//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller, Yang Fan * @version 1.5 * @date Fri Apr 20 22:55:45 EDT 2018 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.util import java.io.{FileWriter, PrintWriter} import scala.collection.mutable.{AbstractMap, Map, MapLike} import scala.reflect.ClassTag //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `BpTreeMap` class provides B+Tree maps. B+Trees are used as multi-level * index structures that provide efficient access for both point queries and range * queries. * @see docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/collections/concrete-mutable-collection-classes.html * @see www.scala-lang.org/api/current/#scala.collection.mutable.MapLike *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @param half the number of keys per node range from 'half' to '2 * half' */ class BpTreeMap [K <% Ordered [K]: ClassTag, V: ClassTag] (half: Int = 2) extends AbstractMap [K, V] with Map [K, V] with MapLike [K, V, BpTreeMap [K, V]] with Serializable { /** Provides access to a file for outputing large B+Trees */ private var writer: PrintWriter = null /** The debug flag for tracking node splits */ private val DEBUG = false /** The maximum number of keys per node */ private val mx = 2 * half /** The root of 'this' B+Tree */ private var root = new Node [K] (true, half) /** The first leaf node in 'this' B+Tree map */ private val firstLeaf = root /** The counter for the number of nodes accessed (for performance testing) */ private var _count = 0 /** The counter for the number of keys in 'this' B+Tree map */ private var keyCount = 0 // P U B L I C M E T H O D S ------------------------------------------- //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Put the key-value pair 'kv' in 'this' B+Tree map, returning a reference to * the updated tree. * @param kv the key-value pair to insert */ def += (kv: (K, V)): BpTreeMap.this.type = { keyCount += 1; insert (kv._1, kv._2, root); this } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Remove the key-value pair with key 'key' from 'this' B+Tree map, returning * a reference to the updated tree. * @param key the key to remove */ def -= (key: K): BpTreeMap.this.type = throw new NoSuchMethodException ("-= method not yet supported") //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compare two keys. * @param key1 the first key * @param key2 the second key */ def compare (key1: K, key2: K): Int = key1 compare key2 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the total number of nodes accessed. */ def count: Int = _count //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return an empty B+Tree map. */ override def empty: BpTreeMap [K, V] = new BpTreeMap [K, V] (half) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Apply function 'f' to each key-value pair in 'this' B+Tree map. * @param f the function to be applied */ override def foreach [U] (f: ((K, V)) => U) { for (kv <- iterator) f(kv) } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Optionally return the value in 'this' B+Tree map associated with the * key 'key'. Use 'apply' method to remove optional. * @param key the key used for look up */ def get (key: K): Option [V] = Option (find (key, root)) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create an iterator over the key-value pairs in 'this' B+Tree map. * The iteration proceeds over the leaf level of the tree. */ def iterator: Iterator [(K, V)] = { var nn = firstLeaf var ii = 0 new Iterator [(K, V)] { def hasNext: Boolean = nn != null def next: (K, V) = { val kv = (nn.key(ii), nn.ref(ii).asInstanceOf [V]) if (ii < nn.nKeys - 1) ii += 1 else {ii = 0; nn = nn.ref(nn.nKeys).asInstanceOf [Node [K]]} kv } // next } // Iterator } // iterator //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the size of 'this' B+Tree map. */ override def size: Int = keyCount //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Print the keys in 'this' B+Tree map. */ def printTree () { println ("BpTreeMap"); printT (root, 0); println ("-" * 50) } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Print the keys in 'this' B+Tree map to file. * @param file the file to be used for output */ def printTreetoFile (file: String) { writer = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter (file, true)) writer.println ("BpTreeMap"); printTtoFile (root, 0); writer.println ("-" * 50) writer.close () } // printTreetoFile // P R I V A T E M E T H O D S ----------------------------------------- //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Print 'this' B+Tree map using a preorder traversal and indenting each level. * @param n the current node to print * @param level the current level in the B+Tree */ private def printT (n: Node [K], level: Int) { println ("-" * 50) print ("\t" * level + "[ . ") for (i <- 0 until n.nKeys) print (n.key(i) + " . ") println ("]") if (! n.isLeaf) for (j <- 0 to n.nKeys) printT (n.asInstanceOf [Node [K]].ref(j).asInstanceOf [Node [K]], level + 1) } // printT //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Print 'this' B+Tree map using a preorder traversal and indenting each level. * @param n the current node to print * @param level the current level in the B+Tree */ private def printTtoFile (n: Node [K], level: Int) { writer.println ("-" * 50) writer.print ("\t" * level + "[ . ") for (i <- 0 until n.nKeys) writer.print (n.key(i) + " . ") writer.println ("]") // for (i <- 0 to n.nKeys) print ("i"+i +" "+ n.ref(i) +" ") // println ("]") // if (DEBUG) { println (n.ref(n.nKeys)); println ("]") } if (! n.isLeaf) { for (j <- 0 to n.nKeys) printTtoFile (n.asInstanceOf [Node [K]].ref(j).asInstanceOf [Node [K]], level + 1) } // if writer.flush () } // printT //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Recursive helper method for finding key 'key' in 'this' B+tree map. * @param key the key to find * @param n the current node */ private def find (key: K, n: Node [K]): V = { _count += 1 val ip = n.find (key) if (n.isLeaf) { if (ip < n.nKeys && key == n.key(ip)) n.ref(ip).asInstanceOf [V] else null.asInstanceOf [V] } else { find (key, n.ref(ip).asInstanceOf [Node [K]]) } // if } // find //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Recursive helper method for inserting 'key' and 'ref' into 'this' B+tree map. * @param key the key to insert * @param ref the value/node to insert * @param n the current node */ private def insert (key: K, ref: V, n: Node [K]): (K, Node [K]) = { var kd_rt: (K, Node [K]) = null if (n.isLeaf) { // handle leaf node kd_rt = add (n, key, ref) if (kd_rt != null) { if (n != root) return kd_rt root = new Node (root, kd_rt._1, kd_rt._2, half) } // if } else { // handle internal node kd_rt = insert (key, ref, n.ref(n.find (key)).asInstanceOf [Node [K]]) if (kd_rt != null) { kd_rt = addI (n, kd_rt._1, kd_rt._2) if (kd_rt != null && n == root) root = new Node (root, kd_rt._1, kd_rt._2, half) } // if } // if kd_rt } // insert //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Add a new key 'k' and value 'v' into leaf node 'n'. If it is already full, * a 'split' will be triggered, in which case the divider key and new * right sibling node are returned. * @param n the current node * @param k the new key * @param v the new left value */ private def add (n: Node [K], k: K, v: Any): (K, Node [K]) = { var kd_rt: (K, Node [K]) = null // divider key, right sibling var split = false if (n.isFull) { split = true if (DEBUG) println ("before leaf split: n = " + n) kd_rt = n.split () // split n -> r & rt if (DEBUG) println ("after leaf split: n = " + n + "\nkd_rt = " + kd_rt) if (k > n.key(n.nKeys - 1)) { kd_rt._2.wedge (k, v, kd_rt._2.find (k), true) // wedge into right sibling return kd_rt } // if } // if n.wedge (k, v, n.find (k), true) // wedge into current node if (split) kd_rt else null } // add //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Add a new key 'k' and value 'v' into internal node 'n'. If it is already * full, a 'split' will be triggered, in which case the divider key and new * right sibling node are returned. * @param n the current node * @param k the new key * @param v the new left value */ private def addI (n: Node [K], k: K, v: Any): (K, Node [K]) = { var kd_rt: (K, Node [K]) = null // divider key, right sibling var split = false if (n.isFull) { split = true if (DEBUG) println ("before internal split: n = " + n) kd_rt = n.split () // split n -> n & rt val promotedvalue = n.key(n.nKeys-1) n.nKeys -= 1 // remove promoted largest left key if (DEBUG) println ("after internal split: n = " + n + "\nkd_rt = " + kd_rt) if (k > promotedvalue){ kd_rt._2.wedge (k, v, kd_rt._2.find (k), false) // wedge into right sibling return kd_rt } // if } // if n.wedge (k, v, n.find (k), false) // wedge into current node if (split) kd_rt else null } // addI } // BpTreeMap class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `BpTreeMapTest` object is used to test the `BpTreeMap` class by inserting * increasing key values. * > run-main scalation.util.BpTreeMapTest */ object BpTreeMapTest extends App { val tree = new BpTreeMap [Int, Int] () val totKeys = 26 for (i <- 1 until totKeys by 2) { tree.put (i, i * i) tree.printTree () println ("=" * 50) } // for for (i <- 0 until totKeys) println ("key = " + i + " value = " + tree.get(i)) println ("-" * 50) for (it <- tree.iterator) println (it) println ("-" * 50) tree.foreach (println (_)) println ("-" * 50) println ("size = " + tree.size) println ("Average number of nodes accessed = " + tree.count / totKeys.toDouble) } // BpTreeMapTest object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `BpTreeMapTest2` object is used to test the `BpTreeMap` class by inserting * random key values. * > run-main scalation.util.BpTreeMapTest2 */ object BpTreeMapTest2 extends App { val tree = new BpTreeMap [Int, Int] () val totKeys = 50 val mx = 10 * totKeys // for unique random integers // import scalation.random.RandiU0 // comment out due to package dependency // val stream = 2 // val rng = RandiU0 (mx, stream) // for (i <- 1 until totKeys) tree.put (rng.iigen (mx), i * i) // for random integers import java.util.Random val seed = 1 val rng = new Random (seed) for (i <- 1 until totKeys) tree.put (rng.nextInt (mx), i * i) tree.printTree () println ("-" * 50) println ("size = " + tree.size) println ("Average number of nodes accessed = " + tree.count / totKeys.toDouble) } // BpTreeMapTest2 object