//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Hao Peng, John Miller, Michael Cotterell * @version 1.5 * @date Sat Jun 13 01:27:00 EST 2017 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * * @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autoregressive%E2%80%93moving-average_model * @see http://www.emu.edu.tr/mbalcilar/teaching2007/econ604/lecture_notes.htm * @see http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~bartlett/courses/153-fall2010 * @see http://www.princeton.edu/~apapanic/ORFE_405,_Financial_Time_Series_%28Fall_2011%29_files/slides12-13.pdf */ package scalation.analytics package forecaster import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap import scala.math.{log, max, min} import scalation.linalgebra._ import scalation.math.double_exp import scalation.minima.QuasiNewton import scalation.plot.Plot import scalation.random.{Normal, Random} import scalation.stat.vectorD2StatVector //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Companion object for class `SARIMA`. Includes features related to differencing * and automated order selection. * @see www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v027i03/v27i03.pdf */ object SARIMA { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Difference the time series or external regressors. Return both the completely * differenced time series and the intermediate (differenced once) time series * (needed to scale back results later). * @param xx the time series or external regressors to be differenced * @param d the order of simple differencing * @param dd the order of seasonal differencing * @param period the seasonal period */ def difference (xx: VectoD, d: Int, dd: Int, period: Int): (VectoD, VectoD) = { val x_ = differenceTrend (xx, d) differenceSeason (x_, dd, period) } // difference //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Difference for trend. * @param xx the time series or external regressors to be trend differenced * @param d the order of simple differencing */ def differenceTrend (xx: VectoD, d: Int): VectoD = { d match { case 0 => xx case 1 => VectorD (for (i <- 0 until xx.dim-1) yield xx(i+1)-xx(i)) case 2 => VectorD (for (i <- 0 until xx.dim-2) yield xx(i+2)-2*xx(i+1)+xx(i)) case 3 => VectorD (for (i <- 0 until xx.dim-3) yield xx(i+3)-3*xx(i+2)+3*xx(i+1)-xx(i)) case _ => println ("SARIMA does not support differencing higher than order 3"); null } // match } // differenceTrend //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Difference for seasonality. * @param x_ the time series or external regressors to be seasonally differenced, * this is usually the intermediate result after simple differencing. * @param dd the order of seasonal differencing * @param period the seasonal period */ def differenceSeason (x_ : VectoD, dd: Int, period: Int): (VectoD, VectoD) = { dd match { case 0 => (x_, x_) case 1 => (VectorD (for (i <- 0 until x_.dim-period) yield x_(i+period)-x_(i)), x_) case 2 => (VectorD (for (i <- 0 until x_.dim-2*period) yield x_(i+2*period)-2*x_(i+period)+x_(i)), x_) case 3 => (VectorD (for (i <- 0 until x_.dim-3*period) yield x_(i+3*period)-3*x_(i+2*period)+3*x_(i+period)-x_(i)), x_) case _ => println ("SARIMA does not support seasonal differencing higher than order 3"); null } // match } // differenceSeason //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Transform the fitted values on the training data of a differenced time series back * to the original scale. * @see stats.stackexchange.com/questions/32634/difference-time-series-before-arima-or-within-arima * @param xp the vector of predictions/fitted values of a differenced time series * @param x_ the intermediate result after differencing for trend, but before differencing for seasonality * @param xx the original zero-mean time series * @param d the order of simple differencing * @param dd the order of seasonal differencing * @param period the seasonal period */ def transformBack (xp: VectoD, x_ : VectoD, xx: VectoD, d: Int, dd: Int, period: Int): VectoD = { val xp_ = transformBackSeason (xp, x_, dd, period) transformBackTrend (xp_, xx, d) } // transformBack //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Transform the fitted values on the training data of a differenced time series back * to the original scale. Undo seasonal differencing only. * @see stats.stackexchange.com/questions/32634/difference-time-series-before-arima-or-within-arima * @param xp the vector of predictions/fitted values of a differenced time series * @param x_ the intermediate result after differencing for trend, but before differencing for seasonality * @param dd the order of seasonal differencing * @param period the seasonal period */ def transformBackSeason (xp: VectoD, x_ : VectoD, dd: Int, period: Int): VectoD = { dd match { case 0 => xp case 1 => val tbx = new VectorD (xp.dim + period) for (i <- 0 until period) tbx(i) = x_(i) for (i <- 0 until x_.dim-period) tbx(i+period) = xp(i) + x_(i) tbx case 2 => val tbx = new VectorD (xp.dim + 2*period) for (i <- 0 until 2*period) tbx(i) = x_(i) for (i <- 0 until x_.dim-2*period) tbx(i+2*period) = xp(i) + 2*x_(i+period) - x_(i) tbx case 3 => val tbx = new VectorD (xp.dim + 3*period) for (i <- 0 until 3*period) tbx(i) = x_(i) for (i <- 0 until x_.dim-3*period) tbx(i+3*period) = xp(i) + 3*x_(i+2*period) - 3*x_(i+period) + x_(i) tbx case _ => println ("SARIMA does not support seasonal differencing higher than order 3"); null } // match } // transformBackSeason //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Transform the fitted values on the training data of a differenced time series back * to the original scale. Undo trend differencing only. * @see stats.stackexchange.com/questions/32634/difference-time-series-before-arima-or-within-arima * @param xp_ the vector of predictions/fitted values after undoing seasonal differencing * @param xx the original zero-mean time series * @param d the order of simple differencing */ def transformBackTrend (xp_ : VectoD, xx: VectoD, d: Int): VectoD = { d match { case 0 => xp_ case 1 => val tbx = new VectorD (xx.dim) tbx(0) = xx(0) for (i <- 0 until xx.dim-1) tbx(i+1) = xp_(i) + xx(i) tbx case 2 => val tbx = new VectorD (xx.dim) tbx(0) = xx(0) tbx(1) = xx(1) for (i <- 0 until xx.dim-2) tbx(i+2) = xp_(i) + 2*xx(i+1) - xx(i) tbx case 3 => val tbx = new VectorD (xx.dim) tbx(0) = xx(0) tbx(1) = xx(1) tbx(2) = xx(2) for (i <- 0 until xx.dim-3) tbx(i+3) = xp_(i) + 3*xx(i+2) - 3*xx(i+1) + xx(i) tbx case _ => println ("SARIMA does not support differencing higher than order 3"); null } // match } // transformBackTrend //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Transform the forecast values of a differenced time series back to the * original scale. * @see stats.stackexchange.com/questions/32634/difference-time-series-before-arima-or-within-arima * @param xf the vector of forecasted values of a differenced time series * @param x_ the intermediate result after differencing for trend, but before differencing for seasonality * @param xx the original zero-mean time series * @param d the order of simple differencing * @param dd the order of seasonal differencing * @param period the seasonal period */ def transformBackF (xf: VectoD, x_ : VectoD, xx: VectoD, d: Int, dd: Int, period: Int): VectoD = { val xf_ = transformBackFSeason (xf, x_, dd, period) transformBackFTrend (xf_, xx, d) } // transformBackF //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Transform the forecast values of a differenced time series back to the * original scale. Undo seasonal differencing only. * @see stats.stackexchange.com/questions/32634/difference-time-series-before-arima-or-within-arima * @param xf the vector of forecasted values of a differenced time series * @param x_ the intermediate result after differencing for trend, but before differencing for seasonality * @param dd the order of seasonal differencing * @param period the seasonal period */ def transformBackFSeason (xf: VectoD, x_ : VectoD, dd: Int, period: Int): VectoD = { dd match { case 0 => xf case 1 => val tbx = x_.slice(x_.size - period) ++ xf for (i <- period until tbx.dim) tbx(i) += tbx(i-period) tbx.slice(period) case 2 => val tbx = x_.slice(x_.size - 2*period) ++ xf for (i <- 2*period until tbx.dim) tbx(i) += (2*tbx(i-period) - tbx(i-2*period)) tbx.slice(2*period) case 3 => val tbx = x_.slice(x_.size - 3*period) ++ xf for (i <- 3*period until tbx.dim) tbx(i) += (3*tbx(i-period) - 3*tbx(i-2*period) + tbx(i-3*period)) tbx.slice(3*period) case _ => println ("SARIMA does not support seasonal differencing higher than order 3"); null } // match } // transformBackFSeason //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Transform the forecast values of a differenced time series back to the * original scale. Undo trend differencing only. * @see stats.stackexchange.com/questions/32634/difference-time-series-before-arima-or-within-arima * @param xf_ the vector of forecasted values after undoing seasonal differencing * @param xx the original zero-mean time series * @param d the order of simple differencing */ def transformBackFTrend (xf_ : VectoD, xx: VectoD, d: Int): VectoD = { d match { case 0 => xf_ case 1 => val tbx = xx.slice(xx.size - 1) ++ xf_ for (i <- 1 until tbx.dim) tbx(i) += tbx(i-1) tbx.slice(1) case 2 => val tbx = xx.slice(xx.size - 2) ++ xf_ for (i <- 2 until tbx.dim) tbx(i) += (2*tbx(i-1) - tbx(i-2)) tbx.slice(2) case 3 => val tbx = xx.slice(xx.size - 3) ++ xf_ for (i <- 3 until tbx.dim) tbx(i) += (3*tbx(i-1) - 3*tbx(i-2) + tbx(i-3)) tbx.slice(3) case _ => println ("SARIMA does not support differencing higher than order 3"); null } // match } // transformBackFTrend //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Automated order selection based on the algorithm proposed in * @see www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v027i03/v27i03.pdf. * @param y the time series or external regressors to be differenced * @param d_ order of trend differencing * @param dd order of seasonal differencing * @param period seasonal period * @param mp maximum autoregressive order * @param mq maximum moving average order * @param mpp maximum seasonal autoregressive order * @param mqq maximum seasonal moving average order * @param md maximum order for differencing trend * @param par flag for running the process in parallel */ def apply (y: VectoD, d_ : Int = -1, dd : Int = 0, period: Int = 1, mp: Int = 5, mq: Int = 5, mpp: Int = 2, mqq: Int = 2, md: Int = 2, par: Boolean = false, alpha: Double = 0.05): SARIMA = { val seasonal = period > 1 val ysd = if (seasonal) differenceSeason (y, dd, period)._1 else y // apply seasonal differencing as necessary var ystd = ysd var keepDiff = true var d = if (d_ > -1) d_ else 0 if (d_ == -1) { // automatically determine the order of differencing while (keepDiff) { ystd = differenceTrend (ystd, d) val kpssTester = new KPSS (ystd, "short", "c") kpssTester.pvalue () if (kpssTester.canReject (alpha) && d + 1 <= md) d += 1 // current ystd is not yet stationary else keepDiff = false // current ystd is stationary or 'md' limited exceeded } // while } // if val allModels = new HashMap[(Int, Int, Int, Int), Double]() // hashmap storing all the models that have been tried var numModels = 4 var models = Array.ofDim[SARIMA] (numModels) var scores = VectorD.fill (numModels)(Double.PositiveInfinity) var orders = if (seasonal) Array((2,2,1,1),(0,0,0,0),(1,0,1,0),(0,1,0,1)) else Array((2,2,0,0),(0,0,0,0),(1,0,0,0),(0,1,0,0)) var testRange = if (par) (0 until numModels).par else (0 until numModels) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Test a model and record its orders and value of the scoring function AICc. */ def testModel (i: Int) { val arima = new SARIMA (ystd, period = period) val (p, q, pp, qq) = orders (i) arima.setPQ (p, q, pp, qq) arima.train () models(i) = arima scores(i) = arima.fit(8) // index 8 represents AICc allModels += (orders(i) -> scores(i)) } // testModel for (i <- testRange) testModel (i) var idx = scores.argmin () var currentModel = models(idx) // getting the current/best model var currentScore = scores(idx) var (cp, cd, cq, cpp, cdd, cqq, cperiod) = currentModel.getParam // parameters for the current model numModels = if (seasonal) 16 else 8 models = Array.ofDim[SARIMA] (numModels) scores = VectorD.fill (numModels)(Double.PositiveInfinity) orders = Array.ofDim [(Int, Int, Int, Int)](numModels) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Populate the orders of arima parameters to be tested in the next round. */ def fillOrders () { orders(0) = if (cp + 1 <= mp && !allModels.contains((cp + 1, cq, cpp, cqq))) (cp + 1, cq, cpp, cqq) else null orders(1) = if (cp - 1 >= 0 && !allModels.contains((cp - 1, cq, cpp, cqq))) (cp - 1, cq, cpp, cqq) else null orders(2) = if (cq + 1 <= mq && !allModels.contains((cp, cq + 1, cpp, cqq))) (cp, cq + 1, cpp, cqq) else null orders(3) = if (cq - 1 >= 0 && !allModels.contains((cp, cq - 1, cpp, cqq))) (cp, cq - 1, cpp, cqq) else null orders(4) = if (cp + 1 <= mp && cq + 1 <= mq && !allModels.contains((cp + 1, cq + 1, cpp, cqq))) (cp + 1, cq + 1, cpp, cqq) else null orders(5) = if (cp + 1 <= mp && cq - 1 >= 0 && !allModels.contains((cp + 1, cq - 1, cpp, cqq))) (cp + 1, cq - 1, cpp, cqq) else null orders(6) = if (cp - 1 >= 0 && cq + 1 <= mq && !allModels.contains((cp - 1, cq + 1, cpp, cqq))) (cp - 1, cq + 1, cpp, cqq) else null orders(7) = if (cp - 1 >= 0 && cq - 1 >= 0 && !allModels.contains((cp - 1, cq - 1, cpp, cqq))) (cp - 1, cq - 1, cpp, cqq) else null if (seasonal) { orders(8) = if (cpp + 1 <= mpp && !allModels.contains((cp, cq, cpp + 1, cqq))) (cp, cq, cpp + 1, cqq) else null orders(9) = if (cpp - 1 >= 0 && !allModels.contains((cp, cq, cpp - 1, cqq))) (cp, cq, cpp - 1, cqq) else null orders(10) = if (cqq + 1 <= mqq && !allModels.contains((cp, cq, cpp, cqq + 1))) (cp, cq, cpp, cqq + 1) else null orders(11) = if (cqq - 1 >= 0 && !allModels.contains((cp, cq, cpp, cqq - 1))) (cp, cq, cpp, cqq - 1) else null orders(12) = if (cpp + 1 <= mpp && cqq + 1 <= mqq && !allModels.contains((cp, cq, cpp + 1, cqq + 1))) (cp, cq, cpp + 1, cqq + 1) else null orders(13) = if (cpp + 1 <= mpp && cqq - 1 >= 0 && !allModels.contains((cp, cq, cpp + 1, cqq - 1))) (cp, cq, cpp + 1, cqq - 1) else null orders(14) = if (cpp - 1 >= 0 && cqq + 1 <= mqq && !allModels.contains((cp, cq, cpp - 1, cqq + 1))) (cp, cq, cpp - 1, cqq + 1) else null orders(15) = if (cpp - 1 >= 0 && cqq - 1 >= 0 && !allModels.contains((cp, cq, cpp - 1, cqq - 1))) (cp, cq, cpp - 1, cqq - 1) else null } // if } // fillOrders fillOrders () testRange = if (par) (0 until numModels).par else (0 until numModels) var keepSearching = true while (keepSearching) { for (i <- testRange) { if (orders(i) == null) { models(i) = null scores(i) = Double.PositiveInfinity } else testModel (i) } // for idx = scores.argmin() if (scores(idx) < currentScore) { currentModel = models (idx) // getting the current/best model currentScore = scores (idx) val params = currentModel.getParam cp = params._1 cd = params._2 cq = params._3 cpp = params._4 cdd = params._5 cqq = params._6 cperiod = params._7 fillOrders () } else keepSearching = false } // while val arima = new SARIMA (y, d, dd, period) arima.setPQ (cp, cq, cpp, cqq) arima } // apply } // SARIMA object import SARIMA._ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `SARIMA` class provides basic time series analysis capabilities for Auto- * Regressive 'AR' Integrated 'I' Moving-Average 'MA' models. In an * 'SARIMA(p, d, q)' model, 'p' and 'q' refer to the order of the Auto-Regressive * and Moving-Average components of the model; 'd' refers to the order of * differencing. `SARIMA` models are often used for forecasting. * Given time series data stored in vector 'y', its next value 'y_t = y(t)' * may be predicted based on prior values of 'y' and its noise: *

* y_t = c + Σ(φ_i y_t-i) + Σ(θ_i e_t-i) + e_t *

* where 'c' is a constant, 'φ' is the autoregressive coefficient vector, * 'θ' is the moving-average coefficient vector, and 'e' is the noise vector. * If 'd' > 0, then the time series must be differenced first before applying * the above model. Seasonal differencing, autoregressive and moving average * factors can be incorporated into the model by applying seasonal differencing * (possibly in addition to simple differencing) first, then add the seasonal * autoregressive and moving average terms, that rely on lagged values and errors, * respectively, from one or more seasonal periods in the past, on the right hand * side of the equation. Exogeous/External regressor may also be added to the * right-hand size of the model in a similar manner to Regression models. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @param y the input vector (time series data) * @param d the order of Integration/simple differencing * @param dd the order of seasonal differencing * @param period the seasonal period * @param xxreg optional matrix of external regressors used for dynamic regression */ class SARIMA (y: VectoD, d: Int = 0, dd: Int = 0, period: Int = 1, xxreg: MatriD = null) extends Forecaster { protected var e: VectoD = null // residual/error vector [e_0, e_1, ... e_m-1 private val DEBUG = false // debug flag private val differenced = d > 0 || dd > 0 // whether differencing will be applied private val mxLag = 100 // maximum lag to consider private var mu = 0.0 // the sample mean private var xx: VectoD = null // zero-mean transformation of 'y' private var x: VectoD = null // time series after differencing private var x_ : VectoD = null // intermediate results after simple differencing private var n = 0 // size of the time series (after differencing) private var r = 0 // number of external regressors private var xreg: MatriD = null // external regressors (after differencing) private var xp: VectoD = null // vector of predicted/fitted values private var m = 0 // maximum lag to consider private var sig2 = 0.0 // the sample variance private var ac: VectoD = null // auto-covariance var acf: VectoD = null // Auto-Correlation Function (ACF) setTS (y, xxreg) // initialize most of the above parameters private var p = 0 // AR order private var q = 0 // MA order private var pp = 0 // Seasonal AR order private var qq = 0 // Seasonal MA order private var σ2 = 0.0 // variance of the residual (updated using MLE) private var φ: VectoD = null // AR(p) coefficients private var φφ: VectoD = null // Seasonal AR(pp) coefficients private var θ: VectoD = null // MA(q) coefficients private var θθ: VectoD = null // Seasonal MA(qq) coefficients private var b: VectoD = null // external regressor coefficients, if any private var ll = 0.0 // log likelihood private var aic = 0.0 // aic value private var aicc = 0.0 // corrected aic value private var bic = 0.0 // bic value if (DEBUG) { println ("n = " + n) // number of data points println ("x = " + x) // zero-mean time series println ("mu = " + mu) // mean println ("sig2 = " + sig2) // variance println ("ac = " + ac) // auto-covariance println ("acf = " + acf) // ACF } // for //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set/change the internal time series. May be used to set the time series * to a different time window (typically future when new data become available) * in order to produce newer forecast (typically with the new data) without re-training * the model for parameters (use existing parameters from previous training). * @param y the new time series * @param xxreg the new external regressors */ def setTS (y: VectoD, xxreg: MatriD = null) { mu = y.mean // the sample mean xx = new VectorD (y - mu) // work with mean zero time series val (x0, x0_) = difference (xx, d, dd, period) // difference the time series x = x0 // time series after differencing x_ = x0_ // intermediate results after simple differencing n = x.dim // size of the time series (after differencing) r = if (xxreg == null) 0 // number of external regressors else if (differenced) xxreg.dim2 else xxreg.dim2 + 1 xreg = getXreg (xxreg) // external regressors e = new VectorD (n) // vector of residuals xp = new VectorD (n) // vector of predicted/fitted values m = min (n, mxLag) // maximum lag to consider sig2 = x.variance // the sample variance if (DEBUG) { // avoid calculating ACF for efficiency purposes if not in DEBUG mode ac = new VectorD (m+1) // auto-covariance for (t <- ac.range) ac(t) = x.asInstanceOf [VectorD] acov t acf = ac / sig2 // Auto-Correlation Function (ACF) } // if } // setTS //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Processing the external regressors such as differencing and adding a column * of one's. * @param xxreg the external regressors to be processed * @param dim1 the correct number of rows of 'xreg' after applying differencing */ def getXreg (xxreg: MatriD, dim1: Int = n): MatriD = { if (xxreg != null) { val xreg = new MatrixD (dim1, r) if (differenced) { for (i <- 0 until r) xreg.setCol (i, difference(xxreg.col(i), d, dd, period)._1) } else { xreg.setCol (0, VectorD.one (dim1)) for (i <- 1 until r) xreg.setCol (i, xxreg.col(i-1)) } // if return xreg } // if null } // getXreg //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set values for 'p', 'q', 'pp' and 'qq'. * @param p_ the order of the AR part of the model * @param q_ the order of the MA part of the model * @param pp_ the order of the Seasonal AR part of the model * @param qq_ the order of the Seasonal MA part of the model */ def setPQ (p_ : Int = 0, q_ : Int = 0, pp_ : Int = 0, qq_ : Int = 0) { p = p_ ; if (p > 0) φ = new VectorD (p) q = q_ ; if (q > 0) θ = new VectorD (q) pp = pp_; if (pp > 0) φφ = new VectorD (pp) qq = qq_; if (qq > 0) θθ = new VectorD (qq) } // setPQ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Train/fit an `SARIMA` model to the times series data. Must call 'SetPQ' first. */ def train (): SARIMA = { val init = new VectorD (r+p+pp+q+qq+1) val solver = new QuasiNewton (nll) if (r > 0) { val reg = new RidgeRegression (xreg, x) reg.train () b = reg.parameter for (i <- 0 until r if (!b(i).isNaN && !b(i).isInfinity)) init(i) = b(i) } // if init(init.size-1) = Math.sqrt (sig2) solver.solve (init) if (DEBUG) { println (s"b = $b") println (s"φ = $φ") println (s"φφ = $φφ") println (s"θ = $θ") println (s"θθ = $θθ") println (s"σ2 = $σ2") println (fitLabel) println (fit) } // i this } // train //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The negative log-likelihood function to be minimized. * @see spia.uga.edu/faculty_pages/monogan/teaching/ts/Barima.pdf * @see stats.stackexchange.com/questions/77663/arima-estimation-by-hand * @param input the input parameter vector */ def nll (input: VectoD): Double = { if (input.size != r+p+pp+q+qq+1) flaw ("nll", "Input param vector size incorrect") for (i <- 0 until r) b(i) = input(i) for (i <- r until r+p) φ(i-r) = input(i) for (i <- r+p until r+p+pp) φφ(i-r-p) = input(i) for (i <- r+p+pp until r+p+pp+q) θ(i-r-p-pp) = input(i) for (i <- r+p+pp+q until r+p+pp+q+qq) θθ(i-r-p-pp-q) = input(i) σ2 = input.last~^2 updateFittedValues () } // nll //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Update 'xp', the vector of fitted values; 'e', the vector of errors; * ll, aic, aicc and bic. */ def updateFittedValues (): Double = { for (t <- 0 until xp.dim) { var sum = 0.0 if (r > 0) sum += b dot xreg(t) for (j <- 0 until p if t-j > 0) sum += φ(j) * x(t-1-j) for (j <- 0 until pp if t-(1+j)*period >= 0) sum += φφ(j) * x(t-(1+j)*period) for (j <- 0 until q if t-j > 0) sum += θ(j) * e(t-1-j) for (j <- 0 until qq if t-(1+j)*period >= 0) sum += θθ(j) * e(t-(1+j)*period) xp(t) = sum e(t) = x(t) - sum } // for ll = -(n/2.0 * log (2*Math.PI*σ2) + (e dot e)/(2*σ2)) val k = r + p + pp + q + qq + 1 aic = -2 * ll + 2 * k aicc = aic + (2.0 * k * (k+1)) / (n - k - 1) bic = aic + (log(n) - 2.0) * k -ll } // updateFittedValues //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the labels for the fit. */ override def fitLabel: Seq [String] = super.fitLabel ++ Seq ("ll", "aic", "aicc", "bic") //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the quality of fit. Additional metrics include loglikelihood, aic, * aicc and bic. */ override def fit: VectoD = super.fit ++ VectorD (ll, aic, aicc, bic) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the error and useful diagnostics for the entire dataset. */ def eval () = diagnose (x, e) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get the orders of this SARIMA model. */ def getParam = (p, d, q, pp, dd, qq, period) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the vector of fitted values on the training data. */ def predict (): VectoD = transformBack (xp, x_, xx, d, dd, period) += mu //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Produce h-steps-ahead forecast for SARIMA models. * @see ams.sunysb.edu/~zhu/ams586/Forecasting.pdf * @param h the number of steps to forecast, must be at least one. */ def forecast (h: Int): VectoD = forecast (h, null) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Produce n-steps-ahead forecast for SARIMA models. * @see ams.sunysb.edu/~zhu/ams586/Forecasting.pdf * @param h the number of steps to forecast, must be at least one. * @param xxreg_f future values of external regressors may be guesses based on the past (e.g., past mean) */ def forecast (h: Int = 1, xxreg_f : MatriD = null): VectoD = { val xreg_f = getXreg (xxreg_f, h) val cap = Array (p, q, pp*period, qq*period).max val xf = new VectorD (cap + h) val ef = new VectorD (cap + h) for (i <- 0 until cap) { xf(i) = x(n-cap+i) ef(i) = e(n-cap+i) } // for for (t <- cap until xf.dim) { // start at t = cap (enough data and first value to forecast) var sum = 0.0 if (xreg_f != null) sum += b dot xreg_f(t - cap) // still produce forecast without xxreg_f if it's not provided for (j <- 0 until p) sum += φ(j) * xf(t-1-j) for (j <- 0 until pp) sum += φφ(j) * xf(t-(1+j)*period) for (j <- 0 until q) sum += θ(j) * ef(t-1-j) for (j <- 0 until qq) sum += θθ(j) * ef(t-(1+j)*period) xf(t) = sum } // for transformBackF (xf.slice(cap), x_, xx, d, dd, period) += mu // return the vector of forecasts } // forecast //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Plot a function, e.g., Auto-Correlation Function 'ACF', Partial Auto-Correlation * Function 'PACF'. * @param fVec the vector given function values * @param name the name of the function */ def plotFunc (fVec: VectoD, name: String) { val lag_axis = new VectorD (m+1) for (i <- 0 until fVec.dim) lag_axis(i) = i val zero = new VectorD (m+1) new Plot (lag_axis, fVec, zero, "Plot of " + name) } // plotFunc //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Smooth the 'y' vector by taking the 'l'th order moving average. * @param l the number of points to average */ def smooth (l: Int): VectoD = { val ld = l.toDouble val z = new VectorD (n-l) for (i <- 0 until n-l) z(i) = y(i until i+l).sum / ld z } // smooth //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Initialize various vector and matrices to be used for Kalman Filter. * Current only support undifferenced, non-seasonal time series. * @see www.stat.berkeley.edu/classes/s244/as154.pdf * @param φ the AR coefficients * @param θ the MA coefficients */ def initKalman (φ: VectoD = φ, θ: VectoD = θ): (VectoD, MatriD, MatriD, MatriD, MatriD) = { if (φ != null && p != φ.dim || θ != null && q != θ.dim) { flaw ("initKalman", "p or q mismatch with dims of φ or θ") } // fi val r = max (p, q+1) val x0 = new VectorD (r) val ff = new MatrixD (r, r) for (i <- 0 until p) ff(i, 0) = φ(i) for (i <- 1 until r) ff(i-1, i) = 1 val hh = new MatrixD (1, r) hh(0, 0) = 1 val _1θ = new MatrixD (r, 1) _1θ(0, 0) = 1 if (θ != null) for (i <- 1 to q) _1θ(i, 0) = θ(i-1) val qq = _1θ * _1θ.t val rr = new MatrixD (1, 1) (x0, ff, hh, qq, rr) } // initKalman } // SARIMA class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `SARIMATest` object is used to test the `SARIMA` class. * > runMain scalation.analytics.SARIMATest */ object SARIMATest extends App { val ran = Random () val n = 100 val t = VectorD.range (0, n) val y = VectorD (for (i <- 0 until n) yield t(i) + 10.0 * ran.gen) val ts = new SARIMA (y, 1) // time series data: y vs. t, apply 1st order differencing // ts.plotFunc (ts.acf, "ACF") // Must turn on DEBUG so that ACF is actually computed // Build AR(1), AR(2) and MA(1) models for the time series data ts.setPQ (1) ts.train () new Plot (t, y, ts.predict (), "Plot of y, ar(1) vs. t", true) ts.setPQ (2) ts.train () new Plot (t, y, ts.predict (), "Plot of y, ar(2) vs. t", true) ts.setPQ (0, 1) ts.train () new Plot (t, y, ts.predict () , "Plot of y, ma(1) vs. t", true) } // SARIMATest object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `SARIMATest2` object is used to test the `SARIMA` class. * > runMain scalation.analytics.SARIMATest2 */ object SARIMATest2 extends App { val noise = Normal (0.0, 1.0) val n = 20 val t = VectorD.range (0, n) val y = VectorD (for (i <- 0 until n) yield i + noise.gen) println (s"y = $y") val p = 1 val d = 1 // apply 1st order differencing val q = 1 val steps = 2 // number of steps for the forecasts val ts = new SARIMA (y, d) // time series data: y vs. t // Build AR(1), MA(1) and ARMA(1, 1) models for the (differenced) time series data ts.setPQ (p) ts.train () new Plot (t, y, ts.predict (), s"Plot of y, ar($p) vs. t", true) val ar_f = ts.forecast (steps) println (s"$steps-step ahead forecasts using AR($p) model = $ar_f") ts.setPQ (0, q) ts.train () new Plot (t, y, ts.predict (), s"Plot of y, ma($q) vs. t", true) val ma_f = ts.forecast (steps) println (s"$steps-step ahead forecasts using MA($q) model = $ma_f") ts.setPQ (p, q) ts.train () new Plot (t, y, ts.predict (), s"Plot of y, arma($p, $q) vs. t", true) val arma_f = ts.forecast (steps) println (s"$steps-step ahead forecasts using ARMA($p, $q) model = $arma_f") } // SARIMATest2 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `SARIMATest3` object is used to test the `SARIMA` class. * Forecasting lake levels. * @see cran.r-project.org/web/packages/fpp/fpp.pdf * > runMain scalation.analytics.SARIMATest3 */ object SARIMATest3 extends App { val t = VectorD.range (0, 98) val y = VectorD (580.38, 581.86, 580.97, 580.80, 579.79, 580.39, 580.42, 580.82, 581.40, 581.32, 581.44, 581.68, 581.17, 580.53, 580.01, 579.91, 579.14, 579.16, 579.55, 579.67, 578.44, 578.24, 579.10, 579.09, 579.35, 578.82, 579.32, 579.01, 579.00, 579.80, 579.83, 579.72, 579.89, 580.01, 579.37, 578.69, 578.19, 578.67, 579.55, 578.92, 578.09, 579.37, 580.13, 580.14, 579.51, 579.24, 578.66, 578.86, 578.05, 577.79, 576.75, 576.75, 577.82, 578.64, 580.58, 579.48, 577.38, 576.90, 576.94, 576.24, 576.84, 576.85, 576.90, 577.79, 578.18, 577.51, 577.23, 578.42, 579.61, 579.05, 579.26, 579.22, 579.38, 579.10, 577.95, 578.12, 579.75, 580.85, 580.41, 579.96, 579.61, 578.76, 578.18, 577.21, 577.13, 579.10, 578.25, 577.91, 576.89, 575.96, 576.80, 577.68, 578.38, 578.52, 579.74, 579.31, 579.89, 579.96) val p = 2 val q = 1 val d = 0 // apply 2nd order differencing val steps = 3 // number of steps for the forecasts val ts = new SARIMA (y, d) // time series data: y vs. t // Build AR(2), MA(1) and ARMA(2, 1) models for the (differenced) time series data ts.setPQ (p) ts.train () // ts.est_ar (p) // depreciated, to use, uncomment this line and comment out two previous lines, also turn DEBUG flag to true var xp = ts.predict () println(s"xp = $xp") new Plot (t, y, xp , s"Plot of y, ar($p) vs. t", true) val ar_f = ts.forecast (steps) println (s"$steps-step ahead forecasts using AR($p) model = $ar_f") ts.setPQ (0, q) ts.train () // ts.est_ma (q) // depreciated xp = ts.predict () println(s"xp = $xp") new Plot (t, y, xp, s"Plot of y, ma($q) vs. t", true) val ma_f = ts.forecast (steps) println (s"$steps-step ahead forecasts using MA($q) model = $ma_f") ts.setPQ (p, q) ts.train () // ts.est_arma(p, q) // depreciated xp = ts.predict () println(s"xp = $xp") new Plot (t, y, xp, s"Plot of y, arma($p, $q) vs. t", true) val arma_f = ts.forecast (steps) println (s"$steps-step ahead forecasts using ARMA($p, $q) model = $arma_f") } // SARIMATest3 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `SARIMATest4` object is used to test the `SARIMA` class. * > runMain scalation.analytics.SARIMATest4 */ object SARIMATest4 extends App { val path = BASE_DIR + "travelTime.csv" val data = MatrixD (path) val t = data.col(0) val y = data.col(1) val p = 1 val q = 1 val d = 1 // apply 1st order differencing val steps = 1 // number of steps for the forecasts val ts = new SARIMA (y, d) // time series data: y vs. t println (s"y = $y") // Build AR(1), MA(1) and ARMA(1, 1) models for the (differenced) time series data ts.setPQ (p) ts.train () new Plot (t, y, ts.predict (), s"Plot of y, ar($p) vs. t", true) val ar_f = ts.forecast (steps) println (s"$steps-step ahead forecasts using AR($p) model = $ar_f") ts.setPQ (0, q) ts.train () new Plot (t, y, ts.predict (), s"Plot of y, ma($q) vs. t", true) val ma_f = ts.forecast (steps) println (s"$steps-step ahead forecasts using MA($q) model = $ma_f") ts.setPQ (p, q) ts.train () new Plot (t, y, ts.predict (), s"Plot of y, arma($p, $q) vs. t", true) val arma_f = ts.forecast (steps) println (s"$steps-step ahead forecasts using ARMA($p, $q) model = $arma_f") } // SARIMATest4 object