//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.6 * @date Thu Apr 28 13:55:48 EDT 2016 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.util //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `BinarySearch` object provides a method for binary search. */ object BinarySearch { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Find a key in the array/vector using binary search and return the position * of the key (-1, if not found) along with the number of probes required. * Works (switch comments) for both mutable `Array`s and immutable `Vector`s. * @param a the sorted array/vector to be searched * @param key the key to find in 'a' */ // def search [T <% Ordered [T]] (a: Vector [T], key: T): (Int, Int) = // def search [T <% Ordered [T]] (a: Array [T], key: T): (Int, Int) = def search [T] (a: Array [T], key: T)(implicit ev: T => Ordered [T]): (Int, Int) = { var probes = 0 // count number of probes var min = 0 // lowest possible index var max = a.length - 1 // highest possible index while (min <= max) { val m = (max + min) / 2 // compute mid-point probes += 1 // increment probes count if (a(m) == key) return (m, probes) // found the key if (a(m) < key) min = m + 1 // a_m too low, search m+1 to max else max = m - 1 // a_m too high, search min to m-1 } // while (-1, probes) } // search } // BinarySearch object // import scala.math.floor // import scalation.linalgebra.VectorD // import scalation.math.log2 // import scalation.plot.Plot // import scalation.random.{Randi0, RandomVecI} // import BinarySearch.search //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /* The `BinarySearchTest` object performs performance testing on `BinarySearch`. * > runMain scalation.util.BinarySearchTest * object BinarySearchTest extends App { val max_it = 1000000 // max number of iterations for a given size val m = 1000 // 'k'th size val nvec = new VectorD (m) // size vector val pvec = new VectorD (m) // probes count vector val evec = new VectorD (m) // probes estimate vector val dvec = new VectorD (m) // probes estimate vector for (k <- 0 until m) { val n = (k + 1) * 1000 val rvg = RandomVecI (n, 10*n, unique = false) val rng = Randi0 (n-1) var total = 0 val av = rvg.igen; av.sort () // val a = av().toVector val a = av().toArray for (it <- 0 until max_it) { val i = rng.igen val key = a(i) val (pos, probes) = search (a, key) total += probes // println (s"key = $key, i = $i, search: pos = $pos, probes = $probes") } // for // estimate of the number probes for the expected case // @see Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming," Vol. 3, p. 413 val ln = log2 (n) val fln = floor (ln) val estimate = ln - 1.04 + (fln + 2.0) / n.toDouble val avg_probes = total / max_it.toDouble nvec(k) = k pvec(k) = avg_probes evec(k) = estimate val diff = estimate - avg_probes dvec(k) = diff println (s"$k: estimate = $estimate, avg-probes = $avg_probes, diff = $diff") } // for println (s"mean diff = ${dvec.mean}") new Plot (nvec, pvec, evec) } // BinarySearchTest object */