//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Khalid Jahangeer, John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Fri Aug 10 20:26:34 EDT 2017 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.analytics.recommender import scala.math.{abs, round, sqrt} import scalation.linalgebra.{MatrixD, MatrixI, VectorD, VectorI} import scalation.math.double_exp //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ItemBasedRecommender` class is used to perform predictions based on * Item based Collaborative Filtering techniques (Cosine, Correlation, Adjusted Cosine) * @param input the original 4-column input data matrix * @param m the number of rows * @param n the number of columns * @param stream the random number stream to use */ class ItemBasedRecommender (input: MatrixI, m: Int, n: Int, stream: Int = 0) extends Recommender { private val ratings = makeRatings (input, m, n) // original ratings matrix private val training = new MatrixD (ratings.dim1, ratings.dim2) // training dataset private val sim = new MatrixD (n, n) // similarity matrix private val nsim = 20 // number of nearest neighbors private var copy_training: MatrixD = null // copy of training dataset //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return a matrix with replacing all values with 0 beyond the interval specified * corresponds to Phase 3 of the expermiments. * @param limit the interval start point * @param input the original data matrix */ def zRatings (limit: Int, input: MatrixI) { for (i <- input.range1) { if(i <= limit) training (input(i, 0), input(i, 1)) = input(i, 2) else training(input(i, 0), input(i, 1)) = 0.0 }// for copy_training = training.copy () } // zRatings //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Generate the training matrix for the dataset for Phase 2. * @param exl the vector of index values which will be excluded in the train * @param input the original data matrix */ def genTrainTest (exl: VectorI, input: MatrixI): MatrixD = { for (i <- input.range1){ if (exl.indexOf(i) != -1) training (input(i, 0), input(i, 1)) = input(i, 2) else training(input (i, 0), input (i, 1)) = 0.0 } // for copy_training = training.copy () ratings - training } // genTrainTest //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Generate the training matrix for the dataset for Phase 1. * @param train the training data matrix */ def genTrain2 (train: MatrixI) { for (i <- train.range1) training (train(i, 0), train(i, 1)) = train(i, 2) copy_training = training.copy () } // genTrain2 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Impute values for null/zero values in the 'training' matrix using * Column Mean Imputation. */ def impute { val colMean = training.meanNZ // store the column mean (ignoring zeros) for (i <- training.range1; j <- training.range2) { if (training(i, j) =~ 0.0) training(i, j) = colMean(j) // column mean imputation } // for } // impute //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Normalize the 'training' matrix by subtracting the row mean from each * non-zero element. Row mean calculations exclude the zero elements. */ def normalize { val rowMean = training.meanRNZ // store the row mean (ignoring zeros) for (i <- training.range1; j <- training.range2) { if (training(i, j) !=~ 0.0) training(i, j) -= rowMean(i) // row mean normalization } // for } // normalize //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a column denormalized version of 'this' matrix. * return the denormalized value of the * @param i the user index */ def denormalize (i: Int): Double = { if (copy_training(i).filter (_ !=~ 0.0).sum !=~ 0.0) copy_training(i).filter (_ !=~ 0.0).mean else 0.0 } // denormalize //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Generate the Cosine Similarity matrix on the basis of column - corated pairs. */ def cosSim { for (i <- sim.range1; j <- sim.range2) { var sum1, sum2, sum3 = 0.0 for (k <- training.range1){ val t_ki = training(k, i) val t_kj = training(k, j) if (t_ki > 0.0 && t_kj > 0.0) { // only co-rated items sum1 += t_ki * t_kj sum2 += t_ki * t_ki sum3 += t_kj * t_kj } //if } // for sim(i, j) = sum1 / (sqrt(sum2) * sqrt(sum3)) } // for } // cosSim //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Generate the Correlation Similarity matrix. */ def corrSim { val col_mean = training.meanNZ // column means for non-zero elements for (i <- sim.range1; j <- sim.range2) { var sum1, sum2, sum3 = 0.0 for (k <- training.range1){ val t_ki = training(k, i) val t_kj = training(k, j) if (t_ki > 0.0 && t_kj > 0.0) { // only co-rated items sum1 += (t_ki - col_mean(i)) * (t_kj - col_mean(j)) sum2 += (t_ki - col_mean(i)) * (t_ki - col_mean(i)) sum3 += (t_kj - col_mean(j)) * (t_kj - col_mean(j)) } // if } // for sim(i, j) = sum1 / (sqrt(sum2) * sqrt(sum3)) } // for } // corrSim //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Generate the Adjusted Cosine Similarity matrix. */ def adjCosine { val row_mean = training.t.meanNZ // row means for non-zero elements val mean_centered = new MatrixD (training.dim1, training.dim2) // reduce the training matrix by subtracting row means for (i <- training.range1; j <- training.range2){ if (training(i, j) > 0.0) mean_centered(i, j) = training(i, j) - row_mean(i) } //for for (i <- sim.range1; j <- sim.range1) { var sum1, sum2, sum3 = 0.0 for (k <- training.range1) { if (training(k, i) > 0.0 && training(k, j) > 0.0) { // only co-rated items val m_ki = training(k, i) val m_kj = training(k, j) sum1 += m_ki * m_kj sum2 += m_ki * m_ki sum3 += m_kj * m_kj } // if } // for sim(i, j) = sum1 / (sqrt(sum2) * sqrt(sum3)) } // for } // adjusted Cosine //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Generate a rating based on the similarity between 'nsim' similar items. * @param i the user index * @param j the item index */ def rate (i: Int, j: Int): Double = { var sum, dotprod = 0.0 val simitem = new VectorD (sim.dim1) for (k <- simitem.range) { if (! sim(j, k).isNaN && training(i, k) != 0.0) simitem(k) = sim(j, k) } // for val topksim = topk (simitem, nsim) for (k <- topksim.range) { dotprod += training(i, topksim(k)) * simitem(topksim(k)) sum += abs (simitem(topksim(k))) } // for val temp = dotprod / sum if (temp.isNaN) training(i).mean else temp + denormalize (i) } // rate } // ItemBasedRecommender class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ItemBasedRecommender` companion object provides methods for reading * input data from files. */ object ItemBasedRecommender { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Read values from a data file into the data matrix and return it. * The TAB separated file consists of four columns: * row index, column index, rating value, time stamp. * @param fname the file name */ def read (fname: String): MatrixI = { MatrixI.setSp ('\t') // must specify the column separator val data = MatrixI (fname) // input data matrix from data file data.setCol (0, data.col(0) - 1) // adjust row index down one data.setCol (1, data.col(1) - 1) // adjust column index down one data } // read } // ItemBasedRecommender object import scalation.⁄ import scalation.analytics.BASE_DIR import scalation.plot.Plot import scalation.util.time //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ItemBasedRecommenderTest` object is used to test the `ItemBasedRecommender` * class using the MovieLens dataset. Corresponds to Phase 1 of the Experiments in Thesis. * > runMain scalation.analytics.recommender.ItemBasedRecommenderTest */ object ItemBasedRecommenderTest extends App { val (m, n) = (943, 1682) // must specify the number of rows and columns val data_file = BASE_DIR + "recommender" + ⁄ + "sorted_data.txt" // input data file val train_file = BASE_DIR + "recommender" + ⁄ + "u2.base" // training file: replace u(1-5).base val test_file = BASE_DIR + "recommender" + ⁄ + "u2.test" // testing file: replace u(1-5).test val input = ItemBasedRecommender.read (data_file) // input data matrix from data file val train = ItemBasedRecommender.read (train_file) // training matrix val tester = ItemBasedRecommender.read (test_file) // testing matrix val recIB = new ItemBasedRecommender (input, m, n) // Item-Based Recommender recIB.genTrain2 (train) // train using train matrix recIB.normalize // normalize the result for (l <- 0 until 1) { time { println ("Training Time") time { // training time // recIB.cosSim // cosine similarity - UNCOMMENT one recIB.corrSim // correlation similarity // recIB.adjCosine // adjusted cosine similarity } //time println ("Prediction Time") // testing time time { recIB.error_metrics (tester) } } // time } // for } // ItemBasedRecommenderTest object //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ItemBasedRecommenderTest2` object is used to test the `ItemBasedRecommender` * class using the MovieLens dataset. Corresponds to Phase 2 of the Experiments in Thesis. * > runMain scalation.analytics.recommender.ItemBasedRecommenderTest2 */ object ItemBasedRecommenderTest2 extends App { val (m, n) = (943, 1682) // must specify the number of rows and columns val data_file = BASE_DIR + "recommender" + ⁄ + "sorted_data.txt" val kfold = 5 // value for k-fold cross-validation val diff = new VectorD (kfold) // MAE values val rdiff = new VectorD (kfold) // rounded MAE values val diff2 = new VectorD (kfold) // RMSE value val rdiff2 = new VectorD (kfold) // rounded RMSE values val hit = new VectorD (kfold) // number of successful predictions val input = ItemBasedRecommender.read (data_file) // input data matrix from data file val recIB = new ItemBasedRecommender (input, m, n) // Item Based Recommender val foldsize = input.dim1 / kfold for (l <- 0 until 1) { time { val indx = List.range (0, input.dim1) val rand_index = scala.util.Random.shuffle (indx) val index = new VectorI (input.dim1) val fold = VectorD.range (0, kfold) for (i <- input.range1) index(i) = rand_index(i) // create a vector of a randomly permuted matrix for (i <- 0 until kfold) { val excl = new VectorI(foldsize) // vector to track the exclusion ratings println (s"--------------$i------------------") for (j <- 0 until excl.dim) excl(j) = index(i * foldsize + j) val tester = recIB.genTrainTest (excl, input) println("Training Time") time { // training time recIB.normalize // normalize the matrix // recIB.cosSim // cosine similarity - UNCOMMENT one recIB.corrSim // correlation similarity matrix // recIB.adjCosine // adjusted cosine similarity } // time println("Prediction time") time { recIB.crossValidate(tester) } // prediction time val stats = recIB.getStats diff(i) = stats(0).ma rdiff(i) = stats(1).ma diff2(i) = stats(0).rms rdiff2(i) = stats(1).rms hit(i) = stats(2).mean * 100 for (j <- 0 until 3) stats(j).reset () } // for println ("MAE = " + diff.mean) println ("MAE rounded = " + rdiff.mean) println ("RMSE = " + diff2.mean) println ("RMSE rounded = " + rdiff2.mean) println ("HIT = " + hit.mean) } // time } // for } //ItemBasedRecommenderTest2 object //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ItemBasedRecommenderTest3` object is used to test the `ItemBasedRecommender` * class using the MovieLens dataset. Corresponds to Phase 3 of the experiments i Thesis. * > runMain scalation.analytics.recommender.ItemBasedRecommenderTest3 */ object ItemBasedRecommenderTest3 extends App { val (m, n) = (943, 1682) // must specify the number of rows and columns val data_file = BASE_DIR + "recommender" + ⁄ + "sorted_data.txt" val kfold = 5 // value for k-fold cross-validation val INTERVALS = 100 // time intervals for observation of statistics val INT_SIZE = 1000 // no of ratings in each interval val INT_START = 75 // starting point of the interval val diff = new VectorD (INTERVALS - INT_START) // MAE val rdiff = new VectorD (INTERVALS - INT_START) // MAE rounded val diff2 = new VectorD (INTERVALS - INT_START) // RMSE val rdiff2 = new VectorD (INTERVALS - INT_START) // RMSE rounded val hit = new VectorD (INTERVALS - INT_START) // number of successful predictions val input = ItemBasedRecommender.read (data_file) // input data matrix from data file val recIB = new ItemBasedRecommender (input, m, n) // Item Based Recommender val t_idx = VectorD.range (INT_START, INTERVALS) for (i <- INT_START until INTERVALS) { recIB.zRatings((i-1) * INT_SIZE, input) // get Zeroes Rating matrix println (i) recIB.normalize // normalize the matrix // recUB.cosSim // cosine similarity - UNCOMMENT one recIB.corrSim // correlation similarity matrix // recIB.adjCosine // adjusted cosine similarity recIB.test ((i-1) * INT_SIZE, i * INT_SIZE, input) val stats = recIB.getStats diff(i-INT_START) = stats(0).ma rdiff(i-INT_START) = stats(1).ma diff2(i-INT_START) = stats(0).rms rdiff2(i-INT_START) = stats(1).rms hit(i-INT_START) = stats(2).mean * 100 for (j <- 0 until 3) stats(j).reset () } // for println (diff.mean) println (rdiff.mean) println (diff2.mean) println (rdiff2.mean) println (hit.mean) println (diff) println (rdiff) println (hit) new Plot (t_idx, diff, rdiff, "DIFF") new Plot (t_idx, hit, null, "HIT") } // ItemBasedRecommenderTest3 object