//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller, Zhaochong Liu * @version 1.5 * @date Sat Jul 30 22:53:47 EDT 2016 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.linalgebra import scalation.math.double_exp import scalation.math.ExtremeD.TOL //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Fac_QR_H2` class provides methods to factor an 'm-by-n' matrix 'aa' into * the product of two matrices: *

* 'q' - an 'm-by-n' orthogonal matrix and * 'r' - an 'n-by-n' right upper triangular matrix *

* such that 'a = q * r'. It uses Householder orthogonalization. * @see 5.1 and 5.2 in Matrix Computations * @see QRDecomposition.java in Jama * @see www.stat.wisc.edu/~larget/math496/qr.html * @see math.stackexchange.com/questions/678843/householder-qr-factorization-for-m-by-n-matrix-both-m-n-and-mn *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * This implementation replaces matrix operations in `Fac_QR_H3` with low-level * operations for greater efficiency. Also, calculates Householder vectors differently. * Caveat: for m < n use `Fac_LQ`. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @param aa the matrix to be factor into q and r * @param needQ flag indicating whether a full q matrix is needed */ class Fac_QR_H2 [MatT <: MatriD] (aa: MatT, needQ: Boolean = true) extends Fac_QR (aa, needQ) { private val a = aa.copy () // copy of matrix aa //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Factor matrix 'a' into the product of two matrices, 'a = q * r', returning * both the orthogonal 'q' matrix and the right upper triangular 'r' matrix. * This algorithm uses Householder orthogonalization. * @see 5.1 and 5.2 in Matrix Computations * @see QRDecomposition.java in Jama */ def factor (): Fac_QR_H2 [MatT] = { if (factored) return this for (k <- 0 until p) { // for each column k in a val a_k = a.col (k, k) // A(k:m, k) column vector var _norm = a_k.norm // norm of this column if (_norm !=~ 0.0) { if (a_k(0) < 0.0) _norm = -_norm // make kth Householder vector for (i <- k until m) a(i, k) /= _norm a(k, k) += 1.0 for (j <- k + 1 until n) { // transform remaining columns var sum = 0.0 for (i <- k until m) sum += a(i, k) * a(i, j) sum /= - a(k, k) for (i <- k until m) a(i, j) += sum * a(i, k) } // for } // if r(k, k) = -_norm // set r's diagonal element r_kk } // for if (needQ) computeQ () for (j <- 0 until p; i <- 0 until j) r(i, j) = a(i, j) // fill in rest of r matrix r.clean (TOL) // comment out to avoid cleaning r matrix factored = true this } // factor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the full 'q' orthogonal matrix based on updated values in 'a'. */ def computeQ () { for (k <- p-1 to 0 by -1) { if (a(k, k) !=~ 0.0) { for (j <- k until n) { var sum = 0.0 for (i <- k until m) sum += q(i, j) * a(i, k) sum /= - a(k, k) for (i <- k until m) q(i, j) += sum * a(i, k) } // for } // if } // for } // computeQ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the nullspace of matrix 'a: { x | a*x = 0 }' using 'QR' Factorization * 'q*r*x = 0'. Gives a basis of dimension 'n - rank' for the nullspace * @param rank the rank of the matrix (number of linearly independent column vectors) */ def nullspace (rank: Int): MatriD = { val aat = aa.t // transpose of aa val ns = if (aat.dim1 < aat.dim2) { val qq = (new Fac_LQ (aat)).factor2 () // using LQ qq.slice (rank, qq.dim1).t // last n - rank rows, transpose } else { val qq = (new Fac_QR_H2 (aat)).factor1 () // using QR qq.slice (0, aat.dim1, rank, aat.dim2) // last n - rank columns } // if if (ns.dim2 > 0) ns else new MatrixD (aat.dim1, 0) } // nullspace //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the nullspace of matrix 'a: { x | a*x = 0 }' using 'QR' Factorization * 'q*r*x = 0'. Gives only one vector in the nullspace. * @param x a vector with the correct dimension */ def nullspaceV (x: VectoD): VectoD = { x(n-1) = 1.0 // vector to solve for val b = x.zero (n) // new rhs as -r_i,n-1 for (i <- 0 until n) b(i) = -r(i, n-1) val rr = r.slice (0, n, 0, n-1) // drop last column for (k <- n-2 to 0 by -1) { // solve for x in rr*x = b x(k) = (b(k) - (rr(k) dot x)) / rr(k, k) } // for x } // nullspaceV } // Fac_QR_H2 class