//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Fri Feb 28 14:31:14 EST 2014 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package apps.process import scalation.model.Modelable import scalation.process._ import scalation.random.{Exponential, Uniform, Variate} import scalation.util.time //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Bank2` object defines a particular scenario under which to execute the * bank model. This version reduces the impact of transports on simulation by * (1) using the transport's 'jump' method rather than its 'move' method and * (2) reducing the time through the transport by an order of magnitude. * It also has animation turned off. * @see scalation.process.ModelTest for another example of test code. * > runMain apps.process.Bank2 */ object Bank2 extends App with Modelable { val lambda = 6.0 // customer arrival rate (per hour) val mu = 7.5 // customer service rate (per hour) val nTellers = 1 // the number of bank tellers (servers) val maxCusts = 100 // stopping rule: simulate maxCusts customers //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Run the simulation of the `BankModel2`. * @param startTime the start time for the simulation */ def simulate (startTime: Double) { val bm = new BankModel2 ("Bank2", maxCusts, Exponential (HOUR/lambda), nTellers, Exponential (HOUR/mu), Uniform (.4*MINUTE, .6*MINUTE)) time { bm.simulate (); bm.complete () } } // simulate simulate (0.0) Model.shutdown () } // Bank2 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `BankModel2` class defines a simple process-interaction model of a bank * where service is provided by one or more tellers. * @param name the name of the bank model * @param nArrivals the number of arrivals to generate (stopping condition) * @param iArrivalRV the inter-arrival time distribution * @param nUnits the number of service units (tellers) * @param serviceRV the service time distribution * @param moveRV the time distribution for motion along transports */ class BankModel2 (name: String, nArrivals: Int, iArrivalRV: Variate, nUnits: Int, serviceRV: Variate, moveRV: Variate) extends Model (name, 2, false) { val entry = Source ("entry", this, Customer, 0, nArrivals, iArrivalRV, (100, 290)) val tellerQ = WaitQueue ("tellerQ", (330, 290)) val teller = Resource ("teller", tellerQ, nUnits, serviceRV, (350, 285)) val door = Sink ("door", (600, 290)) val toTellerQ = new Transport ("toTellerQ", entry, tellerQ, moveRV) val toDoor = new Transport ("toDoor", teller, door, moveRV) addComponent (entry, tellerQ, teller, door, toTellerQ, toDoor) case class Customer () extends SimActor ("c", this) { def act () { toTellerQ.jump () if (teller.busy) tellerQ.waitIn () else tellerQ.noWait () teller.utilize () teller.release () toDoor.jump () door.leave () } // act } // Customer } // BankModel2 class