//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Aravind Kalimurthy, John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Tue Jan 24 09:13:15 EDT 2017 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.graph_db package pattern_matching package test import scalation.graph_db.{ExampleMGraphD => EX_GRAPH} //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `DualPatternTest_D` object is used to test all the Dual Simulation pattern * matchers for labels of type `Double`. * > runMain scalation.graph_db.pattern_matching.test.DualPatternTest_D */ object DualPatternTest_D extends App { val g2 = EX_GRAPH.g2p val q2 = EX_GRAPH.q2p val g3 = EX_GRAPH.g3p val q3 = EX_GRAPH.q3p println (s"g2.checkEdges = ${g2.checkEdges}") q2.printG () println (s"q2.checkEdges = ${q2.checkEdges}") g2.printG () // Dual Graph Simulation Pattern Matcher (new DualSim (g2, q2)).test ("DualSim", Answers_g2.phi5) // Dual Simulation (new DualSim2 (g2, q2)).test ("DualSim2", Answers_g2.phi5) // Dual Simulation 2 (new DualSimCAR (g2, q2)).test ("DualSimCAR", Answers_g2.phi6) // Dual Simulation CAR // Dual MGraph Simulation Pattern Matcher (new MDualSim (g2, q2)).test ("MDualSim", Answers_g2.phi5) // MDual Simulation (new MDualSim2 (g2, q2)).test ("MDualSim2", Answers_g2.phi5) // MDual Simulation 2 (new MDualSimCAR (g2, q2)).test ("MDualSimCAR", Answers_g2.phi6) // MDual Simulation CAR // MDual Simulation Pattern Matcher- checks mismatched edge labels (new MDualSim (g3, q3)).test ("MDualSim", Answers_g3.phi7) // MDual Simulation (new MDualSim2 (g3, q3)).test ("MDualSim2", Answers_g3.phi7) // MDual Simulation 2 (new MDualSimCAR (g3, q3)).test ("MDualSimCAR", Answers_g3.phi8) // MDual Simulation CAR } // DualPatternTest_D object