//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Sun Mar 12 16:49:17 EDT 2017 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * * @see www.jstor.org/stable/3695642?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents */ package scalation.analytics.clusterer import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, Set} import scala.math.min import scalation.linalgebra.MatrixD import scalation.random.RandomVecSample import scalation.util.SortingI //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `TightClusterer` class uses tight clustering to eliminate points that * do not not fit well in any cluster. * @param x the vectors/points to be clustered stored as rows of a matrix * @param k0 the number of clusters to make * @param kmin the minimum number of clusters to make * @param s the random number stream (to vary the clusters made) */ class TightClusterer (x: MatrixD, k0: Int, kmin: Int, s: Int = 0) // extends Clusterer { private val DEBUG = true // debug flag private val ratio = 0.7 // subsampling ratio private val alpha = 0.5 // how far below 1 to set threshold private val thres = 1 - alpha // membership threshold for high scores private val beta = 0.7 // similarity threshold private val b = 10 // number of times to resample private val q = 7 // number of candidates for each k private val n = x.dim1 // size of whole sample/population private val ns = (x.dim1 * ratio).toInt // size of a random subsample private val sr = 0 until ns // sample range private val rsg = RandomVecSample (x.dim1, ns, s) // random sample generator //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a new random subsample. */ def createSubsample (): (MatrixD, Array [Int]) = { val indexMap = rsg.igen ().toArray // select e.g., 5, 3, 7 // FIX - why toArray val subsamp = x.selectRows (indexMap) // generate random subsample println (s"subsamp = $subsamp") (subsamp, indexMap) } // createSubsample //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the mean comembership matrix by averaging results from several subsamples. */ def computeMeanComembership (k: Int): MatrixD = { val md = new MatrixD (n, n) // mean comembership matrix for (l <- 0 until b) { println (s"\n iteration l = $l") val (y, imap) = createSubsample () // create a new subsample val kmc = new KMeansPPClusterer (y, k, s = s) // apply clustering to this subsample val clustr = kmc.cluster () // get the clusters println (s"clustr = ${clustr.deep}") val d = new MatrixD (n, n) // comembership matrix for current sample for (i <- sr; j <- sr if clustr(i) == clustr(j)) d(imap(i), imap(j)) = 1.0 println (s"d = $d") md += d } // for md /= ratio * b // compute mean md // return result } // computeMeanComembership //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Form candidate clusters by collecting points with high average comembership * scores together in clusters (clubs). * @param md the mean comembership matrix */ def formCandidateClusters (md: MatrixD): ArrayBuffer [Set [Int]] = { val avail = Array.fill (n)(true) // whether a point is available val clubs = new ArrayBuffer [Set [Int]] () // list of clubs for (i <- 0 until n if avail(i)) { val club = Set (i) // put i in a club avail(i) = false // make i unavailable for (j <- i until n if md(i, j) >= thres) { club += j; avail(j) = false } clubs += club } // for clubs } // formCandidateClusters //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Order the clubs (candidate clusters) by size, returning the rank order * (largest first). * @param clubs the candidate clusters */ def orderBySize (clubs: ArrayBuffer [Set [Int]]): Array [Int] = { val sizes = clubs.map (_.size).toArray // record sizes of clubs new SortingI (sizes).iselsort2 () // indirectly sort by size } // orderBySize //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select candidates for tight clusters in the K-means algorithm for a given * number of clusters 'k'. This corresponds to Algorithm A in the paper/URL. * @param k the number of clusters */ def selectCandidateClusters (k: Int): (ArrayBuffer [Set [Int]], Array [Int]) = { val md = computeMeanComembership (k) // mean comembership val clubs = formCandidateClusters (md) // form candidate clusters (clubs) val order = orderBySize (clubs) // determine rank order by club size if (DEBUG) { println (s"mean = $md") println (s"clubs = $clubs") println (s"order = ${order.deep}") } // if (clubs, order) } // selectCandidateClusters //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Pick the top q clubs based on club size. * @param clubs all the clubs (candidate clusters) * @param order the rank order (by club size) of all the clubs */ def pickTopQ (clubs: ArrayBuffer [Set [Int]], order: Array [Int]): ArrayBuffer [Set [Int]] = { val ml = ArrayBuffer [Set [Int]] () for (i <- 0 until min (q, clubs.size)) ml += clubs(order (i)) ml } // pickTopQ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the similarity of two clubs as the ratio of the size of their * intersection to their union. * @param c1 the first club * @param c2 the second club */ def sim (c1: Set [Int], c2: Set [Int]): Double = (c1 & c1).size / (c1 union c2).size //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Find a the first tight and stable cluster from the top candidate clubs. * To be stable, a club must have a similar club at the next level (next k value). * @param topClubs the top clubs for each level to be search for stable clusters */ def findStable (topClubs: Array [ArrayBuffer [Set [Int]]]): (Int, Set [Int]) = { for (lev <- 0 until topClubs.length-1) { for (c1 <- topClubs (lev); c2 <- topClubs (lev+1)) { if (sim (c1, c2) >= beta) return (lev, c1) // found a stable cluster } // for } // for return (-1, null) // none found } // findStable //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given a set of points/vectors, put them in clusters, returning the cluster * assignment vector. A basic goal is to minimize the sum of the distances * between points within each cluster. */ def cluster (): ArrayBuffer [Set [Int]] = { val levels = 2 // number of levels to try val clusters = new ArrayBuffer [Set [Int]] () val topClubs = Array.ofDim [ArrayBuffer [Set [Int]]] (levels) for (kc <- k0 to kmin by -1) { // iteratively decrement kc (k current value) for (k <- kc until kc + levels) { val (clubs, order) = selectCandidateClusters (k0) topClubs(k-kc) = pickTopQ (clubs, order) } // for println (s"topClubs = ${topClubs.deep}") val (lev, stable) = findStable (topClubs) // next stable cluster println (s"(lev, stable) = ($lev, $stable)") if (lev >= 0) { clusters += stable // add to stable clusters topClubs(lev) -= stable // remove from top clubs } else { println ("no stable cluster found for kc = $kc: $stable") } // if } // for println (s"clusters = $clusters") clusters } // cluster } // TightClusterer class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `TightClustererTest` is used to test the `TightClusterer` class. * > runMain scalation.analytics.clusterer.TightClustererTest */ object TightClustererTest extends App { val v = new MatrixD ((6, 2), 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 5.0, 4.0, 4.0, 5.0, 9.0, 8.0, 8.0, 9.0) val (k0, kmin) = (3, 2) for (s <- 0 until 5) { val tcl = new TightClusterer (v, k0, kmin, s) tcl.cluster () } // for } // TightClustererTest object