//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller, Vinay Kumar Bingi, Supriya Ramireddy * @version 1.5 * @date Fri Oct 20 15:41:16 EDT 2017 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.graph_db package graph_algebra import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, Map, Set => SET} import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scalation.linalgebra._ import scalation.random.{Randi,Randi0, RandomSetW, RandomVecS,Bernoulli} import scalation.math.double_exp //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The 'RandomGraph' class is used to generate the random graphs of type 'MuGraph' * and also the create statement for creating graph in Neo4j * @param nVertices number of vertices to be created * @param nLabels number of different labels for vertices * @param nEdges number of edges * @param nELabels number of edge labels * @param maxElabelPerEdge maximum number edge labels per edge * @param schemaType type of the vertices * @param stream the stream of words to be generated */ class RandomGraph [TLabel: ClassTag] (nVertices: Int, nLabels: Int, nEdges: Int, nELabels: Int = 2, maxElabelPerEdge: Int = 2, schemaType: Array[String] = Array ("Person", "Movie"), stream: Int = 0) { val eLabels = genElabels val schema = assignSchema val lv = assignVLabels (genVLabels) val le = assignElabels (eLabels) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Generate the random graph of type 'MuGraph' and the 'create' statement for * creating the graph in Neo4j. */ def gen: (MuGraphAlgebra [String], String) = { val mg = MuGraph (lv, le, null, true, schema) val ng = createNeo val dg = MuGraphAlgebra (mg) (dg, ng) } // gen //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Assign the type (schema) to all the vertices. */ def assignSchema: Array [String] = { var aschema = Array.ofDim [String] (nVertices) val bernoulli = Bernoulli (0.2) for (i <- 0 until nVertices) aschema(i) = schemaType(bernoulli.igen) aschema } // assignSchema //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Generate the labels for vertices. */ def genVLabels: VectoS = RandomVecS (nLabels, true, stream).sgen //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Assigns the vertex labels to the vertices. * @param vlabs the vector of labels to be assigned for vertices */ def assignVLabels (vlabs: VectoS): Array [String] = { val lv = Array.ofDim [String] (nVertices) val rLabel = Randi0 (nLabels - 1, stream) // replaced nLables with nVertices for(i <- 0 until nVertices) lv(i) = vlabs(rLabel.igen).toString () lv } // assignVLabels //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Generate the labels for edges. */ def genElabels: SET [String] = RandomSetW (nELabels, 2 * nELabels).sgen //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Pick the labels to be assigned for the edges. * @param elabs the set of edge labels to be used for edges */ def pickELabels (elabs: SET [String]): SET [String] = { val rLabel = new Randi0 (maxElabelPerEdge, stream) rLabel.igen match { case 0 => SET (elabs.head) case 1 => elabs.tail case _ => elabs } // match } // pickELabels //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Assign the labels to edges. * @param elabs the set of edge labels to be used for edges */ def assignElabels (elabs: SET [String]): Map [Pair, SET [String]] = { val le = Map [Pair, SET [String]] () val rVert = Randi0 (nVertices-1, stream) for(i <- 0 until nEdges) { var sv = 0 var ev = 0 do { sv = rVert.igen; ev = rVert.igen } while (sv == ev) le += (sv,ev) -> pickELabels (elabs) } // for le } // assignElabels //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Generate the 'CREATE' statement to be used for creating the data graph in Neo4j. */ def createNeo: String = { val var_labs = RandomVecS (nVertices, true, stream).sgen val rLabel = Randi0 (nVertices-1, stream) val vl = Array.ofDim [String] (nVertices) // for assigning variable names for the vertices for (i <- 0 until nVertices) vl(i) = var_labs(i).toString var nq = "CREATE " for (i <- 0 until nVertices) nq += "(" + vl(i) + ":" + schema(i) + " {name: " + "\"" + lv(i) + "\"}),\n" for ((k,v) <- le) nq += "(" + vl(k._1) + ") - [:" + v.toSeq(0) + "] -> (" + vl(k._2) + "),\n" //v.toSeq(0) has to be fixed for ((k,v) <- le) nq += "(" + vl(k._1) + ") - [:" + v.toSeq(1) + "] -> (" + vl(k._2) + "),\n" nq = nq.dropRight (2) nq } // createNeo } // RandomGraph class