//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.6 * @date Sat Apr 23 23:40:31 EDT 2016 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation package util import java.io.File import scala.collection.mutable.Set //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RunSpellCheck` object is used to check the spelling of the a given package. * The package directory (relative path) is entered as a command-line argument. * Ex: 'scalation/math' * > runMain scalation.util.RunSpellCheck */ object RunSpellCheck extends App { val packdir = if (args.length > 0) args(0) else "scalation" + ⁄ + "util" val sp = SpellCheck sp.checkDir (SRC_DIR + "main" + ⁄ + "scala" + ⁄ + packdir) } // RunSpellCheck object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `SpellCheck` object is used to check the spelling in source code comments. * If not using Linux, may need to replace path for 'DICTIONARY'. * Note, okay to use '/' since the dictionary location is system-dependent anyway. */ object SpellCheck extends Error { /** Dictionary of word provides by the Operating System */ private val DICTIONARY = "/usr/share/dict/words" // private val DICTIONARY = "/usr/share/dict/american-english" /** Custom words to be added to the dictionary. */ private val CUSTOM = Set ( // date-time "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec", "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat", "edt", "est", // math "accumulators", "acyclic", "adjacency", "anova", "ancova", "atan", "bayes", "bayesian", "bezier", "bfgs", "biconnected", "bidiagonal", "bidiagonalize", "bidiagonalization", "bijection", "bijections", "bfs", "cdf", "centroid", "centroids", "cholesky", "collinearity", "cmrg", "combinatorics", "congruential", "cos", "cosecant", "cotangent", "covariance", "covariances", "cuboidic", "cumulate", "dag", "denonimator", "dfs", "dimensionality", "div", "eigenvalue", "eigenvalues", "eigenvector", "eigenvectors", "eratosthenes", "equi", "euclidean", "exp", "gauss", "gcd", "hessenburg", "hessian", "hypermatrix", "hypermatrices", "hungarian", "icdf", "infeasible", "integrators", "isomorphism", "isomorphically", "jacobian", "jordan", "kurtosis", "lagrange", "laplacian", "lcg", "lhs", "linearized", "logit", "lp", "manhattan", "markov", "markovian", "max", "min", "mle", "modulo", "mrg", "nlp", "nonnegative", "nullspace", "optimality", "orthogonalization", "orthonormalization", "pde", "pdf", "pearson", "pf", "pmf", "pow", "quantile", "quantiles", "queueing", "petri", "radians", "rhs", "rms", "rv", "schmidt", "secant", "significand", "sigmoid", "signum", "skewness", "sqrt", "stoichiometry", "strassen", "subgraph", "subgraphs", "subparts", "subtree", "submatrix", "subtrees", "taylor", "thomas", "treewidth", "triangulated", "tridiagonal", "tridiagonalize", "tridiagonalization", "trinomial", "tuple", "tuples", "unary", "unconstrained", "unreduced", "variates", "vif", // probability distributions "bernoulli", "bivariate", "chisquare", "erlang", "gaussian", "hypergeometric", "lorentz", "multinomial", "nhpp", "pareto", "poisson", "univariate", "weibull", // first, second, third, fourth "st", "nd", "rd", "th", // scala "coroutine", "coroutines", "covariant", "datatype", "def", "fortran", "hashcode", "java", "nan", "nullary", "parameterized", "recoded", "regex", "sbt", "scala", "scalation", "subclass", "subclasses", "subtype", "subtypes", "superclass", "superclasses", "val", "var", // files "csv", "dataset", "datastore", "dir", "eol", "gb", "html", "json", "kb", "mb", "unicode", "url", "utf", "src", // other "accessor", "accuracies", "advection", "analytics", "apache", "attractor", "bi", "classifier", "classifiers", "columnar", "dalton", "daltons", "durations", "dequeue", "dequeued", "diagostics", "enqueue", "enqueued", "etc", "fanout", "glycan", "glycans", "ieee", "incrementally", "iteratively", "lexicographical", "linux", "mac", "matcher", "meta", "mit", "multi", "olap", "pairings", "perceptron", "pre", "precompute", "precomputed", "predictors", "preorder", "prepend", "prepended", "prepending", "recompute", "recurse", "reposition", "rescaled", "rescaling", "resizable", "resize", "representable", "reproducibility", "spectrometer", "stateful", "subinterval", "timestamp", "traversal", "traversable", "uncomment", "undirected", "unpaired", "unvisited") /** Dictionary of correctly spelled word */ private val dictionary = buildDictionary () private val START_COMMENT = """/**""" // comment start pattern private val END_COMMENT = """*/""" // comment end pattern private val LINE_COMMENT = """//""" // line comment pattern private val AT_TAG = Set ("""@date""", // ignore @-tags """@define""", """@return""", """@since""", """@tparam""", """@version""") println ("dictionary size = " + dictionary.size) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Build a dictionary (set of correctly spelled words) */ private def buildDictionary (): Set [String] = { val dict = Set [String] () val lines = getFromURL_File (DICTIONARY) for (ln <- lines) dict += ln dict union CUSTOM } // buildDictionary //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Check the spelling of words in the given line. * @param line the line to check * @param lineNo the line number of the line */ def checkLine (line: String, lineNo: Int): Unit = { var skip = 0 if (line.indexOf ("@author") < 0 && line.indexOf ("@see") < 0 && line.indexOf ("run-main") < 0 && line.indexOf ("@builder") < 0) { val misspelled = Set [String] () for (word <- line.split ("[0-9\\*\"\\^,\\[\\]{}%!~#./()-<>=|:; ]")) { if (word.indexOf ("`") < 0 && word.indexOf ("'") < 0 ) { if (word == "@param") skip = 1 if (skip == 0) { for (wrd <- word.split ("_")) { val wd = wrd.toLowerCase if (wd != "" && ! (AT_TAG contains wd) && ! (dictionary contains wd)) misspelled += word } // if } // if skip = if (skip == 1) 2 else 0 } // if } // for if (misspelled.nonEmpty) println (s"line $lineNo: \t $misspelled") } // if } // checkLine //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Check the spelling of comments in the given file. Toggle commented out * lines below to check // ... EOL or not. * @param file_name the file name * @param checkAll whether to check the whole file or just the comments */ def checkFile (file_name: String, checkAll: Boolean = false): Unit = { println ("check spelling in " + file_name) var inComment = false // whether inside a /* ... */ comment var inLComment = false // whether inside a // ... EOL comment val lines = getFromURL_File (file_name) var count = 1 for (ln <- lines) { if (ln.indexOf (START_COMMENT) >= 0 ) inComment = true if (inComment && ln.indexOf (END_COMMENT) >= 0) inComment = false if (! inComment) inLComment = ln.indexOf (LINE_COMMENT) >= 0 // check // ... EOL comments inLComment = false // do not check them if (checkAll || inComment) checkLine (ln, count) count += 1 } // for } // checkFile //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Check the spelling of comments in files within the given directory. * @param dir_name the directory name * @param checkAll whether to check whole files or just the comments */ def checkDir (dir_name: String, checkAll: Boolean = false): Unit = { val dir = new File (dir_name) if (dir.isDirectory ()) { for (fi <- dir.listFiles ()) { val fname = fi.getName if (fname endsWith ".scala") checkFile (dir_name + ⁄ + fname, checkAll) } // of } else { flaw ("checkDirectory", dir_name + " is not a directory") } // if } // checkDir } // SpellCheck object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `SpellCheckTest` object is used to test the `SpellCheck` object. * run-main scalation.util.SpellCheckTest */ object SpellCheckTest extends App { val sp = SpellCheck println ("Test line:") sp.checkLine ("is this spellled correcty", 1) sp.checkFile (SRC_DIR + "main" + ⁄ + "scala" + ⁄ + "scalation" + ⁄ + "util" + ⁄ + "SpellCheck.scala") sp.checkDir (SRC_DIR + "main" + ⁄ + "scala" + ⁄ + "scalation" + ⁄ + "util") } // SpellCheckTest object