//::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Sun Sep 11 22:43:04 EDT 2011 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.maxima import scala.math.{abs, ceil, floor, round} import scala.util.control.Breaks.{breakable, break} import scalation.linalgebra.{MatrixD, VectorD} //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `IntegerProg` class solves Integer Linear Programming (ILP) and Mixed Integer * Linear Programming (MILP) problems recursively using the Simplex algorithm. * First, an LP problem is solved. If the optimal solution vector x is * entirely integer valued, the ILP is solved. If not, pick the first 'x_j' * that is not integer valued. Define two new LP problems which bound 'x_j' * to the integer below and above, respectively. Branch by solving each of * these LP problems in turn. Prune by not exploring branches less optimal * than the currently best integer solution. This technique is referred to * as Branch and Bound. An exclusion set may be optionally provided for * MILP problems. * FIX: Use the Dual Simplex Algorithm for better performance. * * Given a constraint matrix 'a', limit/RHS vector 'b' and cost vector 'c', * find values for the solution/decision vector 'x' that maximize the * objective function 'f(x)', while satisfying all of the constraints, i.e., * * maximize f(x) = c x * subject to a x <= b, x >= 0, x must be a vector of integers * * Make b_i negative to indicate a ">=" constraint * * @param a the M-by-N constraint matrix * @param b the M-length limit/RHS vector * @param c the N-length cost vector * @param excl the set of variables to be excluded from the integer requirement */ class IntegerProg (a: MatrixD, b: VectorD, c: VectorD, excl: Set [Int] = Set ()) { type Constraints = Tuple2 [MatrixD, VectorD] // a x <= b (-b_i for >=) private val EPSILON = 1E-9 // number close to zero private val M = a.dim1 // # rows in the original constraint matrix private val N = a.dim2 // # columns in the original constraint matrix // N = # decision variables // best integer solution so far private var best: Tuple2 [VectorD, Double] = (null, Double.NegativeInfinity) val x_le = new VectorD (N); x_le.set (-1.0) // constraint x_j <= value val x_ge = new VectorD (N); x_ge.set (-1.0) // constraint x_j >= value println (">>>>>>>>>>>>>> root: dp = 0") //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Add a new constraint to the current set of bounding constraints: x_j <= bound * or x_j >= bound (e.g., x_1 <= 2. or x_0 >= 4.). * @param j the index of variable x_j * @param le whether it is a "less than or equal to" 'le' constraint * @param bound the bounding value */ def addConstraint (j: Int, le: Boolean, bound: Double): Boolean = { val low = x_le(j) val hi = x_ge(j) if (le) { if (low < 0.0 && hi < 0.0) x_le(j) = bound // add "<=" constraint else if (bound >= hi) x_le(j) = bound // add "<=" constraint else if (bound < hi) { x_le(j) = bound; x_ge(j) = -1 } // replace ">=" constraint else if (bound < low) x_le(j) = bound // replace "<=" constraint else return false } else { if (low < 0.0 && hi < 0.0) x_ge(j) = bound // add ">=" constraint else if (bound <= low) x_ge(j) = bound // add ">=" constraint else if (bound > low) { x_ge(j) = bound; x_le(j) = -1 } // replace "<=" constraint else if (bound > hi) x_ge(j) = bound // replace ">=" constraint else return false } // if true } // addConstraint //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Starting with the original constraints (a, b) add the current set of bounding * constraints. */ def formConstraints: Constraints = { var aa = a; var bb = b // start with the original constraints for (j <- 0 until N) { // loop over the variables x_j if (x_le(j) >= 0.0) { // check for x_j <= bound println ("x_" + j + " <= " + x_le(j)) aa = aa :+ c.oneAt (j) // add row to constraint matrix bb = bb ++ x_le(j) // add element to limit vector } // if if (x_ge(j) >= 0.0) { // check for x_j >= bound println ("x_" + j + " >= " + x_ge(j)) aa = aa :+ c.oneAt (j) // add row to constraint matrix bb = bb ++ -x_ge(j) // add element to limit vector } // if } // for (aa, bb) // return the full set of constraints } // formConstraints //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return j such that x_j has a fractional (non-integer) value, -1 otherwise. * Make sure that j is not in the exclusion list. * @param x the vector to check */ def fractionalVar (x: VectorD): Int = { for (j <- 0 until x.dim if ! (excl contains j) && abs (x(j) - round (x(j))) > EPSILON) return j -1 } // fractionalVar //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Solve the Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem by using Branch and Bound * and the Two-Phase Simplex Algorithm, recursively. * @param dp the current depth of recursion * @param cons the current set of original and new constraints (a x <= b) */ def solve (dp: Int, cons: Constraints) { val MAX_DEPTH = 4 * N // limit on depth of recursion FIX ?? val lp = new Simplex2P (cons._1, cons._2, c) // set up a new LP problem if (! lp.solve2P ()) return // solve the new LP problem, return if no solution val x = lp.primal // optimal solution vector for this LP val f = lp.objective // optimum objective function value for this LP val j = fractionalVar (x) // find j such that x_j is not an integer var bound = 0.0 println ("IntegerProg.solve: x = " + x + " f = " + f + ", j = " + j) if (j != -1 && f > best._2 && dp < MAX_DEPTH) { // x_j is not an integer => bound on both sides // add lower bound constraint: x_j <= floor (x(j)) bound = floor (x(j)) if (addConstraint (j, true, bound)) { println (">>>>>>>>>>>>>> left branch: dp = " + (dp + 1)) println (">>>>>>>>>>>>>> add constraint x_" + j + " <= " + bound) solve (dp + 1, formConstraints) } // if // add upper bound constraint: x_j >= -ceil (x(j)) where "-" => ">=" constraint bound = ceil (x(j)) if (addConstraint (j, false, bound)) { println (">>>>>>>>>>>>>> right branch: dp = " + (dp + 1)) println (">>>>>>>>>>>>>> add constraint x_" + j + " >= " + bound) solve (dp + 1, formConstraints) } // if } // if if (j == -1) { println ("###############################################################") println ("IntegerProg.solve: found an INTEGER solution (x, f) = " + (x, f)) println ("###############################################################") if (f > best._2) best = (x, f) // save the best result } // if } // solve //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the optimal (maximal) integer solution. */ def solution = best } // IntegerProg class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `IntegerProgTest` object is used to test the `IntegerProg` class. * real solution x = (2.25, 3.75), f = 41.25 * integer solution x = (0, 5), f = 40 * @see web.mit.edu/15.053/www/AMP-Chapter-09.pdf */ object IntegerProgTest extends App { val a = new MatrixD ((2, 2), 1.0, 1.0, 5.0, 9.0) val c = VectorD (5.0, 8.0) val b = VectorD (6.0, 45.0) val ilp = new IntegerProg (a, b, c) ilp.solve (0, (a, b)) println ("###############################################################") println ("optimal solution = " + ilp.solution) println ("###############################################################") } // IntegerProgTest object