//::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Tue Apr 2 18:46:44 EDT 2013 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.minima import scala.math.{abs, sqrt} import scala.util.control.Breaks.{breakable, break} import scalation.calculus.Differential.{Ⅾ, Δ} import scalation.math.FunctionS2S import FunctionSelector._ //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `NewtonRaphson` class is used to find roots (zeros) for a one-dimensional * (scalar) function 'g'. Depending on the FunctionSelector, it can find zeros * for derivatives or finite differences, which may indicate optima for function 'g'. * @param g the function to find roots/optima of * @param root find the root for function, derivative or finite difference */ class NewtonRaphson (g: FunctionS2S, root: FunctionSelector = FiniteDifference) { private val EPSILON = 1E-9 // a number close to zero private val MAX_ITER = 100 // the maximum number of iterations private val f = root match { // find roots for case Function => g // function (zeros) case Derivative => Ⅾ (g) _ // derivative (optima) case _ => Δ (g) _ // finite difference (optima, noise) } // match //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Solve for/find a root close to the starting point/guess 'x0'. * @param x0 the starting point/guess */ def solve (x0: Double): Double = { var x = x0 // current point var f_x = -1.0 // function value at x var df_x = -1.0 // derivative value at x breakable { for (it <- 0 until MAX_ITER) { f_x = f(x) if (abs (f_x) < EPSILON) {print (s"it = $it, "); break } // close to zero => quit df_x = Ⅾ (f)(x) if (abs (df_x) < EPSILON) df_x = EPSILON // derivative is too small x -= f_x / df_x // subtract the ratio }} // for printf ("solution x = %10.4f, df = %10.4f\n", x, f(x)) x } // solve } // NewtonRaphson class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `NewtonRaphsonTest` object is used to test the `NewtonRaphson` class. * > runMain scalation.minima.NewtonRaphsonTest */ object NewtonRaphsonTest extends App { // def f (x: Double): Double = 2.0 * (x*x - 3.0) def f (x: Double): Double = (x - 4) * (x - 4) val nr = new NewtonRaphson (f) nr.solve (0.0) } // NewtonRaphsonTest object