation = { val relationList = ArrayBuffer [Relation] () for (i <- 0 until fl.size) relationList += Await.result(fl(i), waitduration) recur (relationList(0), 1, relationList) } // foldhalf foldhalf (futurelist) } // parjoin //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The 'parjoinsmall' method serves as the core part for parjoin function, do the * nth part of the parellel join returning the relation of join of two tables. * FIX - move to .par package * @param cName1 the join column names of lhs relation * @param cName2 the join column names of rhs relation * @param _r2 the rhs relation in the join operation * @param nth the nth part of the parallel join * @param n parallel run into k parts */ private def parjoinsmall (cName1: Seq [String], cName2: Seq [String], _r2: Table, nth: Int, n: Int): Relation = { val r2 = _r2.asInstanceOf [Relation] val ncols = cols + r2.cols val cp1 = cName1.map (colMap (_)) // get column positions in 'this' val cp2 = cName2.map (r2.colMap (_)) // get column positions in 'r2' if (cp1.length != cp2.length) flaw ("join", "incompatible sizes on match columns") val newCName = disambiguate (colName, r2.colName) val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (ncols) (null) val newKey = key // FIX val newDomain = domain + r2.domain val r3 = new Relation (name + "_j_" + ucount (), newCName, newCol, newKey, newDomain) val start = rows/n * (nth-1) val end = if (nth == n) rows-1 else rows/n*nth - 1 if (cp1.size == 1 && cp2.size == 1) { if (key == cp1(0) && r2.key == cp2(0)) { for (k <- orderedIndex.slice (start, end + 1)) { val t = index(k) val u = r2.index.getOrElse(k, null) if (u != null) r3.add_ni (t ++ u) } //for } // if // partition the left table for (i <- start until end+1) { val t = row(i) val u = r2.index.getOrElse(new KeyType (t(cp1(0))), null) if (u != null) r3.add_ni (t ++ u) } // for } // if r3.materialize () } // parjoinsmall // ================================================================ GROUP BY //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Group 'this' relation by the specified column names, returning 'this' relation. * @param cName the group column names */ def groupBy (cName: String*): Relation = { if (! cName.map (c => colName contains(c)).reduceLeft (_ && _)) flaw ("groupBy", "groupbyName used to groupby doesn't exist in the cName") val equivCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (colName.length)(null) if (rows == 0) return this val cPos = cName.map (colMap (_)) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /* Sort on the given columns. * @param sortColumn the set of columns to sort on */ def sortcol (sortColumn: Set [Any]): Vec = { var colcol: Vec = null val domain = null // for (x <- sortColumn) colcol = Vec.:+ (colcol, x, domain, 0) for (x <- sortColumn) colcol = Vec.:+ (colcol, x) colcol match { case _: VectoC => val sortcol = colcol.asInstanceOf [VectoC]; sortcol.sort (); sortcol case _: VectoD => val sortcol = colcol.asInstanceOf [VectoD]; sortcol.sort (); sortcol case _: VectoI => val sortcol = colcol.asInstanceOf [VectoI]; sortcol.sort (); sortcol case _: VectoL => val sortcol = colcol.asInstanceOf [VectoL]; sortcol.sort (); sortcol case _: VectoQ => val sortcol = colcol.asInstanceOf [VectoQ]; sortcol.sort (); sortcol case _: VectoR => val sortcol = colcol.asInstanceOf [VectoR]; sortcol.sort (); sortcol case _: VectoS => val sortcol = colcol.asInstanceOf [VectoS]; sortcol.sort (); sortcol case _: VectoT => val sortcol = colcol.asInstanceOf [VectoT]; sortcol.sort (); sortcol case _ => flaw ("sortcol", s"vector type ${colcol.getClass} not supported"); null.asInstanceOf [Vec] } // match } // sortcol var groupIndexMap = Map [Any, Vector [KeyType]] () val tempIndexMap = Map [Any, Vector [KeyType]] () var sortlst: Vec = null for (i <- cPos.indices) { if (i == 0) { index.foreach (indexmap => { val key = StrNum (indexmap._2(cPos(i)).toString) val value = indexmap._1 if (groupIndexMap contains key) groupIndexMap += key -> (groupIndexMap(key) :+ value) else groupIndexMap += key -> Vector(value) }) // foreach } else { tempIndexMap.clear () groupIndexMap.foreach (groupindexmap => { val tempidxlist = groupindexmap._2 for (idx <- tempidxlist) { val key = StrNum(groupindexmap._1.toString + "," + index(idx)(cPos(i))) val value = idx if (tempIndexMap.contains(key)) tempIndexMap += key -> (tempIndexMap(key) :+ value) else tempIndexMap += key -> Vector(value) } // for }) // for each groupIndexMap = tempIndexMap } // if if (i == cPos.size - 1) { orderedIndex = Vector () grouplist = Vector [Int] () sortlst = sortcol(groupIndexMap.keySet.toSet) for (k <- 0 until sortlst.size) { val indexes = groupIndexMap(Vec(sortlst, k)) orderedIndex = orderedIndex ++ indexes grouplist = grouplist :+ orderedIndex.length } // for } // if } // for this } // groupby // ================================================================= ORDER BY //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Order (ascending) the rows in the relation by the selected columns '_cName'. * A stable sorting is used to allow sorting on multiple columns. * @param _cName the column names that are to be sorted */ def orderBy (_cName: String*): Relation = { val cName = _cName.distinct if (! cName.map (c => colName contains (c)).reduceLeft (_ && _)) flaw ("orderBy", "cName used to orderBy does not exist in relation") val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (cols)(null) val r2 = new Relation (name + "_j_" + ucount (), colName, newCol, key, domain) val perm = orderByHelper (cName.map (colMap (_)), rows) for (i <- perm) r2.add (row(i)) r2.materialize () } // orderBy //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Order (descending) the rows in the relation by the selected columns '_cName'. * A stable sorting is used to allow sorting on multiple columns. * @param _cName the column names that are to be sorted */ def reverseOrderBy (_cName: String*): Relation = { val cName = _cName.distinct if (! cName.map (c => colName contains (c)).reduceLeft (_ && _)) flaw ("orderBy", "cName used to orderBy does not exist in relation") val newCol = Vector.fill [Vec] (cols) (null) val r2 = new Relation (name + "_j_" + ucount (), colName, newCol, key, domain) val perm = orderByHelper (cName.map (colMap (_)), rows) for (i <- perm.reverse) r2.add (row(i)) r2.materialize () } // reverseOrderBy //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Helper method for 'orderBy' and 'reverseOrderBy'. Performs indirect merge sort. * @param cPos sequence of column positions to sort * @param n total number of rows in this Relation */ private def orderByHelper (cPos: Seq [Int], n: Int = rows): Array [Int] = { var perm: Array [Int] = null for (i <- cPos.indices) { val col_i: Array [Any] = col (cPos(i)) match { case _: VectorC => col(cPos(i)).asInstanceOf [VectorC]().toArray case _: VectorD => col(cPos(i)).asInstanceOf [VectorD]().toArray case _: VectorI => col(cPos(i)).asInstanceOf [VectorI]().toArray case _: VectorL => col(cPos(i)).asInstanceOf [VectorL]().toArray case _: VectorQ => col(cPos(i)).asInstanceOf [VectorQ]().toArray case _: VectorR => col(cPos(i)).asInstanceOf [VectorR]().toArray case _: VectorS => col(cPos(i)).asInstanceOf [VectorS]().toArray case _: VectorT => col(cPos(i)).asInstanceOf [VectorT]().toArray } // match perm = if (i == 0) (new MergeSortIndirect (col_i)()).isort () else (new MergeSortIndirect (col_i)(perm)).isort () }// for perm } // orderByHelper // ================================================================ COMPRESS //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compress the selected columns 'cName' in 'this' table. * @param cName the names of the columns to be compressed */ def compress (cName: String*) { for (c <- cName) { val i = colMap (c) // col(i).compress () // FIX - add compress to Vec } // for } // compress //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Uncompress the selected columns 'cName' in 'this' table. * @param cName the names of the columns to be uncompressed */ def uncompress (cName: String*) { for (c <- cName) { val i = colMap (c) // col(i).uncompress () // FIX - add uncompress to Vec } // for } // uncompress // ================================================================= UPDATES //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Add 'tuple' to 'this' relation as a new row. * FIX: want an efficient, covariant, mutable data structure, but `Array` is invariant. * @param tuple an aggregation of columns values (new row) * @param typ the string of corresponding types, e.g., 'SDI' * def add (tuple: Row) { col = (for (j <- tuple.indices) yield try { Vec.:+ (col(j), tuple(j)) } catch { case cce: ClassCastException => println (s"add: for column $j of tuple $tuple"); throw cce } // try ).toVector } // add */ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Add 'tuple' to 'this' relation as a new row. It uses 'col2' as a temp 'col' * to improve performance. * @param tuple an aggregation of columns values (new row) * @param typ the string of corresponding types, e.g., 'SDI' */ @throws (classOf [Exception]) def add (tuple: Row) { try { if (tuple == null) throw new Exception ("add function: tuple is null") val rowindex = col2(0).length val newkey = if (key < 0) new KeyType (rowindex) else new KeyType (tuple(key)) index += newkey -> tuple keytoIndex += newkey -> rowindex orderedIndex = orderedIndex :+ newkey indextoKey += rowindex -> newkey for (i <- tuple.indices) col2(i).update (rowindex, tuple(i)) } catch { case ex: NullPointerException => println ("tuple'size is: " + tuple.size) println ("col'size is: " + col.size) throw ex } // try } // add //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Add 'tuple' to 'this' relation as a new row. It is slower than 'add' method. * Type is determined by sampling values for columns. * @param tuple an aggregation of columns values (new row) * def add_2 (tuple: Row) { index += new KeyType (tuple(key))-> tuple // hashmap way keytoIndex += new KeyType (tuple(key)) ->rows col = (for (j <- tuple.indices) yield try { // Vec.:+ (col(j), StrNum (tuple(j).toString), domain, j) // FIX - allow this option Vec.:+ (col(j), StrNum (tuple(j).toString)) } catch { case cce: ClassCastException => println (s"add: for column $j of tuple $tuple"); throw cce } // try ).toVector } // add_2 */ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Add a tuple into the 'col2', without maintaining the index (No Index (ni), * orderedIndex, keytoIndex and indextoKey. * @param tuple the tuple to add */ private def add_ni (tuple: Row) { val rowindex = col2(0).length for (i <- tuple.indices) col2(i).update (rowindex, tuple(i)) } // add_ni //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Materialize function copy the temporary 'col2' into 'col'. It needs to be called * by the end of the relation construction. */ private [columnar_db] def materialize (): Relation = { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /* Transform the j-th column to the appropriate vector type. * @param j the j-th column index in the relation */ def transform (j: Int): Vec = { val first = col2(j)(0) if (first != null) col2(j).reduceToSize (col2(j).size) first match { case _: Complex => val rs = VectorC (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Complex]]); col2(j).clear (); rs case _: Double => val rs = VectorD (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Double]]); col2(j).clear (); rs case _: Int => val rs = VectorI (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Int]]); col2(j).clear (); rs case _: Long => val rs = VectorL (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Long]]); col2(j).clear (); rs case _: Rational => val rs = VectorQ (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Rational]]); col2(j).clear (); rs case _: Real => val rs = VectorR (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Real]]); col2(j).clear (); rs case _: StrNum => val rs = VectorS (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [StrNum]]); col2(j).clear (); rs case _: String => val rs = VectorS (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [String]].toArray); col2(j).clear (); rs case _: TimeNum => val rs = VectorT (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [TimeNum]]); col2(j).clear (); rs case _ => flaw ("materialize.transform", s"($j): vector type ($first) not supported"); null } // match } // transform // if (DEBUG) println (s"materialize: col2 = $col2") col = (for (j <- col.indices) yield transform(j)).toVector this } // materialize //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Materialize2 function copy the temporary 'col2' into 'col'. It needs to be * called by the end of the relation construction. It uses domain to transform * the 'col2' to 'col' according to the domain indicator: *

* Dense: 'C', 'D', 'I', 'L'. 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T' * Compressed: 'c', 'd', 'i', 'l', 'q', 'r', 's', 't' * Sparse: 'χ', 'δ', 'ι', 'λ', 'ϟ', 'ρ', 'σ', 'τ' *

*/ private [columnar_db] def materialize2 (): Relation = { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /* Transform the j-th column to the appropriate vector type. * @param j the j-th column index in the relation */ def transform (j: Int): Vec = { val dj = domain(j) col2(j).reduceToSize (col2(j).size) dj match { // Upper case letter type/domain indictors for Dense Vectors case 'C' => val rs = VectorC (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Complex]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'D' => val rs = VectorD (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Double]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'I' => val rs = VectorI (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Int]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'L' => val rs = VectorL (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Long]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'Q' => val rs = VectorQ (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Rational]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'R' => val rs = VectorR (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Real]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'S' => val rs = VectorS (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [StrNum]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'T' => val rs = VectorT (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [TimeNum]]); col2(j).clear; rs // Lower case letter type/domain indictors for Compressed Vectors case 'c' => val rs = RleVectorC (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Complex]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'd' => val rs = RleVectorD (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Double]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'i' => val rs = RleVectorI (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Int]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'l' => val rs = RleVectorL (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Long]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'q' => val rs = RleVectorQ (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Rational]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'r' => val rs = RleVectorR (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Real]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 's' => val rs = RleVectorS (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [StrNum]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 't' => val rs = RleVectorT (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [TimeNum]]); col2(j).clear; rs // Lower case Greek letter type/domain indictors for Sparse Vectors // @see web.mit.edu/jmorzins/www/greek-alphabet.html // @see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters#Greek_and_Coptic case 'χ' => val rs = SparseVectorC (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Complex]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'δ' => val rs = SparseVectorD (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Double]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'ι' => val rs = SparseVectorI (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Int]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'λ' => val rs = SparseVectorL (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Long]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'ϟ' => val rs = SparseVectorQ (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Rational]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'ρ' => val rs = SparseVectorR (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [Real]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'σ' => val rs = SparseVectorS (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [StrNum]]); col2(j).clear; rs case 'τ' => val rs = SparseVectorT (col2(j).asInstanceOf [Seq [TimeNum]]); col2(j).clear; rs case _ => flaw ("materialize2.transform", s"($j) vector type not supported domain ($dj)"); null } // match } // transform // if (DEBUG) println (s"col2 = $col2") col = (for (j <- col.indices) yield transform (j)).toVector this } // materialize2 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Update the column named 'cName' using function 'func' for elements with * value 'matchStr'. * @param cName the name of the column to be updated * @param newVal the value used to assign updated values * @param matchVal the value to be matched to elements * @tparam T type of the column */ def update [T] (cName: String, newVal: T, matchVal: T) { val colPos = colMap(cName) val c = col(colPos) for (i <- 0 until c.size if Vec(c, i) == matchVal) Vec(c, i) = newVal } // update //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Update the column named 'cName' using function 'func' for elements with * value 'matchStr'. * @param cName the name of the column to be updated * @param func the function used to assign updated values * @param matchVal the value to be matched to elements * @tparam T type of the column */ def update [T] (cName: String, func: (T) => T, matchVal: T) { val colPos = colMap (cName) val c = col (colPos) for (i <- 0 until c.size if Vec(c, i) == matchVal) Vec(c, i) = func (Vec(c, i).asInstanceOf [T]) } // update //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Update the column named 'cName' using function 'func' for elements where * the predicate 'pred' evaluates to true. * @param cName the name of the column to be updated * @param func the function used to assign updated values * @param pred the predicated used to select elements for update * @tparam T type of the column */ def update [T] (cName: String, func: (T) => T, pred: (T) => Boolean) { val colPos = colMap (cName) val c = col (colPos) var pos = ArrayBuffer [Int] () for (i <- 0 until c.size) { val v_ci = Vec(c, i).asInstanceOf [T] if (pred (v_ci)) Vec(c, i) = func (v_ci) } // for } // update //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Delete the rows from 'this' relation that satisfy the predicates. * FIX - handle all 24 domain types * @param p tuple(1): column name, tuple(2): predicate (T => `Boolean`) * @tparam T the predicate type */ def delete [T] (p: Predicate [T]*): Relation = { null /* var pos = ArrayBuffer [Int] () for (i <- p.indices) { domain (colMap(p(i)._1)) match { case 'D' => val pos1 = col (colMap(p(i)._1)).asInstanceOf [VectorD].filterPos (p(i)._2.asInstanceOf [Double => Boolean]) if (i > 0) pos = pos intersect pos1 else pos ++= pos1 case 'I' => val pos1 = col (colMap(p(i)._1)).asInstanceOf [VectorI].filterPos (p(i)._2.asInstanceOf [Int => Boolean]) if (i > 0) pos = pos intersect pos1 else pos ++= pos1 case 'L' => val pos1 = col (colMap(p(i)._1)).asInstanceOf [VectorL].filterPos (p(i)._2.asInstanceOf [Long => Boolean]) if (i > 0) pos = pos intersect pos1 else pos ++= pos1 case 'S' => val pos1 = col (colMap(p(i)._1)).asInstanceOf [VectorS].filterPos (p(i)._2.asInstanceOf [StrNum => Boolean]) if (i > 0) pos = pos intersect pos1 else pos ++= pos1 case _ => flaw ("delete", "predicate type not supported") null } // match } // for val indices = Set (0 to rows-1 :_*) diff pos.toSet for (i <- 0 until cols) Vec.delete (col(i), pos.asInstanceOf [Seq [Int]]) selectAt (indices.toSeq.sorted) */ } // delete //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert 'this' relation into a string column by column. */ override def toString: String = { var sb = new StringBuilder ("Relation(" + name + ", " + key + ",\n" + colName + ",\n") for (i <- col.indices) sb.append (col(i) + "\n") sb.replace (sb.length-1, sb.length, ")").mkString } // toString //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Show 'this' relation row by row. * @param limit the limit on the number of rows to display */ def show (limit: Int = Int.MaxValue) { val wid = 18 // column width val rep = wid * colName.length // repetition = width * # columns val title = s"| Relation name = $name, key-column = $key " println (s"|-${"-"*rep}-|") println (title + " "*(rep-title.length) + " |") println (s"|-${"-"*rep}-|") print ("| "); for (cn <- colName) print (s"%${wid}s".format (cn)); println (" |") println (s"|-${"-"*rep}-|") for (i <- 0 until MIN (rows, limit)) { print ("| ") for (cv <- row(i)) { if (cv.isInstanceOf [Double]) print (s"%${wid}g".format (cv)) else print (s"%${wid}s".format (cv)) } // for println (" |") } // for println (s"|-${"-"*rep}-|") } // show //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Show 'this' relation's foreign keys. */ def showFk () { val wid = 18 // column width val rep = wid * colName.length // repetition = width * # columns val title = s"| Relation name = $name, foreign keys = " val fkline = s"| $fKeys " println (s"|-${"-"*rep}-|") println (title + " "*(rep-title.length) + " |") println (s"|-${"-"*rep}-|") println (fkline + " "*(rep-fkline.length) + " |") println (s"|-${"-"*rep}-|") } // showFk //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert 'this' relation into a matrix of doubles, e.g., *

* in the regression equation: 'xb = y' create matrix 'xy' *

* @param colPos the column positions to use for the matrix * @param kind the kind of matrix to create */ def toMatriD (colPos: Seq [Int], kind: MatrixKind = DENSE): MatriD = { val colVec = for (x <- project (colPos).col) yield Vec.toDouble (x) kind match { case DENSE => MatrixD (colVec) case SPARSE => SparseMatrixD (colVec) case SYM_TRIDIAGONAL => SymTriMatrixD (colVec) case BIDIAGONAL => BidMatrixD (colVec) case COMPRESSED => RleMatrixD (colVec) } // match } // toMatriD //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert 'this' relation into a matrix of doubles and a vector of doubles. *

* in the regression equation: 'xb = y' create matrix 'x' and vector 'y' *

* @param colPos the column positions to use for the matrix * @param colPosV the column position to use for the vector * @param kind the kind of matrix to create */ def toMatriDD (colPos: Seq [Int], colPosV: Int, kind: MatrixKind = DENSE): (MatriD, VectorD) = { val colVec = for (x <- project (colPos).col) yield Vec.toDouble (x) kind match { case DENSE => (MatrixD (colVec), Vec.toDouble (col(colPosV)).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorD]) case SPARSE => (SparseMatrixD (colVec), Vec.toDouble (col(colPosV)).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorD]) case SYM_TRIDIAGONAL => (SymTriMatrixD (colVec), Vec.toDouble (col(colPosV)).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorD]) case BIDIAGONAL => (BidMatrixD (colVec), Vec.toDouble (col(colPosV)).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorD]) case COMPRESSED => (RleMatrixD (colVec), Vec.toDouble (col(colPosV)).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorD]) } // match } // toMatriDD //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert 'this' relation into a matrix of doubles and a vector of integers. *

* in the regression equation: 'xb = y' create matrix 'x' and vector 'y' *

* @param colPos the column positions to use for the matrix * @param colPosV the column position to use for the vector * @param kind the kind of matrix to create */ def toMatriDI (colPos: Seq [Int], colPosV: Int, kind: MatrixKind = DENSE): (MatriD, VectorI) = { val colVec = for (x <- project (colPos).col) yield Vec.toDouble (x) kind match { case DENSE => (MatrixD (colVec), Vec.toInt (col(colPosV)).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorI]) case SPARSE => (SparseMatrixD (colVec), Vec.toInt (col(colPosV)).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorI]) case SYM_TRIDIAGONAL => (SymTriMatrixD (colVec), Vec.toInt (col(colPosV)).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorI]) case BIDIAGONAL => (BidMatrixD (colVec), Vec.toInt (col(colPosV)).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorI]) case COMPRESSED => (RleMatrixD (colVec), Vec.toInt (col(colPosV)).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorI]) } // match } // toMatriDI //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert 'this' relation into a matrix of integers. *

* in the regression equation: 'xb = y' create matrix 'xy' *

* @param colPos the column positions to use for the matrix * @param kind the kind of matrix to create */ def toMatriI (colPos: Seq [Int], kind: MatrixKind = DENSE): MatriI = { val colVec = for (x <- project (colPos).col) yield Vec.toInt (x) kind match { case DENSE => MatrixI (colVec) case SPARSE => SparseMatrixI (colVec) case SYM_TRIDIAGONAL => SymTriMatrixI (colVec) case BIDIAGONAL => BidMatrixI (colVec) case COMPRESSED => RleMatrixI (colVec) } // match } // toMatriI //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert 'this' relation into a matrix of integers. It will convert * doubles and strings to integers. *

* in the regression equation: 'xb = y' create matrix 'xy' *

* @param colPos the column positions to use for the matrix * @param kind the kind of matrix to create */ def toMatriI2 (colPos: Seq [Int] = null, kind: MatrixKind = DENSE): MatriI = { import Converter._ val cp = if (colPos == null) Seq.range(0, cols) else colPos val colVec = for (x <- project (cp).col) yield { try { Vec.toInt (x) } catch { case num: NumberFormatException => mapToInt (x.asInstanceOf [VectorS])._1 } // trys } // for kind match { case DENSE => MatrixI (colVec) case SPARSE => SparseMatrixI (colVec) case SYM_TRIDIAGONAL => SymTriMatrixI (colVec) case BIDIAGONAL => BidMatrixI (colVec) case COMPRESSED => RleMatrixI (colVec) } // match } // toMatriI2 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert 'this' relation into a matrix of integers and a vector of integers. *

* in the regression equation: 'xb = y' create matrix 'x' and vector 'y' *

* @param colPos the column positions to use for the matrix * @param colPosV the column position to use for the vector * @param kind the kind of matrix to create */ def toMatriII (colPos: Seq [Int], colPosV: Int, kind: MatrixKind = DENSE): Tuple2 [MatriI, VectorI] = { val colVec = for (x <- project (colPos).col) yield Vec.toInt (x) kind match { case DENSE => (MatrixI (colVec), Vec.toInt (col(colPosV)).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorI]) case SPARSE => (SparseMatrixI (colVec), Vec.toInt (col(colPosV)).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorI]) case SYM_TRIDIAGONAL => (SymTriMatrixI (colVec), Vec.toInt (col(colPosV)).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorI]) case BIDIAGONAL => (BidMatrixI (colVec), Vec.toInt (col(colPosV)).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorI]) case COMPRESSED => (RleMatrixI (colVec), Vec.toInt (col(colPosV)).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorI]) } // match } // toMatriII //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert the 'colPos' column of 'this' relation into a vector of doubles. * @param colPos the column position to use for the vector */ def toVectorD (colPos: Int): VectorD = Vec.toDouble (col(colPos)).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorD] //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert the 'colName' column of 'this' relation into a vector of doubles. * @param colName the column name to use for the vector */ def toVectorD (colName: String): VectorD = Vec.toDouble (col(colMap(colName))).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorD] //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert the 'colPos' column of 'this' relation into a vector of integers. * @param colPos the column position to use for the vector */ def toVectorI (colPos: Int): VectorI = Vec.toInt (col(colPos)).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorI] //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert the 'colName' column of 'this' relation into a vector of integers. * @param colName the column name to use for the vector */ def toVectorI (colName: String): VectorI = Vec.toInt (col(colMap(colName))).toDense.asInstanceOf [VectorI] //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert the 'colPos' column of 'this' relation into a vector of integers. * @param colPos the column position to use for the vector */ def toVectorS (colPos: Int): VectorS = col(colPos).asInstanceOf [VectorS] //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert the 'colName' column of 'this' relation into a vector of integers. * @param colName the column name to use for the vector */ def toVectorS (colName: String): VectorS = col(colMap(colName)).asInstanceOf [VectorS] //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert the 'colPos' column of 'this' relation into a vector of doubles. * @param colPos the column position to use for the vector */ def toRleVectorD (colPos: Int): RleVectorD = Vec.toDouble (col(colPos)).asInstanceOf [RleVectorD] //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert the 'colName' column of 'this' relation into a vector of doubles. * @param colName the column name to use for the vector */ def toRleVectorD (colName: String): RleVectorD = Vec.toDouble (col(colMap(colName))).asInstanceOf [RleVectorD] //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert the 'colPos' column of 'this' relation into a vector of integers. * @param colPos the column position to use for the vector */ def toRleVectorI (colPos: Int): RleVectorI = Vec.toInt (col(colPos)).asInstanceOf [RleVectorI] //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert the 'colName' column of 'this' relation into a vector of integers. * @param colName the column name to use for the vector */ def toRleVectorI (colName: String): RleVectorI = Vec.toInt (col(colMap(colName))).asInstanceOf [RleVectorI] //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert the 'colPos' column of 'this' relation into a vector of integers. * @param colPos the column position to use for the vector */ def toRleVectorS (colPos: Int): RleVectorS = col(colPos).asInstanceOf [RleVectorS] //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert the 'colName' column of 'this' relation into a vector of integers. * @param colName the column name to use for the vector */ def toRleVectorS (colName: String): RleVectorS = col(colMap(colName)).asInstanceOf [RleVectorS] //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert the given columns within 'this' relation to a map: 'keyColPos' -> 'valColPos'. * @param keyColPos the key column positions * @param valColPos the value column positions */ def toMap (keyColPos: Seq [Int], valColPos: Int): Map [Seq [Any], Any] = { val map = Map [Seq [Any], Any] () for (i <- indices) { val tuple = row(i) map += keyColPos.map (tuple(_)) -> tuple(valColPos) } // for map } // toMap //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert the given columns within 'this' relation to a map: 'keyColName' -> 'valColName'. * @param keyColName the key column names * @param valColname the value column names */ def toMap (keyColName: Seq [String], valColName: String): Map [Seq [Any], Any] = { toMap (keyColName.map (colMap(_)), colMap(valColName)) } // toMap //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Save 'this' relation in a file using serialization. */ def save () { val oos = new ObjectOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (STORE_DIR + name + SER)) oos.writeObject (this) oos.close () } // save //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Write 'this' relation into a CSV file with each row written to a line. * @param fileName the file name of the data file */ def writeCSV (fileName: String) { val out = new PrintWriter (DATA_DIR + fileName) out.println (colName.toString.drop (5).dropRight (1)) for (i <- 0 until rows) out.println (row(i).toString.drop (7).dropRight (1)) out.close } // writeCSV //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Write 'this' relation into a JSON file. * @param fileName the file name of the data file */ def writeJSON (fileName: String) { // FIX - to be implemented } // writeJSON // ============================================ BUILT-IN AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the mean of the values in column 'cName'. * @param cName the column name */ def avg (cName: String) = Vec.mean (col(colMap(cName))) def mean (cName: String) = Vec.mean (col(colMap(cName))) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the number of values in column 'cName'. * @param cName the column name */ def count (cName: String) = rows //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the maximum value in column 'cName'. * @param cName the column name */ def max (cName: String) = Vec.max (col(colMap(cName))) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the minimum value in column 'cName'. * @param cName the column name */ def min (cName: String) = Vec.min (col(colMap(cName))) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the sum of the values in column 'cName'. * @param cName the column name */ def sum (cName: String) = Vec.sum (col(colMap(cName))) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the variance of the values in column 'cName'. * @param cName the column name */ def variance (cName: String) = Vec.variance (col(colMap(cName))) } // Relation class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RelationEx` object provides and example relation for testing. * @see www.codeproject.com/Articles/652108/Create-First-Data-WareHouse */ object RelationEx { val productSales = Relation ("productSales", Seq ("SalesInvoiceNumber", "SalesDateKey", "SalesTimeKey", "SalesTimeAltKey", "StoreID", "CustomerID", "ProductID", "SalesPersonID", "Quantity", "ProductActualCost", "SalesTotalCost", "Deviation"), Seq (Vector [Any] (1, 20130101, 44347, 121907, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 11.0, 13.0, 2.0), Vector [Any] (1, 20130101, 44347, 121907, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 22.5, 24.0, 1.5), Vector [Any] (1, 20130101, 44347, 121907, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 42.0, 43.5, 1.5), Vector [Any] (2, 20130101, 44519, 122159, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 42.0, 43.5, 1.5), Vector [Any] (2, 20130101, 44519, 122159, 1, 2, 4, 1, 3, 54.0, 60.0, 6.0), Vector [Any] (3, 20130101, 52415, 143335, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 11.0, 13.0, 2.0), Vector [Any] (3, 20130101, 52415, 143335, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 42.0, 43.5, 1.5), Vector [Any] (3, 20130101, 52415, 143335, 1, 3, 4, 2, 3, 54.0, 60.0, 6.0), Vector [Any] (3, 20130101, 52415, 143335, 1, 3, 5, 2, 1, 135.0, 139.0, 4.0), Vector [Any] (4, 20130102, 44347, 121907, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 11.0, 13.0, 2.0), Vector [Any] (4, 20130102, 44347, 121907, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 22.5, 24.0, 1.5), Vector [Any] (5, 20130102, 44519, 122159, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 42.0, 43.5, 1.5), Vector [Any] (5, 20130102, 44519, 122159, 1, 2, 4, 1, 3, 54.0, 60.0, 6.0), Vector [Any] (6, 20130102, 52415, 143335, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 11.0, 13.0, 2.0), Vector [Any] (6, 20130102, 52415, 143335, 1, 3, 5, 2, 1, 135.0, 139.0, 4.0), Vector [Any] (7, 20130102, 44347, 121907, 2, 1, 4, 3, 3, 54.0, 60.0, 6.0), Vector [Any] (7, 20130102, 44347, 121907, 2, 1, 5, 3, 1, 135.0, 139.0, 4.0), Vector [Any] (8, 20130103, 59326, 162846, 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, 84.0, 87.0, 3.0), Vector [Any] (8, 20130103, 59326, 162846, 1, 1, 4, 1, 3, 54.0, 60.0, 3.0), Vector [Any] (9, 20130103, 59349, 162909, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 5.5, 6.5, 1.0), Vector [Any] (9, 20130103, 59349, 162909, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 22.5, 24.0, 1.5), Vector [Any] (10, 20130103, 67390, 184310, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 11.0, 13.0, 2.0), Vector [Any] (10, 20130103, 67390, 184310, 1, 3, 4, 2, 3, 54.0, 60.0, 6.0), Vector [Any] (11, 20130103, 74877, 204757, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 5.5, 6.5, 1.0), Vector [Any] (11, 20130103, 74877, 204757, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 42.0, 43.5, 1.5)), 0, "IIIIIIIIIDDD") } // RelationEx object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RelationTest` object tests the operations provided by `Relation`. * > runMain scalation.columnar_db.RelationTest */ object RelationTest extends App { val weekdays = new Relation ("weekdays", Seq ("day", "time"), Vector (VectorS ("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"), VectorD (5.00, 8.15, 6.30, 9.45, 7.00)), 0, "SD") val weekend = new Relation ("weekends", Seq ("day", "time"), Vector (VectorS ("Sat", "Sun"), VectorD (3.00, 4.30)), 0, "SD") weekdays.generateIndex () weekend.generateIndex () banner ("weekdays") println ("weekdays = " + weekdays) banner ("weekdend") println ("weekend = " + weekend) banner ("Test pi") println ("weekdays.pi (\"day\") = " + weekdays.pi ("day")) println ("-" * 60) println ("weekdays.pisigmaS (\"day\", _ == \"Mon\") = " + weekdays.pisigmaS ("day", _ == "Mon")) banner ("Test sigma") println ("weekdays.sigmaS (\"day\", _ == \"Mon\") = " + weekdays.sigmaS ("day", _ == "Mon")) println ("-" * 60) println ("weekdays.sigma (\"day\", _ == \"Mon\") = " + weekdays.sigma ("day", (x: StrNum) => x == "Mon")) println ("-" * 60) println ("weekdays.sigma (\"time\", _ == 5.00) = " + weekdays.sigma ("time", (x: Double) => x == 5.00)) println ("-" * 60) println ("weekdays.sigmaS (\"day\", _ > \"Mon\") = " + weekdays.sigmaS ("day", _ > "Mon")) println ("-" * 60) println ("weekdays.selectS (\"day\", _ > \"Mon\") = " + weekdays.selectS ("day", _ > "Mon")) println ("-" * 60) println ("weekdays.sigmaSD (\"day\", \"time\") = " + weekdays.sigmaS ("day", _ == "Mon")) val week = weekdays.union (weekend) banner ("Test union") println ("weekdays.union (weekend) = " + week) weekend.add (Vector ("Zday", 1.00)) banner ("Test add") println ("weekend add (\"Zday\", 1.00)) = " + weekend) banner ("Test -") println ("week - weekend = " + (week - weekend)) banner ("Test join") println ("week.join (\"day\", \"day\" weekend) = " + week.join ("day", "day", weekend)) println ("-" * 60) println ("week join weekend = " + (week join weekend)) week.writeCSV ("columnar_db" + ⁄ + "week.csv") } // RelationTest object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RelationTest2` object tests the operations provided by `Relation`. * The relational algebra operators are given using Unicode. * @see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters * > runMain scalation.columnar_db.RelationTest2 */ object RelationTest2 extends App { val weekdays = new Relation ("weekdays", Seq ("day", "time"), Vector (VectorS ("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"), VectorD (5.00, 8.15, 6.30, 9.45, 7.00)), 0, "SD") val weekend = new Relation ("weekends", Seq ("day", "time"), Vector (VectorS ("Sat", "Sun"), VectorD (3.00, 4.30)), 0, "SD") banner ("Test π") println ("weekdays.π (\"day\") = " + weekdays.π ("day")) println ("-" * 60) println ("weekdays.π (\"time\") = " + weekdays.π ("time")) banner ("Test σ") println ("weekdays.σ (\"day\", _ == \"Mon\") = " + weekdays.σ ("day", (x: StrNum) => x == "Mon")) println ("-" * 60) println ("weekdays.σ (\"time\", _ == 5.00) = " + weekdays.σ ("time", (x: Double) => x == 5.00)) println ("-" * 60) println ("weekdays.σ (\"day\", _ > \"Mon\") = " + weekdays.σ ("day", (x: StrNum) => x > "Mon")) println ("-" * 60) println ("weekdays.σ (\"time\", _ > 5.00) = " + weekdays.σ ("time", (x: Double) => x > 5.00)) println ("-" * 60) println ("weekdays.σ (\"day\", \"time\") = " + weekdays.σ ("day", (x: StrNum) => x == "Mon") .σ ("time", (x: Double) => x == 5.00)) val week = weekdays ⋃ weekend banner ("Test ⋃") println ("weekdays ⋃ weekend) = " + weekdays ⋃ weekend) banner ("Test ⋂") println ("week ⋂ weekend = " + (week ⋂ weekend)) banner ("Test -") println ("week - weekend = " + (week - weekend)) banner ("Test ⋈ ") println ("week ⋈ weekend = " + (week ⋈ weekend)) } // RelationTest2 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RelationTest3` object tests the operations provided by `Relation`. * It test various aggregate/OLAP operations on a simple data warehouse fact table. * @see www.codeproject.com/Articles/652108/Create-First-Data-WareHouse * FIX - allow entering doubles as "13" rather than "13.0" * > runMain scalation.columnar_db.RelationTest3 */ object RelationTest3 extends App { import Relation.{max, min} import RelationEx.productSales val costVprice = productSales.project ("ProductActualCost", "SalesTotalCost") productSales.show () println ("productSales = " + productSales) println ("productSales.project (\"ProductActualCost\", \"SalesTotalCost\") = " + costVprice) banner ("Test count") println ("count (productSales) = " + count (productSales)) println ("-" * 60) println ("count (costVprice) = " + count (costVprice)) banner ("Test min") println ("min (productSales) = " + min (productSales)) println ("-" * 60) println ("min (costVprice) = " + min (costVprice)) banner ("Test max") println ("max (productSales) = " + max (productSales)) println ("-" * 60) println ("max (costVprice) = " + max (costVprice)) banner ("Test sum") println ("sum (productSales) = " + sum (productSales)) println ("-" * 60) println ("sum (costVprice) = " + sum (costVprice)) banner ("Test expectation/mean") println ("Ɛ (productSales) = " + Ɛ (productSales)) println ("-" * 60) println ("Ɛ (costVprice) = " + Ɛ (costVprice)) banner ("Test variance") println ("Ʋ (productSales) = " + Ʋ (productSales)) println ("-" * 60) println ("Ʋ (costVprice) = " + Ʋ (costVprice)) banner ("Test correlation") println ("corr (costVprice) = " + corr (costVprice)) } // RelationTest3 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RelationTest4` object tests conversion `Relation` to a matrix. * > runMain scalation.columnar_db.RelationTest4 */ object RelationTest4 extends App { import RelationEx.productSales val (mat, vec) = productSales.toMatriDD (0 to 10, 11) banner ("productSales") productSales.show () banner ("mat and vec") println ("mat = " + mat) println ("vec = " + vec) } // RelationTest4 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RelationTest5` object tests the interoperability between Relations and Matrices. * > runMain scalation.columnar_db.RelationTest5 */ object RelationTest5 extends App { val sales_item1 = Relation ("Sales_Item1", Seq ("Date", "FL", "GA", "NC", "SC"), Seq (Vector [Any] ("20130101", 10, 5, 5, 4), Vector [Any] ("20130102", 20, 30, 40, 25), Vector [Any] ("20130103", 8, 6, 9, 9), Vector [Any] ("20130104", 6, 7, 9, 10), Vector [Any] ("20130105", 4, 7, 9, 10)), 0,"SIIII") val price_item1 = Relation ("Price_Item1", Seq ("Date", "FL", "GA", "NC", "SC"), Seq (Vector [Any] ("20130101", 1.6, 1.6, 1.5, 1.3), Vector [Any] ("20130102", 1.6, 1.6, 1.5, 1.2), Vector [Any] ("20130103", 1.5, 1.6, 1.5, 1.4), Vector [Any] ("20130104", 1.4, 1.7, 1.5, 1.4), Vector [Any] ("20130105", 1.4, 1.7, 1.4, 1.4)), 0,"SDDDD") val revenue = Relation ("Revenue", -1, null, "Item", "FL", "GA", "NC", "SC") sales_item1.show () price_item1.show () val x = sales_item1.toMatriD (1 to 4, COMPRESSED) val y = price_item1.toMatriD (1 to 4, COMPRESSED) val z = x dot y revenue.add ("Item1" +: z().toVector) banner ("revenue") revenue.show () } // RelationTest5 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RelationTest6` object tests 'indexjoin', 'parjoin', 'groupby' and 'aggregation'. * > runMain scalation.columnar_db.RelationTest6 */ object RelationTest6 extends App { val professor = Relation ("professor", 0, "ISS", "pid", "name", "prodeptid") TableGen.popTable (professor, 10) professor.generateIndex () val course = Relation ("course", 0, "ISS", "cid","crsname", "descr") TableGen.popTable (course, 20) course.generateIndex () val teaching = Relation ("teaching", 0, "IISI", "tid", "cid", "semester", "pid") teaching.fKeys = Seq (("cid", "course", 0), ("pid", "professor", 0)) TableGen.popTable (teaching, 50, Seq (course, professor)) teaching.generateIndex () banner ("database") professor.show () course.show () teaching.show () teaching.showFk () banner ("joinindex") teaching.joinindex (Seq ("pid"), Seq("pid"), professor).show () banner ("parjoin") teaching.parjoin (Seq ("pid"), Seq ("pid"), professor, 4).show () banner ("groupBy") teaching.groupBy ("cid").epi (Seq (count), Seq ("count"), Seq ("pid"), "tid", "semester").show () teaching.groupBy ("cid").eproject ((count, "pid_count", "pid"))("tid", "semester").show () } // RelationTest6 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RelationTest7` object tests 'join' method. * > runMain scalation.columnar_db.RelationTest7 */ object RelationTest7 extends App { val professor = Relation ("professor", Seq("pid", "name", "department", "title"), Seq (Vector [Any] (1, "jackson", "pharm", 4), Vector [Any] (2, "ken", "cs", 2), Vector [Any] (3, "pan", "pharm", 0), Vector [Any] (4, "yang", "gis", 3), Vector [Any] (5, "zhang", "cs", 0), Vector [Any] (6, "Yu", "cs", 0)), -1, "ISSI") val professor2 = Relation ("professor", Seq ("pid", "name", "department", "title"), Seq (Vector [Any] (7, "LiLy", "gis", 5), Vector [Any] (8, "Marry", "gis", 5), Vector [Any] (0, "Kate", "cs", 5)), 0, "ISSI") professor.generateIndex () professor2.generateIndex () banner ("professor") professor.show () banner ("professor2") professor2.show () banner ("join") professor.join [Int] (professor2, ("pid", "pid", (x, y) => x < y)).show () professor.join [Int] (professor2, ("pid", "pid", _ < _)).show () } // RelationTest7 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RelationTest8` object tests 'save' method. * > runMain scalation.columnar_db.RelationTest8 */ object RelationTest8 extends App { val professor = Relation ("professor", Seq("pid", "name", "department", "title"), Seq (Vector [Any] (1, "jackson", "pharm", 4), Vector [Any] (2, "ken", "cs", 2), Vector [Any] (3, "pan", "pharm", 0), Vector [Any] (4, "yang", "gis", 3), Vector [Any] (5, "zhang", "cs", 0), Vector [Any] (6, "Yu", "cs", 0)), -1, "ISSI") professor.save () } // RelationTest8 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RelationTest9` object tests 'apply' method to load a saved relation. * > runMain scalation.columnar_db.RelationTest9 */ object RelationTest9 extends App { Relation ("professor").show () } // RelationTest9 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RelationTest10` object tests the 'orderBy' method. * > runMain scalation.columnar_db.RelationTest10 */ object RelationTest10 extends App { import RelationEx.productSales productSales.orderBy ("SalesTotalCost", "Deviation").show () } // RelationTest10