//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Mon Sep 14 14:15:51 EDT 2009 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.animation import collection.mutable.{HashMap, ListBuffer} import scalation.scala2d.{CurvilinearShape, Ellipse, Transform} import scalation.scala2d.Colors.Color import scalation.scala2d.Shapes.{Dimension, RectangularShape, Graphics2D} import scalation.util.Error //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Animator` class implements the commands to create, destroy, move and scale * components (nodes, edges or tokens) in an animated graph. * @param graph the directed graph to be animated */ class Animator (graph: Dgraph) extends Transform with Error { /** Map allowing nodes to looked up based on their id's. */ private val nodeMap = HashMap [Int, graph.Node] () /** Map allowing edges to looked up based on their id's. */ private val edgeMap = HashMap [Int, graph.Edge] () /** Map allowing tokens to looked up based on their id's. */ private val tokenMap = HashMap [Int, graph.Token] () /** Time dilation factor for speeding up/slowing down animations */ private var _timeDilationFactor = 1.0 /** Number of lost entities/tokens. */ private var numLost = 0 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get the time dilation factor. */ def timeDilationFactor = _timeDilationFactor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a node at the given location. * @param eid the external id for the node * @param shape the shape of the node * @param label the label for the created node * @param primary whether node is primary/transition (true) or secondary/place (false) * @param color the color of the node * @param pts the coordinates and dimensions of the node */ def createNode (eid: Int, shape: RectangularShape, label: String, primary: Boolean, color: Color, pts: Array [Double]) { var node: graph.Node = null val npts: Int = pts.length if (npts == 4) { // x, y, w, d node = new graph.Node (shape, label, primary, color, pts(0), pts(1), pts(2), pts(3)) } else { flaw ("createNode", "for node npts = " + npts + " != 4") return } // if graph.addNode (node) nodeMap.put (eid, node) } // createNode //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create an edge at the given location. * @param eid the external id for the edge * @param shape the shape (curve) of the edge * @param label the label for the created edge * @param primary whether it is a primary (true) or secondary (false) * @param color the color of the token * @param from_eid the 'eid' of the origination node * @param to_eid the 'eid' of the destination node * @param pts the coordinates and dimensions of the edge */ def createEdge (eid: Int, shape: CurvilinearShape, label: String, primary: Boolean, color: Color, from_eid: Int, to_eid: Int, pts: Array [Double]) { var edge: graph.Edge = null val from: graph.Node = nodeMap.get (from_eid).getOrElse (null) val to: graph.Node = nodeMap.get (to_eid).getOrElse (null) val npts = if (pts != null) pts.length else 0 if (from == null || to == null) { flaw ("createEdge", "found null node - from with id " + from_eid + " = " + from + " OR " + "to with id " + to_eid + " = " + to) return } // if if (npts == 0) { // Create a straight line using implicit coordinates derived from node coordinates. edge = new graph.Edge (shape, label, primary, color, from, to) } else if (npts == 1) { // Create a quadratic curve using implicit coordinates derived from node coordinates. edge = new graph.Edge (shape, label, primary, color, from, to, pts(0)) } else if (npts == 4) { // Create a straight line using explicit coordinates. edge = new graph.Edge (shape, label, primary, color, from, to, pts(0), pts(1), pts(2), pts(3)) } else if (npts == 6) { // Create a quadratic curve using explicit coordinates. edge = new graph.Edge (shape, label, primary, color, from, to, pts(0), pts(1), pts(2), pts(3), pts(4), pts(5)) } else { flaw ("createEdge", "for edges npts = " + npts + " != 0, 1, 4 or 6") return } // if from.addEdge (edge) // add edge to from node's outgoing edges graph.addEdge (edge) // add edge to the graph edgeMap.put (eid, edge) // keep track of the edge in the edge map } // createEdge //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create a token at the given location. * @param eid the external id for the token * @param shape the shape of the token * @param label the label for the created token * @param primary whether it is a primary (true) or secondary (false) * @param color the color of the token * @param on_eid the 'eid' of the node it is on * @param pts the coordinates and dimensions of the token */ def createToken (eid: Int, shape: RectangularShape, label: String, primary: Boolean, color: Color, on_eid: Int, pts: Array [Double]) { val default = 8.0 // default token size val npts = if (pts != null) pts.length else 0 var token: graph.Token = null if (primary) { // create a free (can go anywhere) token if (npts == 2) { token = new graph.Token (shape, label, true, color, pts(0), pts(1), default, default) graph.addFreeToken (token) // add free token to the graph } else if (npts == 4) { token = new graph.Token (shape, label, true, color, pts(0), pts(1), pts(2), pts(3)) graph.addFreeToken (token) // add free token to the graph } else { flaw ("createToken", "for free token npts = " + npts + " != 2 or 4") return } // if } else { // create a bound (to a node) token val onNode = nodeMap.get (on_eid).getOrElse (null) if (onNode == null) { flaw ("createToken", "onNode is null") return } // if if (npts == 0) { token = new graph.Token (shape, label, false, color, onNode, default, default) val figT = token.shape val figN = onNode.shape // when a token is added, recompute the location of all the tokens on the node adjustTokenLocations (onNode.tokens, figN.getCenterX (), figN.getCenterY (), figT.getWidth (), figT.getHeight ()) } else if (npts == 2) { token = new graph.Token (shape, label, false, color, onNode, pts(0), pts(1)) val figT = token.shape val figN = onNode.shape // when a token is added, recompute the location of all the tokens on the node adjustTokenLocations (onNode.tokens, figN.getCenterX (), figN.getCenterY (), figT.getWidth (), figT.getHeight ()) } else { flaw ("createToken", "for bound token npts = " + npts + " != 0 or 2") return } // if } // if tokenMap.put (eid, token) } // createToken //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Destroy the node with the given id. * @param eid the node's external id */ def destroyNode (eid: Int) { val node = nodeMap.get (eid).getOrElse (null) if (node == null) { flaw ("destroyNode", "node is null") return } // if graph.removeNode (node) nodeMap.remove (eid) } // destroyNode //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Destroy the edge with the given id. * @param eid the edges's external id */ def destroyEdge (eid: Int) { val edge = edgeMap.get (eid).getOrElse (null) if (edge == null) { flaw ("destroyEdge", "edge is null") return } // if graph.removeEdge (edge) edgeMap.remove (eid) } // destroyEdge //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Destroy the token with the given id. * @param eid the token's external id */ def destroyToken (eid: Int) { val token = tokenMap.get (eid).getOrElse (null) if (token == null) { flaw ("destroyToken", "token is null") return } // if if (token.primary) { // destroy free token graph.freeTokens -= token } else { // destroy bound token val onNode = token.onNode // the node the token is on onNode.removeToken (token) // remove token from current node val figT = token.shape val figN = onNode.shape // when a token is removed, recompute the location of all remaining tokens on the node adjustTokenLocations (onNode.tokens, figN.getCenterX (), figN.getCenterY (), figT.getWidth (), figT.getHeight ()) } // if tokenMap.remove (eid) } // destroyToken //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Move the node to a new (x, y) location. * Edges cannot be moved directly, but must adjust to node movements. * @param eid the external id of the node to move * @param pts the new x, y -coordinates */ def moveNode (eid: Int, pts: Array [Double]) { val node = nodeMap.get (eid).getOrElse (null) if (node == null) { flaw ("moveNode", "node is null, unable to find token in nodeMap") } else { move (node.shape, pts) // FIX: also need to move the connected edges } // if } // moveNode //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Move the token to a new (x, y) location. * @param eid the external id of the token to move * @param pts the new x, y -coordinates */ def moveToken (eid: Int, pts: Array [Double]) { val token = tokenMap.get (eid).getOrElse (null) if (token == null) { flaw ("moveToken", "token is null, unable to find token in tokenMap") } else if (! token.primary) { flaw ("moveToken", "arbitrary moves not allowed for bound tokens") } else { move (token.shape, pts) } // if } // moveToken //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Move the token onto the new node. * @param eid the external id of the token to move * @param node_eid the external id of the node to move onto */ def moveToken2Node (eid: Int, node_eid: Int) { val token = tokenMap.get (eid).getOrElse (null) moveGivenToken2Node (token, node_eid) } // moveToken2Node //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Move the given token onto the new node. * @param token the token to move * @param node_eid the external id of the node to move onto */ private def moveGivenToken2Node (token: graph.Token, node_eid: Int) { if (token == null) { flaw ("moveToken", "token is null, unable to find token in tokenMap") } else if (token.primary) { flaw ("moveToken", "free tokens are not bound to nodes") } else { val oldNode = token.onNode val newNode = nodeMap.get (node_eid).getOrElse (null) if (oldNode == null || newNode == null) { flaw ("moveToken2Node", "oldNode or newNode are null") } else { // logically move from old node to new node // EXTENSION: what if the token was on an edge? // println ("moveGivenToken2Node: from oldNode = " + oldNode + " to newNode = " + newNode) oldNode.removeToken (token) newNode.addToken (token) token.setOnNode (newNode) val figT = token.shape // when a token is added, recompute the location of all the tokens on newNode val figN = newNode.shape adjustTokenLocations (newNode.tokens, figN.getCenterX (), figN.getCenterY (), figT.getWidth (), figT.getHeight ()) // when a token is removed, recompute the location of all the tokens on oldNode val figO = oldNode.shape adjustTokenLocations (oldNode.tokens, figO.getCenterX (), figO.getCenterY (), figT.getWidth (), figT.getHeight ()) } // if } // if } // moveGivenToken2Node //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Move 'number' tokens of color 'color' from node 'from_eid' to node 'to_eid'. * @param color the color of the tokens to move * @param from_eid the external id of the node tokens are to be taken from * @param to_eid the external id of the node the tokens are to be moved to * @param pts one dimensional array containing number of tokens to move */ def moveTokens2Node (color: Color, from_eid: Int, to_eid: Int, pts: Array [Double]) { if (pts.length != 1) { flaw ("scaleTokensAt", "pts array should be one dimensional") } else { val number = pts(0).asInstanceOf [Int] val oldNode = nodeMap.get (from_eid).getOrElse (null) val newNode = nodeMap.get (to_eid).getOrElse (null) if (oldNode == null || newNode == null) { flaw ("moveToken2Node", "oldNode or newNode are null") } else { var count = 0 val tokens = oldNode.tokens for (i <- 0 until tokens.length) { val token = tokens(i) // println ("moveTokens2Node: token color " + token.color + " vs. " + color) if (token.color == color) { moveGivenToken2Node (token, to_eid) count += 1 if (count == number) return } // if } // for flaw ("moveTokens2Node", "could only find " + count + " < " + number + " tokens of color " + color) } // if } // if } // moveTokens2Node //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Adjust the locations of all tokens on a node. * @param tokens the tokens to adjust * @param xcN the x-center of containing node * @param ycN the y-center of containing node * @param w the width of tokens * @param h the height of tokens */ private def adjustTokenLocations (tokens: ListBuffer [graph.Token], xcN: Double, ycN: Double, w: Double, h: Double) { val xc = xcN - w / 2.0 // x-center adjusted by token radius val yc = ycN - h / 2.0 // y-center adjusted by token radius val yDelta = h + 2.0 // y drop between tokens val nt = tokens.size // number of tokens val yMid = (nt - 1) / 2.0 // middle token should be mid height for (i <- 0 until nt) { val yy = yc + (i - yMid) * yDelta // adjust y-coordinate tokens on node // println ("adjustTokenLocations: xc = " + xc + " yy = " + yy) move (tokens(i).shape, xc, yy) } // for } // adjustTokenLocations //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Move the token along the curve for an edge and return false if at end of * curve. * @param eid the external id for the token to move * @param edge_eid the external id for edge to move along * @param step the length of step */ def moveToken2Edge (eid: Int, edge_eid: Int, step: Double): Boolean = { val edge = edgeMap.get (edge_eid).getOrElse (null) val token = tokenMap.get (eid).getOrElse (null) if (edge == null || token == null) { flaw ("moveToken2Edge", "edge or token are null") } else { val curve = edge.shape val tok = token.shape val tLoc = curve.next (tok.getWidth (), tok.getHeight ()) if (tLoc != null) { // null => reached end of curve val pts = Array (tLoc.x, tLoc.y) moveToken (eid, pts) return true // continuing on curve } // if } // if return false // exhausted the curve } // moveToken2Edge //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Scale the node, i.e., make it larger or smaller. * Edges cannot be scaled directly, but must adjust to node scaling. * @param eid the external id of the node to scale * @param pts the new width, height dimensions */ def scaleNode (eid: Int, pts: Array [Double]) { val node = nodeMap.get (eid).getOrElse (null) if (node == null) { flaw ("scaleNode", "node is null") } else { scale (node.shape, pts) // FIX: also need to move the connected edges } // if } // scaleNode //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Scale the token, i.e., make it larger or smaller. * @param eid the external id of the token to scale * @param pts the new width, height dimensions */ def scaleToken (eid: Int, pts: Array [Double]) { val token = tokenMap.get (eid).getOrElse (null) if (token == null) { flaw ("scaleToken", "token is null") } else { scale (token.shape, pts) } // if } // scaleToken //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Move 'amount' tokens/fluids of color 'color' from node 'from_eid' to node * 'to_eid' by increasing the size of tokens at 'to_eid' while decreasing * the size at 'from_eid'. * @param color the color of the tokens/fluids to move * @param from_eid the external id of the node tokens/fluids are to be taken from * @param to_eid the external id of the node tokens/fluids are to be moved to * @param pts one dimensional array containing amount of fluids to move */ def scaleTokensAt (color: Color, from_eid: Int, to_eid: Int, pts: Array [Double]) { if (pts.length != 1) { flaw ("scaleTokensAt", "pts array should be one dimensional") } else { val amount = pts(0) val oldNode = nodeMap.get (from_eid).getOrElse (null) val newNode = nodeMap.get (to_eid).getOrElse (null) if (oldNode == null || newNode == null) { flaw ("scaleTokens2At", "oldNode or newNode are null") } else { scaleGivenTokens (oldNode.tokens, from_eid, color, -amount) // remove fluid scaleGivenTokens (newNode.tokens, to_eid, color, amount) // add fluid } // if } // if } // scaleTokensAt //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** For a given node, look for tokens/fluids by color to increase/decrease * the fluids by the change amount. * @param tokens the list of tokens/fluids to search * @param color the color of the token/fluid to change * @param node the external id of the node whose tokens/fluids are to be changes * @param change the amount of change of tokens/fluids (+/-) */ private def scaleGivenTokens (tokens: ListBuffer [graph.Token], node_eid: Int, color: Color, change: Double) { for (token <- tokens) { // look through all the tokens in the list if (token.color == color) { // find the one with the matching color val size = token.shape.getWidth () + change // determine new width if (size < 0.0) { // not enough there to make change flaw ("scaleGivenToken", "cannot have a negative fluid level for token of color " + color) } else if (size <= 0.0) { // no fluid, implies should have no token // destroyToken (token_eid) // FIX: need to get the token's eid to destroy it scale (token.shape, Array (0.0, 0.0)) } else { // rescale the token scale (token.shape, Array (size, size)) } // if return // mission accomplished, return now } // if } // for if (change < 0.0) { flaw ("scaleTokens2At", "cannot remove fluid, since could not find color " + color) } else if (change > 0.0) { // No color match, so create a new token/fluid of that color val eid = EidCounter.next () createToken (eid, Ellipse (), "t" + eid, false, color, node_eid, Array (change, change)) } // if } // scaleGivenToken //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set the paint color for the node. * @param eid the external id for node to paint * @param color the new color for the node */ def setPaintNode (eid: Int, color: Color) { val node = nodeMap.get (eid).getOrElse (null) if (node == null) { flaw ("setPaintNode", "node is null") } else { node.setColor (color) } // if } // setPaintNode //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set the paint color for the edge. * @param eid the external id for node to paint * @param color the new color for the node */ def setPaintEdge (eid: Int, color: Color) { val edge = edgeMap.get (eid).getOrElse (null) if (edge == null) { flaw ("setPaintEdge", "edge is null") } else { edge.setColor (color) } // if } // setPaintEdge //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set the paint color for the token. * @param eid the external id for node to paint * @param color the new color for the node */ def setPaintToken (eid: Int, color: Color) { val token = tokenMap.get (eid).getOrElse (null) if (token == null) { flaw ("setPaintToken", "token is null") } else { token.setColor (color) } // if } // setPaintToken //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Adjust the time dilation: >1 slows down animation, <1 speeds up animation. * @param pts one dimensional array containing the new time dilation factor */ def timeDilation (pts: Array [Double]) { if (pts.length != 1) { flaw ("timeDilation", "pts array should be one dimensional") } else { _timeDilationFactor = pts(0) } // if } // timeDilation } // Animator class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `EidCounter` object is used to provide unique identifiers for internally * created tokens/fluids. */ object EidCounter { private var count = 1000000 // nodes (places, transitions), edges <= 1000, // tokens/fluids > 1000 // internally created tokens/fluids > 1000000 def next (): Int = { count += 1; count } } // EidCounter object