//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller, Matthew Saltz, Aravind Kalimurthy * @version 1.5 * @date Wed May 13 14:58:25 EDT 2015 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * * `MGraph` Graph Simulation Using Mutable Sets */ package scalation.graph_db package pattern_matching import scala.collection.mutable.Map import scala.collection.mutable.{Set => SET} //import scala.collection.mutable.{HashSet => SET} import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scalation.util.banner //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MGraphSim2` class provides a second implementation for Simple Graph * Simulation. It differ from `GraphSim` in the looping order in the main for-loop * and early termination when 'phi(u)' is empty. * @param g the data graph G(V, E, l) * @param q the query graph Q(U, D, k) */ class MGraphSim2 [TLabel: ClassTag] (g: MGraph [TLabel], q: MGraph [TLabel]) extends GraphMatcher [TLabel] (g, q) { private val DEBUG = false // debug flag //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given the mappings 'phi' produced by the 'feasibleMates' method, * prune mappings 'u -> v' where v's children fail to match u's. * @param phi array of mappings from a query vertex u to { graph vertices v } */ def prune (phi: Array [SET [Int]]): Array [SET [Int]] = { var alter = true while (alter) { // check for matching children alter = false for (u <- qRange; u_c <- q.ch(u)) { // for each u in q and its children u_c if (DEBUG) { println (s"for u = $u, u_c = $u_c"); showMappings (phi) } val elab_u2u_c = q.elabel ((u, u_c)) // edge label in q for (u, u_c) val phi_u_c = phi(u_c) val v_rem = SET [Int] () // vertices to be removed for (v <- phi(u)) { // for each v in g image of u // val v_c = g.ch(v) // don't filter on edge labels val v_c = g.ch(v).filter (g.elabel (v, _) == elab_u2u_c) // filter on edge labels if (DEBUG) println (s"v = $v, v_c = $v_c, phi_u_c = $phi_u_c") if (disjoint (v_c, phi_u_c)) { // v must have a child in phi(u_c) v_rem += v // add to removal set alter = true } // if } // for if (! v_rem.isEmpty) { if (DEBUG) println (s"v_rem = $v_rem from phi($u)") phi(u) --= v_rem // remove vertices in v_rem from phi(u) v_rem.clear () if (phi(u).isEmpty) return phi // no match for vertex u => no overall match } // if } // for } // while phi } // prune } // MGraphSim2 class import scalation.graph_db.{ExampleMGraphS => EX_GRAPH} //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MGraphSim2Test` object is used to test the `MGraphSim2` class. * This object tests the data graph g1 and query graph q1. * > runMain scalation.graph_db.pattern_matching.MGraphSim2Test */ object MGraphSim2Test extends App { val (g, q) = (EX_GRAPH.g1, EX_GRAPH.q1) println (s"g.checkEdges = ${g.checkEdges}") g.printG () println (s"q.checkEdges = ${q.checkEdges}") q.printG () (new MGraphSim2 (g, q)).test ("MGraphSim2") // Graph Simulation Pattern Matcher } // MGraphSim2Test object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MGraphSim2Test2` object is used to test the `MGraphSim2` class. * This object tests the data graph g2 and query graph q2. * > runMain scalation.graph_db.pattern_matching.MGraphSim2Test2 */ object MGraphSim2Test2 extends App { val (g, q) = (EX_GRAPH.g2, EX_GRAPH.q2) println (s"g.checkEdges = ${g.checkEdges}") g.printG () println (s"q.checkEdges = ${q.checkEdges}") q.printG () (new MGraphSim2 (g, q)).test ("MGraphSim2") // Graph Simulation Pattern Matcher } // MGraphSim2Test2 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MGraphSim2Test3` object is used to test the `MGraphSim2` class. * This object tests the data graph g3 and query graph q3. * > runMain scalation.graph_db.pattern_matching.MGraphSim2Test3 */ object MGraphSim2Test3 extends App { val (g, q) = (EX_GRAPH.g3, EX_GRAPH.q3) println (s"g.checkEdges = ${g.checkEdges}") g.printG () println (s"q.checkEdges = ${q.checkEdges}") q.printG () (new MGraphSim2 (g, q)).test ("MGraphSim2") // Graph Simulation Pattern Matcher } // MGraphSim2Test3 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MGraphSim2Test4` object is used to test the `MGraphSim2` class. * This object tests randomly (uniform) generated graphs. * > runMain scalation.graph_db.pattern_matching.MGraphSim2Test4 */ object MGraphSim2Test4 extends App { val (g, q) = MGraphGen.genGraphs ("0.0") banner ("data graph") println (s"g.checkEdges = ${g.checkEdges}") g.printG () println (GraphMetrics.stats (g)) banner ("query graph") println (s"q.checkEdges = ${q.checkEdges}") q.printG () println (GraphMetrics.stats (q)) (new MGraphSim2 (g, q)).test ("MGraphSim2") // Graph Simulation Pattern Matcher } // MGraphSim2Test4 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MGraphSim2Test5` object is used to test the `MGraphSim2` class. * This object tests randomly (PowerLaw) generated graphs. * > runMain scalation.graph_db.pattern_matching.MGraphSim2Test5 */ object MGraphSim2Test5 extends App { val (g, q) = MGraphGen.genPowerGraphs ("0.0") banner ("data graph") println (s"g.checkEdges = ${g.checkEdges}") g.printG () println (GraphMetrics.stats (g)) banner ("query graph") println (s"q.checkEdges = ${q.checkEdges}") q.printG () println (GraphMetrics.stats (q)) (new MGraphSim2 (g, q)).test ("MGraphSim2") // Graph Simulation Pattern Matcher } // MGraphSim2Test5 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MGraphSim2Test6` object is used to test the `MGraphSim2` class. * This object tests graphs read from files. * > runMain scalation.graph_db.pattern_matching.MGraphSim2Test6 */ object MGraphSim2Test6 extends App { val (g, q) = (MGraphIO [Double] ("gfile"), MGraphIO [Double] ("qfile")) banner ("data graph") println (s"g.checkEdges = ${g.checkEdges}") g.printG () println (GraphMetrics.stats (g)) banner ("query graph") println (s"q.checkEdges = ${q.checkEdges}") q.printG () println (GraphMetrics.stats (q)) (new MGraphSim2 (g, q)).test ("MGraphSim2") // Graph Simulation Pattern Matcher } // MGraphSim2Test6 object