//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Mon Nov 14 15:21:25 EST 2011 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.analytics import scala.collection.mutable.Set import scala.math.pow import scalation.linalgebra.FunctionV2S import scalation.linalgebra.{MatriD, MatrixD, VectoD, VectorD} import scalation.math.double_exp import scalation.minima.QuasiNewton //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `QuadraticFit` class uses multiple regression to fit a quadratic surface * to the function 'f'. This is useful when computing 'f' is costly, for example * in simulation optimization. The fit is over a multi-dimensional grid and * can be used for interpolation and limited extrapolation. * @param f the vector-to-scalar function to fit. * @param n the dimensionality of the domain of f * @param k the number (odd number) of values for each dimension, e.g., 5, 7, 9 */ class QuadraticFit (f: FunctionV2S, n: Int = 3, k: Int = 5) { /** The middle position */ private val m = k / 2 /** The number of vectors in the grid */ private val k_pow_n = pow (k, n).toInt /** Grid of design points/vectors at which function f is to be evaluated */ private val grid = Array.ofDim [VectorD] (k_pow_n) /** The next point in the grid */ private var nxt = 0 /** The displacement vector, e.g., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 for k = 5 */ private val y = new VectorD (k) for (j <- 0 until k) y(j) = j - m /** The number of quadratic, linear and constant forms/terms (3, 6, 10, 15, ...) */ private val nt = ((n + 1) * (n + 2)) / 2 /** Regression coefficients to be determined using multiple regression */ private var b: VectoD = null /** Regression class for performing multiple regression */ private var reg: Regression = _ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given a center point x, form a square grid around it. This can be used * to create a design matrix for use in multiple regression. * @param x the center point/vector of the grid * @param i the current dimension (facilitates recursion) * @param d the distance to move on each step * @param m move m steps above and below x(i) for each dimension i */ def formGrid (xc: VectoD, xs: VectoD) { nxt = 0 // reset the vector counter val x = new VectorD (n) for (i <- 0 until k_pow_n) { var ii = i for (j <- 0 until n) { x(j) = y(ii % k) ii /= k } // for val xx = x * xs + xc grid (nxt) = x * xs + xc // unscaled, uncentered point nxt += 1 } // for } // formGrid //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Print all the vectors/points in the grid. */ def printGrid () { println ("grid with " + nxt + " points") for (i <- 0 until grid.length) println (i + ":\t " + grid(i)) } // printGrid //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given a grid of design points, create a design matrix 'xx' and response * vector 'yy' returning them as a tuple. */ def response (): (MatriD, VectoD) = { val xx = new MatrixD (grid.size, nt) // design matrix val yy = new VectorD (grid.size) // response vector for (k <- 0 until grid.size) { val x = grid (k) xx(k) = qForms (x) // vector values for all quadratic forms yy(k) = f(x) // functional value at x } // for (xx, yy) } // response //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given a vector 'x', compute the values for all of its quadratic, linear * and constant forms/terms, returning them as a vector. * for 1D: 'VectorD (1., x(0), x(0)~^2.)' * for 2D: 'VectorD (1., x(0), x(0)~^2., x(1), x(1)*x(0), x(1)~^2.)' * @param x the source vector for creating forms/terms */ def qForms (x: VectoD): VectoD = { val y = x.oneAt (0, 1) ++ x // augmented vector: [ 1., x(0), ..., x(n-1) ] val z = new VectorD (nt) // vector of all forms/terms var k = 0; for (i <- 0 to n; j <- 0 to i) { z(k) = y(i) * y(j); k += 1 } z } // qForms //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given a point x, use the quadratic regression equation to estimate a value * for the function at x. * for 1D: b(0) + b(1)*x(0) + b(2)*x(0)~^2. * for 2D: b(0) + b(1)*x(0) + b(2)*x(0)~^2. + b(3)*x(1) + b(4)*x(1)*x(0) + b(5)*x(1)~^2. * @param x the point whose functional value is to be predicted */ def qFormsEval (x: VectoD): Double = { val y = x.oneAt (0, 1) ++ x // augmented vector: [ 1., x(0), ..., x(n-1) ] var k = 0 var sum = 0.0 for (i <- 0 to n; j <- 0 to i) { sum += b(k) * y(i) * y(j); k += 1 } sum } // qFormsEval //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given a design matrix and response vector, use multiple regression to fit * the surface, i.e., determine the coefficients of the regression equation. * @param xx the data/design matrix * @param yy the response vector */ def fit (xx: MatriD, yy: VectoD) { reg = new Regression (xx, yy) reg.train ().eval () b = reg.parameter // coefficients in regression equation println ("b = " + b) println ("fit = " + reg.fit) // coefficient of determination, etc. } // fit //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Reduce from the full model to one with fewer variable. * FIX: adjust 'qFormEval' to skip left out variable */ def reduce () { val cols = Set (0) ++ Array.range (1, nt) val res = reg.backwardElim (cols) b = res._2 // coefficients in regression equation println ("b = " + b) println ("fit = " + res._3) // coefficient of determination } // reduce } // QuadraticFit class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `QuadraticFitTest` object is used to test the `QuadraticFit` class * for a two dimensional case. */ object QuadraticFitTest extends App { def f(x: VectoD): Double = (x(0) - 10.0)~^2.0 + (x(1) - 20.0)~^2.0 + 1.0 // form the grid val xc = VectorD (5.0, 10.0) // center of the grid val xs = VectorD (1.0, 1.0) // scaling - none val qf = new QuadraticFit (f, 2) // construct a quadratic fit object qf.formGrid (xc, xs) // form a grid around point xc qf.printGrid () // create the data/design matrix val (xx, yy) = qf.response () // compute the response surface for the grid println ("design matrix + response vector") println (xx :+ yy) // fit a multi-dimensional quadratic function println ("fit from regression") qf.fit (xx, yy) // use multiple regression to fit surface // test closeness of fit val x1 = VectorD (6.0, 9.0) // test the fit for point x1 val yp = qf.qFormsEval (x1) // evaluate using regression equation println ("y = " + f(x1)) // actual y value at x1 println ("yp = " + yp) // predicted y value at x1 // find minimal point in response surface def fp (x: VectoD): Double = qf.qFormsEval (x) // prediction function val bfgs = new QuasiNewton (fp) // optimize using nonlinear programming val x = bfgs.solve (xc) println ("optimal solution x = " + x + " with objective value f(x) = " + f(x) + " and predicted value fp(x) = " + fp(x)) } // QuadraticFitTest object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `QuadraticFitTest2` object is used to test the `QuadraticFit` class * for a three dimensional case. */ object QuadraticFitTest2 extends App { def f(x: VectoD): Double = (x(0) - 10.0)~^2.0 + (x(1) - 20.0)~^2.0 + (x(2) - 5.0)~^2.0 + 1.0 // form the grid val xc = VectorD (10.0, 20.0, 10.0) // center to orgin val xs = VectorD (1.0, 2.0, 1.0) // scaling to [-m, m] val qf = new QuadraticFit (f) // construct a quadratic fit object qf.formGrid (xc, xs) // form a grid around point xc qf.printGrid () // create the data/design matrix val (xx, yy) = qf.response () // compute the response surface for the grid println ("design matrix + response vector") println (xx :+ yy) // fit a multi-dimensional quadratic function println ("fit from regression") qf.fit (xx, yy) // use multiple regression to fit surface // find minimal point in response surface def fp (x: VectoD): Double = qf.qFormsEval (x) // prediction function val bfgs = new QuasiNewton (fp) // optimize using nonlinear programming val x = bfgs.solve (xc) println ("optimal solution x = " + x + " with objective value f(x) = " + f(x) + " and predicted value fp(x) = " + fp(x)) } // QuadraticFitTest2 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `QuadraticFitTest3` object is used to test the `QuadraticFit` class * for a three dimensional case with noise. */ object QuadraticFitTest3 extends App { import scalation.random.Normal val e = Normal () // standard normal distribution def f(x: VectoD): Double = (x(0) - 10.0)~^2.0 + (x(1) - 20.0)~^2.0 + (x(2) - 5.0)~^2.0 + 1.0 + e.gen // form the grid val xc = VectorD (10.0, 20.0, 10.0) // center to orgin val xs = VectorD (1.0, 2.0, 1.0) // scaling to [-m, m] val qf = new QuadraticFit (f) // construct a quadratic fit object qf.formGrid (xc, xs) // form a grid around point xc qf.printGrid () // create the data/design matrix val (xx, yy) = qf.response () // compute the response surface for the grid println ("design matrix + response vector") println (xx :+ yy) // fit a multi-dimensional quadratic function println ("fit from regression") qf.fit (xx, yy) // use multiple regression to fit surface // qf.reduce () // use a reduce model // find minimal point in response surface def fp (x: VectoD): Double = qf.qFormsEval (x) // prediction function val bfgs = new QuasiNewton (fp) // optimize using nonlinear programming val x = bfgs.solve (xc) println ("optimal solution x = " + x + " with objective value f(x) = " + f(x) + " and predicted value fp(x) = " + fp(x)) } // QuadraticFitTest3