//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Matthew Saltz, John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Fri Jul 10 12:39:33 EDT 2015 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.graphalytics import java.io.PrintWriter import scala.collection.immutable.{Set => SET} import scala.io.Source.fromFile import LabelType.{TLabel, toTLabel} //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `GraphIO` class is used to write graphs to a file. * @param g the graph to write */ class GraphIO (g: Graph) { private val DEBUG = true // debug flag //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Write graph 'g' to a file in the following format: *

* Graph (, *

* @param name the file-name containing the graph's vertex, edge and label information * @param base the base sub-directory for storing graphs * @param ext the standard file extension for graph */ def write (name: String = g.name, base: String = BASE_DIR, ext: String = EXT) { val gFile = base + name + ext // relative path-name for file val pw = new PrintWriter (gFile) if (DEBUG) println (s"write: gFile = $gFile") pw.println (s"Graph (${g.name}, ${g.inverse}, ${g.size}") for (i <- g.ch.indices) pw.println (g.toLine (i)) pw.println (")") pw.close () } // write //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Write the graph to TWO 'igraph' compatible files. * @see igraph.sourceforge.net */ def write2IgraphFiles (prefix: String): (String, String) = { val lFile = prefix + "igl.txt" val eFile = prefix + "ige.txt" val lOut = new PrintWriter (lFile) g.label.foreach (lOut.println (_)) lOut.close val eOut = new PrintWriter (eFile) for (i <- g.ch.indices) g.ch(i).foreach (x => eOut.println (i + " " + x)) eOut.close (lFile, eFile) } // write2IgraphFiles //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Write the graph to TWO 'Neo4J' compatible files: 'lFile' and 'eFile' so that * they may be fed into 'Neo4j' with one of its utilities. * FIX: need to handle multiple edge types. * @param lFile the file containing the graph labels (line: vertex-id TAB label) * @param eFile the file the edges (line: start-id TAB end-id TAB type) */ def write2Neo4JFiles (lFile: String, eFile: String) { val vertexLine = new PrintWriter (lFile) // write the vertex ids and their labels vertexLine.println ("id\tlabel") g.label.foldLeft (1) { (i, l) => vertexLine.println (i + "\t" + l); i + 1 } vertexLine.close val edgeLine = new PrintWriter (eFile) // write the edges and their types. edgeLine.println ("start\tend\ttype") g.ch.foldLeft (1) { (i, v) => v.foreach { c => edgeLine.println (i + "\t" + (c+1) + "\tEDGE") } i + 1 } // foldLeft edgeLine.close } // write2Neo4JFiles } // GraphIO class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `GraphIO` object is the companion object to the `GraphIO` class and is used * for reading graphs from files. */ object GraphIO { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given an array of integers as strings, make the corresponding set. * @param line the element string array */ def makeSet (eStrArr: Array [String]): SET [Int] = { if (eStrArr(0) == "") SET [Int] () else eStrArr.map (_.toInt).toSet.asInstanceOf [SET [Int]] } // makeSet //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Read a graph from a file based on the format used by 'print' and 'write': *

* Graph (, , * ,

* @param name the file-name containing the graph's vertex, edge and label information * @param base the base sub-directory for storing graphs * @param ext the standard file extension for graph * @param sep the character separating the values (e.g., ',', ' ', '\t') */ def apply (name: String, base: String = BASE_DIR, ext: String = EXT, sep: Char = ','): Graph = { val gFile = base + name + ext // relative path-name for file val l = fromFile (gFile).getLines.toArray // get the lines from gFile var l0 = l(0).split ('(')(1).split (sep).map (_.trim) // array for line 0 val n = l0(2).toInt // number of lines in file val ch = Array.ofDim [SET [Int]] (n) // adjacency: array of children (ch) val label = Array.ofDim [TLabel] (n) // array of vertex labels println (s"apply: read $n vertices from $gFile") for (i <- ch.indices) { val li = l(i+1).split (sep).map (_.trim) // line i (>0) splits into i, label, ch label(i) = toTLabel (li(1)) // make vertex label ch(i) = makeSet (li.slice (2, li.length)) // make ch set } // for new Graph (ch, label, l0(1) == "true", l0(0)) } // apply //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Read a graph from TWO files: * 'lFile' is a file with one label per line, where each line represents * the vertex with id . * 'eFile' is a file with each line representing the vertex with id * , and each line contains a space-separated list of vertices * to which the current vertex is adjacent. * @param lFile the file containing the graph labels * @param eFile the file the edges (to create adjacency sets) * @param inverse whether to store inverse adjacency sets (parents) */ def read2Files (lFile: String, eFile: String, inverse: Boolean = false): Graph = { val lLines = fromFile (lFile).getLines // get the lines from lFile val label = lLines.map (x => toTLabel (x.trim)).toArray // make the label array val eLines = fromFile (eFile).getLines // get the lines from eFile val ch = eLines.map ( line => // make the adj array if (line.trim != "") line.split (" ").map (x => x.trim.toInt).toSet else SET [Int] () ).toArray new Graph (ch, label) } // read2Files //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Read a graph from TWO specially formatted Pajek files. * @param lFile the file containing the graph labels * @param eFile the file the edges (to create adjacency sets) * @param inverse whether to store inverse adjacency sets (parents) */ def read2PajekFile (lFile: String, eFile: String, inverse: Boolean = false): Graph = { val lLines = fromFile (lFile).getLines // get the lines from lFile val label = lLines.map (x => toTLabel (x.trim)).toArray val ch = Array.ofDim [SET [Int]] (label.size) for (i <- ch.indices) ch(i) = SET [Int] () val eLines = fromFile (eFile).getLines // get the lines from eFile for (line <- eLines) { val splitL = line.split (" ").map (_.trim) val adjs = splitL.slice (1, splitL.length).map(_.trim.toInt).toSet ch(splitL(0).toInt-1) ++= adjs } // for new Graph (ch, label) } // read2PajekFile } // GraphIO object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `GraphIOTest` object is used to test the `GraphIO` class and object. * > runMain scalation.graphalytics.GraphIOTest */ object GraphIOTest extends App { val name = "ran_graph" // the name of the graph val size = 50 // size of the graph val nLabels = 10 // number of distinct vertex labels val avDegree = 5 // average vertex out degree for the graph val inverse = false // Create a random graph and print it out val ran_graph = GraphGen.genRandomGraph (size, nLabels, avDegree, inverse, "ran_graph") println (s"ran_graph = $ran_graph") ran_graph.printG () // Write the graph to a file println ("start writing graph to " + name) (new GraphIO (ran_graph)).write () println ("end writing graph to " + name) // Read the file to create a new identical graph val g = GraphIO (name) println (s"g = $g") g.printG () } // GraphIOTest object