//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Tue Mar 29 13:31:28 EDT 2016 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package testing import scalation.util.gauge //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Tester` trait servers as a foundation for unit testing of class `KLASS`. * For correctness, it compares the results of a method/operator 'call' to an 'oracle'. * If the 'call' and the 'oracle' disagree, an assertion failure exception will be thrown. * For performance, it compares the time taken by the method/operator 'call' to those * taken by the 'oracle' and an optional 'contender'. The 'contender' need not produce * identical results. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * All methods except 'this', 'apply', 'update', 'foreach' and 'hashCode' should be tested. * May skip '=op' if 'op' is tested, e.g., skip '+=' if '+' is tested. * Also the 'equals' and 'toString' are tested implicitly. * Depending on the 'CORRECT' flag, it will either test correctness or performance. * Note, if the code for the 'contender' or even the 'oracle' is significantly faster, * the method/operator may need be to re-coded. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * To test a class directly, create an object, e.g., "object VectorD_T extends Tester with App". * To test using JUnit, also make a class, e.g., "class VectorD_T" that invokes the object. * Note, the "with App" must be commented out "//" for this to work with JUnit. */ trait Tester { protected var DEBUG = false // debug flag protected var CORRECT = true // test correctness/performance protected var FOCUS = "" // method/operator to focus on, "" => all protected var KLASS = "" // the class under test protected var ITER = 100 // number of test iterations //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Indicate the type of testing. */ def testClass () { val n = 38 + KLASS.size println ("-" * n) println ("| Test the " + (if (CORRECT) "correctness" else "performance") + " of the " + KLASS + " class |") println ("-" * n) } // testClass //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Test a method/operator from class `KLASS`. * @param name the name for the method/operator to test * @param call the invocation code for the method/operator * @param oracle independent code used to certify correctness * @param contender independent code used to certify correctness */ def test (name: String, call: => Any, oracle: => Any, contender: => Any = null) { if (FOCUS != "" && name != FOCUS) return // FOCUS == "" => test all println (s"testing $KLASS.$name") var t_call = 0.0 // time accumulator for call (e.g., method to test) var t_oracle = 0.0 // time accumulator for oracle (correctness) var t_contender = 0.0 // time accumulator for competitor (performance) for (it <- 0 until ITER) { randomize () // randomize the variables used if (DEBUG) { println (s"test case $it for $KLASS.$name") println (s"call = $call") println (s"oracle = $oracle") println (s"contender = $contender") } // if if (CORRECT) { assert (call == oracle, name) // test correctness } else { t_call += gauge { call } // test performance t_oracle += gauge { oracle } if (contender != null) t_contender += gauge { contender } } // if } // for if (! CORRECT) println (s"time: call = \t $t_call \n oracle = \t $t_oracle \n contender = \t $t_contender") } // test //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Randomize all variables used in 'test'. */ def randomize () } // Tester trait