//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Sun Sep 2 20:50:53 EDT 2012 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package apps.montecarlo import collection.mutable.Set import scalation.random.{Binomial, Trinomial} import scalation.util.Error //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Isotopes` object maintains information about the isotopes of elements * commonly found in organic molecules such as glycans. */ object Isotopes { /** Maps elements to an array of abundant (>1E-4) stable isotopes * @see physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/Compositions/stand_alone.pl * Each row is a tuple (baryon count, AMUs in daltons, relative abundance) */ val elementMap = Map ("H" -> Array (( 1, 1.00782503207, .999885), ( 2, 2.0141017778, .000115)), "C" -> Array ((12, 12.0000000000, .9893), (13, 13.0033548378, .0107)), "N" -> Array ((14, 14.0030740048, .99636), (15, 15.0001088982, .00364)), "O" -> Array ((16, 15.99491461956, .99757), (17, 16.99913170, .00038), (18, 17.9991610, .00205)), "Na" -> Array ((23, 22.9897692809, 1.0000)), "P" -> Array ((31, 30.97376163, 1.0000)), "S" -> Array ((32, 31.97207100, .9499), (33, 32.97145876, .0075), (34, 33.96786690, .0425)), "K" -> Array ((39, 38.96370668, .932581), (40, 39.96399848, .000117), (41, 40.96182576, .067302))) } // Isotopes object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MassSpectra` class calculates the masses and corresponding probabilities * for organic molecules, providing a Monte Carlo simulation of their mass spectra. * @param thres the lowest detectable relative abundance (probability) level * @param noise the noise level of the mass spectrometer */ class MassSpectra (thres: Double = 1E-6, noise: Double = 1E-5) extends Error { import Isotopes.elementMap //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given an elemental composition, a set of (element, atom count) tuples, of an * organic molecule, simulate its spectrum, a set of (mass, probability) tuples. * @param comp the elemental composition of an organic molecule */ def simulate (comp: Set [Tuple2 [String, Int]]): Set [Tuple2 [Double, Double]] = { var mpSet = Set [Tuple2 [Double, Double]] () // complete set of (mass, prob) tuples for ((e, n) <- comp) { // tuple = (element, atom count) val mpSet2 = Set [Tuple2 [Double, Double]] () // temp set val mpeSet = getElementMasses (e, n) // set of (mass, prob) tuples for e println("mpeSet = " + mpeSet) if (mpSet.isEmpty) { // when e is first element mpSet = mpeSet } else { for ((m, p) <- mpSet; (me, pe) <- mpeSet) { // iterate over all possibilities val prob = p * pe // multiply probabilities if (prob > thres) mpSet2 add (m + me, prob) // add masses } // for mpSet = mpSet2 } // if } // for mpSet // return the complete mass-probability set } // simulate //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get all the masses for n atoms of element e, so long as its relative abundance * (probability) is above threshold 'thres'. Return a set '(mass, prob)' tuples. * @param e the given element (e.g., "O" for Oxygen) * @param n the number of such atoms in the molecule (e.g., 2 in 'CO2') */ def getElementMasses (e: String, n: Int): Set [Tuple2 [Double, Double]] = { val mpeSet = Set [Tuple2 [Double, Double]] () // set of (mass, prob) tuples for e if (elementMap contains e) { val iso = elementMap(e) // get the isotopes of element e iso.length match { case 1 => // case of 1 isotope val prob = 1.0 mpeSet add (n * iso(0)._2, prob) // add (mass, prob) tuple to mpSet case 2 => // case of 2 isotopes val bin = Binomial (iso(0)._3, n).pmf() // for n fixed, get distribution over all k for (k <- 0 to n) { val prob = bin(k) if (prob > thres) { mpeSet add (k * iso(0)._2 + (n-k) * iso(1)._2, prob) } // if } // for case 3 => // case of 3 isotopes val trind = Trinomial (iso(0)._3, iso(1)._3, n) for (k <- 0 to n) { val trin = trind.pmf(k) // for n, k fixed, get distribution over all l for (l <- 0 to n-k) { val prob = trin(l) if (prob > thres) { mpeSet add (k * iso(0)._2 + l * iso(1)._2 + (n-k-l) * iso(2)._2, prob) } // if } // for } // for case _ => flaw ("getElementMasses", "too many isotopes for current system") } // match } else { flaw ("getElementMasses", "element " + e + " not found in elementMap") } // if mpeSet // return the mass-probability set for this element } // getElementMasses } // MassSpectra class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MassSpectraTest` object is used to test the `MassSpectra` class. * > runMain apps.montecarlo.MassSpectraTest */ object MassSpectraTest extends App { val ms = new MassSpectra () val comp = Set (("H", 8), ("C", 5), ("O", 3)) // //val comp = Set (("C", 1), ("O", 2)) // Carbon Dioxide //val comp = Set (("O", 2)) // Oxygen println ("spectra = " + ms.simulate (comp)) //spectra = Set((43.98982923912, 0.9844978437175699), // (44.99318407692, 0.010648061182430042), // (44.99404631956, 7.5004096076E-4)) // (45.99407561956, 0.0040462736041000855), // (45.99740115736, 8.112239240000031E-6), // (46.99743045736, 4.37633959000011E-5), // (47.998322, 4.157533250000175E-6), } // MassSpectraTest object