//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Hao Peng * @version 1.5 * @date Fri Oct 7 12:27:00 EDT 2017 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Limited memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) for Bound constrained * optimization (L-BFGS-B) algorithm. Originally proposed by Byrd et. al in 1995. * See the first two links for the original paper and authors' software (written * in Fortran) distribution site, respectively. This implementation is translated * from a C++ implementation found in the last link. * @see www.ece.northwestern.edu/~nocedal/PSfiles/limited.ps.gz * @see users.iems.northwestern.edu/~nocedal/lbfgsb.html * @see github.com/PatWie/CppNumericalSolvers/blob/master/include/cppoptlib/solver/lbfgsbsolver.h */ package scalation.minima import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.math.{abs, max, min, pow} import scala.util.control.Breaks.{break, breakable} import scalation.calculus.Differential.∇ import scalation.linalgebra.FunctionV2S import scalation.linalgebra.{Fac_LU, MatriD, MatrixD, VectoI, VectorI, VectoD, VectorD} import scalation.linalgebra.MatrixD.eye import scalation.math.ExtremeD.{MAX_VALUE, NEGATIVE_INFINITY, POSITIVE_INFINITY} //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `L_BFGS_B` the class implements the Limited memory Broyden–Fletcher– * Goldfarb–Shanno for Bound constrained optimization (L-BFGS-B) * Quasi-Newton Algorithm for solving Non-Linear Programming (NLP) problems. * L-BFGS-B determines a search direction by deflecting the steepest descent direction * vector (opposite the gradient) by * multiplying it by a matrix that approximates * the inverse Hessian. Furthermore, only a few vectors represent the approximation * of the Hessian Matrix (limited memory). The parameters estimated are also bounded * within user specified lower and upper bounds. * * minimize f(x) * subject to g(x) <= 0 [ optionally g(x) == 0 ] * * @param f the objective function to be minimized * @param g the constraint function to be satisfied, if any * @param ineq whether the constraint is treated as inequality (default) or equality * @param exactLS whether to use exact (e.g., `GoldenLS`) * or inexact (e.g., `WolfeLS`) Line Search * @param l vector of lower bounds for all input parameters * @param u vector of upper bounds for all input parameters */ class L_BFGS_B (f: FunctionV2S, g: FunctionV2S = null, ineq: Boolean = true, exactLS: Boolean = false, private var l: VectoD = null, private var u: VectoD = null) extends Minimizer { private val DEBUG = false // the debug flag private val WEIGHT = 1000.0 // weight on penalty for constraint violation private var ww, mm : MatriD = null // workspace matrices private var theta = 0.0 // a scaling parameter private var dim = 0 // dimension of the input vector private var hs = 5 // history size, number of historical vectors to store //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Sort pairs (k, v) according to v ascending order. * @param v ArrayBuffer of Tuple2 to be sorted by the 2nd element */ private def sortIndices (v: ArrayBuffer [(Int, Double)]): VectoI = { val sv = v.sortBy (_._2) val idx = new VectorI (sv.length) for (i <- idx.range) idx(i) = sv(i)._1 idx } // sortIndices //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Algorithm CP: Computation of the Generalized Cauchy Point. See page 8 of * @see www.ece.northwestern.edu/~nocedal/PSfiles/limited.ps.gvz * @param x the parameter vector * @param gr the gradient vector */ private def getGCP (x: VectorD, gr: VectoD): Pair = { val setOfT = new ArrayBuffer[(Int, Double)]() val d = -gr for (j <- 0 until dim) { if (gr(j) == 0) setOfT.append ((j, MAX_VALUE)) else { val tmp = if (gr(j) < 0) (x(j) - u(j)) / gr(j) else (x(j) - l(j)) / gr(j) setOfT.append ((j, tmp)) if (tmp == 0) d(j) = 0 } // if } // for val sortedIndices = sortIndices (setOfT) val xCauchy = x.copy () val p = ww.t * d val c = new VectorD (ww.dim2) var fPrime = -d dot d var fDoublePrime = max (-theta * fPrime - (p dot mm * p), EPSILON) val f_dp_orig = fDoublePrime var dt_min = -fPrime / fDoublePrime var t_old = 0.0 var i = 0 breakable {for (j <- 0 until dim) { i = j if (setOfT(sortedIndices(j))._2 > 0) break }} // breakable for var b = sortedIndices (i) var t = setOfT(b)._2 var dt = t while (dt_min >= dt && i < dim) { xCauchy(b) = if (d(b) > 0) u(b) else if (d(b) < 0) l(b) else xCauchy(b) val zb = xCauchy(b) - x(b) c += p * dt val wbt = ww(b) fPrime += dt * fDoublePrime + gr(b) * gr(b) + theta * gr(b) * zb - gr(b) * (wbt dot mm * c) fDoublePrime += -theta * gr(b) * gr(b) - 2.0 * (gr(b) * (wbt dot mm * p)) - gr(b) * gr(b) * (wbt dot mm * wbt) fDoublePrime = max (EPSILON * f_dp_orig, fDoublePrime) p += wbt * gr(b) d(b) = 0 dt_min = -fPrime / fDoublePrime t_old = t i += 1 if (i < dim) { b = sortedIndices (i) t = setOfT (b)._2 dt = t - t_old } // if } // dt_min = max (dt_min, 0.0) t_old += dt_min for (ii <- i until xCauchy.dim) { val si = sortedIndices (ii) xCauchy(si) = x(si) + t_old * d(si) } // for c += p * dt_min (xCauchy, c) } // getGCP //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Find the alpha* parameter, a positive scalar. See Equation 5.8 on page 11 of * @see www.ece.northwestern.edu/~nocedal/PSfiles/limited.ps.gvz * @param x_cp vector of cauchy point * @param du vector containing intermediate results used to find alpha* * @param freeVar an ArrayBuffer storing the indices of free variable */ private def findAlpha (x_cp: VectoD, du: VectoD, freeVar: ArrayBuffer [Int]): Double = { var alphastar = 1.0 val n = freeVar.size assert (du.dim == n) for (i <- 0 until n) { val fi = freeVar(i) alphastar = if (du(i) > 0) min (alphastar, (u(fi) - x_cp(fi)) / du(i)) else min (alphastar, (l(fi) - x_cp(fi)) / du(i)) } // for return alphastar } // findAlpha //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Minimization of the subspace of free variables. See Section 5 on page 9 of * @see www.ece.northwestern.edu/~nocedal/PSfiles/limited.ps.gvz * @param x the parameter vector * @param gr the gradient vector * @param xCauchy the vector of cauchy points * @param c vector obtained from getGCP used to initialize the subspace * minimization process */ private def subspaceMinimization (x: VectoD, gr: VectoD, xCauchy: VectorD, c: VectoD): VectorD = { val thetaInverse = 1.0 / theta val freeVarIdx = new ArrayBuffer [Int]() for (i <- 0 until xCauchy.dim if (xCauchy(i) != u(i) && xCauchy(i) != l(i))) freeVarIdx.append (i) val freeVarCount = freeVarIdx.size val wwzz = new MatrixD (ww.dim2, freeVarCount) for (i <- 0 until freeVarCount) wwzz.setCol(i, ww(freeVarIdx(i))) val rr = (gr + (xCauchy - x) * theta - ww * (mm * c)) val r = new VectorD (freeVarCount) for (i <- 0 until freeVarCount) r(i) = rr(freeVarIdx(i)) var v = mm * (wwzz * r) var nn = wwzz * wwzz.t * thetaInverse nn = eye (nn.dim1, nn.dim1) - mm * nn val lu = new Fac_LU (nn) lu.factor () v = lu.solve (v) val du = r * -thetaInverse - wwzz.t * v * thetaInverse * thetaInverse val alpha_star = findAlpha (xCauchy, du, freeVarIdx) val dStar = du * alpha_star val subspaceMin = xCauchy.copy for (i <- 0 until freeVarCount) subspaceMin (freeVarIdx(i)) += dStar(i) subspaceMin } // subspaceMinimization //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Obtain the mean gradient norm squared * @param x the parameter vector * @param gr the gradient vector */ private def getMgn (x: VectoD, gr: VectoD): Double = { val x_gr = x - gr val checkLower = VectorD (for (i <- l.range) yield max (x_gr(i) , l(i))) val checkUpper = VectorD (for (i <- u.range) yield min (checkLower(i), u(i))) val mgn = (checkUpper - x).normSq / dim mgn } // getMgn //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Force the values within 'v' to stay within the pre-defined bounds. * @param v the Vector containing values to be adjusted */ private def forceBounds (v: VectoD) { for(i <- 0 until v.dim) { if (v(i) > u(i)) v(i) = u(i) else if (v(i) < l(i)) v(i) = l(i) } // for } // forceBounds //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Modify the number of historical vectors to store. * @param hs_ the new history size */ def setHistorySize (hs_ : Int) = hs = hs_ //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The objective function f plus a weighted penalty based on the constraint * function g. * @param x the coordinate values of the current point */ override def fg (x: VectorD): Double = { val f_x = f(x) if (g == null) { // unconstrained f_x } else { // constrained, g(x) <= 0 val penalty = if (ineq) max (g(x), 0.0) else abs (g(x)) f_x + abs (f_x) * WEIGHT * penalty * penalty } // if } // fg //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Perform an exact 'GoldenSectionLS' or inexact 'WolfeLS' Line Search. * Search in direction 'dir', returning the distance 'z' to move in that direction. * @param x the current point * @param dir the direction to move in * @param step the initial step size */ def lineSearch (x: VectorD, dir: VectorD, step: Double = STEP): Double = { def f_1D (z: Double): Double = fg(x + dir * z) // create a 1D function val ls = if (exactLS) new GoldenSectionLS (f_1D) // Golden Section Line Search else new WolfeLS (f_1D) // Wolfe line search ((c1 = .0001, c2 = .9) ls.search (step) // perform a Line Search } // lineSearch //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Solve the following Non-Linear Programming (NLP) problem using L-BFGS-B: * min { f(x) | g(x) <= 0 }. * @param x0 the starting point * @param alphaInit the initial step size * @param toler the tolerance */ def solve (x0: VectorD, alphaInit : Double = STEP, toler: Double = TOL): VectorD = { if (DEBUG) println ("L_BFGS_B.solve: starting at x0 = " + x0) dim = x0.size if (l == null) l = VectorD.fill (dim)(NEGATIVE_INFINITY) if (u == null) u = VectorD.fill (dim)(POSITIVE_INFINITY) theta = 1.0 ww = new MatrixD (dim, 0) mm = new MatrixD (0, 0) val yHistory = new ArrayBuffer [VectoD] () val sHistory = new ArrayBuffer [VectoD] () var yHistoryMx: MatriD = null var sHistoryMx: MatriD = null var (x, gr) = (x0, ∇ (fg, x0)) var fv = fg(x) var mgn = 0.0 var count = 0 val countMax = 10 breakable{ for (k <- 1 to MAX_ITER) { val f_old = fv val x_old = x val g_old = gr val mgn_old = mgn val (xCauchy, c) = getGCP (x, gr) // STEP 2: compute the cauchy point forceBounds (xCauchy) val subspaceMin = subspaceMinimization(x, gr, xCauchy, c) // STEP 3: compute a search direction d_k by the primal method for the sub-problem forceBounds (subspaceMin) val rate = lineSearch (x, subspaceMin-x, alphaInit) // STEP 4: perform linesearch and STEP 5: compute gradient x = x - (x - subspaceMin) * rate // update current guess and function information forceBounds (x) for (x_i <- x if (x_i.isNaN || x_i.isInfinite)) return x_old fv = fg(x) if (fv.isNaN || fv.isInfinite) { if (DEBUG) println ("Bad value produced by the objective function, return previous good x") return x_old } // if gr = ∇ (fg, x) mgn = getMgn (x, gr) if (mgn < toler || count > countMax) return x if (abs(mgn - mgn_old) < toler) count += 1 val newY = gr - g_old // prepare for next iteration val newS = x - x_old val test = abs (newS dot newY) // STEP 6 if (test > EPSILON * newY.normSq) { if (yHistory.size >= hs) { yHistory.remove (0); sHistory.remove (0) } yHistory append newY sHistory append newS theta = (newY dot newY) / (newY dot newS) // STEP 7 yHistoryMx = MatrixD (for (y <- yHistory) yield y) sHistoryMx = MatrixD (for (s <- sHistory) yield s) ww = yHistoryMx ++^ (sHistoryMx * theta) val aa = sHistoryMx.t * yHistoryMx val ll = aa.lowerT ll.setDiag (0.0) val dd = new MatrixD (aa.dim1, aa.dim2) dd.setDiag (-aa.getDiag()) val mm2 = (dd ++^ ll.t) ++ (ll ++^ (sHistoryMx.t * sHistoryMx * theta)) mm = mm2.inverse } // if if (DEBUG) println ("solve: (k = " + k + ") move from " + x_old + " to " + x + " where fg(x) = " + fv) if (abs (f_old - fv) < toler) break // successive function values too similar }} // breakable for x } // solve } // L_BFGS_B class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `L_BFGS_BTest` object is used to test the `L_BFGS_B` class. * > runMain scalation.minima.L_BFGS_BTest */ object L_BFGS_BTest extends App { def x0 = new VectorD (2) val l = VectorD.fill (x0.dim)(3.5) val u = VectorD.fill (x0.dim)(5.0) println ("\nMinimize: (x_0 - 3)^2 + (x_1 - 4)^2 + 1") def f (x: VectorD): Double = (x(0) - 3.0) * (x(0) - 3.0) + (x(1) - 4.0) * (x(1) - 4.0) + 1.0 var solver = new L_BFGS_B (f, l = l, u = u) var x = solver.solve (x0) println ("optimal solution x = " + x + " with an objective value f(x) = " + f(x)) println ("\nMinimize: x_0^4 + (x_0 - 3)^2 + (x_1 - 4)^2 + 1") def g (x: VectorD): Double = pow (x(0), 4.0) + (x(0) - 3.0) * (x(0) - 3.0) + (x(1) - 4.0) * (x(1) - 4.0) + 1.0 solver = new L_BFGS_B (g, l = l, u = u) x = solver.solve (x0) println ("optimal solution x = " + x + " with an objective value g(x) = " + g(x)) } // L_BFGS_BTest object