//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Dong-Yu Yu, John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Sat May 5 15:59:23 EDT 2018 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.analytics import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.io.Source.fromFile import scala.io.StdIn import scala.math.{exp, log, max, sqrt} import scalation.linalgebra.{VectoD, VectorD, MatriD, MatrixD} import scalation.random.RandomMatD import ActivationFun._ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RecurrentNeuralNet` class feeds input in sequential time into hidden layer. * It uses parameter U, W, V in network. * where U is parameter for input x, W is for hidden layer z, and V is for output y * We have 'St = Activate (U dot x(t) + W dot x(t-1))' and * 'y(t) = softmax(V dot St)' * @see github.com/pangolulu/rnn-from-scratch *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @param data_dim the dimension of the data space * @param hidden_dim the dimension of the hidden layer * @param bptt_truncate truncate bptt, clip to constrain the dependcy to avoid gradient vanish/explode */ class RecurrentNeuralNet (data_dim: Int, hidden_dim: Int, bptt_truncate: Int = 4) extends Error { var rvm = RandomMatD (hidden_dim, data_dim, -sqrt (1.0 / data_dim), sqrt (1.0 / data_dim)) val u = rvm.gen rvm = RandomMatD (hidden_dim, hidden_dim, -sqrt (1.0 / hidden_dim), sqrt (1.0 / hidden_dim)) val w = rvm.gen rvm = RandomMatD (data_dim, hidden_dim, -sqrt (1.0 / data_dim), sqrt (1.0 / data_dim)) val v = rvm.gen //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Forward the input and generate several RNN layers. * @param x the data input */ def forward_propagation (x: VectoD) = { val layers = ListBuffer [RecurrentNeuralNetLayer] () var prev_s = new VectorD (hidden_dim) for (t <- x.range) { val layer = new RecurrentNeuralNetLayer () val in = new VectorD (data_dim) in(x(t).toInt) = 1 layer.forward (in, prev_s, u, w, v) prev_s = new VectorD (layer.s) layers += layer } // for layers.toList } // forward_propagation //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Calculate the loss from the prediction of 'x' and 'label' by adding up the * prediction loss among rnn layers. * @param x the input data * @param label the class labels (given ouput values) */ def calculate_loss (x: VectoD, label: VectoD): Double = { val output = new Softmax () val layers = forward_propagation (x) var loss = 0.0 var count = 0 for (layer <- layers) { loss += output.loss (layer.mulv, label(count).toInt) count += 1 } // for loss / label.dim.toDouble } // calculate_loss //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Calculate the total loss. * @param x the input data * @param label the class labels (given ouput values) */ def calculate_total_loss (x: List [VectoD], label: List [VectoD]): Double = { var loss = 0.0 for (i <- label.indices) loss += calculate_loss (x(i), label(i)) loss / label.length.toDouble } // calculate_total_loss //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Use back propogation through time 'bptt' to calculates dl/dV, dl/dU, dl/dW * where l is the loss. * @param x the input data * @param label the class labels (given ouput values) */ def bptt (x: VectoD, label: VectoD) = { val output = new Softmax () val layers = forward_propagation (x) val dU = new MatrixD (u.dim1, u.dim2) val dV = new MatrixD (v.dim1, v.dim2) val dW = new MatrixD (w.dim1, w.dim2) var prev_s_t = new VectorD (hidden_dim) var diff_s = new VectorD (hidden_dim) for (t <- layers.indices) { var dmulv = output.diff (layers(t).mulv, label(t).toInt) var in = new VectorD (data_dim) in (x(t).toInt) = 1 var (dprev_s, dU_t, dW_t, dV_t) = layers(t).backward (in, prev_s_t, u, w, v, diff_s, dmulv) prev_s_t = new VectorD (layers(t).s) dmulv = new VectorD (data_dim) for (i <- t-1 until max (-1, t-bptt_truncate-1)) { in = new VectorD (data_dim) in(x(t).toInt) = 1 val prev_s_i = if (i <= 0) new VectorD (hidden_dim) else new VectorD (layers(i - 1).s) val (dprev_st, dU_i, dW_i, dV_i) = layers(t).backward (in, prev_s_i, u, w, v, dprev_s, dmulv) dprev_s = dprev_st dU_t += dU_i dW_t += dW_i } // for dV += dV_t dU += dU_t dW += dW_t } // for (dU, dW, dV) } // bptt //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Stochastic gradient descent step. * @param x the input data * @param label the class labels (given ouput values) * @param learning rate the learning rate (gradient multiplier) */ def sgd_step (x: VectoD, label: VectoD, learning_rate: Double) = { val (dU, dW, dV) = bptt (x, label) u -= dU * learning_rate v -= dV * learning_rate w -= dW * learning_rate } // sgd_step //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Train the model by iterating throught the training set by sgd and adjusting * the learning rate. * @param x the input data * @param label the class labels (given ouput values) * @param rate the initial learning rate (gradient multiplier) * @param nepoch number of epoch * @param eval_loss_after number of epoch to conduct evaluation */ def train (x: List [VectoD], label: List [VectoD], rate: Double = 500.0, nepoch: Int, eval_loss_after: Int = 5) { var num_examples_seen = 0 var losses = ListBuffer [(Int, Double)] () var learning_rate = rate for (epoch <- 0 until nepoch) { if (epoch % eval_loss_after == 0) { val loss = calculate_total_loss (x, label) losses += Tuple2 (num_examples_seen, loss) println (s"Loss after num_examples_seen = $num_examples_seen, epoch = $epoch : $loss") if (losses.length > 1 && losses(epoch)._2 > losses(epoch-1)._2) { learning_rate *= 0.5 println (s"Setting learning rate to $learning_rate") } // if } // if for (i <- label.indices) { sgd_step (x(i), label(i), learning_rate) num_examples_seen += 1 } // for } // for } // train } // RecurrentNeuralNet class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Tanh` class implements Tanh and derivative for vector version */ class Tanh { //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute tanh on the vector input. * @param input the input vector */ def forward (input: VectoD): VectoD = ActivationFun.tanhV (input) //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the derivative correponding to the input. * @param input the input vector * @param top_diff dl/dz where l is the loss, z is the output */ def backward (input: VectoD, top_diff: VectoD): VectoD = { val output = forward (input) top_diff * output.map ((a: Double) => 1.0 - a*a) } // backward } // Tanh class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** MultiplyGate is to perfrom dot product from input and weights 'w'. */ case class MultiplyGate () { //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Perform dot product with matrix W and Vector input. * @param w the weight matrix * @param input the input vector */ def forward (w: MatriD, input: VectoD): VectoD = w.t dot input //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Calculate derivative corresponding to the W and input * @param w the weight matrix * @param input the input vector * @param dz dl/dz where l is the loss */ def backward (w: MatriD, input:VectoD, dz: VectoD): (MatriD, VectoD) = { val dW = (MatrixD ((1, dz.dim), (for (i <- dz.range) yield dz(i)): _*).mdot (MatrixD ((1, input.dim), (for (i <- input.range) yield input(i)): _*))) val dinput = w dot dz (dW, dinput) } // backward } // MultiplyGate class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Perform Add for vectors. */ case class AddGate () { //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Perform add with vector 'x' and Vector 'y'. * @param x vector x for operation add * @param y vector y for operation add */ def forward (x: VectoD, y: VectoD): VectoD = x + y //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Calculate derivative according to the input 'x' and 'y'. * @param x vector x for operation add * @param y vector y for operation add * @param dz dl/dz where l is the loss */ def backward (x: VectoD, y: VectoD, dz: VectoD): (VectoD, VectoD) = { /* var dx = new MatrixD (x.dim1, x.dim2) for (i <- dx.range1; j <- dx.range2) dx(i,j) = 1 var dy = new MatrixD(y.dim1, y.dim2) for (i <- dy.range1; j <- dy.range2) dy(i,j) = 1 dx = dz * dx dy = dz * dy (dx, dy) */ (dz, dz) // FIX } // backward } // AddGate class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Softmax class calculate softmax regularization for the input */ class Softmax { //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Calculate softmax for the input. * @param input the vector input for softmax (vector sum = 1) */ def predict (input: VectoD): VectoD = { val exp_scores = input.map (exp (_)) exp_scores / exp_scores.sum } // predict //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Calculate loss between the vector input and the label index. * @param input the data input * @param index class labels for input */ def loss (input: VectoD, index: Int): Double = { val probs = predict (input) - log (probs(index)) } // loss //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Calculate the difference by first predict the input and deduct the position of index. * @param input the data input * @param index class labels for input */ def diff (input: VectoD, index: Int): VectoD = { var probs = predict (input) probs(index) -= 1.0 probs } // diff } // Softmax class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RecurrentNeuralNetLayer` is a 3-layer where x denotes the input, * 'y 'denotes the output and 's' is the intermediate/hidden value. * We have 'St = Activate (U dot x(t) + W dot x(t-1))' and * 'y(t) = softmax(V dot St)'. */ class RecurrentNeuralNetLayer { private val mulGate = MultiplyGate () private val addGate = AddGate () private val activation = new Tanh () var mulu: VectoD = _ // FIX - should make private var mulw: VectoD = _ var add: VectoD = _ var s: VectoD = _ var mulv: VectoD = _ //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Forward the x into the RecurrentNeuralNet layer. * We have St = Activate (U dot x(t) + W dot x(t-1)) * y(t) = softmax(V dot St) * @param x the input data * @param prev_s record the previous hidden layer value * @param u parameter for input x * @param w parameter for hidden layer z * @param v parameter for output */ def forward (x: VectoD, prev_s: VectoD, u: MatriD, w: MatriD, v: MatriD) { mulu = mulGate.forward (u, x) mulw = mulGate.forward (w, prev_s) add = addGate.forward (mulw, mulu) s = activation.forward (add) mulv = mulGate.forward (v, s) } // forward //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Calculate the derivate regarding to prev_s , U, W, V by backward of each unit * @param x the input data * @param prev_s record the previous hidden layer value * @param u parameter for input x * @param w parameter for hidden layer z * @param v parameter for output * @param diff_s diff_s = ds(t+1)/ ds (t) * @param dmulv dl/dmulv where l is the loss, mulv = V dot s */ def backward (x: VectoD, prev_s: VectoD, u: MatriD, w: MatriD, v: MatriD, diff_s: VectoD, dmulv: VectoD) = { forward (x, prev_s, u, w, v) val (dV, dsv: VectoD) = mulGate.backward (v, s, dmulv) val ds = dsv + diff_s val dadd = activation.backward (add, ds) val (dmulw, dmulu) = addGate.backward (mulw, mulu, dadd) val (dW, dprev_s) = mulGate.backward (w, prev_s, dmulw) val (dU, dx) = mulGate.backward (u, x, dmulu) (dprev_s, dU, dW, dV) } // backward } // RecurrentNeuralNetLayer class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RecurrentNeuralNetTest` object is used to test the `RecurrentNeuralNet` class. * > runMain scalation.analytics.RecurrentNeuralNetTest */ object RecurrentNeuralNetTest extends App { // read the input file val file = BASE_DIR + "RNNtrain.csv" val sp = ',' // character separating the values val linesInput = fromFile (file).getLines.toArray // get the lines from file val num_linesInput = linesInput.length var x = ListBuffer [VectoD] () for (i <- 0 until num_linesInput) { var l = linesInput(i).split (sp) l = l.filterNot (name => name.contains ("[") || name.contains ("]")) x += VectorD (l.map (_.toDouble)) } // for val xList = x.toList // read the label val fileY = BASE_DIR + "RNNlabel.csv" val lines = fromFile (fileY).getLines.toArray // get the lines from file val num_lines = lines.length var label = ListBuffer [VectoD] () for (i <- 0 until num_lines) { var l = lines(i).split (sp) l = l.filterNot (name => (name contains "[") || (name contains "]")) label += VectorD (l.map (_.toDouble)) } // for val labelList = label.toList val data_dim = 8000 val hidden_dim = 100 var rnn = new RecurrentNeuralNet (data_dim, hidden_dim) val losses = rnn.train (xList.slice (0, 10), labelList.slice (0, 10), nepoch = 10, eval_loss_after = 1) } // RecurrentNeuralNetTest object