//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Supriya Ramireddy, John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Tue Jun 23 18:10:12 EDT 2017 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * * 'MuGraphALgebra' contains all the algebra operations on graphs */ package scalation.graph_db package graph_algebra import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, Map, Set => SET} import scala.reflect.ClassTag import util.control.Breaks.{break, breakable} import scalation.util.{ReArray, time, timed, Wildcard} import MuGraph._ import PathType._ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MuGraphAlgebra` class provide graph algebra operation on `MuGraph`s. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @param ch the array of child (adjacency) vertex sets (outgoing edges) * @param label the array of vertex labels: v -> vertex label * @param elabel the map of edge labels: (u, v) -> edge label * @param inverse whether to store inverse adjacency sets (parents) * @param name the name of the multi-digraph * @param id the array of vertex id's * @param schema optional schema: map from label to label type */ class MuGraphAlgebra [TLabel: ClassTag] (ch: Array [SET [Int]], label: Array [TLabel], elabel: Map [Pair, SET [TLabel]], inverse: Boolean = false, name: String = "g", id: Array [Int] = Array (), schema: Array [String] = Array ()) extends MuGraph (ch, label, elabel, inverse, "g", id, schema) { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the indices of all vertices in the graph. */ def vertexSet: SET [Int] = SET (Array.range (0, size):_*) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return all the vertices in the graph. */ def getVertices: Rows = { val rows = new Rows for (v <- ch.indices) { val path = new Path path += v rows += path } // for rows } // getVertices //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select by vertex label the vertices in the graph satifying the theta predicate * 'label(v) θ c'. * @param θ comparison/theta operator * @param c the vertex label sought * @param vs the set of vertices to be considered for the input graph */ def selectByVLabel (θ: (TLabel, TLabel) => Boolean, c: TLabel)(vs: SET[Int] = null): Rows = { val rows = new Rows for (v <- vs; if θ (label(v), c)) { val path = new Path path += v rows += path } // for rows } // selectByVLabel //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select by schema type the vertices in the graph satifying the theta predicate * 'schema(v) θ c'. * @param θ comparison/theta operator * @param c the vertex label sought * @param vs the set of vertices to be considered for the input graph */ def selectBySchema (θ: (String, String) => Boolean, c: String)(vs: SET[Int] = null): Rows = { val rows = new Rows for (v <- vs; if θ (schema(v), c)) { val path = new Path path += v rows += path } // for rows } // selectBySchema //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select by vertex, the graph with the vertices satisfying the theta predicate, and * the edges connecting the selected vertices * @param θ comparison/theta operator * @param c label of the vertex */ def selectByVertexGraph (θ: (TLabel, TLabel) => Boolean, c: TLabel): MuGraph[TLabel] = { var n = 0 val vset = new Path for (v <- label.indices if θ(label(v), c)) vset += v // to collect all the vertices matching the condition val lab = new ReArray [TLabel]() // resizable array of vertex labels val new_id = new ReArray [Int]() // resizable array of old id's of vertices val new_index = new ReArray [Int]() // restore old indices for the creation of edges for (v <- vset) { new_index(n) = v // assigning old index new_id(n) = id(v) lab(n) = label(v) n += 1 } // for val le = induceEdges (vset, new_index) // induce the edges of the vertices selected MuGraph (lab.toArray, le, new_id.toArray, inverse, schema) } // selectByVertex_Graph //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Induce edges, the map of edges with the vertices only from vset * @param vset the set of vertices, to be considered for selecting the edges * @param new_index the old index of the vertices to be used for accessing edges of graph */ def induceEdges (vset: Path, new_index: ReArray[Int]): Map [Pair, SET [TLabel]]= { val le = Map [Pair, SET [TLabel]] () for (edge <- elabel.keys) { if ((vset contains edge._1) && (vset contains edge._2)) le += ((new_index.indexOf(edge._1), new_index.indexOf(edge._2)) -> elabel(edge)) } // for le } // induceEdges //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select by edge label the edges in the graph having both the vertices 'vs' and * satifying the theta predicate 'exists elabel(e) θ c'. * @param θ comparison/theta operator * @param c the vertex label sought * @param vs the set of vertices to be considered for the input graph */ def selectByELabel (θ: (TLabel, TLabel) => Boolean, c: TLabel, schema: Array [String]) (vs: SET [Int]): Array [(Pair, SET [TLabel])] = { val le = Map [Pair, SET [TLabel]] () for (e <- elabel.keys if elabel(e).exists (θ(_, c))) { if ((vs contains e._1) && (vs contains e._2)) le += e -> elabel(e) } // for le.toArray } // selectByELabel //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select by edge, the Graph with the edges satisfying the theta predicate * @param θ comparison operator * @param c label of the edge */ def selectByEdgeGraph (θ: (TLabel, TLabel) => Boolean, c: TLabel): MuGraph [TLabel] = { val le = Map[Pair, SET[TLabel]]() val old_index = ArrayBuffer[Int]() for (edge <- elabel.keys) { if (elabel(edge).exists(θ(_, c))) le += (edge -> elabel(edge)) } // for MuGraph (label, le, id, inverse, schema) } // selectByEdgeGraph //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Expand all, expands the given paths by adding one forward edge to each path. * @param paths the paths to be expanded * @param keep whether the given path has to be included along with the expanded vertices */ def expandAll (paths: Rows, keep: Boolean = false): Rows = { val rows = new Rows for (i <- paths.indices) { val path = paths(i) val v = path(path.length - 1) for (u <- ch(v)) { val path2 = if (keep) path.clone else new Path path2 += u rows += path2 } // for } // for rows } // expandAll //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Expand, expands the given paths by adding one forward edge of given edge * label to each path. * @param paths the paths to be expanded * @param elab the label of the edges to be expanded * @param keep whether the given path has to be inluded along with the expanded vertices */ def expand (paths: Rows, elab:TLabel, keep: Boolean = false): Rows = { val rows = new Rows for (i <- paths.indices) { val path = paths(i) val v = path(path.length - 1) for (u <- ch(v)) { if (elabel((v, u)) contains elab) { val path2 = if (keep) path.clone else new Path path2 += u rows += path2 } // if } // for } // for rows } // expand //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Expand by schema, expands the given paths by adding one forward edge (of given type lab) * to each path. * @param paths the paths to be expanded * @param keep whether the given path has to be inluded along with the expanded vertices */ def expandBySchema (paths: Rows, lab: String, keep: Boolean = false): Rows = { val rows = new Rows for(i <- paths.indices) { val path = paths(i) val v = path(path.length - 1) for(u <- ch(v)) { if (schema(u) == lab) { val path2 = if (keep) path.clone() else new Path path2 += u rows += path2 } // if } // for } // for rows } // expandBySchema //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Expand edges, expands the paths and return the name of edges. * @param paths the paths to be expanded */ def expandEdges (paths: Rows): Rows_lab = { val edges = ArrayBuffer [ArrayBuffer [String]] () for (i <- paths.indices) { val path = paths(i) val v = path(path.length - 1) for (u <- ch(v)) { for (e <- elabel(v, u)) { val p = ArrayBuffer [String] (); p += e.toString; edges += p } } // for } // for edges } // expandEdges //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Exapand back all, expands the edges of given paths in backward direction, one at a time. * @param paths the paths(set of edges) * @param keep whether the given path has to be inluded along with the expanded vertices */ def expandBackAll (paths: Rows, keep: Boolean = false): Rows = { val rows = new Rows for (i <- paths.indices) { val path = paths(i) val v = path(0) for (u <- pa(v)) { val path2 = if (keep) path.clone() else new Path u +=: path2 rows += path2 } // for } // for rows } // expandBackAll //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Exapand back, expands(of given edge label) the edges in backward direction, one at a time. * @param paths the paths(set of edges) that are already explored * @param elab the edge label of the edges to be expanded * @param keep whether the given path has to be inluded along with the expanded vertices */ def expandBack (paths: Rows, elab: TLabel, keep: Boolean = false): Rows = { val rows = new Rows for (i <- paths.indices) { val path = paths(i) val v = path(0) for (u <- pa(v)) { if (elabel((u, v)) contains elab) { val path2 = if (keep) path.clone() else new Path u +=: path2 rows += path2 } // if } // for } // for rows } // expandBack //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Expand back by type, expands the given paths by adding one backward edge * (of given type lab) to each path. * @param paths the paths to be expanded * @param keep whether the given path has to be inluded along with the expanded vertices */ def expandBackBySchema (paths: Rows, lab: String, keep: Boolean = false): Rows = { val rows = new Rows for (i <- paths.indices) { val path = paths(i) val v = path(0) for(u <- pa(v)) { if(schema(u) == lab) { val path2 = if (keep) path.clone() else new Path u +=: path2 rows += path2 } // if } // for } // for rows } // expandBackBySchema //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Expand into, checks if there is an edge from the last node in the * given path to the first node in the same path (leading to a triangle). * @param paths the vertices connected by a path * @param elab the edge label to be checked from the end node in the path to the start node */ def expandInto (paths: Rows, elab: TLabel): Rows = { val newvsn = new Rows for (path <- paths) { if (elabel contains (path(path.length - 1), path(0))) { if (elabel(path(path.length - 1), path(0)) contains elab) newvsn += path } // if } // for newvsn } // expandInto //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Union, performs the union of two graphs including both vertices and edges * @param g2 the graph that has to be unioned with 'this' graph */ def union (g2: MuGraph [TLabel]): MuGraph [TLabel] = { val lab = new ReArray [TLabel] () val renumb = Map [Int, Int] () // map from old index to new index of vertex val new_id = new ReArray [Int] () for (i <- label.indices) { lab(i) = label(i) // clone the vertex labels from first graph new_id(i) = id(i) // clone the id's from first graph } //for var n = lab.size for (j <- g2.id.indices) { // to check the vertices of g2 that are not contained in g1 val id_j = g2.id(j) val i = id.indexOf(id_j) if (i < 0 || label(i) != g2.label(j)) { lab(n) = g2.label(j) renumb += j -> n new_id(n) = if(! new_id.contains(g2.id(j))) id(j) else new_id.max + 1 n +=1 } //if } //for val le = induceEdges (renumb, g2) // induce edges for the vertices selected MuGraph (lab.toArray, le, new_id.toArray, inverse, schema) } //union //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Induce edges, edges corresponding to 'this' graph and 'g2' graph are induced. * @param renumb the map from new index -> old index * @param g2 the graph g2 */ def induceEdges (renumb: Map [Int, Int], g2: MuGraph [TLabel]): Map [Pair, SET [TLabel]] = { val le = elabel.clone() for ((x, y) <- g2.elabel) { //To check the edges of g2 that are not contained in g1 val z = renumber (x, renumb) le += z -> (le.getOrElse (z, SET [TLabel]()) ++ g2.elabel(x)) } //for le } // induceEdges //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Union, the result rows are combined. * @param x rows produced as result from the first operation * @param y rows produced as result from the second operation */ def union (x: Rows_lab, y: Rows_lab): Rows_lab = { var z = x for (i <- y.indices if ! (z contains(y(i)))) z += y(i) // eliminates duplicates z } // union //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Intersect, performs the interscetion of two graphs including vertices and edges. * @param g2 the graph that has to be intersect with the current graph */ def intersect (g2: MuGraph [TLabel]): MuGraph [TLabel] = { val lab = new ReArray [TLabel]() val vset = new Path val new_id = new ReArray[Int]() val new_index = new ReArray[Int]() var n = 0 for(i <- id.indices) { if(same(i, this, g2)) { new_index(n) = i new_id(n) = this.id(i) vset += i lab(n) = label(i) n +=1 } // if } // for val le = induceEdges (vset, new_index, g2) //induce edges for the vertices selected MuGraph (lab.toArray, le, new_id.toArray, inverse, schema) } // intersect //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Induce edges, of the vertices 'vset' that are conatined in 'this' graph and graph g2. * @param vset the vertex set * @param new_index contains the reference to old indexes * @param g2 graph g2 */ def induceEdges (vset: Path, new_index: ReArray [Int], g2: MuGraph [TLabel]): Map [Pair, SET [TLabel]] = { val le = Map [Pair, SET [TLabel]] () for ((x,l) <- g2.elabel) { if ((vset contains x._1) && (vset contains x._2)) { if (elabel.contains (x._1, x._2)) { if (elabel(x._1,x._2) == g2.elabel(x._1,x._2)) le += ((new_index.indexOf (x._1),new_index.indexOf (x._2)) -> elabel(x._1,x._2)) } // if } // if } // for le } // induceEdges //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Perform the minus operation of two graphs. * @param g2 the subgraph to be excluded from this graph */ def minus (g2: MuGraph [TLabel]): MuGraph [TLabel] = { var n = 0 val vset = new Path val lab = new ReArray [TLabel]() val new_id = new ReArray [Int]() val new_schema= new ReArray [String]() val old_index = new ReArray[Int]() for(i <- id.indices) { if (! same (i, this, g2)) { // check if the vertex i is same in two graphs old_index(n) = i new_id(n) = this.id(i) vset += i lab(n) = label(i) new_schema(n) = schema(i) n += 1 } // if } // for val le = induceEdges (vset, old_index) // induce the edges for the vertices selected MuGraph (lab.toArray, le, new_id.toArray, inverse, new_schema.toArray) } // minus //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Same, checks if a vertex is same in two graphs. * @param i index of the vertex * @param g1 first graph * @param g2 second graph */ def same (i: Int, g1: MuGraph [TLabel], g2:MuGraph [TLabel]): Boolean = { val id_i = g1.id(i) val j = g2.id.indexOf(id_i) j >= 0 && g1.label(i) == g2.label(i) } // same //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Renumber, check if the vertices are renumbered. * @param x pair of vertices * @param renumb a map containing the map from old to new vertex */ def renumber(x: Pair, renumb: Map [Int, Int]): Pair = { val start = if (renumb contains x._1) renumb(x._1) else x._1 val end = if (renumb contains x._2) renumb(x._2) else x._2 (start, end) } // renumber //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The getLabels returns the labels of the given vertices (indices). * @param rows the indices of vertices in the form of rows */ def getLabels (rows: Rows): Rows_lab = { rows.map (_.map (label (_).toString)) } // getLabels } // MuGraphAlgebra //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MuGraphAlgebra` companion object provides builder methods and * the setup of Neo4j for performing queries through Neo4j API calls. */ object MuGraphAlgebra { val user_name = "neo4j" val password = "Thesis@2017" val connection = "bolt://localhost:7687" var neo: Neo4j = null //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Build 'MuGraphAlgebra' from 'MuGraph'. * @param g MuGraph to build 'MuGraphAlgebra' */ def apply [TLabel: ClassTag] (g: MuGraph [TLabel]): MuGraphAlgebra [TLabel] = { new MuGraphAlgebra(g.ch,g.label,g.elabel,g.inverse,g.name,g.id,g.schema) } // apply //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Setup the connection with Neo4j server. * @param createStmt create statement for creating the graph in Neo4j * @param username the username to connect with the Neo4j * @param pwd the password to connect with the Neo4j * @param uri the uri to connect with the Neo4j */ def testSetup (createStmt: String, username: String = user_name, pwd: String = password, uri: String = connection) = { neo = new Neo4j (connection, username, pwd) // establish connection to the Neo4j server neo.deleteAll neo.createGraph (createStmt) } // testSetup //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The 'test' method tests the correctness of scalation result to the queries, * against the Neo4j results. * @param query the scalation query * @param queryNeo4j the Neo4j query * @param print whether to print the result or not */ def test (query: => Rows_lab, queryNeo4j: String, print: Boolean = false): Unit = { val result = query time { for(i <- 0 until 5) query } val neoResult = neo.runQuery (queryNeo4j) time { for (j <- 0 until 5) neo.runQuery (queryNeo4j)} if (print) { println (s"result = $result") println (s"neoResult = $neoResult") } // if assert (same (result, neoResult)) } // test //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The same method check if the query results are the same. * @param x the first parameter * @param y the second parameter */ def same (x: ArrayBuffer [ArrayBuffer [String]], y: ArrayBuffer [ArrayBuffer [String]]): Boolean = { for(i <- x.indices if ! (y contains x(i))) return false for(i <- y.indices if ! (x contains y(i))) return false true } // same val lv = Array ("Oliver Stone", "Michael Douglas", "Charlie Sheen", "Martin Sheen", "Rob Reiner", "Wall Street", "The American President") val le = Map ((0, 5) -> ν("directed"), (1, 5) -> ν("acted"), (1, 6) -> ν("acted"), (2, 5) -> ν("acted"), (3, 5) -> ν("acted"), (3, 6) -> ν("acted"), (4, 6) -> ν("directed")) val schema = Array ("Person", "Person", "Person", "Person", "Person", "Movie", "Movie") val dg = MuGraph [String] (lv, le, null, true, schema) val ga = MuGraphAlgebra (dg) } // MuGraphAlgebraa companion object