//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller, Robert Davis * @version 1.5 * @date Sun Sep 16 14:09:25 EDT 2012 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * * This file contains classes for Hessenburg reductions, finding Eigenvalues * and computing Eigenvectors. * Need to add ability to work with `SparseMatrixD` */ package scalation.linalgebra import scala.math.{abs, signum, sqrt} import scala.util.control.Breaks.{breakable, break} import scalation.linalgebra.Householder.house import scalation.linalgebra.MatrixD.{eye, outer} import scalation.math.double_exp import scalation.math.ExtremeD.TOL import scalation.util.Error //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Eigen` trait defines constants used by classes and objects in the group. */ trait Eigen { /** Debug flag */ protected val DEBUG = true } // Eigen trait //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Hessenburg` class is used to reduce, via similarity transformations, an * 'n' by 'n' matrix 'a' to Hessenburg form 'h', where all elements two below the * main diagonal are zero (or close to zero). Note, similarity transformations * do not changes the eigenvalues. * @param a the matrix to reduce to Hessenburg form */ class Hessenburg (a: MatrixD) extends Eigen with Error { private val (m, n) = (a.dim1, a.dim2) // size of matrix private var h = new MatrixD (a) // Hessenburg h matrix if (m != n) flaw ("constructor", "must have m == n") for (j <- 0 until n) { // for each column j val x = h.col(j, j) // jth column from jth position val u = x + x.oneAt (0) * x.norm * (if (x(0) < 0.0) -1.0 else 1.0) val pp = eye (n-j) - outer (u, u) * (2.0 / u.normSq) val p = eye (j) diag pp h = p.t * h * p } // for //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get the Hessenburg h matrix. */ def getH: MatrixD = h } // Hessenburg class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Eigenvalue` class is used to find the eigenvalues of an 'n' by 'n' matrix * 'a' using an iterative technique that applies similarity transformations to * convert 'a' into an upper triangular matrix, so that the eigenvalues appear * along the diagonal. To improve performance, the 'a' matrix is first reduced * to Hessenburg form. During the iterative steps, a shifted 'QR' decomposition * is performed. * Caveats: (1) it will not handle eigenvalues that are complex numbers, * (2) it uses a simple shifting strategy that may slow convergence. * @param a the matrix whose eigenvalues are sought */ class Eigenvalue (a: MatrixD) extends Eigen with Error { private val ITERATIONS = 12 // max iterations: increase --> more precision, but slower private val (m, n) = (a.dim1, a.dim2) // size of matrix private val e = new VectorD (m) // vector of eigenvalues if (m != n) flaw ("constructor", "must have m == n") var g = (new Hessenburg (a)).getH // convert g matrix to Hessenburg form var converging = true // still converging, has not converged yet var lastE = Double.PositiveInfinity // save an eigenvalue from last iteration for (k <- 0 until ITERATIONS if converging) { // major iterations converging = true for (l <- 0 until ITERATIONS) { // minor iterations val s = g(n - 1, n - 1) // the shift parameter val eye_g = eye (g.dim1) val (qq, rr) = (new Fac_QR_H (g - eye_g * s)).factor12 () g = rr.asInstanceOf [MatrixD] * qq.asInstanceOf [MatrixD] + eye_g * s // FIX } // for for (i <- 0 until n) e(i) = g(i, i) // extract eigenvalues from diagonal val e0 = e(0) // consider one eigenvalue if (abs ((lastE - e0) / e0) < TOL) { // relative error converging = false // end major iterations } else { lastE = e0 // save this eigenvalue } // if if (DEBUG) { println ("-------------------------------------------") println ("Eigenvalue: on iteration " + k + ": g = " + g) println ("Eigenvalue: on iteration " + k + ": e = " + e) if (! converging) println ("Eigenvalue: converged!") } // if } // for //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Reorder the eigenvalue vector 'e' in non-increasing order. */ def reorder () { e.sort2 () } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get the eigenvalue 'e' vector. * @param order whether to order the eigenvalues in non-increasing order */ def getE (order: Boolean = true): VectorD = { if (order) reorder() ; e } } // Eigenvalue class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `HouseholderT` class performs a Householder Tridiagonalization on a * symmetric matrix. * @see Algorithm 8.3.1 in Matrix Computations. * @param a the symmetric matrix to tridiagonalize */ class HouseholderT (a: MatrixD) extends Eigen with Error { /** The Householder tridiagonal matrix */ private val t = new SymTriMatrixD (a.dim1) if (a.dim1 != a.dim2) flaw ("constructor", "must have m == n") if (! a.isSymmetric) flaw ("constructor", "matrix a must be symmetric") val n = a.dim1 - 1 // the last index for (k <- 0 to n - 2) { val ts = a.col(k).slice (k+1, n+1) val v_b = house (ts) val v = v_b._1; val b = v_b._2 val p = a.slice (k+1, n+1, k+1, n+1) * v * b val w = p - v * ((b / 2) * (p dot v)) t(k, k) = a(k, k) t(k+1, k) = ts.norm for (i <- k + 1 to n; j <- k + 1 to n) { a(i, j) = a(i, j) - (v(i - (k+1)) * w(j - (k+1)) + w(i - (k+1)) * v(j - (k+1))) } // for } // for t(n-1, n) = a(n-1, n) t(n-1, n-1) = a(n-1, n-1) t(n, n) = a(n, n) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get the Householder Tridiagonal matrix 't'. */ def getT: SymTriMatrixD = t } // HouseholderT class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `SymmetricQRstep` object performs a symmetric 'QR' step with a Wilkinson shift. * @see Algorithm 8.3.2 in Matrix Computations. * @see http://people.inf.ethz.ch/arbenz/ewp/Lnotes/chapter3.pdf (Algorithm 3.6) */ object SymmetricQRstep extends Eigen with Error { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Apply a 'QR' reduction step to matrix 't'. * @param t the unreduced symmetric tridiagonal matrix * @param p the row index * @param q the column index */ def qRStep (t: SymTriMatrixD, p: Int, q: Int) = { val n = t.dg.dim - q - 1 // the last index val d = (t.dg(n-1) - t.dg(n)) / 2.0 // Wilkinson shift val t2 = t.sd(n-1) * t.sd(n-1) val d2 = t.dg(n) - t2 / (d + signum (d) * sqrt (d * d + t2)) var g = t.dg(0) - d2 var s = 1.0 var c = 1.0 var phi = 0.0 for (k <- p until n) { var f = s * (t.sd(k)) var b = c * (t.sd(k)) var r = sqrt (g * g + f * f) c = g / r s = f / r if (k != 0) t.sd(k-1) = r g = t.dg(k) - phi r = (t.dg(k+1) - g) * s + 2.0 * c * b phi = s * r t.dg(k) = g + phi g = c * r - b } // for t.dg(n) = t.dg(n) - phi t.sd(n-1) = g } // qRStep } // SymmetricQRstep object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `EigenvalueSym` class is used to find the eigenvalues of an 'n' by 'n' * symmetric matrix 'a' using an iterative technique, the Symmetric 'QR' Algorithm. * @see Algorithm 8.3.3 in Matrix Computations. * Caveats: (1) it will not handle eigenvalues that are complex numbers, * (2) it uses a simple shifting strategy that may slow convergence. * @param a the symmetric matrix whose eigenvalues are sought */ class EigenvalueSym (a: MatrixD) extends Eigen with Error { /** The matrix containing a vector of eigenvalues */ private var d: SymTriMatrixD = null val m = a.dim1 // number of rows if (m != a.dim2) flaw ("constructor", "must have m == n") if (! a.isSymmetric) flaw ("constructor", "matrix a must be symmetric") var p = 0 // the row index var q = 0 // the column index d = (new HouseholderT (a)).getT // make symmetric tridiagonal matrix while (q < m) { for (i <- 0 to m-2 if abs (d(i, i+1)) <= TOL) d(i, i+1) = 0.0 // clean d q = 0; p = m-1 while (p > 0 && d(p, p-1) =~ 0.0 && q < m) { q += 1; p -= 1 } while (p > 0 && ! (d(p, p-1) =~ 0.0)) p -= 1 if (q < m) SymmetricQRstep.qRStep (d, p, q) } // while //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get the eigenvalue 'e' vector. */ def getE: VectorD = d.dg // the diagonal of the tridiagonal matrix } // EigenvalueSym //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Eigenvector` class is used to find the eigenvectors of an 'n' by 'n' matrix * 'a' by solving equations of the form *

* (a - eI)v = 0 *

* where 'e' is the eigenvalue and 'v' is the eigenvector. Place the eigenvectors * in a matrix column-wise. * @param a the matrix whose eigenvectors are sought * @param _e the vector of eigenvalues of matrix a */ class Eigenvector (a: MatrixD, _e: VectorD = null) extends Eigen with Error { private val ITERATIONS = 12 // max iterations private val m = a.dim1 // number of rows if (a.dim2 != m) flaw ("constructor", "must have m == n") private val v = new MatrixD (m, m) // eigenvectors matrix (each row) private val ident = eye (m) // identity matrix private val e = if (_e == null) (new Eigenvalue (a)).getE () else _e // find eigenvectors using nullspace calculation for (i <- 0 until m) { // compute eigenvector for i-th eigenvalue val a_Ie = (a - ident * e(i)) // a - Ie val c_a_Ie = a_Ie.clean (TOL) if (DEBUG) println (s"a_Ie = $a_Ie \nc_a_Ie = $c_a_Ie") val qr = new Fac_QR_H (c_a_Ie) qr.factor () val eVec = qr.nullspaceV (e.zero (m)) println ("+++ eigenvector for eigenvalue " + e(i) + " = " + eVec) val mat = a_Ie.slice (1, m) if (DEBUG) println ("mat = " + mat) val eVec2 = mat.nullspace println ("--- eigenvector for eigenvalue " + e(i) + " = " + eVec2) // v.setCol (i, eVec) v.setCol (i, eVec2) } // for // find eigenvectors using inverse iteration (also improves eigenvalues) // @see http://home.iitk.ac.in/~dasgupta/MathBook/lmastertrans.pdf (p. 130) // var y_k = new VectorD (m); y_k.set (1./m.toDouble) // old estimate of eigenvector // var y_l: VectorD = null // new estimate of eigenvector // // for (i <- 0 until m) { // compute eigenvector for i-th eigenvalue // breakable { for (k <- 0 until ITERATIONS) { // val a_Ie = a - ident * e(i) // form matrix: [a - Ie] // f (DEBUG) println ("a_Ie = " + a_Ie) // val qr = new Fac_QR_H (a_Ie) // qr.factor () // val y = qr.solve (y_k) // solve [a - Ie]y = y_k // y_l = y / y.norm // normalize // e(i) += 1.0 / (y_k dot y) // improve the eigenvalue // if ((y_l - y_k).norm < TOL) break // y_k = y_l // update the eigenvector // }} // for // println ("eigenvector for eigenvalue " + e(i) + " = " + y_l) // v.setCol (i, y_l) // } // for //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get the eigenvector 'v' matrix. */ def getV: MatrixD = v } // Eigenvector class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `EigenTest` object is used to test the all the classes used in computing * Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors for the non-symmetric/general case. * > runMain scalation.linalgebra.EigenTest */ object EigenTest extends App { import scalation.util.banner //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** For matrix a, find Hessenburg matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. */ def test (a: MatrixD, name: String) { banner (name) val e = (new Eigenvalue (a)).getE () val v = (new Eigenvector (a, e)).getV println ("----------------------------------------------------------") println ("a = " + a) println ("e = " + e) println ("v = " + v) for (i <- 0 until v.dim1) { // check that a * v_i = e_i * v_i println ("a * v_i - v_i * e_i = " + (a * v.col(i) - v.col(i) * e(i))) } // for } // test // @see http://www.mathworks.com/help/symbolic/eigenvalue-trajectories.html // should give e = (3., 2., 1.) val b = new MatrixD ((3, 3), -149.0, -50.0, -154.0, // 3-by-3 matrix 537.0, 180.0, 546.0, -27.0, -9.0, -25.0) test (b, "matrix b") // @see http://www.math.hmc.edu/calculus/tutorials/eigenstuff/eigenstuff.pdf // should give e = (1., -3., -3.) val c = new MatrixD ((3, 3), 5.0, 8.0, 16.0, // 3-by-3 matrix 4.0, 1.0, 8.0, -4.0, -4.0, -11.0) test (c, "matrix c") } // EigenTest object