//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Sun Aug 23 15:42:06 EDT 2015 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package apps.database import scalation.columnar_db.Relation import scalation.linalgebra.{MatrixD, VectorI, VectorS} import scalation.maxima.Hungarian import scalation.random.{Randi0, Random} import scalation.util.EasyWriter //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ClassSchedule` object is an app used for scheduling classes for a 2 year * cycle of four semesters, excluding Summer semesters. It illustrates the * capabilties of the ScalaTion analytics database. * > runMain apps.relalgebra.ClassSchedule */ object ClassSchedule extends App { val course = Relation ("csci_course") val teacher = Relation ("csci_teacher") val preference = Relation ("csci_preference") course.show () teacher.show () preference.show () // course.writeCSV ("csci_courses.csv") // teacher.writeCSV ("csci_teachers.csv") // preference.writeCSV ("csci_preferences.csv") val course_cid = course.toVectorI (0) val course_frequency = course.toVectorI (5) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Build a four semester class schedule. */ def buildSchedule () { val coin = Random () val skip = Randi0 (3) val ew = new EasyWriter ("scheduling", "csci_schedule.csv") ew.println ("Fall16, Spring17, Fall17, Spring18") for (i <- course_cid.indices) { val offerings = course_frequency(i) for (j <- 0 until course_frequency(i)) { if (offerings == 1) { for (k <- 0 until skip.igen) ew.print (", ") } else if (offerings == 2) { if (coin.gen < 0.5) ew.print (", ") } // if ew.print (course_cid(i) + ", ") if (j % 4 == 3 && j != offerings-1) ew.println () } // for ew.println () } // for ew.close () } // buildSchedule val course_id = VectorI.range (0, course.rows) val course_instance = VectorI ((for (i <- course_id; j <- 0 until course_frequency(i)) yield i).toSeq) val teacher_id = VectorI.range (0, teacher.rows) val teacher_name = teacher.toVectorS (0) val teacher_load = teacher.toVectorI (1) val teacher_instance = VectorI ((for (i <- teacher_id; j <- 0 until teacher_load(i)) yield i).toSeq) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Assign teachers to course offerings using the Hungarian bipartite graph * matching algorithm to maximize their perferences. */ def assignTeachers () { println ("teacher_instance = " + teacher_instance) println ("course_instance = " + course_instance) val score = preference.toMap (Seq ("name", "cid"), "level") println ("score = " + score) val cost = new MatrixD (course_instance.dim, teacher_instance.dim) for (c <- course_instance.indices; t <-teacher_instance.indices) { cost(c, t) = score.getOrElse (Seq (course_cid(course_instance(c)), teacher_name(teacher_instance(t))), 0).asInstanceOf [Int].toDouble } // for println ("cost = " + cost) val ap = new Hungarian (cost) println ("optimal cost = " + ap.solve ()) } // assignTeachers buildSchedule () assignTeachers () } // ClassSchedule object