//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Luis A. Ibarra, John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Mon May 1 11:28:31 EDT 2018 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * * Dual Cardinality Simulation Using Immutable Sets */ package scalation.graphalytics import scala.collection.immutable.{Set => SET} import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import LabelType.TLabel //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `DualSim2CAR` class provides a second implementation for Dual Graph Simulation. * It differs from `DualSim` by not using inverse adjacency sets ('pa') in * order to save space. It also enforces the cardinality restriction. * @param g the data graph G(V, E, l) * @param q the query graph Q(U, D, k) */ class DualSim2CAR (g: Graph, q: Graph) extends GraphMatcher (g, q) { private val DEBUG = false // debug flag private val labelCAR = q.label.distinct // build unique query labels set private val mapGraph = buildMap (g.ch, "g") // map: (vertex id, labelCAR value) -> // (child list, parent list) private val mapQuery = buildMap (q.ch, "q") // same for query graph private val countSetsG = buildCountSets (g.ch, "g") // number of children per unique query label private val countSetsQ = buildCountSets (q.ch, "q") // same for query graph //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Apply a graph pattern matching algorithm to find the mappings from the * query graph 'q' to the data graph 'g'. These are represented by a * multi-valued function 'phi' that maps each query graph vertex 'u' to a * set of data graph vertices '{v}'. */ override def mappings (): Array [SET [Int]] = prune (feasibleMatesWithSets ()) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the vertices in the data graph 'g' that match the vertices * in the query graph 'q'. The matching involves a label match and * a first check of children and parents. */ def feasibleMatesWithSets (): Array [SET [Int]] = { val phi = super.feasibleMates () for (u <- qRange; v <- phi(u)) { val u_s = countSetsQ (u) val v_s = countSetsG (v) if (! includedInCountSets (u_s, v_s)) phi(u) -= v } // for phi } // feasibleMatesWithSets //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given the mappings 'phi' produced by the 'feasibleMateswithSets' method, * eliminate mappings 'u -> v' when (1) v's children fail to match u's * or (2) v's parents fail to match u's. * @param phi array of mappings from a query vertex u to { graph vertices v } */ def prune (phi: Array [SET [Int]]): Array [SET [Int]] = { var alter = true while (alter) { alter = false for (u <- qRange; v <- phi(u)) { if (! includedInCh (u, v, phi)) { phi(u) -= v if (phi(u).isEmpty) return phi alter = true } // if } // for for (u <- qRange; v <- phi(u)) { if (! includedInPa (u, v, phi)) { phi(u) -= v if (phi(u).isEmpty) return phi alter = true } // if } // for } // while phi } // prune //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Map each pair of vertex 'id' and label value from 'labelCAR' to the * corresponding tuple of child list and parent list. * @param ch the array of child (adjacency) vertex sets (outgoing edges) * @param name the name of the graph */ private def buildMap (ch: Array [SET [Int]], name: String): Map [(Int, TLabel), (SET [Int], SET [Int])] = { var map = Map [(Int, TLabel), (SET [Int], SET [Int])] () for (i <- ch.indices; l <- labelCAR) { val ch_list = listOfLabelsCh (i, l, name) val pa_list = listOfLabelsPa (i, l, name) map += (i, l) -> (ch_list, pa_list) } // for map } // buildMap //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Build the children countsets and parent counsets. * @param ch the array of child (adjacency) vertex sets (outgoing edges) * @param name the name of the graph */ private def buildCountSets (ch: Array [SET [Int]], name: String): Map [Int, Array [(Int, Int)]] = { var map = Map [Int, Array [(Int, Int)]] () for (i <- ch.indices) { val abs = ArrayBuffer [(Int, Int)] () for (l <- labelCAR) { val numCh = countLabelsCh (i, l, name) // number of children of 'i' with label 'l' val numPa = countLabelsPa (i, l, name) // number of parents of 'i' with label 'l' abs += ((numCh, numPa)) } // for map += i -> abs.toArray } // for map } // buildCountSets //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Check if children/parent count sets satisfy the dual sim cardinality restriction. * @param chu children/parent count sets for u * @param chv children/parent count sets for v */ private def includedInCountSets (chu: Array [(Int, Int)], chv: Array [(Int, Int)]): Boolean = { for (i <- chu.indices) { if (chu(i)._1 > chv(i)._1) return false // check children count sets if (chu(i)._2 > chv(i)._2) return false // check parent count sets } // for true } // includedInCountSets //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the children of vertex 'i' whose label matches 'labCAR'. * @param i the index of the vertex under consideration * @param labCAR the unique labelCAR to match * @param name the name of graph */ private def listOfLabelsCh (i: Int, labCAR: TLabel, name: String): SET [Int] = { var abi = SET [Int] () if (name contains "g") { // FIX - not all data graphs have "g" for (ch <- g.ch(i)) if (g.label(ch) == labCAR) abi += ch } else { for (ch <- q.ch(i)) if (q.label(ch) == labCAR) abi += ch } // if abi } // listOfLabelsCh //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the parents of vertex 'i' whose label matches 'labCAR'. * @param i the index of the vertex under consideration * @param labCAR the unique labelCAR to match * @param name the name of graph */ private def listOfLabelsPa (i: Int, labCAR: TLabel, name: String): SET [Int] = { var abi = SET [Int] () if (name contains "g") { // FIX - not all data graphs have "g for (pa <- g.pa(i)) if (g.label(pa) == labCAR) abi += pa } else { for (pa <- q.pa(i)) if (q.label(pa) == labCAR) abi += pa } // if abi } // listOfLabelsPa //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the number of children of vertex 'i' whose label matches 'labCAR'. * @param i the index of the vertex under consideration * @param labCAR the unique labelCAR to match * @param name the name of graph */ private def countLabelsCh (i: Int, labCAR: TLabel, name: String): Int = { var n = 0 if (name contains "g") { // FIX - not all data graphs have "g for (ch <- g.ch(i)) if (g.label(ch) == labCAR) n += 1 } else { for (ch <- q.ch(i)) if (q.label(ch) == labCAR) n += 1 } // if n } // countLabelsCh //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the number of parents of vertex 'i' whose label matches 'labCAR'. * @param i the index of the vertex under consideration * @param labCAR the unique labelCAR to match * @param name the name of graph */ private def countLabelsPa (i: Int, labCAR: TLabel, name: String): Int = { var n = 0 if (name contains "g") { // FIX - not all data graphs have "g for (pa <- g.pa(i)) if (g.label(pa) == labCAR) n += 1 } else { for (pa <- q.pa(i)) if (q.label(pa) == labCAR) n += 1 } // if n } // countLabelsPa //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Check if dual cardinality simulation restriction applies for u's children and v's children. * @param u a vertex in the query graph * @param v a vertex in the data graph * @param phi the current mapping of a vertex in the query graph to vertices in the data graph */ private def includedInCh (u: Int, v: Int, phi: Array [SET [Int]]): Boolean = { var st_vc = SET [Int] () for (u_c <- q.ch(u); v_c <- g.ch(v)) if (phi(u_c) contains v_c) st_vc += v_c if (st_vc.nonEmpty) { for (uc <- q.ch(u)) { val label = q.label(uc) val size = mapQuery(u,label)._1.size val aichs = mapGraph(v, label)._1 val c = aichs & st_vc if (c.isEmpty) return false if (size > aichs.size) return false } // for true } else { q.ch(u).isEmpty } // if } // includedInCh //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Check if dual cardinality simulation restriction applies for u's parent and v's parent. * @param u a vertex in the query graph * @param v a vertex in the data graph * @param phi the current mapping of a vertex in the query graph to vertices in the data graph */ private def includedInPa (u: Int, v: Int, phi: Array [SET [Int]]): Boolean = { var st_vp = SET [Int] () for (u_p <- q.pa(u); v_p <- g.pa(v)) if (phi(u_p) contains v_p) st_vp += v_p if (st_vp.nonEmpty) { for (up <- q.pa(u)){ val label = q.label(up) val size = mapQuery (u, label)._2.size val aiparents = mapGraph (v, label)._2 val c = st_vp & aiparents if (c.isEmpty) return false if (size > aiparents.size) return false } // for true } else { q.pa(u).isEmpty } // if } // includedInPa } // DualSim2CAR class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `DualSim2Test` object is used to test the `DualSim2` class. * > run-main scalation.graphalytics.DualSim2CARTest */ object DualSim2CARTest extends App { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Simple data and query graphs. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // data graph g1 --------------------------------------------------------- val g1 = new Graph (Array (SET (), // ch(0) SET (0, 2, 3, 4), // ch(1) SET (0), // ch(2) SET (4), // ch(3) SET ()), // ch(4) stringArray ("abc", "xyz" , "def","abc", "zzz"), // vertex labels true, "g1") // inverse, name // query graph q1 -------------------------------------------------------- val q1 = new Graph (Array (SET (1, 2), // ch(0) SET (), // ch(1) SET (1)), // ch(2) stringArray ("xyz", "abc", "def"), true, "q1") println (s"g.checkEdges = ${g1.checkEdges}") g1.printG () println (s"q.checkEdges = ${q1.checkEdges}") q1.printG () (new DualSim2CAR (g1, q1)).test ("DualSim2CAR") } // DualSim2Test object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `DualSim2Test2` object is used to test the `DualSim2` class. * > run-main scalation.graphalytics.DualSim2CARTest2 */ object DualSim2CARTest2 extends App { val g2 = new Graph (Array (SET (1), // ch(0) SET (0, 2, 3, 4, 5), // ch(1) SET (), // ch(2) SET (), // ch(3) SET (), // ch(4) SET (6, 10), // ch(5) SET (7, 4, 8, 9), // ch(6) SET (1), // ch(7) SET (), // ch(8) SET (), // ch(9) SET (11), // ch(10) SET (12), // ch(11) SET (11, 13), // ch(12) SET (), // ch(13) SET (13, 15), // ch(14) SET (16), // ch(15) SET (17, 18), // ch(16) SET (14, 19), // ch(17) SET (20), // ch(18) SET (14), // ch(19) SET (19, 21), // ch(20) SET (), // ch(21) SET (21, 23), // ch(22) SET (25), // ch(23) SET (), // ch(24) SET (24, 26), // ch(25) SET (28), // ch(26) SET (), // ch(27) SET (27, 29), // ch(28) SET (22)), // ch(29) stringArray ("xyz", "abc", "pqr", "pqr", "pqr", "xyz", "abc", "xyz", "pqr", "efg", "pqr", "xyz", "abc", "pqr", "abc", "xyz", "abc", "pqr", "xyz", "xyz", "abc", "pqr", "abc", "xyz", "pqr", "abc", "xyz", "pqr", "abc", "xyz"), true, "g") // query graph q2 -------------------------------------------------------- val q2 = new Graph (Array (SET (1), // ch(0) SET (0, 2, 3), // ch(1) SET (), // ch(2) SET ()), // ch(3) stringArray ("xyz", "abc", "pqr", "pqr"), true, "q") (new DualSim2CAR (g2,q2)).test ("DualSim2CAR") } // DualSim2Test2 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `DualSim2Test3` object is used to test the 'DualSim2' class. * > run-main scalation.graphalytics.DualSim2CARTest3 */ object DualSim2CARTest3 extends App { val gSize = 9 // size of the data graph val qSize = 3 // size of the query graph val nLabels = 4 // number of distinct labels val gAvDegree = 2 // average vertex out degree for data graph val qAvDegree = 2 // average vertex out degree for query graph val g = Graph.g44 val q = Graph.q44 // println (s"q.checkEdges = ${q.checkEdges}") q.printG () g.printG () (new DualSim2CAR(g, q)).test("DualSim2Car-----------") (new DualSim2CAR(g, q)).test("DualSim2Car-----------") (new DualSim2CAR(g, q)).test("DualSim2Car-----------") } // DualSim2Test3 object