//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Yang Fan, John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Thu Apr 26 12:12:38 EDT 2018 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.columnar_db import scala.language.implicitConversions import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scalation.linalgebra._ import scalation.math.StrO.StrNum import scalation.math.{Complex, Rational, Real} import scalation.util.banner import TableObj.ucount //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RelationF` companion object provides additional functions for the `RelationF` * class, specifically a factory method to build a relation frame from a relation. */ object RelationF { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a `RelationF` object using a `Relation` object. * @param r the relation to create the relation frame from */ def apply (r: Relation): RelationF = new RelationF (r.name, r.colName, r.col, r.key, r.domain) } // RelationF object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RelationF` class create a relation/data frame by extending the `Relation` class, * and provides high order functions such as map and reduce. * FIX - should extend Tabular, not Relation * @param name the name of the relation * @param colName the names of columns * @param col the Scala Vector of columns making up the columnar relation * @param key the column number for the primary key (< 0 => no primary key) * @param domain an optional string indicating domains for columns (e.g., 'SD' = 'StrNum', 'Double') * @param fKeys an optional sequence of foreign keys - Seq (column name, ref table name, ref column position) */ class RelationF (name: String, colName: Seq [String], col: Vector [Vec], key: Int = 0, domain: String = null, fKeys: Seq [(String, String, Int)] = null) extends Relation (name, colName, col, key, domain, fKeys) { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Filter the `RelationF` object by predicate 'p'. * FIX - what are the effects of this method ??? * @param p the predicate used to filter * @tparam T predicate type */ def filter [T] (p: Predicate [T]*): RelationF = { var pos = ArrayBuffer [Int] () for (i <- p.indices) { domain.charAt (colMap(p(i)._1)) match { case 'D' => val pos1 = col(colMap(p(i)._1)).asInstanceOf [VectorD].filterPos (p(i)._2.asInstanceOf [Double => Boolean]) if (i > 0) pos = pos intersect pos1 else pos ++= pos1 case 'I' => val pos1 = col(colMap(p(i)._1)).asInstanceOf [VectorI].filterPos (p(i)._2.asInstanceOf [Int => Boolean]) if (i > 0) pos = pos intersect pos1 else pos ++= pos1 case 'L' => val pos1 = col(colMap(p(i)._1)).asInstanceOf [VectorL].filterPos (p(i)._2.asInstanceOf [Long => Boolean]) if (i > 0) pos = pos intersect pos1 else pos ++= pos1 case 'C' => val pos1 = col(colMap(p(i)._1)).asInstanceOf [VectorC].filterPos (p(i)._2.asInstanceOf [Complex => Boolean]) if (i > 0) pos = pos intersect pos1 else pos ++= pos1 case 'Q' => val pos1 = col(colMap(p(i)._1)).asInstanceOf [VectorQ].filterPos (p(i)._2.asInstanceOf [Rational => Boolean]) if (i > 0) pos = pos intersect pos1 else pos ++= pos1 case 'R' => val pos1 = col(colMap(p(i)._1)).asInstanceOf [VectorR].filterPos (p(i)._2.asInstanceOf [Real => Boolean]) if (i > 0) pos = pos intersect pos1 else pos ++= pos1 case 'S' => val pos1 = col(colMap(p(i)._1)).asInstanceOf [VectorS].filterPos (p(i)._2.asInstanceOf [StrNum => Boolean]) if (i > 0) pos = pos intersect pos1 else pos ++= pos1 case _ => flaw ("filter", "predicate type not supported") null } // match } // for RelationF (selectAt (pos)) } // filter //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Map a column to a new column according to function 'f'. * @param f the transformation function to apply * @param colName the column to apply map function * @tparam T the type of the column */ def map [T <: Any] (f: ((T) => T), colName: String): RelationF = { var coli = col(colMap(colName)) var ncol: Vector [Vec] = null Vec (coli, 0) match { case _: Int => coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorI] val newcol = VectorI ( for (i <- coli.indices) yield f(Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf [T]).asInstanceOf [Int]) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _: Complex => coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorC] val newcol = VectorC ( for (i <- coli.indices) yield f(Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf [T]).asInstanceOf [Complex]) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _: Double => coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorD] val newcol = VectorD ( for (i <- coli.indices) yield f(Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf[T]).asInstanceOf[Double]) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _: Long => coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorL] val newcol = VectorL ( for (i <- coli.indices) yield f(Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf [T]).asInstanceOf [Long]) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _: Rational => coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorQ] val newcol = VectorQ ( for (i <- coli.indices) yield f(Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf [T]).asInstanceOf [Rational]) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _: Real => coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorR] val newcol = VectorR ( for (i <- coli.indices) yield f(Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf [T]).asInstanceOf [Real]) case _: StrNum => coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorS] val newcol = VectorS ( for (i <- coli.indices) yield f(Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf [T]).asInstanceOf [StrNum]) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _ => println ("map: vector type not supported"); null } // match val cNames = Seq (colName) new RelationF (name + "_m_" + ucount (), cNames, ncol, 0, null) } // map //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Reduce on column using function 'f'. * @param f the transformation function to apply * @param colName the column to apply map function * @tparam T the type of the column */ def reduce [T <: Any] (f: ((T, T) => T), colName: String): RelationF = { var coli = col(colMap(colName)) var ncol: Vector [Vec] = null coli match { case _: VectorI => var result = 0 coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorI] for (i <- coli.indices) result = f(result.asInstanceOf [T], Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf [T]).asInstanceOf [Int] val newcol = VectorI (result) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _: VectorC => var result = Complex (0.0) coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorC] for (i <- coli.indices) result = f(result.asInstanceOf [T], Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf[T]).asInstanceOf [Complex] val newcol = VectorC (result) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _: VectorD => var result = 0:Double coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorD] for (i <- coli.indices) result = f(result.asInstanceOf [T], Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf [T]).asInstanceOf [Double] val newcol = VectorD (result) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _: VectorL => var result = 0:Long coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorL] for (i <- coli.indices) result = f(result.asInstanceOf [T], Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf [T]).asInstanceOf [Long] val newcol = VectorL (result) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _: VectorQ => var result = Rational(0) coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorQ] for (i <- coli.indices) result = f(result.asInstanceOf [T], Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf [T]).asInstanceOf [Rational] val newcol = VectorQ (result) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _: VectorR => var result = Real(0) coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorR] for (i <- coli.indices) result = f(result.asInstanceOf [T], Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf [T]).asInstanceOf [Real] val newcol = VectorR (result) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _: VectorS => var result = new StrNum("0") coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorS] for (i <- coli.indices) result = f(result.asInstanceOf [T], Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf [T]).asInstanceOf [StrNum] val newcol = VectorS (result) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _ => println ("reduce: vector type not supported"); null } // match val cNames = Seq (colName) new RelationF (name + "_r_" + ucount (), cNames, ncol, 0, null) } // reduce //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Fold on column using function 'f'. * @param initvalue the initial starting value of the fold * @param f function to apply on the column * @param colName column to fold on * @tparam T the type of the column */ def fold [T <: Any] (initvalue: T, f: ((T, T) => T), colName: String): RelationF = { var coli = col(colMap(colName)) var ncol: Vector[Vec] = null initvalue match { case _: Int => var result = initvalue coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorI] for (i <- coli.indices) result = f(result, Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf [T]) val newcol = VectorI (result.asInstanceOf [Int]) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _: Double => var result = initvalue coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorD] for (i <- coli.indices) result = f(result, Vec (coli ,i).asInstanceOf [T]) val newcol = VectorD (result.asInstanceOf [Double]) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _: Long => var sum = initvalue coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorL] for (i <- coli.indices) sum = f(sum, Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf [T]) val newcol = VectorL (sum.asInstanceOf [Long]) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _: Complex => var sum = initvalue coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorC] for (i <- coli.indices) sum = f(sum, Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf [T]) val newcol = VectorC (sum.asInstanceOf [Complex]) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _: Rational => var result = initvalue coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorQ] for (i <- coli.indices) result = f(result, Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf [T]) val newcol = VectorQ (result.asInstanceOf [Rational]) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _: Real => var result = initvalue coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorR] for (i <- coli.indices) result = f(result, Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf [T]) val newcol = VectorR (result.asInstanceOf [Real]) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _: StrNum => var result = initvalue coli = coli.asInstanceOf [VectorS] for (i <- coli.indices) result = f(result, Vec (coli, i).asInstanceOf [T]) val newcol = VectorS (result.asInstanceOf [StrNum]) ncol = Vector.fill(1)(newcol) case _ => println (":+ vector type not supported"); null } // match val cNames = Seq ("1") new RelationF (name + "_f_" + ucount (), cNames, ncol, 0, null) } // fold } // RelationF class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RelationFTest` object tests the `RelationF` class's map, reduce, fold, filter funtions. * > runMain scalation.columnar_db.RelationFTest */ object RelationFTest extends App { val professorR = RelationF (Relation ("professor", Seq ("pid", "name", "department", "title"), Seq (Vector [Any] (1, "jackson", "pharm", 4), Vector [Any] (2, "ken", "cs", 2), Vector [Any] (3, "pan", "pharm", 0), Vector [Any] (4, "yang", "gis", 3), Vector [Any] (5, "zhang", "cs", 0), Vector [Any] (6, "Yu", "cs", 0)), 0, "ISSI")) val professor = RelationF (professorR) professor.generateIndex () banner ("professor") professor.show () banner ("Test filter") professor.filter (("department", (x: StrNum) => x == "cs")).show () banner ("Test map") def plus (v1: Int, v2: Int): Int = v1 + v2 professor.map ((v1: Int) => v1 + 5, "pid").show () banner ("Test reduce") professor.reduce (plus, "pid").show () banner ("Test fold") professor.fold (10, plus, "pid").show () } // RelationFTest object