//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Fri May 25 14:55:48 EDT 2018 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * * Chess 2D Object Tracking Algorithm * @see citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= * @see web.yonsei.ac.kr/jksuhr/articles/Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi%20ChessTracker.pdf */ package scalation.image import scala.math.{max, min} import scalation.linalgebra.{MatriI, MatrixI, VectoI, VectorI} import scalation.util.banner import Tracker._ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ChessTracker` class is used for image tracking algorithms based on * the idea of minimizing the difference between a sub-image of 'a' and a subsequent * displaced sub-image of 'b'. * This algorithm searches for improvements in displacement 'd' in multiple directions * and with multiple iterations. * It may be viewed as a form of Generating Set Search (GSS). * @see citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= * @param a the initial image * @param b the subsequent image * @param w the window size * @param q use false for Rook (4 directional) or true for Queen (8 directional) tracking */ class ChessTracker (a: MatriI, b: MatriI, w: VectoI, q: Boolean) extends Tracker (a, b) { private val DEBUG = true // debug flag private val MAX_ITER = 3 // maximum number of iterations private val MAX_STEPS = 4 // maximum number of steps private val THRES = 1 // early termination threshold private val directions = if (q) q_directions else r_directions // Queen or Rook search directions if (DEBUG) println (s"directions = $directions") //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Find an optimal displacement vector 'd', so that points near 'u' in image 'a' * match points near 'v = u + d' in image 'b', returning the vectors 'd' and 'v'. * @param u the point in image 'a' for which a matching point 'v' is sought in 'b' */ def optimize (u: VectoI): (VectoI, Double) = { var d: VectoI = new VectorI (2) // set optimal displacement to zero val x_r = max (0, u(0)-w(0)) to min (limit(0)-1, u(0) + w(0)) // x-coordinate range val y_r = max (0, u(1)-w(1)) to min (limit(1)-1, u(1) + w(1)) // y-coordinate range var best = (d, err (d, x_r, y_r)) for (it <- 1 to MAX_ITER) { // perform iteration it if (DEBUG) banner (s"begin interation $it") for (dir <- directions) { // try all directions val (dl, e) = linesearch (d, dir, x_r, y_r) // best displacement, error in direction 'dir' if (DEBUG) println (s"optimize: dl = $dl, e = $e") if (e < best._2) { best = (dl, e); d = dl } // record if best of all directions } // for if (DEBUG) println (s"best = $best") if (best._2 < THRES) return best // terminate early if error is small } // for best } // optimize //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Find an optimal displacement vector along the given direction 'dir'. * @param d the current displacement vector * @param dir the current direction to search in * @param x_r the range of x-coordinates * @param y_r the range of y-coordinates */ def linesearch (d: VectoI, dir: VectoI, x_r: Range, y_r: Range): (VectoI, Double) = { var best = (d, err (d, x_r, y_r)) // initialize best displacement and its error var dd = d // initialize candidate displacement for (steps <- 1 to MAX_STEPS) { // iteterate over steps in direction 'dir' dd = dd + dir // take one more step in direction 'dir' val e = err (dd, x_r, y_r) // compute the error for this candidate if (DEBUG) println (s"linesearch: dd = $dd, e = $e") if (e < best._2) best = (dd.copy, e) // record if best in direction 'dir' } // for if (DEBUG) print (s"best = $best") best } // linesearch } // ChessTracker class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ChessTrackerTest` object is used test the `ChessTracker` class. * This test case works for both Rook and Queen directions. * > runMain scalation.image.ChessTrackerTest */ object ChessTrackerTest extends App { val u = VectorI (3, 3) // location of interest val w = VectorI (1, 1) // size of window around 'u' val tr_r = new ChessTracker (a1, a2, w, false) // Rook val (dr, er) = tr_r.optimize (u) banner ("Rook Tracker") println (s"(dr, er) = ($dr, $er)") println ("optimal solution: (d, e) = (VectorI (2, 2), 0.0)") val tr_q = new ChessTracker (a1, a2, w, true) // Queen val (dq, eq) = tr_q.optimize (u) banner ("Queen Tracker") println (s"(dq, eq) = ($dq, $eq)") println ("optimal solution: (d, e) = (VectorI (2, 2), 0.0)") } // ChessTrackerTest object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ChessTrackerTest2` object is used test the `ChessTracker` class. * This test case works for both Rook and Queen directions. * > runMain scalation.image.ChessTrackerTest2 */ object ChessTrackerTest2 extends App { val u = VectorI (3, 3) val w = VectorI (1, 1) val tr_r = new ChessTracker (a1, a3, w, false) // Rook val (dr, er) = tr_r.optimize (u) banner ("Rook Tracker") println (s"(dr, er) = ($dr, $er)") println ("optimal solution: (d, e) = (VectorI (2, 3), 0.0)") val tr_q = new ChessTracker (a1, a3, w, true) // Queen val (dq, eq) = tr_q.optimize (u) banner ("Queen Tracker") println (s"(dq, eq) = ($dq, $eq)") println ("optimal solution: (d, e) = (VectorI (2, 3), 0.0)") } // ChessTrackerTest2 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ChessTrackerTest3` object is used test the `ChessTracker` class. * This test case works only for Queen directions. * > runMain scalation.image.ChessTrackerTest3 */ object ChessTrackerTest3 extends App { val u = VectorI (3, 3) val w = VectorI (1, 1) val tr_r = new ChessTracker (a1, a4, w, false) // Rook val (dr, er) = tr_r.optimize (u) banner ("Rook Tracker") println (s"(dr, er) = ($dr, $er)") println ("optimal solution: (d, e) = (VectorI (3, 3), 0.0)") val tr_q = new ChessTracker (a1, a4, w, true) // Queen val (dq, eq) = tr_q.optimize (u) banner ("Queen Tracker") println (s"(dq, eq) = ($dq, $eq)") println ("optimal solution: (d, e) = (VectorI (3, 3), 0.0)") } // ChessTrackerTest3 object