//::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Vishnu Gowda Harish, John Miller, * @version 1.5 * @date Thu Dec 22 17:00:46 EST 2016 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package apps.analytics import scalation.analytics.BASE_DIR import scalation.linalgebra.{MatrixD, MatrixKind, RleMatrixD, RleVectorD, VectorD} //import scalation.linalgebra.MatrixKind //import scalation.relalgebra.Relation import scalation.util.{timed, time} //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Census` object is a sample application that performs basic analytics on * census data. * FIX: must download the following file. * @see archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/census1990-mld/ * > runMain apps.analytics.Census */ object Census extends App { val fName = BASE_DIR + "USCensus1990_data.csv" // var censusRel = Relation (fName, "census", "I" * 69, -1, ",") // FIX : to check why it is slow // val censusMat = censusRel.toMatriI (1 to 68) // val censusRleMat = censusRel.toMatriI (1 to 68, MatrixKind.COMPRESSED).asInstanceOf [RleMatrixI] print ("Build dense matrix"); val censusMat = time {MatrixD (fName, 1)} print ("Build rle matrix"); val censusRleMat = time {RleMatrixD (censusMat)} val jobDense = censusMat.col (4). filterPos (x => x == 1.0) val jobRle = censusRleMat.col (4). filterPos (x => x == 1.0) val usBornDense = censusMat.col (5). filterPos (x => x == 0.0) val usBornRle = censusRleMat.col (5).filterPos (x => x == 0.0) // Print the statistics println (s" Dense Matrix: Number of US Born = ${usBornDense.size}") println (s" Rle Matrix: Number of US Born = ${usBornRle.size}") println (s" Dense Matrix: Number of people who have a job = ${jobDense.size}") println (s" Rle Matrix: Number of people who have a job = ${jobRle.size}") println (s" Dense Matrix: Born in the US and have a job = ${usBornDense.intersect(jobDense).size}") println (s" Rle Matrix: Born in the US and have a job = ${usBornRle.intersect(jobRle).size}") // Space information before and after RLE compression val compRatios = (censusRleMat.csize.toDense.toDouble/censusMat.dim1.toDouble).recip val avgcompRatios = compRatios.mean println (s" Size of columns in dense matrix: ${censusMat.dim1}") println (s" Size of columns in Rle: ${censusRleMat.csize}") println (s" Compression ratio column wise: ${compRatios}") println (s" Average compression ratio of columns: ${avgcompRatios}") //Compute the time val itr = 6 val denseTimeVec = new VectorD (itr) val rleTimeVec = new RleVectorD (itr) for (i <- 0 until itr) { denseTimeVec (i) = timed { val usBornDense = censusMat.col (5). filterPos (x => x == 0.0) val jobDense = censusMat.col (4). filterPos (x => x == 1.0) }._2 rleTimeVec (i) = timed { val usBornRle = censusRleMat.col (5). filterPos (x => x == 0.0) val jobRle = censusRleMat.col (4). filterPos (x => x == 1.0) }._2 } // for println (s"Dense: $denseTimeVec") println (s"Rle: $rleTimeVec") println ("Average time taken by Dense: "+denseTimeVec.slice (1).mean+" ms") println ("Average time taken by Rle: "+rleTimeVec.slice (1).mean+" ms") } // Census object