//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.5 * @date Sun Feb 16 21:30:20 EST 2014 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package apps.process import scalation.process._ import scalation.random.{Bernoulli, Sharp, Uniform, Variate} //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Loop` object is used to run the `LoopModel` class. * > runMain apps.process.Loop */ object Loop extends App { val maxCars = 50 val rm = new LoopModel ("road", maxCars, Uniform (4000, 6000), Uniform (2900, 3100)) rm.simulate () } // Loop object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `LoopModel` class simulates a two-lane road in two directions, i.e., it * has 2 West-bound lanes and 2 East-bound lanes. It used a composite class called * `Route`, which will have a `Transport` for each lane. * @param name the name of the loop model * @param nArrivals the number of arrivals to generate (stopping condition) * @param iArrivalRV the inter-arrival time distribution * @param moveRV the time distribution for motion along transports */ class LoopModel (name: String, nArrivals: Int, iArrivalRV: Variate, moveRV: Variate) extends Model (name) { val rng = Bernoulli () val src1 = Source ("src1", this, Car1, 0, nArrivals, iArrivalRV, (400, 500)) val src2 = Source ("src2", this, Car2, 0, nArrivals, iArrivalRV, (400, 420)) val jun1 = Junction ("jun1", this, Sharp (10.0), (850, 475)) val jun2 = Junction ("jun2", this, Sharp (10.0), (870, 475)) val snk1 = Sink ("snk1", (400, 450)) val snk2 = Sink ("snk2", (400, 530)) val road1a = new Route ("road1a", 2, src1, jun1, moveRV, false, 0.0, -0.8) val road1b = new Route ("road1b", 2, jun1, snk1, moveRV, false, 0.0, 0.8) val road2a = new Route ("road2a", 2, src2, jun2, moveRV, false, 0.0, 0.8) val road2b = new Route ("road2b", 2, jun2, snk2, moveRV, false, 0.0, -0.8) addComponent (src1, src2, jun1, jun2, snk1, snk2, road1a, road1b, road2a, road2b) case class Car1 () extends SimActor ("c1", this) // for West-bound cars { def act () { val i = rng.igen road1a.lane(i).move () jun1.jump () road1b.lane(i).move () snk1.leave () } // act } // Car1 case class Car2 () extends SimActor ("c2", this) // for East-bound cars { def act () { val i = rng.igen road2a.lane(i).move () jun2.jump () road2b.lane(i).move () snk2.leave () } // act } // Car2 } // LoopModel class