//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller, Michael Cotterell * @version 1.5 * @date Tue Sep 17 17:12:07 EDT 2013 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * * @see Matrix Computation, 4th ed. */ package scalation.linalgebra import java.lang.Math.copySign import scala.math.{abs, sqrt} import scalation.linalgebra.MatrixD.eye import scalation.math.double_exp //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Givens` objects has methods for determining values 'c = cos(theta)' and * 's = sin(theta)' for Givens rotation matrices as well as methods for applying * Givens rotations. */ object Givens { type CosSin = Tuple2 [Double, Double] // type for (cosine, sine) private val DEBUG = false // debug flag //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create the values for a Givens 2-by-2 rotation matrix. Given scalars * 'y' and 'z', efficiently compute 'c = cos(theta)' and 's = sin(theta)' * that can be used to form the rotation matrix. * @see http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lawnspdf/lawn150.pdf * * | y z | | c s | = | hypot(y, z) 0 | * | -s c | * * | c -s | | y | = | hypot(y, z) | * | s c | | z | | 0 | * * @param y the first scalar * @param z the second scalar */ def givens (y: Double, z: Double): CosSin = { if (z =~ 0.0) { val c = copySign (1.0, y) val s = 0.0 (c, 0.0) } else if (y =~ 0.0) { val c = 0.0 val s = -copySign (1.0, z) (0, s) } else if (abs (z) > abs (y)) { val t = y / z val s = -copySign (1.0 / sqrt (1.0 + t * t), z) (-s * t, s) } else { val t = z / y val c = copySign (1.0 / sqrt (1.0 + t * t), y) (c, -c * t) } // if } // givens //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Efficiently perform a Givens row update: 'a = g (i, k, theta).t * a'. * The update just affects two row. FIX * @param a the matrix to update * @param i the first row * @param k the second row * @param cs the (cosine, sine) of theta * @see Section 5.1.9 in Matrix Computation. */ def givensRowUpdate (a: MatrixD, i: Int, k: Int, cs: CosSin) { val (c, s) = cs for (j <- 0 until a.dim2) { val t1 = a(i,j) val t2 = a(k,j) a(i,j) = c * t1 - s * t2 a(k,j) = s * t1 + c * t2 } // for } // givensRowUpdate //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Efficiently perform a Givens column update: a = a * g (i, k, theta). * The update just affects two columns. FIX * @param a the matrix to update * @param i the first column * @param k the second column * @param cs the (cosine, sine) of theta * @see Section 5.1.9 in Matrix Computation. */ def givensColUpdate (a: MatrixD, i: Int, k: Int, cs: CosSin) { val (c, s) = cs for (j <- 0 until a.dim1) { val t1 = a(j, i) val t2 = a(j, k) a(j, i) = c * t1 - s * t2 a(j, k) = s * t1 + c * t2 } // for } // givensColUpdate //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return a Givens rotation matrix with angle 'theta = atan(s/c)'. * A matrix is post-multiplied by the Given matrix to clear element (i, k). * The 2-by-2 rotation is embedded in an identity matrix of dimension 'n'. * @param i the first diagonal position (i, i) * @param k the second diagonal position (k, k) * @param n the dimension of the resulting rotation matrix * @param cs the (cosine, sine) of theta */ def givensRo (i: Int, k: Int, n: Int, cs: CosSin): MatrixD = { val b = eye (n) b(i, i) = cs._1; b(i, k) = cs._2 // | c s | b(k, i) = -cs._2; b(k, k) = cs._1 // | -s c | if (DEBUG) println ("givensRo: b = " + b) b } // givensRo //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return a transposed Givens rotation matrix with angle 'theta = atan(s/c)'. * A matrix is pre-multiplied by the Given matrix to clear element (k, i). * The 2-by-2 rotation is embedded in an identity matrix of dimension 'n'. * @param i the first diagonal position (i, i) * @param k the second diagonal position (k, k) * @param n the dimension of the resulting rotation matrix * @param cs the (cosine, sine) of theta */ def givensRoT (i: Int, k: Int, n: Int, cs: CosSin): MatrixD = { val b = eye (n) b(i, i) = cs._1; b(i, k) = -cs._2 // | c -s | b(k, i) = cs._2; b(k, k) = cs._1 // | s c | if (DEBUG) println ("givensRoT: b = " + b) b } // givensRoT } // Givens object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `GivensTest` object tests the `Givens` object by using two rotations to * turn matrix 'a' into an upper triangular matrix, clearing positions (1, 0) * and (2, 1). A third rotation clears position (0, 1) but also puts a non-zero * value at (1, 0). * @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Givens_rotation * > runMain scalation.linalgebra.GivensTest */ object GivensTest extends App { import Givens._ var a = new MatrixD ((3, 3), 6.0, 5.0, 0.0, 5.0, 1.0, 4.0, 0.0, 4.0, 3.0) println ("a = " + a) val cs1 = givens (a(0, 0), a(1, 0)) // rotation 1 takes (1, 0) = 5 -> 0 val g1 = givensRoT (0, 1, 3, cs1) // use givensRoT below the diagonal a = g1 * a // pre-multiply by Givens matrix g1 println ("(c1, s1) = " + cs1) println ("rotation 1: a = " + a) val cs2 = givens (a(1, 1), a(2, 1)) // rotation 2 takes (2, 1) = 4 -> 0 val g2 = givensRoT (1, 2, 3, cs2) a = g2 * a // pre-multiply by Givens matrix g2 println ("(c2, s2) = " + cs2) println ("rotation 2: a = " + a) val cs3 = givens (a(0, 0), a(0, 1)) // rotation 3 takes (0, 1) = 4.48 -> 0 val g3 = givensRo (0, 1, 3, cs3) // use givensRo above the diagonal a = a * g3 // post-multiply by Givens matrix g3 println ("(c3, s3) = " + cs3) println ("rotation 3: a = " + a) } // GivensTest object