//::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Hao Peng * @version 1.5 * @date Sun Nov 12 12:27:00 EST 2017 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * * @see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radial_series */ package scalation.calculus import scala.Double.NaN import scala.math._ import scalation.linalgebra.VectorD import scalation.math.double_exp import RadialType._ //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `DRadial` class provides Radial basis functions with derivatives. * Such basis functions are useful are useful in Neural Networks and Support * Vector Classification. * @param centers a list of centers * @param radialType_ the type of the Radial Basis Function to be used * @param γ_ shape parameter * @param k_ the polynomial power of the radius used in Poly Harmonic Spline */ class DRadial (centers: VectorD = VectorD (0.0), radialType_ : RadialType = GAUSSIAN, γ_ : Double = 1.0, k_ : Int = 2) extends Radial (centers, radialType_, γ_, k_) with DBasisFunction { //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The derivative value of the Gaussian Radial Basis Function with radius 'r' * @param n order of the derivative * @param r the radius */ private def dGaussian (n: Int, r: Double): Double = { n match { case 0 => gaussian (r) case 1 => -2.0 * γ~^2 * r * exp (-((γ*r)~^2)) case 2 => 2.0 * γ~^2 * exp (-((γ*r)~^2)) * (2.0 * γ~^2 * r~^2 - 1.0) case 3 => -4.0 * γ~^4 * r * exp (-((γ*r)~^2)) * (2.0 * γ~^2 * r~^2 - 3.0) case _ => { flaw("dGaussian", "Only derivatives up to order 3 are currently supported"); NaN } } // match } // dGaussian //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The derivative value of the Multi Quadratic Radial Basis Function with radius 'r' * @param n order of the derivative * @param r the radius */ private def dMultiQuadratic (n: Int, r: Double): Double = { n match { case 0 => multiQuadratic (r) case 1 => γ~^2 * r / sqrt (1.0 + (γ*r)~^2) case 2 => γ~^2 / (1.0 + (γ*r)~^2)~^1.5 case 3 => 3.0 * γ~^2 * r / (1.0 + (γ*r)~^2)~^2.5 case _ => { flaw("dMultiQuadratic", "Only derivatives up to order 3 are currently supported"); NaN } } // match } // dMultiQuadratic //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The derivative value of the Inverse Quadratic Radial Basis Function with radius 'r' * @param n order of the derivative * @param r the radius */ private def dInverseQuadratic (n: Int, r: Double): Double = { n match { case 0 => inverseQuadratic (r) case 1 => -2.0 * γ~^2 * r / (1.0 + (γ*r)~^2)~^2 case 2 => (6.0 * γ~^4 * r~^2 - 2 * γ~^2) / (1.0 + (γ*r)~^2)~^3 case 3 => -24.0 * γ~^4 * r * ((γ*r)~^2 - 1.0) / (1.0 + (γ*r)~^2)~^4 case _ => { flaw("dInverseQuadratic", "Only derivatives up to order 3 are currently supported"); NaN } } // match } // dInverseQuadratic //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The derivative value of the Inverse Multi Quadratic Radial Basis Function with radius 'r' * @param n order of the derivative * @param r the radius */ private def dInverseMultiQuadratic (n: Int, r: Double): Double = { n match { case 0 => inverseMultiQuadratic (r) case 1 => -γ~^2 * r / (1.0 + (γ*r)~^2)~^1.5 case 2 => (2.0 * γ~^4 * r~^2 - γ~^2) / (1.0 + (γ*r)~^2)~^2.5 case 3 => (9.0 * γ~^4 * r - 6 * γ~^6 * r~^3) / (1.0 + (γ*r)~^2)~^3.5 case _ => { flaw("dInverseQuadratic", "Only derivatives up to order 3 are currently supported"); NaN } } // match } // dInverseMultiQuadratic //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The derivative value of the Poly Harmonic Spline Radial Basis Function with radius 'r' * @param n order of the derivative * @param r the radius * @see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyharmonic_spline */ private def dPolyHarmonicSpline (n: Int, r: Double, k: Int = k): Double = { if (n == 0) return polyHarmonicSpline (r, k) else if (n > 3 || n < 0) { flaw("dPolyHarmonicSpline", "Only derivatives up to order 3 are currently supported") return NaN } // if if (r == 0.0) return 0.0 if (k % 2 == 0) { n match { case 1 => r~^(k-1) * (k * log(r) + 1) case 2 => r~^(k-2) * (k~^2 * log(r) - k * log(r) + 2.0 * k - 1.0) case 3 => r~^(k-3) * ((k~^2 - 3*k + 2) * k * log(r) + 3*k~^2 - 6*k + 2) } // match } else { n match { case 1 => k * r ~^ (k - 1) case 2 => (k - 1) * k * r ~^ (k - 2) case 3 => (k - 2) * (k - 1) * k * r ~^ (k - 3) } // match } // if } // polyHarmonicSpline //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The derivative value of the Thin Plate Spline Radial Basis Function with radius 'r' * @param n order of the derivative * @param r the radius */ private def dThinPlateSpline (n: Int, r: Double) = dPolyHarmonicSpline(n, r, 2) //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Obtain the value of nth derivative of the m-th order 'j'-th basis function at time 't'. * Or alternatively, obtain the nth derivative basis function by calling dnbf(n)(m)(j) only. * @param n the order of the derivative * @param m the order of the basis function * @param j indicates which basis function * @param t the time parameter */ def dnbf (n: Int)(m: Int)(j: Int)(t: Double): Double = { if (j >= m) { flaw("bf", s"The $j-th radial basis function doesn't exist, IndexOutOfBounds"); return NaN } val c = centers(j) val r = abs (t - c) // computing the Euclidean distance between time point t and center c, L2 norm in general radialType match { case GAUSSIAN => dGaussian (n, r) case MULTI_QUADRATIC => dMultiQuadratic (n, r) case INVERSE_QUADRATIC => dInverseQuadratic (n, r) case INVERSE_MULTI_QUADRATIC => dInverseMultiQuadratic (n, r) case POLYHARMONIC_SPLINE => dPolyHarmonicSpline (n, r) case THIN_PLATE_SPLINE => dThinPlateSpline (n, r) case _ => dGaussian (n, r) } // match } // dnbf } // DRadial Class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `DRadialTest` object is used to test the `DRadial` class. * > runMain scalation.calculus.DRadialTest */ object DRadialTest extends App { import DBasisFunction.plot val t = VectorD.range(-300, 300)/100 // val c = VectorD (-2.8 to 2.8 by 0.4) val c = VectorD.range (-7, 8) * 0.4 val m = c.size val rbf = new DRadial(c, GAUSSIAN) plot (rbf, m, t) rbf.setRadialType (MULTI_QUADRATIC) plot (rbf, m, t) rbf.setRadialType (INVERSE_QUADRATIC) plot (rbf, m, t) rbf.setRadialType (INVERSE_MULTI_QUADRATIC) plot (rbf, m, t) rbf.setRadialType (POLYHARMONIC_SPLINE) plot (rbf, m, t) rbf.setRadialType (THIN_PLATE_SPLINE) plot (rbf, m, t) } // RadialTest object