//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Sun Aug 23 15:42:06 EDT 2015 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.linalgebra.mem_mapped import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scalation.math.{Complex, Rational, Real} import scalation.math.StrO.StrNum import scalation.stat.Conversions.{vectorC2StatVector, vectorD2StatVector, vectorI2StatVector, vectorL2StatVector, vectorQ2StatVector, vectorR2StatVector} //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Vec` trait establishes a common base type for all vectors (e.g., `VectorD`). */ trait Vec { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the size (number of elements) of the vector. */ def size: Int //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Produce the range of all indices (0 to one less than dim). */ def indices: Range } // Vec trait //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Vec` object provides a minimal set of functions that apply across all * types of vectors. * @see `scalation.columnar_db.Relation` */ object Vec { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the 'i'th element of vector 'x'. * @param x the vector to access * @param i the index position */ def apply (x: Vec, i: Int): Any = { x match { case _: VectorC => x.asInstanceOf [VectorC] (i) case _: VectorD => x.asInstanceOf [VectorD] (i) case _: VectorI => x.asInstanceOf [VectorI] (i) case _: VectorL => x.asInstanceOf [VectorL] (i) case _: VectorQ => x.asInstanceOf [VectorQ] (i) case _: VectorR => x.asInstanceOf [VectorR] (i) case _: VectorS => x.asInstanceOf [VectorS] (i) case _ => println ("apply: vector type not supported"); 0 } // match } // apply //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the 'iv' elements of vector 'x'. * FIX - to be implemented * @param x the vector to access * @param iv the index positions * def apply (x: Vec, iv: VectorI): Vec = { x match { case _: VectorC => x.asInstanceOf [VectorC].select (iv) case _: VectorD => x.asInstanceOf [VectorD].select (iv) case _: VectorI => x.asInstanceOf [VectorI].select (iv) case _: VectorL => x.asInstanceOf [VectorL].select (iv) case _: VectorQ => x.asInstanceOf [VectorQ].select (iv) case _: VectorR => x.asInstanceOf [VectorR].select (iv) case _: VectorS => x.asInstanceOf [VectorS].select (iv) case _ => println ("apply: vector type not supported"); null } // match } // apply */ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Update the 'i'th element of vector 'x'. * @param x the vector to update * @param i the index position * @param s the scalar to assign */ def update [T <: Any] (x: Vec, i: Int, s: T) { s match { case _: Complex => x.asInstanceOf [VectorC] (i) = s.asInstanceOf [Complex] case _: Double => x.asInstanceOf [VectorD] (i) = s.asInstanceOf [Double] case _: Int => x.asInstanceOf [VectorI] (i) = s.asInstanceOf [Int] case _: Long => x.asInstanceOf [VectorL] (i) = s.asInstanceOf [Long] case _: Rational => x.asInstanceOf [VectorQ] (i) = s.asInstanceOf [Rational] case _: Real => x.asInstanceOf [VectorR] (i) = s.asInstanceOf [Real] case _: StrNum => x.asInstanceOf [VectorS] (i) = s.asInstanceOf [StrNum] case _: String => x.asInstanceOf [VectorS] (i) = s.asInstanceOf [String] case _ => println ("update: vector type not supported") } // match } // update //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Concatenate vectors 'x' and 'y'. * @param x the first vector * @param y the second vector */ def ++ (x: Vec, y: Vec): Vec = { if (x == null && y == null) null else if (x == null) y else if (y == null) x else x match { case _: VectorC => x.asInstanceOf [VectorC] ++ y.asInstanceOf [VectorC] case _: VectorD => x.asInstanceOf [VectorD] ++ y.asInstanceOf [VectorD] case _: VectorI => x.asInstanceOf [VectorI] ++ y.asInstanceOf [VectorI] case _: VectorL => x.asInstanceOf [VectorL] ++ y.asInstanceOf [VectorL] case _: VectorQ => x.asInstanceOf [VectorQ] ++ y.asInstanceOf [VectorQ] case _: VectorR => x.asInstanceOf [VectorR] ++ y.asInstanceOf [VectorR] case _: VectorS => x.asInstanceOf [VectorS] ++ y.asInstanceOf [VectorS] case _ => println ("++ vector type not supported"); null } // match } // ++ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Copy of vector 'x' with scalar 's' appended. * FIX - different in Yang Fan's code. * @param x the vector * @param s the scalar to append */ def :+ [T <: Any] (x: Vec, s: T): Vec = { s match { case _: Complex => if (x == null) VectorC (s.asInstanceOf [Complex]) else x.asInstanceOf [VectorC] ++ s.asInstanceOf [Complex] case _: Double => if (x == null) VectorD (s.asInstanceOf [Double]) else x.asInstanceOf [VectorD] ++ s.asInstanceOf [Double] case _: Int => if (x == null) VectorI (s.asInstanceOf [Int]) else x.asInstanceOf [VectorI] ++ s.asInstanceOf [Int] case _: Long => if (x == null) VectorL (s.asInstanceOf [Long]) else x.asInstanceOf [VectorL] ++ s.asInstanceOf [Long] case _: Rational => if (x == null) VectorQ (s.asInstanceOf [Rational]) else x.asInstanceOf [VectorQ] ++ s.asInstanceOf [Rational] case _: Real => if (x == null) VectorR (s.asInstanceOf [Real]) else x.asInstanceOf [VectorR] ++ s.asInstanceOf [Real] case _: StrNum => if (x == null) VectorS (s.asInstanceOf [StrNum]) else x.asInstanceOf [VectorS] ++ s.asInstanceOf [StrNum] case _: String => if (x == null) VectorS (StrNum (s.asInstanceOf [String])) else x.asInstanceOf [VectorS] ++ StrNum (s.asInstanceOf [String]) case _ => println (":+ vector type not supported"); null } // match } // :+ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Filter vector 'x' based on predicate 'p', returning a new vector. * @param x the vector to filter * @param p the predicate ('Boolean' function) to apply */ // def filter [T: ClassTag: Numeric] (x: Vec, p: T => Boolean): Vec = def filter [T: ClassTag] (x: Vec, p: T => Boolean): Vec = { x match { case _: VectorC => x.asInstanceOf [VectorC].filter (p.asInstanceOf [Complex => Boolean]) case _: VectorD => x.asInstanceOf [VectorD].filter (p.asInstanceOf [Double => Boolean]) case _: VectorI => x.asInstanceOf [VectorI].filter (p.asInstanceOf [Int => Boolean]) case _: VectorL => x.asInstanceOf [VectorL].filter (p.asInstanceOf [Long => Boolean]) case _: VectorQ => x.asInstanceOf [VectorQ].filter (p.asInstanceOf [Rational => Boolean]) case _: VectorR => x.asInstanceOf [VectorR].filter (p.asInstanceOf [Real => Boolean]) case _: VectorS => x.asInstanceOf [VectorS].filter (p.asInstanceOf [StrNum => Boolean]) case _ => println ("filter: vector type not supported"); null } // match } // filter //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Filter vector 'x' based on predicate 'p', returning the positions in the vector. * @param x the vector to filter * @param p the predicate ('Boolean' function) to apply */ // def filterPos [T: ClassTag: Numeric] (x: Vec, p: T => Boolean): Seq [Int] = def filterPos [T: ClassTag] (x: Vec, p: T => Boolean): Seq [Int] = { x match { case _: VectorC => x.asInstanceOf [VectorC].filterPos (p.asInstanceOf [Complex => Boolean]) case _: VectorD => x.asInstanceOf [VectorD].filterPos (p.asInstanceOf [Double => Boolean]) case _: VectorI => x.asInstanceOf [VectorI].filterPos (p.asInstanceOf [Int => Boolean]) case _: VectorL => x.asInstanceOf [VectorL].filterPos (p.asInstanceOf [Long => Boolean]) case _: VectorQ => x.asInstanceOf [VectorQ].filterPos (p.asInstanceOf [Rational => Boolean]) case _: VectorR => x.asInstanceOf [VectorR].filterPos (p.asInstanceOf [Real => Boolean]) case _: VectorS => x.asInstanceOf [VectorS].filterPos (p.asInstanceOf [StrNum => Boolean]) case _ => println ("filterPos: vector type not supported"); null } // match } // filterPos //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select elements from vector 'x' at the given index positions. * @param x the vector to select from * @param pos the positions to select */ def select (x: Vec, pos: Seq [Int]): Vec = { x match { case _: VectorC => x.asInstanceOf [VectorC].select (pos.toArray) case _: VectorD => x.asInstanceOf [VectorD].select (pos.toArray) case _: VectorI => x.asInstanceOf [VectorI].select (pos.toArray) case _: VectorL => x.asInstanceOf [VectorL].select (pos.toArray) case _: VectorQ => x.asInstanceOf [VectorQ].select (pos.toArray) case _: VectorR => x.asInstanceOf [VectorR].select (pos.toArray) case _: VectorS => x.asInstanceOf [VectorS].select (pos.toArray) case _ => println ("select: vector type not supported"); null } // match } // select //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert a vector of a different type to `VectorI`. * @param x the vector to convert */ def toInt (x: Vec) = { x match { case _: VectorC => x.asInstanceOf [VectorC].toInt case _: VectorD => x.asInstanceOf [VectorD].toInt case _: VectorI => x.asInstanceOf [VectorI] case _: VectorL => x.asInstanceOf [VectorL].toInt case _: VectorQ => x.asInstanceOf [VectorQ].toInt case _: VectorR => x.asInstanceOf [VectorR].toInt case _: VectorS => x.asInstanceOf [VectorS].toInt case _ => println ("toInt: vector type not supported"); null } // match } // toInt //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert a vector of a different type to `VectorD`. * @param x the vector to convert */ def toDouble (x: Vec) = { x match { case _: VectorC => x.asInstanceOf [VectorC].toDouble case _: VectorD => x.asInstanceOf [VectorD] case _: VectorI => x.asInstanceOf [VectorI].toDouble case _: VectorL => x.asInstanceOf [VectorL].toDouble case _: VectorQ => x.asInstanceOf [VectorQ].toDouble case _: VectorR => x.asInstanceOf [VectorR].toDouble case _: VectorS => x.asInstanceOf [VectorS].toDouble case _ => println ("toDouble: vector type not supported"); null } // match } // toDouble // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Convert compressed RleVector to dense Vector. * FIX - to be implemented * @param x the vector to convert * def toDense (x: Vec) = { x match { case _: VectorC | _: RleVectorC => x match { case _: RleVectorC => x.asInstanceOf [RleVectorC].toDense; case _ => x } case _: VectorD | _: RleVectorD => x match { case _: RleVectorD => x.asInstanceOf [RleVectorD].toDense; case _ => x } case _: VectorI | _: RleVectorI => x match { case _: RleVectorI => x.asInstanceOf [RleVectorI].toDense; case _ => x } case _: VectorL | _: RleVectorL => x match { case _: RleVectorL => x.asInstanceOf [RleVectorL].toDense; case _ => x } case _: VectorQ | _: RleVectorQ => x match { case _: RleVectorQ => x.asInstanceOf [RleVectorQ].toDense; case _ => x } case _: VectorR | _: RleVectorR => x match { case _: RleVectorR => x.asInstanceOf [RleVectorR].toDense; case _ => x } case _: VectorS | _: RleVectorS => x match { case _: RleVectorS => x.asInstanceOf [RleVectorS].toDense; case _ => x } case _ => println ("toDense: vector type not supported"); null } // match } // toDense */ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the minimum of vector 'x'. * @param x the vector whose min is sought */ def min (x: Vec): Any = { x match { case _: VectorC => x.asInstanceOf [VectorC].min () case _: VectorD => x.asInstanceOf [VectorD].min () case _: VectorI => x.asInstanceOf [VectorI].min () case _: VectorL => x.asInstanceOf [VectorL].min () case _: VectorQ => x.asInstanceOf [VectorQ].min () case _: VectorR => x.asInstanceOf [VectorR].min () case _: VectorS => x.asInstanceOf [VectorS].min () case _ => println ("min: vector type not supported"); null } // match } // min //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the maximum of vector 'x'. * @param x the vector whose max is sought */ def max (x: Vec): Any = { x match { case _: VectorC => x.asInstanceOf [VectorC].max () case _: VectorD => x.asInstanceOf [VectorD].max () case _: VectorI => x.asInstanceOf [VectorI].max () case _: VectorL => x.asInstanceOf [VectorL].max () case _: VectorQ => x.asInstanceOf [VectorQ].max () case _: VectorR => x.asInstanceOf [VectorR].max () case _: VectorS => x.asInstanceOf [VectorS].max () case _ => println ("max: vector type not supported"); null } // match } // max //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the sum of vector 'x'. * @param x the vector whose sum is sought */ def sum (x: Vec): Any = { x match { case _: VectorC => x.asInstanceOf [VectorC].sum case _: VectorD => x.asInstanceOf [VectorD].sum case _: VectorI => x.asInstanceOf [VectorI].sum case _: VectorL => x.asInstanceOf [VectorL].sum case _: VectorQ => x.asInstanceOf [VectorQ].sum case _: VectorR => x.asInstanceOf [VectorR].sum case _: VectorS => x.asInstanceOf [VectorS].sum case _ => println ("sum: vector type not supported"); null } // match } // sum //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the mean of vector 'x'. * @param x the vector whose mean is sought */ def mean (x: Vec): Any = { x match { case _: VectorC => x.asInstanceOf [VectorC].mean case _: VectorD => x.asInstanceOf [VectorD].mean case _: VectorI => x.asInstanceOf [VectorI].mean case _: VectorL => x.asInstanceOf [VectorL].mean case _: VectorQ => x.asInstanceOf [VectorQ].mean case _: VectorR => x.asInstanceOf [VectorR].mean case _: VectorS => x.asInstanceOf [VectorS].mean case _ => println ("mean: vector type not supported"); null } // match } // mean //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the variance of vector 'x'. * @param x the vector whose variance is sought */ def variance (x: Vec): Any = { x match { case _: VectorC => x.asInstanceOf [VectorC].variance case _: VectorD => x.asInstanceOf [VectorD].variance case _: VectorI => x.asInstanceOf [VectorI].variance case _: VectorL => x.asInstanceOf [VectorL].variance case _: VectorQ => x.asInstanceOf [VectorQ].variance case _: VectorR => x.asInstanceOf [VectorR].variance case _: VectorS => x.asInstanceOf [VectorS].variance case _ => println ("variance: vector type not supported"); null } // match } // variance //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the correlation between vectors 'x' and 'y'. * @param x the first vector * @param y the second vector */ def corr (x: Vec, y: Vec): Double = { x match { case _: VectorC => x.asInstanceOf [VectorC].corr (y.asInstanceOf [VectorC].toDouble) case _: VectorD => x.asInstanceOf [VectorD].corr (y.asInstanceOf [VectorD]) // case _: VectorI => x.asInstanceOf [VectorI].corr (y.asInstanceOf [VectorI]) case _: VectorI => x.asInstanceOf [VectorI].corr (y.asInstanceOf [VectorI].toDouble) // FIX case _: VectorL => x.asInstanceOf [VectorL].corr (y.asInstanceOf [VectorL].toDouble) case _: VectorQ => x.asInstanceOf [VectorQ].corr (y.asInstanceOf [VectorQ].toDouble) case _: VectorR => x.asInstanceOf [VectorR].corr (y.asInstanceOf [VectorR].toDouble) case _ => println ("corr: vector type not supported"); Double.NaN } // match } // corr } // Vec object