//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Hao Peng, John Miller, Zhe Jin * @version 1.5 * @date Mon Jul 27 01:27:00 EDT 2015 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.analytics.classifier import scalation.columnar_db.Relation import scalation.linalgebra.{MatrixD, MatriI, MatrixI, VectorD, VectoI, VectorI} import scalation.linalgebra.gen.{HMatrix2, HMatrix3, HMatrix4, HMatrix5} import scalation.random.PermutedVecI import scalation.random.RNGStream.ranStream import BayesClassifier.me_default import TANBayes0.smoothP //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `OneBAN` class implements an Integer-Based One-parent BN Augmented Naive Bayes * Classifier, which is a commonly used such classifier for discrete input data. * The classifier is trained using a data matrix 'x' and a classification vector 'y'. * Each data vector in the matrix is classified into one of 'k' classes numbered * 0, ..., k-1. Prior probabilities are calculated based on the population of * each class in the training-set. Relative posterior probabilities are computed * by multiplying these by values computed using conditional probabilities. The * classifier supports limited dependency between features/variables. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This classifier uses the standard cross-validation technique. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @param x the integer-valued data vectors stored as rows of a matrix * @param y the class vector, where y(l) = class for row l of the matrix, x(l) * @param fn the names for all features/variables * @param k the number of classes * @param cn the names for all classes * @param vc the value count (number of distinct values) for each feature * @param me use m-estimates (me == 0 => regular MLE estimates) * @param thres the correlation threshold between 2 features for possible parent-child relationship */ class OneBAN0 (x: MatriI, y: VectoI, fn: Array[String], k: Int, cn: Array[String], protected var vc: Array [Int] = null, me: Float = me_default, thres: Double = 0.0) extends BayesClassifier (x, y, fn, k, cn) { private val DEBUG = false // debug flag protected val parent = new VectorI (n) // vector holding the parent for each feature/variable protected val vcp = Array.ofDim [Int] (n) // value count for the parent protected val nu_XyP = new HMatrix4 [Int] (k, n) // conditional frequency counts for variable/feature j: xj protected val p_XyP = new HMatrix4 [Double] (k, n) // conditional probabilities for variable/feature j: xj protected var featureOrder: VectoI = null protected val permutedVec = PermutedVecI (VectorI.range (0, n), ranStream) if (vc == null) { shiftToZero; vc = vc_fromData // set value counts from data } // if nu_X = new HMatrix2 [Int] (n, vc) // local frequency of X = [x_0, ... x_n-1] nu_Xy = new HMatrix3 [Int] (k, n, vc) // local joint frequency of X and y nu_XyZ = new HMatrix5 [Int] (k, n, n, vc, vc) // local joint frequency (using partial dataset, i.e. when using cross validation) of // X, y and Z where X, Z are features/columns if (DEBUG) { println ("value count vc = " + vc.deep) println ("value count vcp = " + vcp.deep) println ("parents of features = " + parent) } // if randomizeFeatureOrder () //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Randomize the feature order and re-compute parent and vcp. */ def randomizeFeatureOrder () = featureOrder = permutedVec.igen //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Train the classifier by computing the probabilities for C, and the * conditional probabilities for X_j. This is the quick version that uses * the "subtraction" method to achieve efficiency. * @param itest indices of the instances considered testing data */ override def train (itest: IndexedSeq [Int]): OneBAN0 = { val idx = if (additive) 0 until m diff itest else itest computeParent (idx) // frequency computations are also done here computeVcp () nu_XyP.alloc (vc, vcp) p_XyP.alloc (vc, vcp) // only the joint frequencies of Class, X-feature, and its Parent needs to be copied, other frequencies were done in computeParentQ copyFreqXyP () train2 () if (smooth) smoothP (k, n, fset, parent, vc, vcp, md - itest.size, nu_y, nu_X, nu_Xy, p_XyP) this } // train //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Train the classifier by computing the probabilities for C, and the * conditional probabilities for X_j. */ private def train2 () { p_y = nu_y.toDouble / md // prior probability for class yi for (i <- 0 until k; j <- 0 until n if fset(j)) { // for each class yi & feature xj val me_vc = me / vc(j).toDouble for (xj <- 0 until vc(j); xp <- 0 until vcp(j)) { val d = if (parent(j) > -1) nu_Xy(i, parent(j), xp) else nu_y(i) // for each value for feature j: xj, par(j): xp p_XyP(i, j, xj, xp) = (nu_XyP(i, j, xj, xp) + me_vc) / (d + me) } // for } // for if (DEBUG) { println("p_y = " + p_y) // P(C = i) println("p_XyP = " + p_XyP) // P(X_j = x | C = i) } // if } // train2 //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the parent of each feature based on the correlation matrix. * Feature x_i is only a possible candidate for parent of feature x_j if i < j. * @param idx indicies of either training or testing region */ def computeParent (idx: IndexedSeq [Int]) { val cmiMx = calcCMI (idx, vc) for (j1 <- 0 until n if fset(j1); j2 <- 0 until j1 if fset(j2)) cmiMx(j1, j2) = cmiMx(j2, j1) for (i <- 0 until n if fset(i)) { val f = featureOrder(i) val pset = for (j <- 0 until i if fset(j)) yield featureOrder(j) if (pset.isEmpty) parent(f) = -1 else { val correl = VectorD(for (p <- pset) yield cmiMx(f)(p)) parent(f) = if (correl.max() > thres) pset(correl.argmax()) else -1 } // if } // for if (DEBUG) { println("feature order = " + featureOrder) println("parent = " + parent) } // if } // computeParent //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Clone/copy the values from global freq variables into local ones. */ private def copyFreqXyP () { for (i <- 0 until k; j <- x.range2 if fset(j); xj <- 0 until vc(j); xp <- 0 until vcp(j)) { nu_XyP(i, j, xj, xp) = if (parent(j) > -1) nu_XyZ(i, j, parent(j), xj, xp) else nu_Xy(i, j, xj) } // for } // copyFreqXyP //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Increment frequency counters used in CMI calculations based on the 'i'th * row of the data matrix. * @param i the index for current data row */ protected def updateFreq (i: Int) { val yi = y(i) // get the class for ith row nu_y(yi) += 1 // increment frequency for class yi for (j <- x.range2 if fset(j)) { nu_X(j, x(i, j)) += 1 nu_Xy(yi, j, x(i, j)) += 1 for (j2 <- j + 1 until n if fset(j2)) { nu_XyZ(yi, j, j2, x(i, j), x(i, j2)) += 1 nu_XyZ(yi, j2, j, x(i, j2), x(i, j)) += 1 } // for } // for } // updateFreq //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the value counts of each parent feature based on the parent vector. * Let 1 be the default value count when there is no parent. */ def computeVcp () { for (j <- 0 until n) { vcp(j) = if (fset(j) && parent(j) > -1) vc(parent(j)) else 1 } // for } // computeVcp //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given a discrete data vector 'z', classify it returning the class number * (0, ..., k-1) with the highest relative posterior probability. * Return the best class, its name and its relative probability. * @param z the data vector to classify */ def classify (z: VectoI): (Int, String, Double) = { val prob = new VectorD (p_y) for (i <- 0 until k; j <- 0 until n if fset(j)) { prob(i) *= (if (parent(j) > -1) p_XyP(i, j, z(j), z(parent(j))) // P(X_j = z_j | C = i), x-parent else p_XyP(i, j, z(j), 0)) // P(X_j = z_j | C = i), no x-parent } // for if (DEBUG) println("prob = " + prob) val best = prob.argmax() // class with the highest relative posterior probability (best, cn(best), prob(best)) // return the best class, its name and its probability } // classify //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Reset or re-initialize the frequency tables and the probability tables. */ def reset() { nu_y.set (0) nu_X.set (0) nu_Xy.set (0) nu_XyZ.set (0) } // reset //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the parent. */ override def getParent: VectoI = parent } // OneBAN0 class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** `OneBAN0` is the companion object for the `OneBAN0` class. */ object OneBAN0 { //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a `OneBAN' object, passing 'x' and 'y' together in one table. * @param xy the data vectors along with their classifications stored as rows of a matrix * @param fn the names of the features * @param k the number of classes * @param vc the value count (number of distinct values) for each feature * @param me use m-estimates (me == 0 => regular MLE estimates) * @param thres the correlation threshold between 2 features for possible parent-child relationship */ def apply(xy: MatriI, fn: Array[String], k: Int, cn: Array[String], vc: Array [Int] = null, me: Float = me_default, thres: Double = 0.1) = { new OneBAN0(xy(0 until xy.dim1, 0 until xy.dim2 - 1), xy.col(xy.dim2 - 1), fn, k, cn, vc, me, thres) } // apply } // OneBAN0 object //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The same classifier but uses an optimized cross-validation technique. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @param x the integer-valued data vectors stored as rows of a matrix * @param y the class vector, where y(l) = class for row l of the matrix, x(l) * @param fn the names for all features/variables * @param k the number of classes * @param cn the names for all classes * @param vc the value count (number of distinct values) for each feature * @param me use m-estimates (me == 0 => regular MLE estimates) * @param thres the correlation threshold between 2 features for possible parent-child relationship */ class OneBAN (x: MatriI, y: VectoI, fn: Array[String], k: Int, cn: Array[String], vc_ : Array [Int] = null, me: Float = me_default, thres: Double = 0.0) extends OneBAN0(x, y, fn, k, cn, vc_, me, thres) { private val DEBUG = false // debug flag private val g_nu_y = new VectorI (k) // global frequency of Y private val g_nu_X = new HMatrix2 [Int] (n, vc) // global frequency of X = [x_0, ... x_n-1] private val g_nu_Xy = new HMatrix3 [Int] (k, n, vc) // global joint frequency of X and y private val g_nu_XyZ = new HMatrix5 [Int] (k, n, n, vc, vc) // global joint frequency (using entire dataset) of // X, Z and y where X, Z are features/columns additive = false if (DEBUG) { println ("value count vc = " + vc.deep) println ("value count vcp = " + vcp.deep) println ("parent features par = " + parent) } // if frequenciesAll () //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute frequency counts using the entire data matrix */ def frequenciesAll () { for (i <- 0 until m) { val yi = y(i) g_nu_y(yi) += 1 for (j <- 0 until n if fset(j)) { g_nu_X(j, x(i, j)) += 1 g_nu_Xy(yi, j, x(i, j)) += 1 for (j2 <- j + 1 until n if fset(j)) g_nu_XyZ(yi, j, j2, x(i, j), x(i, j2)) += 1 } // for } // for for (c <- 0 until k; j <- 0 until n if fset(j); j2 <- j + 1 until n if fset(j2); xj <- 0 until vc(j); xj2 <- 0 until vc(j2)) { g_nu_XyZ(c, j2, j, xj2, xj) = g_nu_XyZ(c, j, j2, xj, xj2) } // for } // frequenciesAll //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Decrement frequency counters used in CMI calculations based on the 'i'th * row of the data matrix. * @param i the index for current data row */ protected override def updateFreq (i: Int) { val yi = y(i) // get the class for ith row nu_y(yi) -= 1 // decrement frequency for class yi for (j <- x.range2 if fset(j)) { nu_X(j, x(i, j)) -= 1 nu_Xy(yi, j, x(i, j)) -= 1 for (j2 <- j+1 until n if fset(j2)) { nu_XyZ(yi, j, j2, x(i, j), x(i, j2)) -= 1 nu_XyZ(yi, j2, j, x(i, j2), x(i, j)) -= 1 } // for } // for } // updateFreq //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Reset or re-initialize the frequency tables from the global frequencies. */ override def reset () { for (i <- 0 until k) { nu_y(i) = g_nu_y(i) for (j <- x.range2 if fset(j); xj <- 0 until vc(j)) { if (i == 0) nu_X(j, xj) = g_nu_X(j, xj) nu_Xy(i, j, xj) = g_nu_Xy(i, j, xj) for (j2 <- j + 1 until n if fset(j2); xj2 <- 0 until vc(j2)) { nu_XyZ(i, j, j2, xj, xj2) = g_nu_XyZ(i, j, j2, xj, xj2) nu_XyZ(i, j2, j, xj2, xj) = nu_XyZ(i, j, j2, xj, xj2) } // for } // for } // for } // reset } // OneBAN class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** `OneBAN` is the companion object for the `OneBAN` class. */ object OneBAN { //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a `OneBAN' object, passing 'x' and 'y' together in one table. * @param xy the data vectors along with their classifications stored as rows of a matrix * @param fn the names of the features * @param k the number of classes * @param vc the value count (number of distinct values) for each feature * @param me use m-estimates (me == 0 => regular MLE estimates) * @param thres the correlation threshold between 2 features for possible parent-child relationship */ def apply(xy: MatriI, fn: Array[String], k: Int, cn: Array[String], vc: Array [Int] = null, me: Float = me_default, thres: Double = 0.1) = { new OneBAN (xy(0 until xy.dim1, 0 until xy.dim2 - 1), xy.col(xy.dim2 - 1), fn, k, cn, vc, me, thres) } // apply } // OneBAN object //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `OneBANTest` object is used to test the `OneBAN` class. * Classify whether a car is more likely to be stolen (1) or not (1). * @see www.inf.u-szeged.hu/~ormandi/ai2/06-OneBAN-example.pdf * > runMain scalation.analytics.classifier.OneBANTest */ object OneBANTest extends App { // x0: Color: Red (1), Yellow (0) // x1: Type: SUV (1), Sports (0) // x2: Origin: Domestic (1), Imported (0) // features: x0 x1 x2 val x = new MatrixI ((10, 3), 1, 0, 1, // data matrix 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0) val y = VectorI (1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1) // classification vector: 0(No), 1(Yes)) val fn = Array ("Color", "Type", "Origin") // feature/variable names val cn = Array ("No", "Yes") // class names println ("xy = " + (x :^+ y)) println ("---------------------------------------------------------------") val oneban0 = new OneBAN0 (x, y, fn, 2, cn) // create the classifier val oneban = new OneBAN (x, y, fn, 2, cn) // create the classifier // train the classifier --------------------------------------------------- oneban0.train () oneban.train () // test sample ------------------------------------------------------------ val z1 = VectorI (1, 0, 1) // existing data vector to classify val z2 = VectorI (1, 1, 1) // new data vector to classify println ("Use oneban0 to classify (" + z1 + ") = " + oneban0.classify (z1)) println ("Use oneban to classify (" + z1 + ") = " + oneban.classify (z1)) println ("Use oneban0 to classify (" + z2 + ") = " + oneban0.classify (z2)) println ("Use oneban to classify (" + z2 + ") = " + oneban.classify (z2)) println ("oneban0 cv accu = " + oneban0.crossValidateRand()) // cross validate the classifier println ("oneban cv accu = " + oneban.crossValidateRand()) // cross validate the classifier } // OneBANTest object //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `OneBANTest2` object is used to test the `OneBAN` class. * Given whether a person is Fast and/or Strong, classify them as making C = 1 * or not making C = 0 the football team. * > runMain scalation.analytics.classifier.OneBANTest2 */ object OneBANTest2 extends App { // training-set ----------------------------------------------------------- // x0: Fast // x1: Strong // y: Classification (No/0, Yes/1) // features: x0 x1 y val xy = new MatrixI ((10, 3), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) val fn = Array ("Fast", "Strong") // feature names val cn = Array ("No", "Yes") // class names println ("xy = " + xy) println ("---------------------------------------------------------------") val oneban0 = OneBAN0 (xy, fn, 2, cn, null, 0) // create the classifier val oneban = OneBAN (xy, fn, 2, cn, null, 0) // create the classifier // train the classifier --------------------------------------------------- oneban0.train () oneban.train () // test sample ------------------------------------------------------------ val z = VectorI(1, 0) // new data vector to classify println ("Use oneban0 to classify (" + z + ") = " + oneban0.classify (z)) println ("Use oneban to classify (" + z + ") = " + oneban.classify (z)) println ("oneban0 cv accu = " + oneban0.crossValidateRand()) // cross validate the classifier println ("oneban cv accu = " + oneban.crossValidateRand()) // cross validate the classifier } // OneBANTest2 object //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `OneBANTest3` object is used to test the `OneBAN` class. * > runMain scalation.analytics.classifier.OneBANTest3 */ object OneBANTest3 extends App { val fname = BASE_DIR + "breast-cancer.arff" var data = Relation (fname, -1, null) val xy = data.toMatriI2 (null) val fn = data.colName.slice (0, xy.dim2 - 1).toArray val cn = Array ("p", "e") // class names val k = 2 println("---------------------------------------------------------------") val oneban0 = OneBAN0 (xy, fn, k, cn) // create the classifier val oneban = OneBAN (xy, fn, k, cn) // create the classifier println("oneban0 cv accu = " + oneban0.crossValidateRand()) // cross validate the classifier println("oneban cv accu = " + oneban.crossValidateRand()) // cross validate the classifier oneban0.featureSelection () oneban.featureSelection () println("oneban0 cv accu = " + oneban0.crossValidateRand()) // cross validate the classifier println("oneban cv accu = " + oneban.crossValidateRand()) // cross validate the classifier } // OneBANTest3 object