//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Ayushi Jain, John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Thu Feb 4 2013 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.graphalytics import scala.collection.immutable.{Set => SET} import scala.collection.mutable.Set import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, MutableList} import scala.util.control.Breaks._ import scalation.util.time import LabelType.TLabel //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The 'GraphqlOpt' class provides an implementation for Subgraph Isomorphism * of GraphQL's Algorithm. * @see http://cs.ucsb.edu/~dbl/papers/he_sigmod_2008.pdf (GraphQL paper) * @param g the data graph G(V, E, l) * @param q the query graph Q(U, D, k) */ class GraphqlOpt (g: Graph, q: Graph) { private var phi = Array.ofDim [SET [Int]] (q.size) // empty feasible match sets private var matches = Set [Array [Int]] () // empty matches private var matchedVertex = Array.fill (q.size) {-1} // matched vertex for each u to -1 private val qProfileMap = HashMap [Int, MutableList [TLabel]] () // profile mapping of each query vertex 'u' to empty list private val gProfileMap = HashMap [Int, MutableList [TLabel]] () // profile mapping of each data vertex 'v' to empty list private val searchOrder = Array.ofDim [Int] (q.size) // empty search order private val searchOrderEnabled = true // by default search order is enabled private val LIMIT = 1E7 // quit after too many matches for (u <- 0 until q.size) qProfileMap += u -> getNeighborProfile (q, u) // get neighborhood of query vertex 'u', Figure 13 for (v <- 0 until g.size) gProfileMap += v -> getNeighborProfile (g, v) // get neighborhood of data vertex 'v', Figure 13 println ("Neighbor, Profile processing done") //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create an initial array of feasible mappings 'phi' from each query * vertex 'u' to the corresponding set of data graph vertices '{v}' whose * label matches 'u's. */ def feasibleMates (): Array [SET [Int]] = { q.label.map (u_label => g.getVerticesWithLabel (u_label)) } // feasibleMates //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Apply the 'GraphQL' Subgraph Isomorphism algorithm to find subgraphs of data * graph 'g' that isomorphically match query graph 'q'. * This method represents the Algorithm 1: Graph Pattern Matching of the * 'GraphQL' paper. */ def bijections () { matches = Set [Array [Int]] () phi = feasibleMates () // initial mappings from label match println ("Neighbor Local Pruning started") neighborProfilePruning () // neighborhood local pruning, Section 4.2 of GraphQL paper println ("Neighbor Local Pruning completed") println ("Global Pruning started") // refineSearchSpace (q.size) // reduce global search space, Section 4.3 of GraphQL paper println ("Global search space pruning completed") getSearchOrder () // optimize search order, Section 4.4 of GraphQL paper search (0) } // bijections //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Sorts according to the feasible matches size in ascending order. * This method represents the Section 4.4.2 : Optimization of search order based * on greedy approach of the 'GraphQL' paper. * i.e., at join 'i', choose a leaf node that minimizes the estimated cost of the join. */ def getSearchOrder () { val phiSortMap = new HashMap [Int, Int] () for (u <- 0 until phi.size) phiSortMap += u -> phi (u).size phiSortMap.toSeq.sortBy (_._2).map (x => x._1).copyToArray (searchOrder) println ("Search Order decided") } // getSearchOrder //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Iterates on the 'u'th Node to find feasible mapping for that node. * This is the part of Algorithm 1, Line 8 to 18, of the 'GraphQL' paper * @param depth the depth of recursion */ def search (depth: Int) { val u = if (searchOrderEnabled) searchOrder (depth) else depth for (v <- phi (u)) { if (! contains (matchedVertex, v) && check (u, v)) { matchedVertex (u) = v // v is the matched vertex for u if (depth < q.size - 1) { if (matches.size >= LIMIT) return // quit if at LIMIT search (depth + 1) // search at next depth } else { matches += matchedVertex.clone // Match Found if (matches.size >= LIMIT) return } // if } // if matchedVertex (u) = -1 } // for } // search //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Determine whether vertex 'v' is contained in any matched vertex. * @param matVert array of matched vertex from a query vertex u to graph vertex v * @param v the vertex v to check */ def contains (matVert: Array [Int], v: Int): Boolean = { for (i <- matVert if i == v) return true false } // contains //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Examines, if 'u' can be mapped to 'v', by considering their edges. * This method is the part of Algorithm 1, line 19 to 26, of the 'GraphQL' paper. * @param u vertex u can be mapped to v * @param v vertex v can be mapped to u */ def check (u: Int, v: Int): Boolean = { for (u_c <- q.ch (u)) { // directed graph, so child check breakable { if (matchedVertex (u_c) != -1) { // vertex u_c is already evaluated, so v_c is selected for u_c if (g.ch (v) contains matchedVertex (u_c)) break // if adjacency vertices of v does not contain v_c, return false else return false } // if for (v_c <- g.ch (v) if phi (u_c) contains v_c) break // vertex u_c is not evaluated, so phi(u_c), should contain v_c of v return false } // breakable } // for for(u_p <- q.pa (u)) { // directed graph, so parent check breakable { if (matchedVertex (u_p) != -1) { // vertex u_p is already evaluated, so v_p is selected for u_p if (g.pa (v) contains matchedVertex (u_p)) break // if adjacency vertices of v does not contain v_p, return false else return false } // if for (v_p <- g.pa (v) if phi (u_p) contains v_p) break // vertex u_p is not evaluated, so phi(u_p) should contain v_p of v return false } // breakable } // for true } // check //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Examines neighborhood profile(sorted neighborhood labels) of query vertex 'u' * with feasible vertex 'v' profile of 'v' must contain profile of 'u'. * This method is the part of Algorithm 1: line 3 and the section 4.2 of * the 'GraphQL' paper. */ def neighborProfilePruning () { for (u <- 0 until q.size) { for (v <- phi (u)) { if (! (qProfileMap (u) diff gProfileMap (v)).isEmpty) phi (u) -= v } // for } // if } // neighborProfilePruning //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Checks whether at level l, subtree of 'u' is sub-isomorphic to 'v' only if * Bipartite graph of 'B(u, v)' has semi-perfect matching. This method is the * implementation of Algorithm 2: Refine Search Space, of the 'GraphQL' paper. * @param level to what level we want to refine. */ // def refineSearchSpace (level: Int) // { // val mark = HashMap [String, Boolean] () // for (u <- 0 until q.size; v <- phi (u)) mark.put ("(" +u + "," +v + ")", true) { // initialize all pair of u and v to true // breakable { for (i <- 1 to level) { // for (u <- 0 until q.size; v <- phi (u) if (mark("(" +u + "," +v + ")"))) { // val bipartite = Array.fill (q.size, g.size) (false) // start constructing bipartite graph B(u,v) // val uNeighbors = getNeighbors (q, u) // val vNeighbors = getNeighbors (g, v) // for (u0 <- uNeighbors; v0 <- vNeighbors if (phi (u0) contains v0)) { // bipartite (u0)(v0) = true // construct bipartite graph // } // for // val maxBipSize = new BipartiteMatching (bipartite).maxBPM // find max bipartite match u to v, unique pair // if (maxBipSize == uNeighbors.size) { // mark.put ("(" +u + "," +v + ")", false) // max bipartite is equal to u's neighbor size, // // that means a semi-perfect match is found // } else { // phi(u) -= v // if not semi-perfect match, remove v from phi(u) // for (u0 <- uNeighbors ; v0 <- vNeighbors if (phi (u0) contains v0)) { // mark.put ("(" +u0 + "," +v0 + ")", true ) // } // for // } // if // } // for // if (! mark.values.toList.contains (true)) break // no pair (u, v) in mark => no further pruning // }} // breakable for // } // for // } // refineSearchSpace //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Find neighborhood profile of vertex 'u' in a graph. The profile is constructed * in lexicographical order, refer figure 13 of the 'GraphQL' paper for example. * @param graph For which graph, we are finding neighbor profile of u * @param u Vertex u, for which neighborhood profile is created */ def getNeighborProfile (graph: Graph, u: Int) : MutableList [TLabel] = { var profileList = MutableList [TLabel] () for (vertex <- graph.ch (u)) profileList += graph.label (vertex) for (vertex <- graph.pa (u)) profileList += graph.label (vertex) profileList += graph.label (u) // profileList.sorted // FIX: check if sorting is required profileList } // getNeighborProfile //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Finds all the neighbors of vertex 'u' in a graph. * @param graph For which graph, we are finding neighbors of u * @param u Vertex u, for which all neighbors are found */ def getNeighbors (graph: Graph, u : Int): SET [Int] = { var uNeighbors = SET [Int] () uNeighbors ++= graph.ch (u) uNeighbors ++= graph.pa (u) uNeighbors += u uNeighbors } // getNeighbors //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Returns all subgraph isomorphic matches. */ def getMatches (): Set [Array [Int]] = matches } // GraphqlOpt class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `GraphqlOptTest` object randomly generates the data graph and corresponding * query graph to test `GraphqlOpt` class. */ object GraphqlOptTest extends App { val gSize = 5000 // size of the data graph val qSize = 20 // size of the query graph val nLabels = 20 // number of distinct labels val gAvDegree = 20 // average vertex out degree for data graph val qAvDegree = 8 // average vertex out degree for query graph val g = GraphGen.genRandomGraph (gSize, nLabels, gAvDegree, true, "g") val q = GraphGen.genBFSQuery (qSize, qAvDegree, g, true, "q") g.printG () // print data graph q.printG () // print query graph val matcher = new GraphqlOpt (g, q) // GraphqlOpt Subgraph Isomorphism Pattern Matcher for (i <- 0 until 5) { time { matcher.bijections () } // time the matcher println("Match Count: " + matcher.getMatches.size) for (mat <- matcher.getMatches ) println (mat.deep) // print Matches } // for } // GraphqlOptTest //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `GraphqlOptTest2` object test the `GraphqlOpt` class by feeding the value * of data graph and query graph. */ object GraphqlOptTest2 extends App { val g = new Graph (Array (SET [Int] (), SET [Int] (), SET (1, 4), SET (0, 1, 2), SET (0)), Array ("0", "2", "2", "1", "2"), true, "g") val q = new Graph (Array (SET (1), SET [Int] ()), Array ("2", "0"), true, "q") g.printG () // print data graph q.printG () // print query graph val matcher = new GraphqlOpt (g, q) // GraphqlOpt Subgraph Isomorphism Pattern Matcher for (i <- 0 until 5) { time { matcher.bijections () } // time the matcher println ("Match Count: " + matcher.getMatches.size) for (mat <- matcher.getMatches ) println (mat.deep) } // for } // GraphqlOptTest2 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: /** The `GraphqlOptTest3` object test the `GraphqlOpt` class by feeding data graph * and query graph relative file path. */ object GraphqlOptTest3 extends App { val g = GraphIO ("gFile") // read data graph val q = GraphIO ("qFile") // read query graph g.printG () // print data graph q.printG () // print query graph val matcher = new GraphqlOpt (g, q) // GraphqlOpt Subgraph Isomorphism Pattern Matcher for (i <- 0 until 5) { time { matcher.bijections () } // time the matcher println ("Match Count: " + matcher.getMatches.size) for (mat <- matcher.getMatches) println (mat.deep) } // for } // GraphqlOptTest3