//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Sun Oct 9 21:24:35 EDT 2011 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package apps.process import math.abs import scalation.process._ import scalation.linalgebra.{VectorD, VectorI} import scalation.minima.QuasiNewton import scalation.random.{Exponential, Uniform, Variate} import scalation.util.Monitor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `BankOpt2` object performs Simulation Optimization 'SO' on a bank model to * find the number of tellers that minimizes the overall cost function. Cost is * based on the daily pay for a teller (8 hours * 20 dollars per hour) and a * cost based on customer wait time (10 dollars per minute of mean waiting time). * > runMain apps.process.BankOpt2 */ object BankOpt2 extends App { val nStop = 100 // simulation stopping rule (100 customers) val maxReps = 2 // run maxReps replications and average the results val cost = (10000.0, 1.0) // the cost tuple (teller speed, cost of waiting) var bm: BankModelOpt = null // instance of a bank model //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Computation of the objective function from the simulation results. This * involves (1) extracting and checking input parameters, (2) executing the * simulation model and (3) performing cost analysis. * @see "SoPT: Ontology for Simulation Optimization for Scientific Experiments" * @param x the vector of input parameters */ def f (x: VectorD): Double = { val mu = x(0) if (mu <= 0.0) return g(x) val tellers = 1 var c = 0.0 var waitTime = 0.0 for (reps <- 0 until maxReps) { println ("---------------------------------------------------------------") println ("simulate a bank with teller service mean = " + mu) println ("---------------------------------------------------------------") bm = new BankModelOpt ("bank", nStop, Uniform (1000, 3000), tellers, Exponential (mu), Uniform (900, 1100)) bm.simulate () val waitTime = bm.getStatistics(2).mean c += cost._1 / mu + cost._2 * waitTime // return overall cost } // for c /= maxReps.toDouble println ("for mu = " + mu + " with w_q = " + (waitTime / maxReps.toDouble) + " cost = " + c) c } // f //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Computation of the constraint function * @param x the vector of input parameters */ def g (x: VectorD): Double = { val mu = x(0) if (mu <= 0.0) (1.0 + mu * mu) else 0.0 } // g val optimizer = new QuasiNewton (f, g) val x0 = VectorD (4000.0) val result = optimizer.solve (x0) println ("###############################################################") println ("optimal solution x = " + result) println ("###############################################################") } // BankOpt2 object