//::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Sat Jan 31 20:59:02 EST 2015 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.analytics import scala.math.sqrt import scalation.linalgebra.{MatriD, MatrixD, VectoD, VectorD} //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MatrixTransform` object is used to transform the columns of a data matrix 'x'. * Such pre-processing of the data is required by some modeling techniques. */ object MatrixTransform { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set column 'j' to all ones. * @param x the given matrix */ def setCol2One (x: MatriD, j: Int = 0) { x.setCol (0, VectorD.one (x.dim1)) } // setCol2One //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the maximum value for each column in the matrix. * @param x the given matrix */ def max (x: MatriD): VectorD = VectorD (for (j <- x.range2) yield x.col(j).max ()) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the minimum value for each column in the matrix. * @param x the given matrix */ def min (x: MatriD): VectorD = VectorD (for (j <- x.range2) yield x.col(j).min ()) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Center matrix 'x' to zero mean, column-wise, by subtracting the mean. * @param x the matrix to center * @param mu_x the vector of column means of matrix x */ def center (x: MatriD, mu_x: VectoD): MatriD = { val x_c = new MatrixD (x.dim1, x.dim2) for (j <- x.range2) x_c.setCol (j, x.col(j) - mu_x(j)) // subtract column means x_c } // center //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Uncenter matrix 'x_c' from zero mean, column-wise, by adding the mean. * @param x_c the matrix to uncenter * @param mu_x the vector of column means of matrix x_c */ def uncenter (x_c: MatriD, mu_x: VectoD): MatriD = { val x = new MatrixD (x_c.dim1, x_c.dim2) for (j <- x.range2) x.setCol (j, x_c.col(j) + mu_x(j)) // add column means x } // uncenter //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Scale vector 'x' to the range 'lb' to 'ub': 'x -> x_s'. * @param x the vector to scale * @param min_x the minimum value in vector x * @param max_x the maximum value in vector x * @param bounds the desired (lower, upper) bounds */ def scaleV (x: VectoD, min_x: Double, max_x: Double, bounds: (Double, Double)): VectoD = { val (lb, ub) = bounds val scale = (ub - lb) / (max_x - min_x) (x - min_x) * scale + lb // shift and scale } // scaleV //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Unscale vector 'x_s' from the range 'lb' to 'ub' to original range: 'x_s -> x'. * @param x_s the vector to unscale * @param min_x the minimum value in original vector x * @param max_x the maximum value in original vector x * @param bounds the scaled (lower, upper) bounds */ def unscaleV (x_s: VectoD, min_x: Double, max_x: Double, bounds: (Double, Double)): VectoD = { val (lb, ub) = bounds val scale = (ub - lb) / (max_x - min_x) (x_s - lb) / scale + min_x // shift and scale } // unscaleV //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Scale matrix 'x' to the range 'lb to 'ub', column-wise: 'x -> x_s'. * @param x the matrix to scale * @param min_x the vector of column minima of matrix x * @param max_x the vector of column maxima of matrix x * @param bounds the desired (lower, upper) bounds */ def scale (x: MatriD, min_x: VectoD, max_x: VectoD, bounds: (Double, Double)): MatriD = { val (lb, ub) = bounds val x_s = new MatrixD (x.dim1, x.dim2) for (j <- x.range2) { val scale = (ub - lb) / (max_x(j) - min_x(j)) x_s.setCol (j, (x.col(j) - min_x(j)) * scale + lb) // shift and scale } // for x_s } // scale //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Unscale matrix 'x_s' from the range 'lb' to 'ub', column-wise: 'x_s -> x'. * @param x_s the matrix to unscale * @param min_x the vector of column minima of original matrix x * @param max_x the vector of column maxima of original matrix x * @param bounds the scaled (lower, upper) bounds */ def unscale (x_s: MatriD, min_x: VectoD, max_x: VectoD, bounds: (Double, Double)): MatriD = { val (lb, ub) = bounds val x = new MatrixD (x_s.dim1, x_s.dim2) for (j <- x.range2) { val scale = (ub - lb) / (max_x(j) - min_x(j)) x.setCol (j, (x_s.col(j) - lb) / scale + min_x(j)) // scale and shift } // for x } // unscale //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Normalize the matrix 'x' to zero mean and unit standard deviation, * column-wise, by subtracting the mean and dividing by standard deviation * @param x the matrix to normalize * @param mu_x the vector of column means of matrix x * @param sig_x the vector of column standard deviations of matrix x */ def normalize (x: MatriD, mu_x: VectoD, sig_x: VectoD): MatriD = { val x_n = new MatrixD (x.dim1, x.dim2) for (j <- x.range2) x_n.setCol (j, (x.col(j) - mu_x(j)) / sig_x) x_n } // normalize //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Denormalize the matrix 'x_n' from zero mean and unit standard deviation, * column-wise, by multiplying by the standard deviation and adding the mean. * @param x_n the matrix to normalize * @param mu_x the vector of column means of matrix x_n * @param sig_x the vector of column standard deviations of matrix x_n */ def denormalize (x_n: MatriD, mu_x: VectoD, sig_x: VectoD): MatriD = { val x = new MatrixD (x_n.dim1, x_n.dim2) for (j <- x.range2) x.setCol (j, x_n.col(j) * sig_x + mu_x(j)) x } // denormalize } // MatrixTransform object import MatrixTransform._ //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MatrixTransformTest` is used to test the `MatrixTransform` object. * > runMain scalation.analytics.MatrixTransformTest */ object MatrixTransformTest extends App { val x = new MatrixD ((3, 3), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) val mu_x = x.mean val min_x = VectorD (for (j <- x.range2) yield x.col(j).min ()) val max_x = VectorD (for (j <- x.range2) yield x.col(j).max ()) val sig_x = VectorD (for (j <- x.range2) yield sqrt (x.col(j).variance)) val x_c = center (x, mu_x) val x_s = scale (x, min_x, max_x, (0, 1)) val x_s2 = scale (x, min_x, max_x, (-1, 1)) val x_n = normalize (x, mu_x, sig_x) println ("x = " + x) println ("x_c = " + x_c) println ("x_s = " + x_s) println ("x_s2 = " + x_s2) println ("x_n = " + x_n) assert (uncenter (x_c, mu_x) == x, "uncenter") assert (unscale (x_s, min_x, max_x, (0, 1)) == x, "unscale") assert (unscale (x_s2, min_x, max_x, (-1, 1)) == x, "unscale") assert (denormalize (x_n, mu_x, sig_x) == x, "denormalize") } // MatrixTransformTest object