//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Hao Peng, John Miller, Michael Cotterell * @version 1.5 * @date Sat Jun 13 01:27:00 EST 2017 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * * @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autoregressive%E2%80%93moving-average_model * @see http://www.emu.edu.tr/mbalcilar/teaching2007/econ604/lecture_notes.htm * @see http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~bartlett/courses/153-fall2010 * @see http://www.princeton.edu/~apapanic/ORFE_405,_Financial_Time_Series_%28Fall_2011%29_files/slides12-13.pdf */ package scalation.analytics.forecaster import scala.math.{max, min} import scalation.analytics.{BASE_DIR, Regression} import scalation.linalgebra.{MatriD, MatrixD, VectoD, VectorD} import scalation.plot.Plot import scalation.random.{Normal, Random} import scalation.stat.vectorD2StatVector //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ARIMA` class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for Auto- * Regressive 'AR' Integrated 'I' Moving-Average 'MA' models. In an * 'ARIMA(p, d, q)' model, 'p' and 'q' refer to the order of the Auto-Regressive * and Moving-Average components of the model; 'd' refers to the order of * differencing. `ARIMA` models are often used for forecasting. * Given time series data stored in vector 'y', its next value 'y_t = y(t)' * may be predicted based on prior values of 'y' and its noise: *

* y_t = c + Σ(φ_i y_t-i) + Σ(θ_i e_t-i) + e_t *

* where 'c' is a constant, 'φ' is the autoregressive coefficient vector, * 'θ' is the moving-average coefficient vector, and 'e' is the noise vector. * If 'd' > 0, then the time series must be differenced first before applying * the above model. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @param t the time vector * @param y the input vector (time series data) * @param d the order of Integration (number of differences) */ class ARIMA (t: VectoD, y: VectoD, d: Int = 0) extends Forecaster { protected var e: VectoD = null // residual/error vector [e_0, e_1, ... e_m-1] private val DEBUG = false // debug flag val mu = y.mean // the sample mean private val xx = new VectorD (y - mu) // work with mean zero time series private val x = difference () // difference the time series private val n = x.dim // size of the input vector private val mxLag = 20 // maximum lag to consider private val m = min (n, mxLag) // maximum lag to consider private val sig2 = x.variance // the sample variance private val ac = new VectorD (m+1) // auto-covariance for (t <- ac.range) ac(t) = x acov t val acf = ac / sig2 // Auto-Correlation Function (ACF) var pacf: VectoD = null // Partial Auto-Correlation Function (PACF) private var p = 0 // order of AR component private var q = 0 // order of MA component private var φ: VectoD = null // AR(p) coefficients private var θ: VectoD = null // MA(q) coefficients e = new VectorD (n) // vector of residuals if (DEBUG) { println ("n = " + n) // number of data points println ("x = " + x) // zero-mean time series println ("mu = " + mu) // mean println ("sig2 = " + sig2) // variance println ("ac = " + ac) // auto-covariance println ("acf = " + acf) // ACF } // for //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // Integrated 'I(d)' models. //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Difference the time series based on value of 'd'. */ def difference (): VectorD = { d match { case 0 => xx case 1 => VectorD (for (i <- 0 until xx.dim-1) yield xx(i+1)-xx(i)) case 2 => VectorD (for (i <- 0 until xx.dim-2) yield xx(i+2)-2*xx(i+1)+xx(i)) case 3 => VectorD (for (i <- 0 until xx.dim-3) yield xx(i+3)-3*xx(i+2)+3*xx(i+1)-xx(i)) case _ => println ("ARIMA does not support differencing higher than order 3"); null } // match } // difference //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Transform the predictions/fitted values of a differenced time series back * to the original scale. * @see stats.stackexchange.com/questions/32634/difference-time-series-before-arima-or-within-arima * @param xp the vector of predictions/fitted values of a differenced time series */ def transformBack (xp: VectoD): VectoD = { d match { case 0 => xp case 1 => val tbx = new VectorD (xx.dim) tbx(0) = xx(0) for (i <- 0 until xx.dim-1) tbx(i+1) = xx(i) + xp(i) e = xx - tbx tbx case 2 => val tbx = new VectorD (xx.dim) tbx(0) = xx(0) tbx(1) = xx(1) for (i <- 0 until xx.dim-2) tbx(i+2) = xx(i+1) + xp(i) e = xx - tbx tbx case 3 => val tbx = new VectorD (xx.dim) tbx(0) = xx(0) tbx(1) = xx(1) tbx(2) = xx(2) for (i <- 0 until xx.dim-3) tbx(i+3) = xx(i+2) + xp(i) e = xx - tbx tbx case _ => println ("ARIMA does not support differencing higher than order 3"); null } // match } // transformBack //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Transform the forecasted values of a differenced time series back to the * original scale. * @see stats.stackexchange.com/questions/32634/difference-time-series-before-arima-or-within-arima * @param xf the vector of forecasted values of a differenced time series */ def transformBack_f (xf: VectoD): VectoD = { d match { case 0 => xf case 1 => val tbx = xx.slice(xx.size - 1) ++ xf for (i <- 1 until tbx.dim) tbx(i) += tbx(i-1) tbx.slice(1) case 2 => val tbx = xx.slice(xx.size - 2) ++ xf for (i <- 2 until tbx.dim) tbx(i) += (2*tbx(i-1) - tbx(i-2)) tbx.slice(2) case 3 => val tbx = xx.slice(xx.size - 3) ++ xf for (i <- 3 until tbx.dim) tbx(i) += (3*tbx(i-1) - 3*tbx(i-2) + tbx(i-3)) tbx.slice(3) case _ => println ("ARIMA does not support differencing higher than order 3"); null } // match } // transformBack_f //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // Auto-Regressive 'AR(p)' models //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Estimate the coefficient vector 'φ' for a 'p'th order Auto-Regressive 'AR(p)' * model. *

* x_t = φ_0 * x_t-1 + ... + φ_p-1 * x_t-p + e_t *

* Uses the Durbin-Levinson Algorithm to determine the coefficients. * The 'φ' vector is 'p'th row of 'psi' matrix (ignoring the first (0th) column). * @param p_ the order of the AR model */ def est_ar (p_ : Int = 1): VectoD = { p = p_ φ = durbinLevinson (p).slice (1, p+1) // AR(p) coefficients: φ_0, ..., φ_p-1 if (DEBUG) println (s"coefficients for AR($p): φ = $φ") φ } // est_ar //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Apply the Durbin-Levinson Algorithm to iteratively compute the 'psi' matrix. * The last row of the matrix gives 'AR' coefficients. * @see www.stat.tamu.edu/~suhasini/teaching673/time_series.pdf */ def durbinLevinson: MatriD = { val psi = new MatrixD (m+1, m+1) val r = new VectorD (m+1); r(0) = ac(0) for (t <- 1 to m) { var sum = 0.0 for (j <- 1 until t) sum += psi(t-1, j) * ac(t-j) val a = (ac(t) - sum) / r(t-1) psi(t, t) = a for (j <- 1 until t) psi(t, j) = psi(t-1, j) - a * psi(t-1, t-j) r(t) = r(t-1) * (1.0 - a * a) } // for if (DEBUG) println ("psi = " + psi) pacf = psi.getDiag ().slice (1, m+1) // PACF is the diagonal of the psi matrix psi // return the psi matrix } // durbinLevinson //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return a vector that is the predictions of a 'p'th order Auto-Regressive 'AR(p)' model. * @param transBack flag that determines whether to return the predicted values * in the original scale */ def predict_ar (transBack: Boolean = true): VectoD = { val xp = new VectorD (n) // forecasts for x for (t <- 0 until n) { var sum = 0.0 for (j <- 0 until p if t-j > 0) sum += φ(j) * x(t-1-j) xp(t) = sum } // for e = x - xp if (transBack) transformBack (xp) else xp // return the vector of predicted } // predict_ar //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Produce the multi-step forecast for AR models. * @param steps the number of steps to forecast, must be at least one. */ def forecast_ar (steps: Int = 1): VectoD = { val xf = x.slice (x.dim - p) ++ new VectorD (steps) for (t <- p until xf.dim) { // start at t = p (enough data and first value to forecast) var sum = 0.0 for (j <- 0 until p) sum += φ(j) * xf(t-1-j) xf(t) = sum } // for transformBack_f (xf.slice(p)) // return the vector of forecasts } // forecast_ar //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // Moving-Average 'MA(q)' models //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Estimate the coefficient vector 'θ' for a 'q'th order a Moving-Average 'MA(q)' * model. *

* x_t = θ_0 * e_t-1 + ... + θ_q-1 * e_t-q + e_t *

* @param q_ the order of the AR model */ def est_ma (q_ : Int = 1): VectoD = { q = q_ θ = methodOfInnovations () // MA(q) coefficients: θ_0, ..., θ_q-1 if (DEBUG) println (s"coefficients for MA($q): θ = $θ") θ } // est_ma //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Apply the Method of Innovation to estimate coefficients for MA(q) model. * @see www.stat.berkeley.edu/~bartlett/courses/153-fall2010/lectures/10.pdf * @see www.math.kth.se/matstat/gru/sf2943/tsform.pdf */ def methodOfInnovations (): VectoD = { val v = new VectorD (q+1) v(0) = ac(0) // auto-covariance (gamma) for lag 0 val theta = new MatrixD (q, q) for (l <- 0 until q) { for (k <- 0 to l) { var sum1 = 0.0 for (j <- 0 until k) sum1 += theta(l, l-j) * theta(k-1, k-j-1) * v(j) theta(l, l-k) = 1.0 / v(k) * (ac (l-k+1) - sum1) } // for var sum2 = 0.0 for (j <- 0 to l) sum2 += theta(l, l-j) * theta(l, l-j) * v(j) v(l+1) = v(0) - sum2 } // for theta (q-1) } // methodOfInnovations //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return a vector of predictions of an MA model and update the residuals * @param transBack flag that determines whether to return the predicted values * in the original scale */ def predict_ma (transBack: Boolean = true): VectoD = { val xp = new VectorD (n) for (t <- xp.range) { var sum = 0.0 for (j <- 0 until q if t-j > 0) sum += θ(j) * e(t-1-j) xp(t) = sum e(t) = x(t) - sum } // for if (transBack) transformBack (xp) else xp } // predict_ma //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Produce the one-step forecast for MA models * @see ams.sunysb.edu/~zhu/ams586/Forecasting.pdf * @param steps the number of steps to forecast, must be at least one. */ def forecast_ma (steps: Int = 1): VectoD = { if (steps > q) flaw ("forecast_ma", s"MA($q) is not forecastable for more than $q step(s) ahead") if (e.countZero == e.dim) predict_ma (false) // update the residuals val xf = x.slice (x.dim - q) ++ new VectorD (steps) val ef = e.slice (e.dim - q) ++ new VectorD (steps) for (t <- q until xf.dim) { // start at t = q (enough data and first value to forecast) var sum = 0.0 for (j <- 0 until q) sum += θ(j) * ef(t-1-j) xf(t) = sum } // for transformBack_f (xf.slice (q)) // return the vector of forecasts } // forecast_ma //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // Auto-Regressive Moving-Average 'ARMA(p, q)' models //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Estimate the coefficient vectors φ and θ for a ('p'th, 'q'th) order Auto-Regressive * Moving-Average 'ARIMA(p, q)' model. *

* x_t = φ_0 * x_t-1 + ... + φ_p-1 * x_t-p + * θ_0 * e_t-1 + ... + θ_q-1 * e_t-q + e_t *

* @see www.math.kth.se/matstat/gru/sf2943/tsform.pdf * @param p_ the order of the AR part of the model * @param q_ the order of the MA part of the model */ def est_arma (p_ : Int = 1, q_ : Int = 1): (VectoD, VectoD) = { p = p_ q = q_ val φθ = hannanRissanen () φ = φθ.slice (0, p) // AR(p) coefficients: φ_0, ..., φ_p-1 θ = φθ.slice (p, p+q) // MA(q) coefficients: θ_0, ..., θ_q-1 (φ, θ) } // est_ARMA //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Apply the Hannan-Rissanen Algorithm to estimate the 'ARMA(p, q)' coefficients. * @see halweb.uc3m.es/esp/Personal/personas/amalonso/esp/TSAtema9.pdf */ def hannanRissanen (): VectoD = { import scala.util.control.Breaks.{break, breakable} val p_ = p // original p val maxIterations = 20 // maximum iterations for step 2 of the hannan rissanen algorithm val minIterations = 5 // minimum iterations for step 2 of the hannan rissanen algorithm // in order to achieve convergence // use a high Auto-Regression model for initial estimates of residuals val k = min (m, p + q + 1) // k must be greater than max (p, q) if (DEBUG) println (s"k = $k") φ = durbinLevinson (k).slice (1, k+1) // AR(k) coefficients: φ_0, ..., φ_k-1 if (DEBUG) println ("coefficients for AR(" + k + "): φ = " + φ) predict_ar (false) // initial estimate of residuals e(t) if (DEBUG) println (s"initial residuals of ar($k) model = $e") if (DEBUG) println (s"initial sse of ar($k) model = ${e dot e}") // estimate coefficients using regression on lags (ar) and residuals (ma) val cap = max (p, q) val ax = new MatrixD (n - cap, p + q) // no intercept term in the design matrix since 'x' is zero-mean val ay = x.slice (cap, n) for (j <- 0 until p) ax.setCol (j, x.slice(cap - j - 1, n - j - 1)) for (j <- 0 until q) ax.setCol (p + j, e.slice(cap - j - 1, n - j - 1)) if (DEBUG) println(s"ax = $ax") if (DEBUG) println(s"ay = $ay") var reg = new Regression (ax, ay) reg.train () var φθ = reg.parameter if (DEBUG) println (s"initial φθ = $φθ") var minSSE = Double.MaxValue // use SSE as criterion to determine when to stop iterating var bestbφθ = φθ // keep track of the best parameters (lowest sse) var beste = e // keep track of the best residuals // iteratively update sse and re-estimate φθ breakable {for (i <- 0 until maxIterations) { φ = φθ.slice (0, p) // AR(p) coefficients: φ_0, ..., φ_p-1 θ = φθ.slice (p, p+q) // MA(q) coefficients: θ_0, ..., θ_q-1 predict_arma (false) // update residuals val sse = e dot e if (DEBUG) println (s"updated sse = $sse") if (sse < minSSE) { minSSE = sse; bestbφθ = φθ; beste = e.copy } if (i > minIterations && (sse >= minSSE || sse.isNaN)) { // can only break the loop if it has run at least 'minIterations' times φθ = bestbφθ e = beste break } // if for (j <- 0 until q) ax.setCol(p + j, e.slice(cap - j - 1, n - j - 1)) reg = new Regression (ax, ay) reg.train () φθ = reg.parameter if (DEBUG) println (s"updated bφθ = $φθ") }} // breakable for φθ } // hannanRissanen //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return a vector that is the predictions of a ('p'th, 'q'th) order Auto-Regressive * Moving-Average 'ARMA(p, q)' model. * @param transBack flag that determines whether to return the predicted values * in the original scale */ def predict_arma (transBack: Boolean = true): VectoD = { val xp = new VectorD (n) // forecasts for x for (t <- 0 until n) { // start at t = p (enough data) var sum = 0.0 for (j <- 0 until p if t-j > 0) sum += φ(j) * x(t-1-j) for (j <- 0 until q if t-j > 0) sum += θ(j) * e(t-1-j) xp(t) = sum e(t) = x(t) - sum } // for if (transBack) transformBack (xp) else xp // return the vector of forecasts } // predict_ARMA //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Produce the one-step forecast for ARMA models * @see ams.sunysb.edu/~zhu/ams586/Forecasting.pdf * @param steps the number of steps to forecast, must be at least one. */ def forecast_arma (steps: Int = 1): VectoD = { val cap = max (p, q) val xf = x.slice (x.dim - cap) ++ new VectorD (steps) val ef = e.slice (e.dim - cap) ++ new VectorD (steps) for (t <- cap until xf.dim) { // start at t = cap (enough data and first value to forecast) var sum = 0.0 for (j <- 0 until p) sum += φ(j) * xf(t-1-j) for (j <- 0 until q) sum += θ(j) * ef(t-1-j) xf(t) = sum } // for transformBack_f (xf.slice(cap)) // return the vector of forecasts } // forecast_arma //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // General `ARIMA` model. //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set values for 'p' and 'q'. * @param p_ the order of the AR part of the model * @param q_ the order of the MA part of the model */ def setPQ (p_ : Int, q_ : Int) { p = p_; q = q_ } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Train/fit an `ARIMA` model to times the series data. Must call setPQ first. */ def train (): ARIMA = { if (p > 0 && q == 0) est_ar (p) else if (p == 0 && q > 0) est_ma (q) else if (p > 0 && q > 0) est_arma (p, q) else flaw ("train", "either p or q must be at least one") this } // train //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the error and useful diagnostics. */ def eval () = diagnose (x, e) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** For all the time points, predict all the values of 'y = f(t)'. */ def predictAll: VectoD = { if (p > 0 && q == 0) predict_ar () else if (p == 0 && q > 0) predict_ma () else if (p > 0 && q > 0) predict_arma () else { flaw ("predictAll", "either p or q must be at least one"); null } } // predictAll //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Produce forecasts for 'h' steps ahead into the future * @param h the forecasting horizon, number of steps ahead to produce forecasts */ def forecast (h: Int): VectoD = { if (p > 0 && q == 0) forecast_ar (h) else if (p == 0 && q > 0) forecast_ma (h) else if (p > 0 && q > 0) forecast_arma (h) else { flaw ("forecast", "either p or q must be at least one"); null } } // forecast //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the vector of predicted values on the training data */ def predict (): VectoD = transformBack (predictAll) += mu //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Plot a function, e.g., Auto-Correlation Function 'ACF', Partial Auto-Correlation * Function 'PACF'. * @param fVec the vector given function values * @param name the name of the function */ def plotFunc (fVec: VectoD, name: String) { val lag_axis = new VectorD (m+1) for (i <- 0 until fVec.dim) lag_axis(i) = i val zero = new VectorD (m+1) new Plot (lag_axis, fVec, zero, "Plot of " + name) } // plotFunc //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Smooth the 'y' vector by taking the 'l'th order moving average. * @param l the number of points to average */ def smooth (l: Int): VectoD = { val ld = l.toDouble val z = new VectorD (n-l) for (i <- 0 until n-l) z(i) = y(i until i+l).sum / ld z } // smooth } // ARIMA class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ARIMA` companion object provides factory methods for the `ARIMA` class. */ object ARIMA { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create an `ARIMA` object from a matrix. * @param ty the matrix holding the time vector 't' and time series data 'y' * @param d the order of Integration (number of differences) */ def apply (ty: MatriD, d: Int = 0): ARIMA = new ARIMA (ty.col(0), ty.col(1), d) } // ARIMA object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ARIMATest` object is used to test the `ARIMA` class. * > runMain scalation.analytics.ARIMATest */ object ARIMATest extends App { val ran = Random () val n = 100 val t = VectorD.range (0, n) val y = VectorD (for (i <- 0 until n) yield t(i) + 10.0 * ran.gen) val ts = new ARIMA (t, y) // time series data: t and y ts.plotFunc (ts.acf, "ACF") // Build AR(1), AR(2) and MA(1) models for the time series data val φ_a = ts.est_ar (1) println (s"φ_a = $φ_a") new Plot (t, y, ts.predict_ar () + ts.mu, "Plot of y, ar(1) vs. t") //, true) val φ_b = ts.est_ar (2) println (s"φ_b = $φ_b") new Plot (t, y, ts.predict_ar () + ts.mu, "Plot of y, ar(2) vs. t") //, true) val θ = ts.est_ma (1) println (s"θ = $θ") new Plot (t, y, ts.predict_ma () + ts.mu, "Plot of y, ma(1) vs. t") //, true) ts.plotFunc (ts.pacf, "PACF") } // ARIMATest object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ARIMATest2` object is used to test the `ARIMA` class. * > runMain scalation.analytics.ARIMATest2 */ object ARIMATest2 extends App { val noise = Normal (0.0, 1.0) val n = 20 val t = VectorD.range (0, n) val y = VectorD (for (i <- 0 until n) yield i + noise.gen) println (s"y = $y") val p = 1 val q = 2 val d = 1 // apply 1st order differencing val steps = 2 // number of steps for the forecasts val ts = new ARIMA (t, y, d) // time series data: t and y // Build AR(1), MA(1) and ARMA(1, 1) models for the (differenced) time series data val φ_a = ts.est_ar (p) println (s"φ_a = $φ_a") new Plot (t, y, ts.predict_ar () + ts.mu, s"Plot of y, ar($p) vs. t") //, true) val ar_f = ts.forecast_ar (steps) + ts.mu println (s"$steps-step ahead forecasts using AR($p) model = $ar_f") val θ_a = ts.est_ma (q) println (s"θ_a = $θ_a") new Plot (t, y, ts.predict_ma () + ts.mu, s"Plot of y, ma($q) vs. t") //, true) val ma_f = ts.forecast_ma (steps) + ts.mu println (s"$steps-step ahead forecasts using MA($q) model = $ma_f") val (φ, θ) = ts.est_arma (p, q) println (s"φ = $φ, θ = $θ") new Plot (t, y, ts.predict_arma () + ts.mu, s"Plot of y, arma($p, $q) vs. t") //, true) val arma_f = ts.forecast_arma (steps) + ts.mu println (s"$steps-step ahead forecasts using ARMA($p, $q) model = $arma_f") } // ARIMATest2 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ARIMATest3` object is used to test the `ARIMA` class. * Forecasting lake levels. * @see cran.r-project.org/web/packages/fpp/fpp.pdf * > runMain scalation.analytics.ARIMATest3 */ object ARIMATest3 extends App { val t = VectorD.range (0, 98) val y = VectorD (580.38, 581.86, 580.97, 580.80, 579.79, 580.39, 580.42, 580.82, 581.40, 581.32, 581.44, 581.68, 581.17, 580.53, 580.01, 579.91, 579.14, 579.16, 579.55, 579.67, 578.44, 578.24, 579.10, 579.09, 579.35, 578.82, 579.32, 579.01, 579.00, 579.80, 579.83, 579.72, 579.89, 580.01, 579.37, 578.69, 578.19, 578.67, 579.55, 578.92, 578.09, 579.37, 580.13, 580.14, 579.51, 579.24, 578.66, 578.86, 578.05, 577.79, 576.75, 576.75, 577.82, 578.64, 580.58, 579.48, 577.38, 576.90, 576.94, 576.24, 576.84, 576.85, 576.90, 577.79, 578.18, 577.51, 577.23, 578.42, 579.61, 579.05, 579.26, 579.22, 579.38, 579.10, 577.95, 578.12, 579.75, 580.85, 580.41, 579.96, 579.61, 578.76, 578.18, 577.21, 577.13, 579.10, 578.25, 577.91, 576.89, 575.96, 576.80, 577.68, 578.38, 578.52, 579.74, 579.31, 579.89, 579.96) val p = 1 val q = 3 val d = 2 // apply 2nd order differencing val steps = 2 // number of steps for the forecasts val ts = new ARIMA (t, y, d) // time series data: t and y // Build AR(2), MA(1) and ARMA(2, 1) models for the (differenced) time series data val φ_a = ts.est_ar (p) println (s"φ_a = $φ_a") new Plot (t, y, ts.predict_ar () + ts.mu, s"Plot of y, ar($p) vs. t") //, true) val ar_f = ts.forecast_ar (steps) + ts.mu println (s"$steps-step ahead forecasts using AR($p) model = $ar_f") val θ_a = ts.est_ma (q) println (s"θ_a = $θ_a") new Plot (t, y, ts.predict_ma () + ts.mu, s"Plot of y, ma($q) vs. t") //, true) val ma_f = ts.forecast_ma (steps) + ts.mu println (s"$steps-step ahead forecasts using MA($q) model = $ma_f") val (φ, θ) = ts.est_arma (p, q) println (s"φ = $φ, θ = $θ") new Plot (t, y, ts.predict_arma () + ts.mu, s"Plot of y, arma($p, $q) vs. t") //, true) val arma_f = ts.forecast_arma (steps) + ts.mu println (s"$steps-step ahead forecasts using ARMA($p, $q) model = $arma_f") } // ARIMATest3 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ARIMATest4` object is used to test the `ARIMA` class. * > runMain scalation.analytics.ARIMATest4 */ object ARIMATest4 extends App { val path = BASE_DIR + "travelTime.csv" val data = MatrixD (path) val t = data.col(0) val y = data.col(1) val p = 1 val q = 1 val d = 1 // apply 1st order differencing val steps = 1 // number of steps for the forecasts val ts = new ARIMA (t, y, d) // time series data: t and y println (s"y = $y") // Build AR(1), MA(1) and ARMA(1, 1) models for the (differenced) time series data val φ_a = ts.est_ar (p) println (s"φ_a = $φ_a") new Plot (t, y, ts.predict_ar () + ts.mu, s"Plot of y, ar($p) vs. t") //, true) val ar_f = ts.forecast_ar (steps) + ts.mu println (s"$steps-step ahead forecasts using AR($p) model = $ar_f") val θ_a = ts.est_ma (q) println (s"θ_a = $θ_a") new Plot (t, y, ts.predict_ma () + ts.mu, s"Plot of y, ma($q) vs. t") //, true) val ma_f = ts.forecast_ma (steps) + ts.mu println (s"$steps-step ahead forecasts using MA($q) model = $ma_f") val (φ, θ) = ts.est_arma (p, q) println (s"φ = $φ, θ = $θ") new Plot (t, y, ts.predict_arma () + ts.mu, s"Plot of y, arma($p, $q) vs. t") //, true) val arma_f = ts.forecast_arma (steps) + ts.mu println (s"$steps-step ahead forecasts using ARMA($p, $q) model = $arma_f") } // ARIMATest4 object